I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 97:

From birth to the present, Yu Mo has grown rapidly for more than ten years, and now he no longer needs anyone to affirm him.

Because in his eyes, only he knows what he has experienced, and only he can affirm himself.

He once thought that no matter what Xia Feishi said, he would not feel that there would be too many emotional ups and downs.

He didn’t even think that Xia Feishi would be cautiously aware of anything.

But now, he heard the word “hard work” from Xia Feishi’s mouth.

The entire empire universe includes countless star fields, each star field has countless planets, and the vast world of the starry sky is boundless, all of which are the territory of the empire. The empire has grown so strong, and even though there are still many threats to the Federation, as the emperor of the empire, he enjoys unlimited power and supreme status, and no one will think that he is having a bad life.

Naturally, with such an identity, how could he have any dissatisfaction.

But Yu Mo couldn’t deny that what Xia Feishi said did hit the deepest thoughts in his heart.


Maybe it wasn’t hard work, but even Yu Mo himself couldn’t tell how complicated it was.

He just gets bored sometimes.

Tired of the endless day-to-day demands of his decision, of the never-ending war on the frontier, of the struggles within the empire, and the strife with those ministers.

Even he himself bored him.

Because he has been on this road from the very beginning, and has been on this road for too long, so long that no matter what he is going to do now, he has no way to be watched by anyone with ordinary eyes.

Any of his actions, even his breathing, will be infinitely magnified in front of others. Whether it is the group of ministers, the people who do not know about it, or even his most trusted subordinates, they are naturally afraid of him. , treats every moment facing him as a terrifying life-or-death situation.

Even if he doesn’t think that way sometimes, and he doesn’t have any dangerous plans, most people will misunderstand him and regard him as a cold-tempered and dangerous emperor.

Even if he is sometimes unconsciously worried and kind, it will be regarded as a rain of anger.

For him, such a life is only “boring” at all.

But he is already like this, he has no way to change his past life.

Yu Mo has never thought about any grievances or helplessness. He fought with fate for more than ten years before, and after stepping on the throne in the following years, he was only fighting with himself. Until now, when Xia Fei appeared, he began to admit it gradually. , he was tired of the so-called fighting.

So he really planned to stay on the island and no longer go to the muddy waters.

One is that because of his current physical condition, he really can’t help much, and the other is that they have already figured out the mechanical fortress in this inner world in their first exploration. There shouldn’t be too many problems in his exploration, so there is no need for Yu Mo to fly away.

Compared to this, if it weren’t for the critical situation in the empire and the human world, Yu Mo would probably have preferred to continue to live here well.

It was like the leisurely island time two years ago.

In the two years since Yu Mo left the island and returned to the empire, he has almost never stepped out of the palace.

And sometimes, when he carefully stared at the pictures of Xia Feishi getting along with other animals in the live broadcast, he would feel very nostalgic.

He couldn’t say these words before, or he didn’t want to admit them, but now he has gradually been able to face the real thoughts in his heart, and he will not be difficult to deal with because he has accidentally revealed his heart.

Yu Mo propped up his body. He was still in human form, and his face was a little pale, but if he didn’t look carefully, it would be difficult for anyone to see his state.

He’s too good at hiding himself.

Xia Feishi asked in a low voice, “What’s wrong?”

Yu Mo shook his head at Xia Feishi, and said with a low smile, “Well, it’s a bit hard.”

When Xia Feishi lightly stroked the hair on his forehead with his fingertips, he was stunned for a moment, only to remember after a while that Yu Mo was answering his first question.

But Yu Mo also continued: “But it’s not too tired. With this status, there are some things I should do.”

Xia Feishi didn’t really understand the second half of his sentence.

He tilted his head slightly, stared directly at Yu Mo with clear eyes, and suddenly remembered that although he and Yu Mo had known each other for so long, he had never asked Yu Mo’s identity and position in the empire.

In the beginning, it was because he took into account Yu Mo’s status as a blood-impaired person and was worried that his question would expose Yu Mo’s pain, so he deliberately didn’t ask.

But later he found out that Yu Mo’s identity was not as bad as he thought.

He seems to have a very important position in the empire, otherwise it is impossible for other people to be so obedient when facing him.


Xia Feishi still found it difficult to understand. After all, among the people who were both respectful and afraid of Yu Mo, there were even Hong Yu, the general of the empire, and Ying Mo, the captain of the palace guard, and so many different identities. An ordinary general.

Why do they seem to be so afraid of Yu Mo’s identity?

In Xia Feishi’s imagination, only the emperor of the empire could be qualified to be treated like this by them, but Xia Feishi never thought about Yu Mo’s identity as the emperor.

After all, according to Xia Feishi’s guess, the Emperor of the Empire should be an old man with white hair, and he has heard people say that His Majesty the Emperor has a bad temper and acts very cruel, so it is definitely impossible to talk to Yu Mo. have contact.

After thinking about it, Xia Fei couldn’t match Yu Mo with any position.

Although Yu Mo couldn’t fully guess what Xia Feishi was thinking, but from the way he frowned and thought hard, he probably guessed something, he stroked the top of Xia Feishi’s head and said, “You want to ask me whether I am in the Empire? What’s your identity?”

He knew that it was almost time to make it clear.

At first Yu Mo refused to say it, because he didn’t want Xia Feishi to be like other people, because of his identity, he was afraid of him, or to become like other people, always being careful when facing him.

He also hopes that Xia Feishi will always be Xia Feishi, the Xia Feishi who will take time to accompany him every day because of his bad mood on the island of the game world, treat him like a cub who needs to be looked after, and try to make him cheerful Emerald time.

But looking at the current situation, he found that even if he revealed his identity, it seemed that it didn’t matter.

Yu Mo said, “I actually…”

When he said this, there was suddenly a strange movement outside, and it seemed that there were rapid footsteps rushing in a certain direction.

Yu Mo’s words were interrupted because of this, he frowned slightly and looked out the window.

At the same time, Xia Feishi, who didn’t understand what he was trying to say, suddenly raised her head and looked in that direction as well.

There is rarely such a big movement on the island. Xia Feishi stood up and looked out the window overhead, and found that the team that went to the earth world to save people came back, but if it was just an ordinary team returning, it probably wouldn’t be so big. movement, so something special must have happened?

Xia Feishi hurriedly pushed the door out of the room, and at the same time he walked out of the room, Wen Lan was returning from the outside, holding a mobile phone in his hand, as if he was in contact with someone.

Because of Xia Feishi’s hard work in building, everyone on the island can now use mobile phones to communicate. Although this kind of thing seems a bit unbelievable, it is actually good news for everyone.

It is precisely because of this that compared to the communicator of the empire, human mobile phones are finally no longer scrapped.

They can even communicate with the teams who go to explore the core of the world and save people on Earth through mobile phones and the Internet.

So now when Xia Feishi came out of the room, after seeing Wen Lan, Xia Feishi immediately asked him about the situation.

Wen Lan immediately explained: “It was Dr. Yan and the others who came back from search and rescue, but this time the situation is a bit special.”

Xia Feishi asked, “Special? Is it good news or bad news?”

Wen Lan smiled and blinked: “It’s good news, Doctor Yan and his team, this time they met the real joint survival team of our human beings. They have gathered together since the disaster happened and built a refuge in a safe place. area, with the population of an entire city, this should be the biggest gain we’ve had in our recent exploration.”

Therefore, the spaceships outside have not yet landed, and everyone has rushed over quickly and is ready to meet them.

Probably because they already knew the news through various channels.

The city-sized refuge base is naturally very large, and there must be people who can talk. Only in this way can they create such a base at such a critical moment.

If this is the case, then they may be able to contact more such bases and find more people who have taken refuge…

Xia Feishi felt happy in her heart, and a smile appeared on her lips.

Wen Lan was about to go out again to welcome Dr. Yan and the others, but Xia Feishi didn’t leave with him immediately, but turned around and entered his room. After explaining the situation to Yu Mo, he turned around. With the flow of people, I went to the place behind the aviation center where the battleship was docked.

Xia Feishi didn’t take Yu Mo out with him. He rarely dragged Yu Mo out with him anymore. Because he knew about Yu Mo’s physical condition, Xia Feishi didn’t think it was necessary to disturb him in this situation.

Yu Mo’s body is not weak, but the energy in his body is difficult to control. The louder the environment, the less conducive to Yu Mo’s physical condition.

And Yu Mo himself is very aware of his own situation, so even if Xia Fei went out, he did not forcefully follow him.

When Xia Feishi arrived at the destination, the spaceship had already docked, and the people on the spaceship and ship also came down one after another and began to familiarize themselves with the environment.

Xia Feishi also met the leaders of the new group of refugee organizations as expected. He heard that the mayor of a certain city, when the disaster happened, he quickly found people for a meeting and made a rescue plan, leading the crowd on their way. It was evacuated in time, which allowed most of the people in the city to survive.

For Xia Feishi and the others, this was indeed an incredible achievement.

After all, their own city, far from reaching this point, has long been destroyed.

For this leader, Xia Feishi naturally has a lot of respect. He knows that although he has the ability to influence the inner world, he is no more than a person who can create some gadgets on the island, some small buildings. Just people.

All he can do is to provide this place so that everyone can live and recuperate freely, but it is these people who stand up in times of crisis who really let everyone survive the disaster.

The mayor also had his own considerations. After he came to this world and looked at the situation around him, he accepted the accommodation arrangement and began to follow others to prepare.

Xia Feishi was originally a young master who lived in the manor since he was a child. He had very few opportunities to contact people, but now he suddenly encountered so many people and such a big scene.

He suddenly had a feeling of watching the excitement.

Although he just squeezed into the crowd and watched them talk to each other, he also felt that he liked the scene very much.

But unfortunately, Xia Feishi did not stay quiet for too long alone.

After the mayor settled the people who came this time, he offered to talk and discuss with the leader of the camp.

So Xia Feishi saw the leader of their refuge base, Hong Yu and Yue Xuan, who were generals and research experts of the Orc Empire, and brought the mayor to the conference room.

Xia Feishi thought that she would probably have nothing to do next, so she turned around and left.

But what is surprising is that when he was about to get home, Xiang Zhe came to him again without knowing why.

“I finally found you, Master Feishi.” Xiang Zhe said to him with a smile.

When Xia Fei saw him appear, she couldn’t understand the meaning of his coming here for a moment, but Xiang Zhe quickly explained: “The mayor wants to see you.”

Xia Feishi was really surprised this time, he hesitantly pointed at himself: “Me?”

He was just an inconspicuous existence in the crowd. Even just now, he was just mixed in the crowd. Even if the mayor had passed by him with his eyes, he didn’t stop at all. Why did he suddenly Between asking to see yourself?

Xia Feishi still couldn’t figure it out, but Xiang Zhe went on to say: “You don’t have to doubt, that guy doesn’t seem to be an ordinary person, he has already seen that the leader of our refuge is not the real master here, he even looked at it. General Hong Yu is not the one who has the most say here, so he made this request.”

Xiang Zhe took the initiative to say, “Speaking carefully, you are the real master of this world.”

Xia Feishi suddenly heard him come to such a conclusion, and she was still a little uneasy in her heart. Xiang Zhe’s words were like a mountain with heavy pressure, and it suddenly pressed down on him without any precautions. It was as if he suddenly realized what he meant to the island.

But what can he do?

Xia Feishi was a little flustered, and in the midst of this fluster, he undoubtedly thought of Yu Mo.

Compared with him, Yu Mo always seemed calm and unusual, it seemed that any matter could be quickly resolved before him.

If it was Yu Mo, what would he do?

Xiang Zhe fell into deep thought when he looked at Xia Fei, thinking that he was hesitating whether he should go to meet the mayor, so he continued to persuade: “You don’t have to be nervous, just discuss some issues, if there is anything we will do help you.”

Xia Feishi realized that it was not cowardice that was more in his heart, but that he hoped that he could do better.

He asked, “Can I ask Yu Mo to accompany me?”

After saying this, he looked at Xiang Zhe with a serious look again.

Xiang Zhe was suddenly speechless.

In fact, when Xiang Zhe came here this time, in addition to coming to find Xia Fei, he actually came to find Yu Mo. He could see that the mayor who came this time was probably not just a simple mayor. He probably There is also a very important position in the human world. So after the conversation with Hong Yu, he also took the initiative to ask a question, saying that he wanted to talk to someone here who can really make up his mind.

So in the end, after discussing with him, Hong Yu finally decided to invite Yu Mo out.

So this time he came, originally to invite these two to go there together.

Unexpectedly, Xia Feishi actually took the initiative to ask this sentence.

Xia Feishi wanted Yu Mo to accompany him to be brave, not only that, but he also thought that Yu Mo was someone who could give him good advice on many things, that’s why he made such a statement.

But looking at Zhe suddenly lost his voice, Xia Feishi thought it was because they thought Yu Mo was not qualified to go and thought they were not welcome to Yu Mo, so Xia Feishi quickly spoke for Yu Mo: “Yu Mo, he can do it. Help us, and I promise he won’t interrupt the conversation, and he’ll…”

Hearing that, Xiang Zhe held his forehead here and was a little dumbfounded.

He nodded to interrupt Xia Feishi’s explanation and said, “Of course you can take him there, we won’t stop it.”

When Xia Feishi heard Xiang Zhe’s words, she nodded happily, and said with a relieved smile, “Thank you.”

Hearing this thank you, Xiang Zhe’s expression became complicated again. Based on the relationship between their Majesty and Xia Feishi, if he knew that he had used this kind of thing to deceive Xia Feishi’s sincere thanks, he didn’t know what the reaction would be.

However, they didn’t discuss this matter any more. Xia Feishi didn’t dare to waste time. Since she made such a decision, she immediately went to her room.

When he pushed the door and entered the room, Yu Mo obviously hadn’t rested yet. He had now changed back to the appearance of a wolf cub and was tossing something on his terminal screen.

Seeing Xia Feishi come in, Yu Mo shook his tail naturally, then got up to jump into Xia Feishi’s arms.

But just as he was about to jump up, he saw a kangaroo Xiang Zhe also jumped in from outside the room.

Yu Mo: “…”

His wagging tail suddenly froze and stopped.

Xiang Zhe also seemed to have a bad time. He turned his face away almost instantly, turned his eyes away and pretended not to see Yu Mo’s tail wagging just now, just hoping that he would pretend that the other party would let him go.

If he had known that his Majesty looked like this in front of Xia Feishi, Xiang Zhe would have thought that he would not have rushed in so quickly.

This is indeed something that scares the kangaroos more than seeing the Federation invade the Emperor Star.

There was a brief silence in the room, but fortunately, Yu Mo’s response was quick, Xiang Zhe’s ability to play stupid was also very strong, and Xia Feishi didn’t understand the atmosphere at all, and unconsciously explained to Xiang Zhe while he was talking. around.

Xia Feishi told Yu Mo about the mayor, and made a request that Yu Mo could go with him.

Yu Mo had already guessed the situation after only listening to a few sentences, so when he heard Xia Fei say the end, he didn’t hesitate at all, and almost nodded in agreement: “Okay, I’ll accompany you. go with.”

Xia Feishi laughed at Yu Mo’s straightforward agreement.

The two of them happily packed up, then Xia Feishi hugged Yu Mo, and the two of them left the room and headed towards the room where the mayor was.

At the same time, Xiang Zhe followed behind, looking at the backs of the two with their intimate movements. After taking a deep breath, he deeply felt that he should have seen something from the words and deeds of the two.

He felt that if his judgment was correct, when the problem in the human world was over, their empire would probably welcome Her Royal Highness.

But it seems to be a good thing to say.

Xiang Zhe touched the back of his head, thinking like this.

Ten minutes later, Xia Feishi came to the mayor’s room.

The mayor’s ability to adapt is very strong. Ordinary people suddenly came from the normal world in the disaster to this place that is like a fairy tale. Even the surrounding walls and used items have become Q-version animations. , probably can’t adapt.

What’s more, this is a person who seems to be in a very high-ranking position.

However, when Xia Feishi and the others arrived, this one seemed unusually calm and indifferent. He even took the water and drank it himself, with a cute doll that was originally placed on the sofa in his arms.

When Xia Feishi walked in, they couldn’t help but look surprised when they saw this scene.

Also surprised was the mayor.

He first looked at Xiang Zhe, who was walking at the front, and then his eyes fell on Xia Feishi, who looked frail and looked like he was only a young adult. Then he moved his gaze again, and saw the furry white wolf cub that Xia Feishi was holding in his arms.

His eyes wandered around Xia Feishi and Yu Mo’s bodies for several times, and then he finally turned around and saw Xiang Zhe’s direction, as if he was seriously confirming something.

On the other hand, Xiang Zhe’s face was a little helpless, but in the end, he still nodded and made a confirmation.

The mayor retracted his gaze after he nodded, and then said with a smile, “I’m very happy that you two are willing to come to see me.”

He then stretched out his hand to the two of them, pointed to the sofa seat in front of him, and motioned them to sit down.

This person has an air of tolerance that belongs to an elder, which allows Xia Feishi to feel the kindness in him, and the bearing of a person in a high position, but compared with other people, he has nothing but these things. , there is a kind of reassuring harmony and stability.

This kind of breath made Xia Feishi feel a little relaxed, he nodded, then hugged Yu Mo and sat down in front of him.

When they saw Xia Fei and they sat down, the mayor finally smiled and said slowly, “Thank you very much for helping us.”

On the way here, Xiang Zhe had already explained the situation of their rescue to Xia Feishi and Yu Mo. The mayor did lead people to build a strong and temporary shelter from the storm, but unfortunately, this base could not resist the poisonous gas.

When Hongyu Xiangzhe led the joint rescue team of the Empire and Humanity to find this place, this refuge base was also being invaded by poisonous gas.

It can be said that if Xiang Zhe and the others are a few hours late, accidents will happen to the people in this group of bases.

Fortunately, before the poison gas completely killed the people in this base, Hong Yu Xiang Zhe transferred everyone to the spaceship and finally brought them here.

So now the mayor will be so solemnly thankful.

But Xia Feishi was still a little flattered. He waved at the extremely serious old man and said, “It wasn’t me who saved you, but our rescue team. You should thank them.”

The mayor smiled and raised his head, his eyes still fixed on him and Yu Mo.

He didn’t explain anything, just continued to talk about the situation of his previous base, from his establishment, to the lives of everyone in the base for the past year, to what happened recently, and how they were finally rescued here.

The mayor was very serious and detailed, and they didn’t hide anything from Xia Fei.

Even though Xia Feishi was not good at dealing with such worldliness, he could vaguely understand the meaning of this man who said these words. It was obvious that he was expressing his sincerity and hoped that everyone could trust him more.

Only when there is nothing to hide can we be able to cooperate better. Xia Feishi thought that this person should know this.

After he finished saying these words, Xia Feishi asked in a low voice: “Although I don’t understand many things, I think you should hope that I can also show my sincerity on behalf of this island, I can’t be sure. Can I represent everyone in my own position, but what I want to say is that as long as I have the opportunity to help everyone, I will not deliberately hide and retreat.”

Xia Feishi developed a sensitive personality from childhood experiences. Sensitive people are more likely to feel the malice brought by others, but also, they can more seriously distinguish what kindness is.

Xia Feishi has never made a mistake in his judgment, so he believes that Mr. Mayor, after trusting the other party, he also gave the best response he could give.

The mayor probably did not expect that Xia Feishi, who looked young, would respond so quickly.

The mayor laughed, but because of his good upbringing, he was extremely restrained even when he laughed.

Xia Feishi looked at his smile silently. She acted like a very reliable adult just now, but now she can’t help being a little confused: “Sir?”

The mayor held back a smile and said, “I had prepared a long speech, thinking that I would definitely use it to convince you of my sincerity.”

But in the end, they all knew that his words were useless in the end.

Xia Feishi is a very transparent person, and he is even more accurate than many experienced politicians in judging many things.

Yu Mo felt the same way.

Since he was carried into this room by Xia Feishi, his eyes have always stayed on Xia Feishi’s body and never left, but now he listens to Yu Mo’s words, and looks at his persistent and persistent demeanor, and in his heart The face also has an incomparable recognition of him.

Just like what he had felt before, before he knew it, Xia Feishi had grown to an unimaginable level.

However, such a dialogue is a dialogue, and they finally re-shifted the focus of the matter to the matter of human survival.

Xia Feishi said seriously: “You should have something important to tell me, or something I need to do, right?”

The mayor nodded and looked at Xia Fei with approving eyes. He did not regard Xia Feishi as the object of negotiation, but regarded him as a lovely younger generation who needed to be taken care of, probably because Xia Feishi’s appearance was still in the past. Some are still childish, although the facial features are beautiful and almost sharp, but because of the tenderness in the eyebrows and eyes, it looks more like a beautiful doll.

The mayor didn’t waste time and said quickly: “Yes, what I want to say is that although the environment on the earth has completely changed, and not only our city, but other places have become dangerous, but we still I found a way to contact most of the other countries and forces that still exist.”

Hearing his words, Xiang Zhe, who was listening quietly beside him, couldn’t help but softly called out, “Can you contact them?”

This is undoubtedly very good news for them.

A purposeful trip to the location of a shelter is, of course, a better thing than an aimless search and rescue.

Mr. Mayor nodded and said, “I can provide you with these addresses.”

He only said half of what he said, and several people present could hear it, so when he continued to say “but”, everyone was not too surprised, he heard the mayor continue: “But I hope You can tell me your follow-up plans in full, and assure me that they will all be well settled and there will be no casualties.”

The request given by the mayor is far simpler than everyone thinks.

Xia Feishi was happy to explain to him and make sure.

But before nodding in agreement, he did not forget to look down at Yu Mo in his arms.

Yu Mo nodded indistinctly at him.

Xia Feishi no longer had any doubts, and almost immediately told everything, including the connection between the inner world and the earth world, and after they found more humans, everyone devoted themselves to saving the inner world. Destroy things in the mechanical fortress.

Just like the mayor just now, the explanation given by Xia Feishi is also very detailed.

The mayor listened quietly and patiently to what he said, and finally finally sighed slowly.

Xia Feishi heard a lot of emotions from his sigh, and he couldn’t help but worry, unable to guess what kind of decision the other party would make in the end.

However, the mayor did not let Xia Feishi’s worry last too long, and he said with emotion almost immediately: “I originally thought that we humans have done enough things, and we have figured out a lot of situations, but now It looks like we’re still thinking too little and touching too little truth.”

The real truth was ultimately told to them by the Orc Empire.

Xia Feishi shook her head and said, “You’ve done enough.”

Xiang Zhe also said in a timely manner: “Master Feishi is right, some things are beyond the scope of human existence, and it is the struggle between our empire and the Federation that involved you, so we also Of course, you will be responsible for this struggle to the end, so you don’t need to feel discouraged. Time and space are intertwined and complex, and our current time and space are also the projection of your human time and space in the future. Maybe we will be better than you, maybe we will be better than your world. Bad, but in any case, we are the future of you, and there is no difference between time and space.”

Perhaps at this moment, the Empire and the Federation seem to have technology and capabilities far beyond human beings, and can destroy the human world and change the rules of the world as easily as dealing with ants.

But they all evolved from the time and space of the human world. If we want to tell the truth, human beings are the ancestors and the root of everything.

Xia Feishi didn’t say such convoluted words like Xiang Zhe did, he just smiled and said, “I can’t say anything too powerful, I just think that as long as we seize the opportunity in front of us, we will definitely succeed. Take back our Earth from the Federation.”

Moreover, they now have so many companions and so many people working hard.

The conversation between Xia Feishi and Mr. Mayor lasted for two hours. They talked a lot and finally made some plans for mutual cooperation. After talking about this, Xia Feishi looked at the sky outside and finally got up to prepare. to go back.

He was indeed a little sleepy, but he also thought that Yu Mo also needed a rest.

But just after he said that, Mr. Mayor nodded, and then said: “But I don’t know, will I have a chance to talk to this gentleman?”

His last words were speaking to Yu Mo.

From the moment he entered this room, Xia Feishi had been talking with Mr. Mayor. During this process, Yu Mo didn’t even say a word, and seemed to be listening carefully to these words.

Even Xia Feishi couldn’t help being a little surprised and helpless. He originally brought Yu Mo because he thought he might have stage fright, but he didn’t expect that he would be able to communicate with each other without any obstacles.

Therefore, when the mayor proposed to speak to Yu Mo alone, Xia Feishi was suddenly stunned.

He vaguely realized that Yu Mo’s identity might not be as simple as he thought, and the mayor had probably already seen it.

Xia Feishi didn’t hesitate for too long, he nodded quickly and let Yu Mo in his arms jump down and sit on the sofa. Then he turned and walked towards the door. When he got to the door, he finally He said, “I’ll be waiting for you right outside the door.”

Yu Mo was still sitting on the sofa, and when he heard this, he just nodded lightly, his eyes were calm, and he seemed to be thoughtful.

But after Xia Feishi closed the door, Yu Mo finally turned around again and looked at the mayor in front of him.

The mayor stared at Yu Mo and said, “If I guessed correctly, you should be…”

Just as he spoke, a white light flashed in front of him, and then the figure of the white wolf disappeared, replaced by a human figure with snow-white ears and tail and red eyes.

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