I have Nine Lives

Chapter 161: A qualitative change

Felix's steps weren't fast or slow, but it looked like Felix was walking in slow motion to the tortured duo.

Their beady black eyes were turning red as they became bloodshot, and their fear reached the apex as they watched helplessly how Felix raised his paw over to their heads.

A small needle came out of Felix's armor that made its way towards the forehead of one of the tortured aliens.

The thing tried to back away as his 'brother' tried to help him. However, they were both paralyzed, and no matter how much strength they used, nothing changed about that.

They were like two flies in the web of a spider trying to mightily struggle out while the spider was getting closer and closer to them, his poisonous fangs ready to pierce into their heads and eat them whole!

The situation was both serious and perilous for the duo, but in the end, what came to be had come.

The needle from Felix's armor pierced through both of the heads of the aliens. 

As it remained lodged in their skulls. It started to extract the DNA fluids from both of their brains at the same time.

Then the DNA fluids raged through the tube into Felix's body and bloodstream.

Which made his body start spasming.

This was a normal reaction to Felix as this happened to him multiple times, but this time it was different.

The DNA that comes from these two was extremely pure and continuous. Even though the duo was shriveling at a fast pace, the luster of their skin and the fullness of their body returned as quickly as they left.

Their regenerative abilities were extremely great, even though they had holes in their brains that leaked blood and other fluids into Felix's body. It didn't affect them much as they still lived as if nothing was happening.

It was a strange sight, the duo was convulsing as their brains were picked apart and absorbed by Felix, but they returned to normal a few seconds later.

This continued to happen for a few tens of minutes until Felix felt full. His body's spasms increased so much that he looked ready to convulse to death.

The duo was exhausted as they regenerated continuously from near death for almost 1 hour. And while their regenerative abilities were great, they didn't come without a price.

Of course. The price they had to pay was way lower compared to races with the same ability.

They were at the forefront of regenerative races with the best ratio of cost to regeneration.

It was also the sole reason they had been able to survive up till now.

However, Felix didn't leave unfinished business- before he could lose consciousness and enter the next evolutionary process, he transformed into his giant form and ate the duo. Chewing them like gum for a few minutes before swallowing the bits and pieces that remained of them into his tummy, where they quickly dissolved in his stomach acid.

His stomach acid was rather special as his ability was enhancing it to digest anything that entered it, normally the duo would have regenerated into Felix's body and maybe even come out, but unfortunately for them, that wouldn't happen in this case.

Felix felt his whole body rumbling as blood poured out of his eyes. His armor ejected him once more as he coughed out blood.

His internal organs were shifting and changing as his body was transforming, adapting, and removing some of the useless aspects while improving the beneficial ones even further.

This was a different evolution from before as the race of the two that Felix just ate was quite peculiar.

While they looked humanoid, they were actually species based on different life frequencies, compared to the people that Felix had absorbed up till now.

They were of a higher life level compared to normal and plain humans. However, they weren't a combat-oriented race.

But that weakness wouldn't apply to Felix. Blood slowly coagulated around him in the form of a coffin while Felix's body disappeared inside.

It was an unpretty sight as the crimson coffin started to compress very slowly, painfully slow.

Felix's body inside was thrashing around as the pain of evolution struck his soul multiple times until it made him strike his head against the lid of the coffin made from his blood.

Evolution was always painful, but no to this level. But that was because Felix never evolved beyond his current live level.

All he did up until now were small jumps in power and evolution of the organs, muscles, skin, and other parts of his body.

His life level hadn't been touched- because he ate beings from a similar life level.

But now he was changing. He wasn't the same cat as before. 

With the evolution of the life level came the acclimatization to his current universe, and unlike before, where he wouldn't have been able to have hex veins in his body, now there was a huge chance with this evolution, he would gain them!

While Felix's body was being tortured by the evolutionary process, his armor was staying near the coffin and registering everything that was happening while sending the data back to the scientist team back on the planet along with visual and audio data.

Felix's evolutionary process was something huge. So huge that it never happened before, and the armor decided to automatically register it.

Back on the planet the scientist bundled around a gigantic computer that was showing the images of Felix's evolution and started commenting:

"This data doesn't seem right. His life level is skipping several parts and is shooting upwards at immense speeds, he would soon reach the level of those higher races that used to bully our race!"

"This is strange. Why would his evolutionary process create a coffin?"

"Hmm... bring up the data of the last absorption that Felix had done using the armor."

Two big frames with the data of the duo that was captured beforehand appeared in the face of the scientists as they looked through it and said:

"These two... they are the so-called 'vampires' of the universe."

"It seems they had been captured earlier and sent to a high-security prison where all of their secrets had been unearthed by our direct superiors... and we thought they all lounge around all day and do nothing while we break our backs working for the better of the civilization."

"Hey man comes on, they are our superiors for a reason, now sush, and let's continue to observe the data. This is a monumental event for our civilization!"

Felix's evolution on the screen continued as the lid of the coffin started to slowly be broken by his assault, his pain intensified as he broke through the coffin, and steam started to appear and blurry the image that the scientists were looking at.

Things were taking a strange turn as the scientists didn't blink at all. They wanted to know what was going to come out of that coffin as normally Felix wouldn't be a cat anymore after his life level would be elevated.

A pure white hand appeared at the broken lid of the coffin through the mist.

The hand supported itself on the coffin ledges as a new person got up from the coffin.

Pure white skin, white hair, and purple eyes, he didn't resemble Felix anymore at all, but he was still humanoid.

Felix cracked his neck as he looked down at his body and felt something pulsing inside his belly. It was different from before as there was an empty feeling in there whenever he would use his hex techniques, seemingly as if he was lacking something that would improve them.

He closed his eyes as his green aura engulfed him and the tattoos around his body lit up, blowing away the steam and destroying the blood coffin that he stood in.

His full body was thus seen by the scientists, standing at around 1,87 meters, full of lean muscle with a sharp jaw and a small pretty face.

His aura increased in intensity the more he stood there and he opened his purple eyes to look down at his abdomen in wonder... it felt like the energy he was absorbing from the surroundings was retained in there!

Did he finally gain the ability that everyone was born with now?

Felix flexed his body as the armor below him grew in size and attached itself to his body, hiding away his private parts.

Felix checked the armor and felt it around his new body, it was a way different feeling than before walking on two legs was also different but unlike the first attempt with Vangar, now he could easily regain his balance and walk normally.

He slowly felt overwhelmed as he could feel his body up to microscopic levels, there wasn't anything that he didn't know about it, and as he looked inside he saw his cells dividing at extremely fast paces that he couldn't even count.

He didn't understand what that meant... would he age quickly now?

But the armor came at him with a response:

[Analysis of Felix's body had been completed, an evolution towards Tier 3 life-form, gaining of humanoid body and increasing of regenerative abilities to a new level that isn't found in the database, similar parameters in the strength level compared to the past evolution but further analysis needs to be done.]

Felix flexed his muscles as he felt this wasn't everything that changed about him...

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