I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 319: Under-water dust

This whole scene that captivated the entire reef, didn’t fail to prove itself as weird and difficult to comprehend. But what Tim witnessed now simply broke the barrier.

Although the scream that Azelaq had bestowed upon him, proved to be a pain in the ass in some aspects, it had been dependable before.

And now it was difficult to stomach that this same strong move failed to hold the enemies at bay!

Ten of these bastardous fish had been struck with the scream, yet seemingly all ten of them chose to rebel instead of surrendering to the attack’s sheer force!

Which itself shouldn’t be possible. Only death should await anyone who had been struck with such an intense amount of silver, and yet these enemies still wiggled!

These fish decided to rebel by turning pitch-dark in colour, even though they had been enveloped by silver a moment ago. But that wasn’t the worst part yet!

These same enemies showed signs of life again!

Whatever solid material was used to keep them at bay just a moment ago, failed to do what it was supposed to.

Every bits of material that had entrapped these foul fish, were swiftly riddled in cracks now! And it didn’t seem like such a rebellion could be halted!

Eventually these fish managed to break free of their former silver shackles, and they wiggled even more violently than before.

In an aspect these bastards seemed quite mindless. But right now, it was noticeable that they mindfully mocked any bit of power that Timothy had inflicted against them.

But regardless of just how confusing this scene was, the hero still felt ready for battle.

These fish could break out of silver and put up another fight, but just how tolerant they were against tens of stabs?

That aside, they surely couldn’t tolerate being ripped in half either!

So surely the sea-pancake felt quite ready to show these bastards just what he was made of. But that was when the system decided to give out a bit of information of her own.

[You just killed ten fish who don’t identify with a species or gender,]

[Such a result is fairly new so I can’t give you an extremely valuable award,]

[As a reward you have received forty-five system points]

[Total system points = Fourteen-hundred and sixty-eight]

After he evaded one of the enemies who was brave enough to charge head on, he wanted to point out quite a detail that surrounded those notifications.

“What do you mean ‘I killed them’? They’re trying to kill me right now!” He slightly shouted.

This scene was abnormally frightening. And it was fair to say that the sense of uncertainty was a grand contributor towards such fear!

And the system wasn’t proving quite understandable either, [I can see that they’re trying to kill you]

[But they’re actually dead. I don’t recognise a soul in their body, they don’t identify with any species either]

[They exist but they are empty, these things don’t have any organs either]

[In shorter words, they are no different from swimming gravel]

“By the love of Azelaq!” The young man screamed, as if he truly recognized that lady as a goddess.

Such an expression sounded fairly random, but he simply couldn’t find a better way to react against this severe bizarity!

That aside, he didn’t want to stick around and find out just how powerful these accursed creatures were.

So half-strategically, he shouted. “Kill all of them as fast as you can!”

Of course his friends had to be aware of unknown dangers, so he specified. “They are just some weird gravely-fish. Be careful!”

After such detail had been made clear, it was fair to say that the entire team carried quite a bit of concern across their faces. This grand concern was riddled with confusion.

But neither of them knew how to back out of a battle, their ego simply couldn’t allow it!

Gerlach was the quickest one from the rest of the team, and he was quite curious regarding just how enduring these foul enemies could be.

So he leaped right off Osira’s back and beamed towards the closest bastard, with the aid of grand speed!

His leap managed to spin the fine lady due to sheer power, but she chose to carry the old geezer around regardless. So there were two individuals to blame for this discomfort.

However. Once the old man bashed against one of these weird enemy bodies, the result was quite thought-provoking…

The target had been punctured directly against the head, but that wasn’t the puzzling part of the aftermath.

This fish simply transformed into a misty cloud of gravel. Under-water dust would be the best way to describe them.

And Gerlach’s bullet-like impact was so strong, that he managed to pierce through and through the one-foot long fish!

That and he crashed against yet another fish, which led to a similar result; the enemy simply turned to a small dusty-cloud.

“Like punching sand ha?” Gerlach questioned with a mumble.

And then he shouted, “They are easy to kill! Just hit them as hard as you can!”

Of course the team became quite motivated thanks to such a claim. Osira had to spend a few seconds to regain orientation, but she was surely ready to inflict her own kinda damage.

She eyed not one, but three of these foul tiny beasts. And then she slowly generated a type of weaponry that would surely tell them who was dominant!

Similar to what colours these enemies had, a dark-shaded, transparent light generated right in front of her forehead.

This fine light stretched nearly a foot-wide although typically it didn’t have a solid geometric shape to fully describe it.

Within a blink of an eye, this marvelous light shot towards the enemies and managed to deliver a blow that was definitely worth white!

The first target had been wholly terminated by this blow, to the point where even a dust cloud could not have puffed up!

As for the darkened light, it continued to blast forward until it slid another opponent's head off!

With such a result witnessed, it was fair to say that the black-grouper became quite confident!

But what she did not expect whatsoever, was for a sharp pain to strike right at the bottom portions of her tail.

This discomfort struck stronger than a spear, and she could only guess that one of these bastardous creatures had gotten lucky!

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