I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 98:

For the picture he saw, Mr. Mayor still remained calm.

After Yu Mo’s change, the aura of his body suddenly changed, and the air around him seemed to have cooled down in an instant.

When Xia Feishi was in the room just now, he was lying in Xia Feishi’s arms, looking very lazy, as if he didn’t even think about it here, he didn’t mean to intervene at all, but now when Xia Feishi was in the room When Fei Shi left the room, he changed back into human form, and his posture changed in an instant.

From the posture of his sitting upright, it is obvious that he can also see the imposing manner that belongs to the superiors.

And even a bit stronger than the mayor’s sense of oppression.

Yu Mo’s scarlet eyes stared at each other indifferently, and finally said at this time, “Did you see it?”

Mr. Mayor smiled, put down the cup of drinking water in his hand, and nodded: “Although you didn’t speak, it took me a while to judge, but from the feeling I should not admit it wrong, you are among the guests of the Empire. The one who can speak.”

His statement is very firm, but this confidence does not know where it comes from.

Yu Mo looked up at him, but didn’t ask, but Mr. Mayor was very frank, as if he knew what Yu Mo was thinking, and said again: “I couldn’t see it at first, you and that kid are hiding everything. Good, but the guy just now…”

He probably wanted to say Xiang Zhe’s name, but after a pause, he found that he didn’t know what the other party was called, so he could only change his mouth and said: “Mr. Kangaroo, he is watching When you’re there, your expression always looks a little awe-inspiring.”

After all, Xiang Zhe is already a person who can talk on this island, so his performance makes people see clues, and it doesn’t seem strange.

Yu Mo looked at each other silently, but secretly scolded Xiang Zhe in his heart.

However, his demeanor didn’t seem to have changed much. On the contrary, he even said first, “It seems that I was right in coming to see you this time, Lord Mayor, or…”

He paused for a while, but he didn’t continue with the next words, because the other party shook his head and said softly, “Now I’m just a mayor.”

Yu Mo was noncommittal: “As long as you can reach a cooperation, you can say whatever you want.”

The mayor smiled and returned the same sentence to Yu Mo.

Although the two of them didn’t clarify anything, they had already guessed their identities. Under such circumstances, their communication seemed to be easier.

Then the two expressed their sincerity to each other, and therefore gave the regulations for cooperation.

In this environment, whether it is the human side or the empire’s side, they each did not put forward more requirements, and only considered it to solve the problem as soon as possible.

They didn’t talk for long.

About 20 minutes later, Yu Mo walked out of the room. He had returned to his beast form again. As soon as he came out of the room, he jumped directly on Xia Feishi’s body and returned to the most comfortable one in his arms. place.

Xia Feishi rubbed his hair and asked softly, “Are you guys finished talking so soon?”

As he said that, Mr. Mayor, who was standing at the door not far away, couldn’t help showing a slightly stunned expression when he saw this.

Probably did not expect such an interaction mode between them.

After all, Yu Mo’s identity…

The mayor quickly retracted his gaze and smiled politely at Xia Feishi and Yu Mo as the end of the conversation.

On the way back to his room, Xia Fei still seemed to be in a good mood, hugging Yu Mo and talking about his future thoughts, but Yu Mo did not look as relaxed as Xia Fei, he stared at Xia Fei for a while. After that, he finally asked aloud, “Don’t you want to ask me, what did you talk about with the mayor just now?”

Xia Feishi shook her head: “Since you are talking alone, there must be a reason for you to talk alone.”

Xia Feishi will never cause trouble to others, even now.

But seeing him like this, Yu Mo actually revealed a bit of unrecognizable unhappiness, he retracted back into Xia Feishi’s arms, and shook his tail gently before saying, “What I told him is a little bit different. It’s complicated, but there’s one thing I can tell you for sure.”

Xia Feishi blinked and asked, “What?”

Yu Mo promised in a calm tone: “In three months at most, this chaos in the human world should end.”

The tone of his words couldn’t be more certain, and upon hearing what he said, Xia Feishi didn’t even ask the reason, and immediately laughed: “That’s great.”

Yu Mo: “…”

Although Xia Feishi’s reaction was normal, he somehow felt unsatisfied.

that’s all?

When Yu Mo raised his eyes and looked at Xia Fei with a slightly complicated expression, he asked, “You don’t seem to be surprised.”

Xia Feishi shook her head, not knowing how to say it, but feeling that Yu Mo’s eyes were always fixed on her, Xia Feishi immediately said, “Because I never doubted it, didn’t you tell me before? , you will definitely help me solve the problem, so from the beginning, I have no doubt that you can help mankind solve the problem.”

His remarks in turn made Yu Mo feel a sense of confusion, because Xia Feishi’s answer was too easy and too simple.

From the beginning to the present, even though a lot of things happened and they encountered danger, Xia Feishi never doubted him.

Xia Feishi is like the purest mirror, he can clearly reflect the shadow of others, and then give them the purest trust and love.

Yu Mo stared at him for a while, then finally slowly retracted his gaze.

When Xia Feishi noticed his actions, she was a little worried: “What’s wrong?”

Yu Mo said sullenly, “It’s nothing.”

Although it is a good feeling to be trusted by Xia Feishi, but this also makes Yu Mo lose the chance to be pleasantly surprised by Xia Feishi when he says these words, Yu Mo will naturally not admit such childishness. The mind comes from himself, so he can only keep silent.

But when Xia Fei stared at him, she suddenly hugged him.

Yu Mo: “…”

He was hugged by Xia Feishi’s armpit, and he couldn’t help but struggle awkwardly: “Live broadcast…”

Xia Feishi noticed that at this time, what Yu Mo first cared about was not how he looked after being held up by him, but the live broadcast.

It seems that Yu Mo is innate to care about the things above the image.

Xia Feishi laughed and said, “The live broadcast has been turned off for a long time.”

In fact, since Yu Mo began to take on a human form in front of Xia Feishi, Xia Feishi didn’t start the live broadcast frequently anymore.

Because Xia Feishi knew from Yu Mo’s conversations with others that Yu Mo didn’t seem to want his appearance to be exposed to others through the live broadcast, so whenever Yu Mo changed into human form, Xia Feishi would take the initiative to Turn off live streaming.

When Xia Feishi said this, Yu Mo’s struggle seemed to be a little smaller. To be precise, he didn’t struggle at all. He even kicked his legs. what.

Xia Feishi hugged his body and gently kissed his forehead.

“Just kiss here. The way you look like a cub now makes me feel like I’m kissing an animal…”

He said so, but the voice didn’t even fall completely, the white light on the opposite side flickered, Yu Mo had already changed back to his human form by this moment, and then he took control of the initiative and gently hugged Xia Fei. The waist, holding the back of his head, bit his lips gently.

Xia Fei was stunned for a moment.

When Yu Mo lowered his eyes to take a closer look, he saw Xia Feishi’s ears crimson, and his fingers curled up slightly uncomfortably.

Yu Mo raised his hand and took his hand, pretending to be nonchalant and saying, “Go back.”

Xia Feishi occasionally takes the initiative to tease, but because it is too simple and natural, sometimes he may not even realize how what he does has an impact on the people around him. force.

Of course, as long as Yu Mo took the initiative, Xia Feishi would immediately understand and slowly burn her cheeks to the color of sunset.

In the following time, because of the agreement with the mayor of humans, their follow-up matters were dealt with much faster.

Because of the mayor’s information, their next plan went very smoothly, more and more people were rescued by them, and because of these labors, their expansion of this inner world was getting faster and faster, Up to now, their island is no longer an island in the deserted forest, but a big city that can accommodate countless people.

And because of the expansion, a lot of vehicles have even been added to the inner world, because of this, their exploration work on the island is also more efficient.

In the next two months, they only took this amount of time to complete the workload that would have taken two years to complete according to the original plan.

And as they find and destroy more and more mechanical fortresses in the inner world, whether it is the inner world or the human earth, the environment is slowly getting better under this effect.

Yu Mo once said to Xia Feishi that under their plan, they should be able to successfully solve the current problem within three months at most. Now it seems that Yu Mo’s speculation is indeed correct.

They may not even have three months at all.

Under such a rapid progress, according to everyone’s speculation, there should be only a certain valley in the inner world where they have not yet explored. Because the terrain on the periphery of the valley is steep, and there is a very exaggerated wind barrier, even the spacecraft can’t get close, and everyone has no choice but to choose other places to explore.

And now that other places have been explored, this is the only place left.

For everyone, as long as the last of these are solved, maybe everything can be changed.

But it’s not as simple as everyone thinks.

After consultation, the empire and the human organization took the lead in sending two fleets of people to explore.

But unfortunately, when they approached the mountains near the valley, the fleet encountered turbulent currents, almost all of them crashed, and there was no way to pass through the sky.

In desperation, they could only choose to go by water and send a team of aquatic animals to enter the valley along the river.

But this method still failed to solve the problem. Their team seemed to encounter an invisible barrier on the way, and the water could enter it, but the animals were blocked by a strange force.

This kind of thing made them have to reconsider the method. In the end, it was Yu Mo who made the decision to ask Hongyu to lead everyone to go there in person, and to bring some equipment in case of emergency.

After making this decision, Yu Mo and Xia Feishi also followed.

Everyone was a little surprised at the arrival of Yu Mo and Xia Feishi, and even Hong Yu couldn’t help but say, “You don’t have to come here for this matter…”

He did not say the word “Your Majesty” because he was concerned about the presence of others, but he was worried that what he said was not respectful enough, so his tone changed a little, which sounded a little strange.

But Yu Mo didn’t care about it, he shook his head and his eyes fell on Xia Feishi who was holding him.

Xia Feishi took the initiative to say: “That should be the most critical place, all the other mechanical fortresses have been dealt with, so we have to go no matter what, Yu Mo and I have already discussed it just now. , then you should be able to use our place.”

When Xia Fei said this, Hong Yu did not refuse.

After all, what Xia Feishi said was correct. If something were to happen, whether it was Xia Feishi, who had the ability to control the core world, or Yu Mo, who was extremely combative, it was their last resort.

They cannot afford to fail, so success must be guaranteed.

So under such a situation, everyone finally made a decision, and then started to go to the valley after getting ready.

This time, they no longer use ships to enter from above, nor will they use waterways, but sent soldiers to find a way to go in from the front.

Of course, this team did not include Yu Mo and Xia Feishi.

According to Hong Yu, if it is not necessary, they just need to wait outside the mountain and wait for the actions of others. As long as it’s not the time when they have to make a move, they don’t need to spend any power.

Neither Xia Feishi nor Yu Mo objected to this.

Of course, they are not reckless men who will rush forward at any time.

In the end, because of this, Xia Feishi and Yu Mo looked extremely relaxed.

Because things in the team don’t need them to worry about it for the time being, so although they followed the ship to the outside of the valley and stationed here with everyone, they actually waited until the troops in front were dispatched in advance and the troops in the back were stationed and prepared. Fei Shi and Yu Mo didn’t do anything, Hong Yu and the others also hoped that the two of them would be able to maintain their physical strength, so they were not allowed to do anything, so the two of them looked more like idlers who came to travel.

In the evening when they were stationed to rest and wait for the team to climb the mountain and reach the valley, Xia Feishi and Yu Mo even rested and admired the moon by the stream next to the camp.

The other orc warriors who knew the identity of the two were fine. Whether it was their Majesty Yu Mo or Xia Feishi, the warriors all held their own respect and love, but the other humans who followed in the team were a little helpless. Understood.

They just couldn’t understand how someone could look so easy on the team and do nothing, as if everything had nothing to do with them.

The most important thing is that this person is a wolf cub, why is he always talking quietly, and his tone is so intimate that it doesn’t look like a simple partnership, but more like… a couple?

Are they here to take the opportunity to travel and fall in love?

People were puzzled, and sometimes even secretly went to see the two of them when Xia Fei.

However, Xia Feishi and Yu Mo were not affected by them. Xia Feishi didn’t seem to care about other people’s gazes.

It’s probably not a big problem to go out for a trip, because as long as there is no problem with their team on this trip, then Xia Feishi and Yu Mo don’t need to contribute at all, so they really just went out with the team. Just a circle.

And speaking carefully, the scenery here is indeed very beautiful.

Xia Feishi reached out and touched the water by the stream, and then asked cautiously, “There shouldn’t be anything dangerous in this water, right?”

Yu Mo guessed that he should have been frightened by the green water plants in the water before, so now in the mountains, when he comes into contact with these things, he always looks very careful.

Yu Mo didn’t have much expression on his face, he just said, “It’s hard to say.”

When Xia Feishi heard this, she quickly retracted her hand and made a cautious gesture.

He was worried that he would bring disaster to the team, or alarm the danger that should not be alarmed, so he seemed very careful.

Seeing his reaction, Yu Mo couldn’t help laughing. He said, “I just said it casually.”

Xia Feishi: “…”

Hearing this, he looked at Yu Mo with an unbelievable expression.

Yu Mo originally had a slight smile on his face, but now he noticed Xia Feishi’s gaze, the smile on his face quickly disappeared, and then he coughed softly and took the initiative to look at Xia Feishi. Explained: “I was just joking.”

Xia Feishi still had that look.

Just when Yu Mo was about to say something else, Xia Feishi murmured, “I rarely see you joking.”

Yu Mo’s tone became normal, even a little too stiff: “It’s not like that.”

He probably wanted to explain something, but Xia Feishi couldn’t help laughing again, hugging Yu Mo in his arms, burying his face in his soft white-haired chest and rubbing gently, saying: “You seem more open than ever, and I’m very happy.”

In order to make Xia Feishi rub against each other, Yu Mo didn’t dare to move his body any more. He just stayed rigidly in place. After a while, when Xia Feishi raised his face again, Yu Mo finally relaxed a bit. Then he said: “Stop rubbing, talk about something serious.”

Since the two started talking to each other and officially changed their relationship, their relationship has become difficult to explain.

After all, they were used to the life of each other as partners before, and suddenly their relationship changed like this. Not only Xia Feishi, but even Yu Mo felt that when they got along sometimes, some habits needed to be changed.

They are all slowly adapting to each other and slowly becoming more suitable for each other.

Xia Feishi managed to sort out her chaotic thoughts, and then she remembered what Yu Mo said just now and asked, “A serious matter?”

Xia Fei thought that what Yu Mo was going to say was related to the mechanical fortress at the top of the mountain in front of him. However, when he adjusted his mood and prepared to discuss this matter seriously, he realized what Yu Mo wanted. That’s not actually what it said.

After a moment’s pause, Yu Mo took the initiative to ask: “Have you thought about what to do after you solve the problem in front of you in the future?”

His words made Xia Fei stunned for a moment, and after that, Yu Mo didn’t even wait for Xia Fei to respond, and continued to ask, “Where are you going?”

Xia Feishi never thought about these issues.

After all, there are still many things in front of them, such as this strange mechanical fortress, and the human beings that have not been settled, and the disaster is still unresolved, so under such circumstances, Xia Fei Never had a chance to think about this.

Rather than thinking about this, what they need to consider is how to solve the problem as soon as possible.

But Yu Mo said: “I have a hunch, and I can also guess that this place should be the last resort left by the Federation. After the problem of this place is solved, the human earth should not be in any danger for the time being. No matter how dangerous it is, with us here to help, it should be able to solve the problem quickly, it will take a long time for them to arrange disasters to deal with the earth, and the empire will not give them such an opportunity again.”

Yu Mo was very sure, but Xia Feishi found out at this time that Yu Mo seemed to have thought about it for a long time before saying these words.

Xia Feishi asked, “But can the matter here really be resolved so easily?”

Yu Mo smiled briefly and said, “I promise.”

Yu Mo’s speech tonight seemed particularly reassuring.

Xia Feishi then discarded the conjectures in his mind about the various difficulties they might encounter along the way, and only concentrated on trusting Yu Mo, believing that he could lead everyone to successfully solve this problem.

He then really began to think seriously about the future, he said: “The earth has been destroyed like this this time, if possible, I also want to contribute to the recovery of the earth after the disaster is over, even if I There is not much that can be done.”

Yu Mo didn’t seem surprised at Xia Feishi’s response, on the contrary, he seemed to have already guessed it.

After all, Xia Feishi’s character is actually not difficult to understand. Although he seems to be a weak person, even his tone of voice is always soft and soft, but in fact he has never really surrendered to anything.

He has an incomparably firm will, as well as persistence in the future, and judgment of good and evil in his heart.

So Yu Mo would never doubt Xia Feishi’s mind, he would never let go of that world.

Yu Mo lowered his eyes slightly, and did not make a sound immediately after hearing this.

But soon, he heard Xia Feishi continue to say: “Of course, I think this process requires the efforts of many people, and it shouldn’t take long to complete, and after this…”

He continued to think about the future, but this time the person who was slightly stunned was Yu Mo. Yu Mo didn’t seem to expect him to continue talking, so he followed Xia Feishi’s words and muttered after a moment of silence. :”after?”

“Well, don’t you want to think about the future?” Xia Feishi’s brows and eyes glowed brightly under the starry sky, and a smile was always on his lips, and he continued: “Help the earth is just a matter at hand, wait until the earth recovers. , that is our future.”

Yu Mo fell silent again.

But this time the silence was not a low silence, but a pause with another emotion.

Yu Mo noticed the sentence he said, the meaning of the sentence, he said “our future”.

In Xia Feishi’s plan, that future has their co-existence.

Yu Mo didn’t make a sound for a long time. He rarely had such a time, as if he was completely stunned in place, completely forgetting to respond.

He thought that he would not have any emotional ups and downs because of anyone’s words or actions.

Yu Mo has always thought this way since he was abandoned by his family and left in the deserted star, but after so many years have passed, when he heard someone count him in the “future”, he still couldn’t help it. And the feeling is completely different from before.

Only then did he realize that he had such high expectations.

Yu Mo waited for a while before finally asking in a slightly hoarse voice, “What does our future look like?”

Xia Feishi thought about it carefully, and said with a longing: “I don’t know if it can be achieved, but it shouldn’t matter if I think about it now, right? I think in the future, if the matter is resolved, if we can still travel between these three The world is fine, I can travel with you anywhere, of course, first of all we have to find a way to heal your injury, and then when our bodies are all right, we can travel anywhere…”

When he said this, he interrupted himself again for some unknown reason, and changed his mind: “No, you should have a serious job in the empire, and I can’t drag you around every day, and I also need to study hard how to make money and raise wolves. .”

Hearing Xia Fei’s words, Yu Mo actually wanted to tell Xia Fei that he didn’t need to work hard to earn money to support his family.

But just when Yu Mo was distracted, Xia Feishi looked back at Yu Mo, as if he was a little tangled, and said, “Then we go to play once a year, should we be okay? Your work in the empire will Are you busy? Is it possible to go out once a year?”

Yu Mo shook his head and almost blurted out, “I’m not busy, nothing important.”

If the ministers of the empire heard this response from His Majesty Yu Mo, they didn’t know what their reaction would be.

But no matter what their reaction was, Xia Feishi’s reaction was very happy. Xia Feishi hugged Yu Mo again and continued to think about it, “Then it’s decided.”

He seemed to like the soft hair on Yu Mo’s stomach very much, and after saying this, he took the opportunity to rub it lightly.

However, Yu Mo felt that Xia Feishi probably didn’t know that, but in fact, he also liked this moment of contact with Xia Feishi more.

Xia Feishi’s cheeks were hot, making it feel like it was being burned.

Xia Feishi thought a lot about the future, and at the end, he even felt helpless and amused by his own thoughts, he scratched his cheek lightly and said, “I’m talking so much now, right? Thinking a little too beautifully? Obviously, the things in front of me have not been completed, but I have already started to think about the future.”

Yu Mo shook his head, but did not deny Xia Feishi’s statement about the future.

But unfortunately, their conversation was not able to continue like this. At this time, there was a sudden violent sound from the other side of the valley not far away.

That valley was undoubtedly the place explored by the preceding party.

After hearing the loud noise, Xia Feishi and Yu Mo looked at each other, and without any delay, they returned to the camp so quickly and began to ask about the current situation.

Everyone in the camp was on alert now. When Xia Feishi came back quickly with Yu Mo in his arms, many aircraft had already assembled and were ready to go to check.

Xia Feishi quickly found the main tent and found General Hong Yu who was communicating with people.

Hong Yu just ended the communication with the person in front of him. When he saw Xia Feishi and Yu Mo’s arrival, he quickly hung up the communication and said, “It’s a communication with Xiang Zhe, they are relatively close to the edge of the valley. where they said they saw fire, but it was definitely not an explosion, but someone was firing on our team.”

Xia Feishi quickly asked, “Fire?”

Even Yu Mo quickly became serious and judged: “There is someone on that end, is it the Federation?”

Hong Yu nodded: “Mostly so.”

He continued to move without stopping, and then began tossing the machine in front of him, while moving, he said to Xia Feishi and Yu Mo: “Just before the sound came, I was still in contact with the troops entering the valley, They just said that they had passed the most difficult position, and also said that they saw some strange devices on the edge of the valley. It is very likely that it was because of the effect of those devices that our team could not reach the valley from above. ”

Xia Feishi asked: “So as long as those machines are destroyed, our ships should be able to pass through the sky, right?”

Hong Yu looked solemn and said, “Theoretically speaking, this is true, but just after they said they were going to take a look, the sound came, and after the sound came, the team that contacted me was lost. communication.”

When Xia Feishi heard this, her face became worried.

Lost of communication, and accompanied by such movements, although I don’t want to admit it, but their situation is likely to have encountered an accident.

Xia Feishi’s body was cold, and most of the time their team did not encounter any major problems. Even if there were dangers, most of them were quickly resolved. Xia Feishi had never encountered such a problem before. critical situation.

Just when Xia Feishi was nervous, he felt that his chest was suddenly lightly patted by a paw.

Xia Feishi lowered her eyes slightly and met Yu Mo’s gaze.

“It’s useless to worry now. You have to calm yourself down first, and then you can calmly think about other things.”

Yu Mo’s voice was incomparably calm, Xia Feishi looked at him, and she seemed to gain strength from this calmness. He pursed his lips tightly, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and nodded lightly at Xia Feishi, and then Then he said, “I understand.”

When they said this, Hong Yu behind him had received news from Xiang Zhe again, and he quickly said: “There is indeed an army of the Federation, and it is not just as simple as a few teams, according to Xiang Zhe Said, it can be inferred initially that there are as many as three legions left in that valley.”

When it came to the end, Hong Yu’s expression was already very ugly and pale.

The empire is not without an army, but the manpower they brought this time, even if you count the human beings who are not so proficient in combat, is only a mere 1,000 people. They have to fight against the federal people of the three legions. It’s simply impossible.

But they are now faced with an almost dilemma.

It is impossible for the Federation to gather the legion here for no reason. Before that, they had never found any traces of the Federation’s recent activities in this world, so they could make the most accurate judgment that the Federation was assembled recently. came here.

Why did they come here suddenly? And with so many troops?

The biggest possibility is that there is the last trump card of the Federation, the most powerful secret method, so they must keep it here no matter what.

However, the place was accidentally crashed by them.

Probably the federal people are also trying to transfer the things here, but they did not expect the empire’s team to come so quickly. Before they moved, the empire had already found this place with humans, and sent troops to touch it in advance.

If it wasn’t for the fact that they discovered it early, perhaps the Federation would have already moved the contents of the valley safely.

But now, even if they discovered the conspiracy of the Federation, it didn’t seem to have much effect.

Because with their current strength, they simply have no way to quickly assemble a large force to stop the Federation’s actions.

What can they do now with a team of thousands of people?

Hong Yu gritted his teeth. In this short period of time, countless thoughts flashed in his mind, and while they were thinking about these, the tent was suddenly opened from the outside, and Yue Xuan followed. He rushed in, holding a strange machine in his hand, and shouted loudly: “I found it! I know what they put in this valley! That thing should be the source of the mechanical fortress, the real control Something that destroys the earth!”

Yue Xuan came in nervously, but when he saw the expressions of other people present, he stopped a little strangely and asked, “…Why are you not surprised?”

Yu Mo said coldly, “Because we have already received such a judgment.”

Sometimes science is a little slower than consciousness.

But this is not the key. The most important thing is, how can they stop the Federation’s actions now?

Xia Feishi was buzzing in her head now, as if she had a clue, but she couldn’t understand it.

But just as he was trying his best to think, Yu Mo in his arms suddenly jumped down, white light flickered in front of them, and he turned into a human form again, he said, “I can stop them for some time.”

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