I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot

Chapter 71: 4.9 Third Blue Star - Xie Yes Soul Domain II

Chapter 71: 4.9 Third Blue Star - Xie Ye's Soul Domain II

Xie Ye's Soul Domain.

When Gui Lan saw the adult man sleeping and chained especially his appearance he could help but uttered a name unconsciously, "A'Xia?"

Just based on his reaction Gui Lan obviously knew that man before him. The chains were connected in all corners of the domain but the fogs in the place made it unable to see the exact location where the chain ends. Gui Lan continues to watch the chained man before him. There's only a meter distance before the adult and the child.

The adult man before him had chains on both his wrist and ankles, even on his neck. He is seated on the lava-like floor crossed legs and his eyes are closed. His combed up, long black hair scattered on his back down to the floor. His closed downturned shaped eyes made him look like he is in a deep serene sleep. With a small mole under the corner of his left eye. Gui Lan upon seeing the familiar features of his beloved, couldn't control his yearning and love for him. He walked urgently as he stood right in front of the sleeping figure. His current figure is enough to meet this man's height when he is seated properly. He is after the currently the size of a six year old child and the adult man before him estimated height is at 1.9 m.

"A'Ye?" called softly Gui Lan.

He was about to reach out his hands to touch Ye Xiajie's cheek when his wrist was suddenly grabbed. He could feel the strength tightening around his wrist. It was too much for his weak current self, normally he wouldn't feel pain but the only weakness of his bloodline finally showed. The one who grabbed his wrist is none other than Xie Ye. Xie Ye's current expression is scary. There was a deep frown on his forehead as his eyebrows were twisted in an ugly manner. His obsidian eyes were filled with anger and disbelief. Gui Lan can see emotions of blame and pain mixed within. He was startled to see Xie Ye. But his current expression made him guilty and a bit confused. He couldn't understand why Xie Ye looked like he was in rage.

When he spoke the usual doting and kindness in his voice was gone. There is only coldness and detachment in it. "So~... You know 'him'? Is he the reason why you approached me? Is that it Gui Lan?!" asked Xie Ye his fury is apparent in his tone.

Gui Lan felt the pain in his wrist, he could even guess that it may be broken but he didn't show the pain on his face. Though his breathing slightly ragged. He looked bewildered at Xie Ye. He could even feel slight fear for the first time in his life.

Gui Lan stuttered in his words because he was nervous seeing his beloved's anger for the first time. "A-A'Ye... What do... you mean?" he asked.

Seeing Gui Lan's slightly frowning eyebrows obviously because of pain, Xie Ye felt something pricking his heart but his anger was too much that he ignore the pain his currently inflicting to the boy before him. He pulled the person before him and glared at him to show how immense his anger is. He was in disbelief. Thinking that Gui Lan only approached him because of that person he found in his soul domain. He knew who that man was. This person has been with him since he was born. He is a person born with two souls in his body but for some reason even having two souls within him, there is no burden in his vessel which is why he thought that this man is only a part of his imagination. An imagination of his future self but this man looks different from him.

Until this man woke up one day in one of his dreams he spoke with him. He told him that his name is Ye Xiajie. He told me that I am Xie Ye but at the same time not. We've talked about everything. He taught me how to control my ability so I wouldn't go insane because of it. He listened to all my mourns and complained with an emotionless face. He told me that there is no need to force myself to like someone else because that is impossible to fulfill. He said there is no way I would fall in love with someone else except for one person. He told me to wait until that person came. He told me that the person who will become the most important for me will exist in the future and thus I waited. Waited and waited until... I met Gui Lan. Then I understood what he means by saying he is my precious person.

After meeting Gui Lan in his Soul Domain, I tried entering mine. After successfully entering my own domain I saw him once again. His existence in my soul domain shocked me. I thought he was someone who existed in my dreams to guide me to the correct path until I saw him once again in my own domain only in deep sleep. He wouldn't wake up no matter what I do. Though sometimes even if he is asleep I could feel his emotions following with me. The emotion of longing and endless care. Happiness when seeing Gui Lan smiles at him. Distress when seeing Lan'er sad or tired. Anger and jealousy when someone tries to touch him or take his attention away from him. My emotions and feelings only come out when Gui Lan is involved. It was a fresh feeling. New and somewhat comfortable. It made me feel human.

I hate seeing Gui Lan cry. I am even more afraid that he will suddenly disappear on me. Lately there's an intuitive sensation in my mind giving a bad feeling. That if Gui Lan suddenly left my side I would never see him ever again. Fear spreads in my whole being. It was so overwhelming that I could only stick as much as I could to Gui Lan. Not leaving his side even for a second. I'm afraid that when I close my eyes he will be gone.

But when I saw Gui Lan appearing in my soul domain reaching his hand towards that person, even calling his name with the same tone and voice when he called mine made me feel angry. I felt anger towards Gui Lan for the first time. My mind was clouded so much with fury that I didn't even notice that I was hurting him. Because the pain I'm currently feeling is like I was betrayed. It was so painful I could hardly breathe.

Xie Ye growled, "You called him A'Xia? Why do you call him such? Why do you know his name? Do you know who he is? Tell me. TELL ME GUI LAN!"

"A'Ye, you're hurting me!" replied Gui Lan but he didn't dare to use force as he sways his grabbed wrist after all the pain is too excruciating.

"I know him. You know him as well. I didn't approach you because of him. A'Ye don't be angry. You're scaring me." said Gui Lan as he could feel his tear converging in the corner of his eyes. After all this is the first time he experience his beloved's anger. It was too frightening and disheartening. He couldn't understand why he is angry at him. Is there something wrong with Ye Xiajie and Xie Ye. But they are both the same person.

Seeing the tears in the corner of Gui Lan's eyes, Xie Ye's anger lessened a bit but it didn't diminish. He only roughly let go of Gui Lan's wrist which warrant a grievous moan from Gui Lan.

"You are a liar. Like the rest of the people. You've never loved me at all. Lan'er." grumbles Xie Ye as he avert his eyes from Gui Lan.

Not wanting to see him at all. He thought that like how Xie Ye likes only Gui Lan and that the latter would only like him. But that yearning and hot gaze when he saw Ye Xiajie is too much to bear. Gui Lan's gaze at that time is too sentimental, even more so when they've seen each other in Gui Lan's soul domain for the first time. He felt very uncomfortable in his heart when he saw him. Feeling dark emotions like anger and jealousy was new to him. Xie Ye doesn't understand how to control it. He could only see Gui Lan in his fury.

Gui Lan looked at Xie Ye bewilderedly. "A'Ye do you not know him?" he asked.

"I know him. He had always been with me since I was born." replied Xie Ye.

"Then do you know what his connection to you is? A'Ye he is very related to you. I will tell you everything I know. Everything you wish to know. I will not lie a single word. Believe this time okay? A'Ye?" said Gui Lan.

Meanwhile in his mind, System Yue is about to go ballistic in trying to stop his host from breaking the rules. His host is able to OOC (Out of Character) but he is not allowed to share higher realms information to an outsider, especially to an original resident who hasn't even reached ascension.

[Host please stop. You cannot tell him any information about us or the system. You are going to get punished. Host, the penalty in violating the Divine Laws is soul punishment. You'll get a soul injury!]

"It's fine. I can heal it through meditation in the system's space." replied Gui Lan in his mind.

[But with an injured soul, your vessel will weaken and... and you won't be able to spend a lifetime in this world by then.]

Gui Lan was a bit silent for a short moment before he asked, "With an injured soul how long could I stay in this star, Yue?"

[It will be based on the degree of your injury. But if the host's injury is fatal then you could stay for half a century. Host please think seriously about this.]

Gui Lan replied, "Half a century is enough to spend happiness by his side. It is harder for me to lie to my love instead. I've decided Yue."

[I don't think your husband would like that.]

"When he complains to you just say that it was his fault. Tell him I won't forgive him if he suddenly leaves this world without completing his goal of gathering the world's energy. Hehe~"

[I understand, host.]

Gui Lan walked towards Xie Ye who was avoiding him. Used his other unharmed hand to reach out for him. But Xie Ye avoided his touch and gave him a glare before moving away from Gui Lan. Such avoidance gave Gui Lan the feeling of immense distress for the first time. He was shocked speechless. He controlled his voice from trembling and took back the hand he outreached towards Xie Ye. With awkwardness and trembling in his tone Gui Lan speaks.

Gui Lan stilted for a moment but he did what he said he would.

"Then you can listen to my explanation. Whether you believe it or not. Will depends on you." said Gui Lan.

Gui Lan lowered his gaze completely avoiding Xie Ye's eyes as he walked away and made a clear distance between them. Xie Ye who saw Gui Lan walking away couldn't be helped by reaching out his hands but lowered after a while. Gui Lan walked towards Ye Xiajie's figure looking at him at the distance. Just looking as he speaks nonstop explaining everything to Xie Ye. He told him everything without hiding anything. That Ye Xiajie is him. That this is the fourth world they've been together. He let Xie Ye meets his system Yue whom he asked to materialize.

System Yue reluctantly showed himself in his moon avatar form while hovering around his host intending to protect him this time if Xie Ye suddenly intends to harm his host.

Gui Lan also explained the existence of world hoppers and such. He told him everything down to every detail. He left nothing unsaid especially about Xie Ye's real identity. His identity and the relationship between them. Of course, there is no way Xie Ye would understand everything as he is only a 9 years old young boy. But Xie Ye decided to remember every single word. So when the time comes that he could understand it, then he would know how he should act towards Gui Lan.

"That's everything, A'Ye." said Gui Lan.

An obvious frown is evident on his childish face, "Then you are older than me?" asked Xie Ye.

"Well the soul is as old as this one but few years younger." Gui Lan pointed at Ye Xiajie. "But my current body is younger than yours. Just think what you wish to. Decide what you want to do? I will give you all the time in the world. Make a choice on whether you wish to stay by my side or not. Just look for me when you made your decision A'Ye. I will keep my distance until then." said Gui Lan as he suddenly walks away from Xie Ye's line of sight.

Xie Ye didn't stop him. There are so many things he needs to digest and too many things he couldn't understand. Until he comprehends everything, he won't be able to treat Gui Lan the same way as before. He stayed in his soul domain for a bit longer to think while Gui Lan opened his eyes in reality.

When Gui Lan opened his eyes, revealing a pair of deep blue green eyes, he gently pried the arms around him. He slowly laid Xie Ye on his bed and tucked him in his bed with delicate movements. With a slight sad smile on his face, he kissed Xie Ye's forehead and before preparing to leave the bed.

Gui Lan whispered, "Good night, A'Ye."

After a while Gui Lan left the bed preparing to take a shower. Before he could enter the bathroom his friend asked him a question of worry.

Li Xing asked, "Is Xie Ye alright, A'Lan?"

"A'Ye... He got to many things to think about and told him to leave him alone for a bit. But don't worry he is okay?" replied Gui Lan.

"I see. Are you alright A'Lan? You look a bit pale." asked Yi Zheng.

"No worries. Just a bit tired. Xu Lun that's the story. So Yun Li shares the bed with Xu Lun okay?" said Gui Lan.

"I understand, cousin. Don't worry." replied Yun Li respectfully.

"You guys should take a rest. Tomorrow will be different than before." said Gui Lan before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.


The sounds of endless water falling echoes inside the room. There's a bit of steam spreading inside the place. Under the running water from the shower Gui Lan who is still wearing his clothes is seated within the bathtub covering his mouth with his hand as he was coughing so loudly. But thanks to the sound of water, most of the coughing sound was masked by it.

Cough. cough. COUGH!

The last cough from Gui Lan was a bit too much than the rest. As soon as he coughed loudly at the last, what comes out of his mouth isn't only sound but a large mouthful of blood. He could hear Yue's voice resounding in his mind.

[Host, are you alright!? The penalty was dealt upon you as soon as you've left the soul domain. Would the host like to redeem--]

"There is... no need. The pain is bearable. Don't worry I won't die, Yue." replied Gui Lan who closed his eyes under the raining water above him. He wanted to control his emotion. He thought he could but he couldn't.

Those eyes are full of hatred and distrust. The avoidance of his touch and such desolation. Cold treatment and distress. He saw all of it when Xie Ye looked at him. It was too much for him to bear. To see the man he loves the most look at him with those kinds of eyes. It's too overwhelming for him. As if his heart was plucked out from him and he saw it get trampled upon. An unimaginable pain. Just too much for Gui Lan to be able to ignore it.

When Gui Lan finishes his bath, the light in the room is turned off. The others in the room aside from him are asleep. As he approached his bunker, he saw that Xie Ye's former sleeping position changed. Before he left he laid him properly on the bed but this time Xie Ye is facing the wall showing on his back figure to Gui Lan.

"A'Ye I..." Gui Lan didn't pause his words and didn't continue until a few minutes of silence. "Sleep well." said Gui Lan before climbing up to sleep on his bed. The upper bed above Xie Ye's.

Without him knowing Xie Ye whose eyes were closed just now suddenly opened. He was silently listening to the sound made by Gui Lan climbing up on his head until he laid down. He frowned a bit when he heard him cough for a while before he could hear him breathing in a quite ragged manner. Those crimson eyes sometimes glint with worry but Xie Ye didn't do anything aside from listening. Only when Gui Lan had fallen asleep for real did Xie Ye once again close his eyes intending to sleep for that evening.

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