I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 318: Unnatural enemies

Through the time-span of an hour, the entire team had sunk deeper towards the reef. They wanted to explore more in order to build up a rough assumption, regarding what happened around here.

But so far they didn't find anything worth observing. There were quite a few fish that swam anywhere in the area, but they weren't cooperative.

Apart from that, those types of fish didn't seem corrupted by anything that had attacked this reef.

No. They just seemed like normal fish, who likely swam around here randomly.

Chances were that most of them were clueless regarding what happened, as they too might be late arrivals.

The overall reef continued to prove itself creepy. Not because of the actual couple of shades that captivated the place, but because they were used to the numerous colours that the reef used to have.

Now everything seemed just... dead. That and it appeared quite intimidating.

The members of this team were all powerful individuals, but right now they were quite happy that a great-white shark was by their side.

Even though this fish wasn't full grown, his contribution against any possible dilemma could be heavenly.

Once they swam through the reef for over an hour, Dana was the first to notice quite a disturbance in the waters.

She wasn't quite sure where these vibrations came from, but they were there and her senses could pick them up.

Typically her attention to detail wouldn't be alarming, considering just how strong her senses became ever since that crystal-worm had saved her life.

But now it was especially disturbing to sense anything, as she has more control over her own senses.

And through these moments, she had chosen to limit them just so she didn't feel overwhelmed. Mental clarity was the main goal behind it.

But that was where the main problem stood. Her senses were intentionally limited to a few meters, yet she could feel a disturbance coming from over two-hundred meters away!

After she picked up the severity of this situation, the young miss didn't want to waste any time whatsoever.

So of course she had to warn, "Something's coming for us!"

And such a statement couldn't be more true. She could wholeheartedly sense that the team was being approached by... something?

"What is it?" Gerlach was the first to question, as he wanted to make instant preparations.

"I don't know but it smells alive, painfully alive..." She slowly blurted out.

But at this point she didn't even understand herself. The approacher was simply too complex to comprehend.

After a half minute, most of the team managed to catch a glimpse of several green and black dots, that circled just tens of meters away.

In a matter of seconds, these dots proved themselves to truly be some living creatures. Unsurprisingly, they were fish of some sort.

Even a fool would realise that these weird fish were up to no good, their dramatically violent body language helped figure that out.

And a quick count helped the team figure out that these fish counted over thirty!

A number like that was truly alarming, but at least most of them seemed just over a foot long; they were more than half smaller in comparison to Timothy.

Speaking of this grand hero, he didn't exactly plan to wait for these foul creatures to cause havoc.

He instantly separated from the team, and directly headed for these new enemies.

Unapologetically he decided to unleash, "Azelaq's scream!"

Almost instantly, a silver-coloured light shot out of his mouth and headed towards the aimed target!

Surely this attack couldn't envelop all of the enemies, since it only stretched four-feet wide at its pique.

But it still proved to aid, as at least ten of these targets had been struck; and inevitably their skin shifted towards a silver shade!

These fish fell towards the reef's surface as if they were heavy rocks. There wasn't any hope for them now.

As for the rest of the enemies, well quite a lot of them have remained alive. They were slapping those tails against the water quite violently, and they surely wanted to kill the stingray who swam against them!

Unfortunately for these fish, battle is one thing that Timmy was tremendously great at!

Before these fish could have gotten any closer, he decided to unleash another attack that wasn't quite honed yet.

He locked eyes with one of these fish, and put in quite some attempt to spin through the waters.

Through the same second he shouted, "Blue moon!"

Such an attack proved difficult because he had to swim forward and spin at the same time, but he managed to push through.

And as expected, a thin and long air-tunnel pierced across the waters in no time!

The spiral itself managed to affect just one of these enemies. The effect was strong on its own, it forced the opposing fish to swim in random directions, and even crash against some others!

As for the enemies who had been captivated by the illusional effects of the attack, well they faced a similar fate.

This thin, air-filled tunnel that he created was just the base of this power-move.

It advanced once the hero's fins steered across the air-tunnel's walls a few times.

This particular portion of the maneuver, dragged in quite a bunch of blue-coloured particles from the surrounding waters.

Which ultimately created a meter-wide blue mist. This result proved helpful in terms of utterly disorienting anything that was close enough!

Some enemies crashed against each other, while others simply headed towards the ground.

But overall the whole pack of these attackers had been disoriented, they lost the battle before it fully began!

But as the sea-pancake peeked down, his vision was blessed with quite a bit of confusion.

He had struck a few enemies just earlier on, with the aid of Azelaq's scream.

And typically these corpses were supposed to embrace a bloody-red colour by now, before their souls were permanently surrendered.

But yet contrary to expectations, these bodies lost their recently afflicted silver-colour and slowly turned pitch black!

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