I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 81: Hidden Danger

Chapter 81: Hidden Danger

Leaving the back alleyway, Angus goes back to the Golden Trade guild while keeping his presence hidden. He didn't want any thug from the Lefty Coin to notice him.

Fortunately, there are no graded combatants among his stalkers otherwise it will be harder for Angus to escape them. According to the books, only around thirty percent of the human race could form mana core and become combatant.

Because of this, it is quite rare to find combatants working as normal robbers. Especially joining and working in the adventurer guild is more profitable than becoming a mere thief.

'Tch.. what a hassle to get into this mess. But, their behavior is kind of weird unless this Lefty Coin is forced by someone. Let's just leave this for the Golden Trade guild to take care of.' thought Angus inwardly.

Soon, he arrived at the Golden Trade guild. Fortunately, Ernest is doing something at the front desk. So, Angus didn't need to call for him again.

Looking that Angus is back again, "Angus, back so soon. Is there something wrong?" asked Ernest.

Along the time Ernest knows Angus, he is the type that does not like to idle around and beat around the bush. So, he suspects that something is wrong for him to back again.

"Yeah, do you have a paper?" replied Angus

"Paper?" asked Ernest confusedly but still gave Angus a piece of paper.

Then, Angus writes something in the paper before giving it back to Ernest.

Reading Angus's writing, "You sure about this?"

"Yup, I just got the info from one of them. Besides, why do I waste my time dealing with them?" replied Angus.

"I see. Then, on behalf of Golden Trade, I apologize for this inconvenience. Now, please excuse me as I need to deal with this matter immediately." said Ernest.

Then, Angus went outside the Golden Trade guild but after a moment. He disappears into the crowd and escapes from some Lefty Coin's henchmen view.

During the time Angus approached the Guild, he saw people standby looking at the people that coming in and out from the Golden Trade guild.

He also guesses that there are also some people inside the guild that are spying on people around to determine their target. Angus going into the VIP room and coming out without any guard accompanying him looks like fat prey for these people.

Soon, there is chaos around the Golden Trade perimeter as the guards apprehend all these spies and Lefty Coin's men.

Meanwhile, all of this happens, Angus already sitting inside one of the taverns in the commoner section, drinking Fizzy Beer.

'Ahh.. I never get bored of this taste. It is a magical drink.' thought Angus before ordering one more glass of Fizzy Beer.

While Angus is enjoying his drink, inside the slum area there is a dilapidated building that is the same as the nearby building. But, below it there is a big underground room full of thugs.

"Some of our men already got caught? Not even one day, you already got caught! Useless!! All of you are useless!!" Roared the man that seems the leader of the thugs.

"They suddenly notice our spy inside the guild and begin to capture our men that standby near the guild. They even pursue us until the slum area." explained one of the thugs.

"Tch.. This is bound to happen soon. But, I didn't think it would happen so quickly. Lay low for a while trying to target small people from the common area. I want you all to bring me as much money as possible." command the leader.

"Yes, Big Boss." said the other thug.

Suddenly, a man came in from the upstairs, "Boss, the city guard is now looking for you."

"Tch.. they must get my name from the men that were captured. I will go hiding for a while, you two will be responsible to maintain here for a while. I want you to gather as much as you can by the end of this month." command the leader towards the two muscular thugs.

"Alright, Boss." replied the two thugs.

Then, the leader enters his room and takes out a communication device.

Activating the communication device, "Vincent, why did you contact me so soon?" heard a deep voice from the device.

"I am sorry, master. It seems I need more time to gather enough money according to the plan."

"Hmm.. Is there a problem?"

"The Golden Trade guild reacts faster than our prediction. They even know my name."

"Hmm.. what a problem.. Contact the other group in the slum give them an offer they could not refuse. Make sure they fulfill the target before the attack." said the people on the other side.

"What about the Golden Trade?" asked the leader of the thug.

"Leave them be for now. When the time comes, no one could oppose us anymore. They will regret declining our offer." said the people in the communication device.

"As you wish, master." said the leader of the thug respectfully before turning off the communication device.

Unbeknown to everyone, there is a group that is planning something hidden in the dark inside the capital city of Heart Kingdom.

After touring around the capital city while trying a lot of kinds of food and drink, Angus sneaks back to his room in the townhouse manor.

Entering the room, Angus immediately changes his clothes to fancy ones before going to the basement. Inside the basement training room, there is a small compartment that looks like a small laboratory.

After telling his father about his interest in alchemy and smithing, the duke agrees to make a small laboratory for Angus.

At first, Angus just asked for a place to practice his alchemy, somehow his father created a small personal lab for Angus. Although it could not compare to the lab in the academy, it is more advanced than the ordinary one.

In return, Angus needs to treat some of his father's friends that have miasma wounds. Unfortunately, his technique could only work with a fresh wound and not a years old wound.

Otherwise, Angus will not have time to tend himself and will be forced to treat patients continuously. Since there is still no way to treat miasma-based wounds, there are millions of people that having this kind of wound.

Although Angus wanted a nice peaceful life that was far from war and chaos, he also didn't want to work himself to death.

Besides healing people is not his true forte. Based on his past life experience, he knows that he is a bloodthirsty person and battle maniac. However, he still pursues a slow and peaceful life despite this nature.

As a bloodthirsty person, he prefers to take life rather than saving a life. It's something that is already ingrained in his soul.

No matter what kind of denial he said to himself, he will always be a bloodthirsty person that already killed countless people. This fact alone makes Angus hesitate to work in the medical field especially as a doctor.

To achieve this, Angus also needs to accept the part of his bloodthirsty nature. Otherwise, he will not achieve inner peace in himself. Accepting is one of the steps to gain a peaceful life while denial only creates a contradiction and imbalance.

Unless it is an emergency case, Angus will reluctantly use his healing art for others. As it will soon leave a contradiction in his heart.

After that, Angus began to concentrate on his experiment to create many kinds of potions according to its formula. He only gets out of the lab to sleep and eat.

Angus tries to create a simple mana potion and a few enchantment potions. Although it is a basic and simple potion the process is very complicated and takes time.

He wants to get used to the procedure of concocting a potion before making his potion. His current goal is a potion to alleviate the miasma-based wound.

Besides that, he also has not forgotten his original goal of learning alchemy. He tries to formulate many kinds of different strong poison. He still has not advanced to practical experiment but only doing some of the theory and calculation.

Poison formula is banned in the public and very rare. Usually, it could only be sold on the black market. Angus wants to visit this black market, but because of today's incident, he prefers to avoid more conflict.

Besides black market is some kind of illegal store and will be hard to search through. He was enticed to procure this from Ernest. But, he was still reluctant as it could also lead to some trouble. Angus also didn't know Ernest for long and couldn't trust this matter to him.

However judging by what happened today, he may have a chance to ask for some poison formula in the future using the favor he did today.

Creating new poison takes time and needs a lot of experimentation. First, the calculation of its right component will take a lot of time and revision. Then, it needs to be tested on the living being for its effectiveness.

Fortunately, Angus has a manual battle system for the testing subject, be it some animal and humanoid creature. He didn't know if the humanoid creature inside his manual battle system has the same constitution as normal people.

From his experience when fighting them, Angus knows that they have the same weakness as normal people. Still, their black-skinned figure and red eyes make him thought that they are different creatures.

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