I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot

Chapter 72: 4.10 Third Blue Star - Distance

Chapter 72: 4.10 Third Blue Star - Distance


In room 0373, for the first time something weird had happened. Gui Lan who always wakes up last among everyone in the room had woke up ahead of everyone else and left the room on his own. When the other woke up the first one to react seeing that someone is missing is Li Xing.

Li Xing looks around, when the person he is looking for is not around he asks the person who is supposed to have the closest relationship to the missing person. "Xie Ye where's A'Lan?" he asked but Xie Ye only gave him a split second glance before heading to the bathroom.

"Don't know." replied Xie Ye before entering the bathroom ignoring everything else.

His reaction left Li Xing astonished. There's a sudden silence inside the room. He looked at everyone and saw that Yi Zheng was stiffly changing his clothes as he just finished taking a bath.

Li Xing stood up to help him with his buttons. "A'Zhe, what is wrong with Xie Ye? Did he get in a fight with A'Lan?" he asked.

"That... I don't know. Wuwuwu~ That... he was scary, A'Xing~" said Yi Zheng as he suddenly hugged Yi Zheng while crying.

Li Xing who couldn't understand a thing was suddenly hugged but still pats the back of the crybaby.

"What's wrong with you, A'Zhe?" asked Li Xing worriedly.

Yun Li and Xu Lun who had watched everything on the sidelines commented.

Xu Lun smirked at them and said, "That fool he tried to grab Gui Lan who was about to leave to eat breakfast and was glared. Then he greeted Xie Ye as soon as he woke up. Then he got glared at for the second time. Hehe~"

"Cousin's mood is not good. Every time he is in a bad mood I advise no one to talk to him. He won't treat you as human if you insist. As for the other one... you've seen yourself." said Yun Li who is waiting for Xu Lun to get ready for breakfast.



When the rest of the members reached the location they saw, Gui Lan was eating slowly at their usual table. Even when he saw their group's arrival Gui Lan's mood remained cold and just gave them a glance before he resumed eating his breakfast. Everyone joined the table he was seated in but the one who usually sits beside him was changed from Li Xing and Xie Ye to Li Xing and Yun Li.

As they eat their meals most of the members sneak a peek at two people, Gui Lan and Xie Ye, except for the sound of their utensils clashing there is nothing but silence on their table. Among the rest only Yi Zheng's stares are so obvious that everyone else wanted to hit him. Li Xing could only pinch his side to stop him. Yi Zheng twisted his body in pain but stifled his painful groans. Then they heard Gui Lan tap on the table taking everyone's attention and looked at him. But Gui Lan didn't meet anyone's gaze looking at his cup of milk in his hands. Then tapped his temple, a sign signifying that he will be activating the group mental link. So everyone can ask a question in their mind. The connection is activated even for the three adults of their group though they were in their office instead of the cafeteria.

(Telepathic Conversation: Members of Room 0373, Agent K, Agent Q and Professor Sen)

Gui: {You guys have spoken with Professor Sen before. So I will just remind everyone that for the experiment I had arranged that everyone will be put in the same laboratory led by either Uncle Ke, Uncle Lin and Professor Sen. I've put the group to be listed in Group Experiments for this week instead of getting separated for individual ones. As for the rest, it will be explained when we meet the adults in the laboratory. Any questions? A warning if someone asked a nonsensical question prepared to get hit.}

Agent K, Agent Q and Professor Sen: {...}

Yun Li, Xu Lun and Li Xing: {...}

Xie Ye: {...}

Silly Yi Zheng: {Then I won't ask anymore.}

Gui: {You only need to bear for four days.}

(End of Telepathic Conversation: Members of Room 0373, Agent K, Agent Q and Professor Sen)

As everyone expected the children were once again gathered in the gymnasium. This time there are scientists and staff waiting for them in front. Two lists were projected on the screen in front of them. One with individual names of the children while the other is a list of groups depending on the group's room number.

On the stage a fat middle age man that was called dean held the microphone as he stood at the center.

The dean spoke, "Good Morning my dear sub... I mean children. This is your dean speaking. So today is finally the day. Though it was postponed thanks to some naughty children. Those children should have learned their lessons by now. Okay let's begin. As you can see, there are two lists on the screen. One for individuals and the other for groups. My smart sub-- children go ahead and check your names or room number on it. The location was also hinted but we can go there after splitting everyone into two. Those whose names were listed on the individuals list to the right please and the others to the left. Begin!"

After the dean finished speaking the children checked the lists and separated accordingly. Li Xing asked Yi Zheng to double check if their room number is on the second list while they wait to avoid crowding with the other children on stage. Waiting for a while a confused Yi Zheng returned to their group, everyone could see he was thinking of something weird again.

Li Xing asked, "A'Zhe what's wrong? Is our room number not on the list?"

Yi Zheng shook his head, "No. It's there but..." then he looked at Gui Lan weirdly before continuing what he wanted to say. "Gui Lan's name was mentioned as an exception instead. It says everyone in room 0373 except Gui Lan."

Everyone's eyes widened as they all looked at Gui Lan whose expression remained calm as ever though his usual trademark sly smile is nowhere to be found.

"Why?!" Yun Li was surprised. This is the first time they've seen Yun Li lose his control over his emotions. Even Xu Lun is showing an extremely ugly expression on his face.

But among them no one else had enough courage to ask the reason why Gui Lan was separated. "Why? Are you doing it on purpose?" asked Xie Ye who grabbed Gui Lan's shoulders.

Gui Lan's eyes squinted but only for a moment. He removed the hands on his shoulder but his expression this time is no longer calm but icy.

"I was supposed to be included in the group list this is the truth. But it seems they decided to move my name to the individual list instead. I have few guesses but the most considerable reason must be what happened 3 days ago. If not that then it must be because I didn't eat my greens and carrot this morning. Throw it in the trash bin, I guess." said Gui Lan as he avoided meeting Xie Ye.

He is obviously distancing himself from Xie Ye as the latter wanted but this apparent action of ignoring made Xie Ye feel extremely uncomfortable. Though his stubbornness got beyond his control. He chooses to keep the distance they have now as he is still confused about everything.

"Why didn't you just force yourself to eat those things? It's just vegetables!" said Xu Lun.

"I never force myself to like something I hate. I normally don't compromise though there are some exceptions. Don't worry about me. The Group mental link will be online until I feel asleep tonight. Uncle Lin just spoke to me in my mind just now. It seems you were located in his lab today. See you later." said Gui Lan as he separated from the group and went to the right side of the place.

The group only watched as Gui Lan left the group and headed to the side of individual listed subjects. The group was escorted to the location where the experimentation of hearing is done. Once they entered the laboratory, they saw a few more groups aside from them. The other groups were led by other scientists like Agent Q, Lin Ye. Lin Ye led them in the corner with an obvious frown on his face.

(Telepathic Group Link: Online)

Lin: {Where's the young master?}

Li: {He was transferred to the individual list.}

Lin: {Impossible. I made sure that every single one of you would be placed here with me!?}

Xu: {He didn't eat his veggies and got transferred to the other list as punishment?}

Lin: {Oh God Why?}

Sen: {Isn't the lord normally like this?}

Ke: {Pfft! Ye'er don't worry about the young master. He can handle himself. Just look after the brats with you instead.}

Lin: {Fine! Children I will secretly pass a tablet to you each. Once the light turns off immediately take the tablet discreetly. It will knock you out instantly for exactly 8 hours. That's the duration of this whole experiment. As only as you lose consciousness it wouldn't affect you at all. As you will only be affected if you're awake and hear the frequency. Remember as soon one of you guys woke up, try to wake up the others before the lights were once again turned on. They on your way out just act that something seems wrong with your ears and are done. Understand?}

Li, Yun and Yi: {Yes.}

Xie and Xu: {...}

After a while the children were asked to enter a glass made room while the rest of the scientists waited outside. Once the members of group 0373 entered Xu Lun and Yun Li led the team in the farthest corner of the room away from the walls where the speakers were connected. An announcement that the experiment will begin was heard in the room before the lights turned off Xu Lun spoke with the other.

Xu Lun said, "I wouldn't stop you if you wished to experience this experiment for a bit before taking the tablet. But Xiao Zhe and Xiao Xing I suggest you take it as soon as the lights are turned off. This experiment is like giving the subjects the feeling of something directly drilling on your head. Since it's sound waves even if you cover your ears it won't cover the waves at all. Covering the ears will lessen the sound but just a bit thought. Very bit."

"It's a ringing pain as if making you feel that your head is splitting. It will be hard not to scream in pain." said Yun Li.

The story experience of both Yun Li and Xu Lun are legit which is why this frightened Li Xing and Yi Zheng badly when they heard about it. They two held each other's hand looking for support. Xu Lun obviously held Yun Li's hand even before they entered the glass room. It can be seen that Xu Lun's greatest mental support was Yun Li's presence. They were both for each other and the same thing for Li Xing and Yi Zheng. Within the group only Xie Ye doesn't have someone by his side. No... He had one but he chose to put a distance between them because he thought the other person betrayed his feelings and that he wasn't loved at all. He's mind is blanked for a moment while looking at his own hand, empty of the usual warmth he used to possess.

In his dazed Xie Ye forgot to take the medicine that will knock him immediately after intake. The light inside the room had turned off without him noticing. There is a loud ringing on his head as if an activated alarm is ringing nonstop just beside his ears. The pain made him feel that his eardrums were about to explode. He started to feel dizzy as if he experienced a huge rock falling directly on his head. He couldn't help but hold his head between his hands and squeeze it. His friends had longed fainted after taking the tablet only he in his daze forgot the right time to take the medicine. In his mind he could hear a voice telling him to take the medicine but as if there is a film in his head blocking the words he couldn't understand the words at all.

(Telepathic Conversation: Members of Room 0373, Agent K, Agent Q and Professor Sen)

Lin: {Xie Ye eat the tablet! Eat it already!}

Ke: {Fuck! What the hell is wrong with this brat!? Why didn't he take the damn tablet!?}

Sen: {I think he must have forgotten it! Could he even hear our voice? He seems to be in trance.}

Gui: {Xie Ye eat the tablet now!}

Because Xie Ye seems unable to hear the words properly, Gui Lan could only bet that by using his other ability within his telepathic ability that Xie Ye would be able to get out of his trance. Xie Ye can feel and hear only the almost endless ringing in his head as if his head cleared up when he heard the familiar voice of Gui Lan. Though the voice he heard just now had a commanding tone, it was enough to wake him up back to reality. With hands slightly trembling he took out the tablet in his pocket and waited for a few more seconds wanting to hear more of Gui Lan's voice.

Gui: {Eat the tablet and don't choose to suffer, A'Ye.}

When his name was called a small unexpectedly surfaced from the corner of his lips, he closed his eyes imagining that he could see Gui Lan before him.

Gui: {Good night, A'Ye.}

Only then did he swallow the medicine and fall asleep like the rest of the members of their group. Seeing the whole group asleep Lin Ye who was witnessing the whole scene from the outside thought that Xie Ye would go insane because of this experience. Not only did he ignore their voices just now, his expressions from the perspective of the third party made it think that he was going to squeeze his head and was about to hit his head on the walls like the others. Thankfully Gui Lan spoke to wake the latter up on time.

Meanwhile in another laboratory.

Sen felt that the group link was cut off without any message from the Venerable lord. This left him a feeling that something must have happened. He consulted with his system about this problem.

"System. The mental link that sire made was suddenly cut off out of nowhere can you check on him for me. Just a peek will do."

[Fine. Checking in progress. Request for connection from System Exe 13. First attempt failed. Attempting for the second time. Second attempt failed. Attempting for the third time. Third attempt successfully. You have received an SOS Telepathic message from Gui Lan. Do the host wish to hear the message?]

"Go. Let me hear the contents!" replied Sen.

(SOS Telepathic Message from Gui Lan played.)

[Gui: {Sen come over to my location.}]

to be continued.

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