I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 80: Stalker

Chapter 80: Stalker

"I am not waiting that long." said Angus.

"So, like the usual?" asked Ernest

"Yes, like usual" as Angus gives Ernest a space storage pouch he already prepared before.

"As straightforward as always. Alright wait here for a bit while I checked the item." said Ernest while taking the monster part from the pouch storage.

Angus didn't give him his wristwatch storage as it is more expensive and rare than he previously thought. According to Ernest, the space storage model wristwatch is very limited and rare. It is something that almost cannot be bought with money.

It is not because of its great function, but because of the rareness. In this world, only a few people could produce such items. This made Angus surprised at Balrug's reputation as he could procure this kind of item easily using his connection.

Because of this, he learns from his mistake and becomes more prudent at revealing his wristwatch space storage. Unfortunately, the space storage item couldn't be stored inside another space storage item.

So, Angus needs to bring his other space storage pouch carefully when he walks outside. Luckily, Angus gets a more huge storage space storage pouch from Ernest as a bonus from their first deal.

With the space storage pouch, Angus didn't have to keep coming back to the merchant guild to sell his monster part so often. While Ernest checks the monster part, Angus only waits silently beside him.

Although Angus trusts Ernest, he still has some caution to not get cheated. As for Ernest himself, he didn't mind it and did his job. Besides, he will not dare to cheat the money of the Duke's sons.

After a dozen minutes later, Ernest brings a list of papers of Angus material. Then, they begin to negotiate for the price. Angus may not lack money and could always ask his parents for more money if he needs something. But, he still needs money for various kinds of occasions.

As someone that has lived on earth, Angus knows exactly how powerful money is. So it is not a sin to have a little bit of money.

"Alright, then it will be fifteen thousand gold coins. It's truly wonderful when your monster part is in pristine condition compared to others. Some of our clients even asked specially for these kinds of monster parts." said Ernest.

"Unfortunately, you could only bring an ungraded monster and a few grade one monsters. Is there no way to increase the span of the monster species and grade?" asked Ernest

"Unfortunately, it is not possible for now. The supplier could only procure these monster parts for the time being. However, it is possible to increase the variety of monsters at the later date. Still, it will take time." replied Angus while not telling him the entire truth.

"Alright, I will be waiting for that time to come. Anything else could I help with?" asked Ernest.

"Yes, apparently I am doing some kind of alchemy experiment. This is the list of items that I required." said Angus while giving Ernest a piece of paper.

"Let's see here. I think we have all of them in stock here since they are kind of popular items. Alright let me get my staff to bring the item along with your payment." said Ernest as he called one of his staff outside.

Then, they talk about various kinds of topics while waiting for the employee to bring Angus's stuff.

"I didn't know you also dabble in alchemy?" asked Ernest

"I am still a beginner. It will take a lot of time before I can produce some notable potion." replied Angus truthfully.

"Then, don't forget to contact me at that time." said Ernest jokingly.

"Don't worry about it. If there is nothing wrong I will contact you to sell my product." replied Angus.

Angus may seem young but for experienced merchants like Ernest, he could discern a sort of uniqueness on him. From Ernest's experience, this kind of uniqueness usually exists in experts and some master.

This is the reason Ernest is very polite and wants to invest his time in Angus. He wants to build a connection with Angus.

Of course, Angus also noticed this kind of thought but it didn't matter much to him. As long as Ernest didn't cross his path, Angus will leave him alone.

"Oh yeah, I hear the monster overlord will attack half a year from now." said Ernest as he changed the topic.

"Yes, because of this. My father has become very busy lately." replied Angus truthfully.

"Then, As your friend, I will give you some advice. Don't stay in the capital city." said Ernest seriously.

"Is there something wrong with the capital city?" asked Angus curiously.

"I hope I am wrong. But, from our reliable source, we found that someone is amassing a lot of weapons and arms. There may be some chaos inside the capital city at the later date." explain Ernest.

"You sure about that? Didn't it quite normal for people to gather weapons and arms during this time." replied Angus.

"At first I also thought that but for safety reasons, the higher up of Golden Trade decided to evacuate to another city during the Monster attack. Although we still don't know their true intention, it is better to be safe than sorry later." said Ernest.

"Hmm.. I see.. I will relay this information to my father. I hope that nothing bad is going to happen." said Angus

"We also hoped for that especially in this precarious time."? said Ernest.

A few moments later, the staff knocked on the door and brought Angus's item along with his gold coin in space storage.

"Alright let me check the item first." said Angus while putting out the item from the space storage.

After checking the item along with his deducted gold coins, Angus says goodbye to Ernest and leaves the Golden Trade Merchant Guild building.

'Thirteen thousand gold coins along with some rare alchemy ingredient. No wonder many people are interested in becoming adventurers and hunting monsters. It's a lucrative job.' thought Angus.

'Alright, now the business is done. Time to get some food and drink.' thought Angus while walking towards the commoner section.

Since Angus's last adventure in the capital city, Angus is quite fond of trying many different kinds of food and drink, especially Fizzy Beer. The product itself is one of a kind item.

Angus will always pay a visit and have a few glasses of drink whenever he sneaks out from his townhouse manor during the break.

Along the way towards the tavern bar that sells Fizzy Beer, he notices a few unwanted people stalking him persistently.

Usually, this kind of person that stalks him will immediately give up for a while after Angus blends with the crowd to disappear.

Somehow, these people are quite persistent and keep trying to stalk Angus despite him blending with the crowd many times.

This shows that the people are targeting Angus personally, not just ordinary thieves that are searching for prey. Especially Angus clothes are not too attractive and quite common in this part of the city.

'Tch.. What a hassle. Let's just lose from this person.' thought Angus while increasing his walk speed and 'disappear' in the middle of the crowd.

After blending with the crowd and erasing his presence, a few of his stalkers appeared in the crowd.

"Where is he? Where does the boy go?" said one of the stalkers.

"I don't know, Boss. He just walked here and disappear" replied the other stalker.

"Yeah.. I saw him walk here before." replied another stalker.

"Tch.. Useless!! Find him!" said the man that seems the leader.

'Hmm… What do they want with me? Tch.. Troublesome.' thought Angus as he also hears the conversation

Then, the other people immediately scatter around to search for Angus. After that, the leader himself walked towards one of the back alleys towards the slum direction.

Suddenly, his head got wrapped by a sack from behind. Then, he got punched a few times in the stomach and head by the preparator.

"Arrghh… Stop.. Stop…" pleaded the man after getting continuously beaten in some hurt part.

"Speak!! why do you follow the boy?" said Angus while changing his voice into a deeper voice using mana.

Before the man replied, Angus once again hit the man in the part where it is hurt the most.

"Stop.. Stop.. It hurt.. It was a direct order from the big boss." said the man.

'Big boss??' thought Angus for a second.

"Who is this big boss? Why did he target the boy?" Asked Angus before continuing his beating again.

"Arrghhh… Stop I will talk. It's not only the boy that is being targeted. Every customer of Golden Trade is also being targeted." explained the man further as he knows he could not fight back in this situation.

"Why are they being targeted?" asked Angus while didn't give the man a chance and put him on his knee.

"I-I.. " looking at the man's hesitation.

Angus began beating the man again, "Stop.. Stop.. I don't know. I swear I don't know. The big boss only ordered us to amass a lot of money, especially from the Golden Trade Guild. Please stop.. Sob.. I already told you all I know… Sob.." Pleaded the man while also crying.

"Who is your big boss? and what is your group name?" said Angus.

"Sob.. It's Vincent.. Sob… The name is Vincent.. Our group name is Lefty Coin." replied the name.

Hearing the name, Angus immediately left the man who was still on his knee alone and blended with the crowd again.

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