I have Nine Lives

Chapter 160: Absorbing more and more

The two were in the unknown about the fact that Felix had found out their hideout.

They were still hoping that Felix would be searching around fruitlessly and get bored, then leave.

The duo didn't know each other before they had arrived on this planet, but they fought a little bit when they met and created a bond, becoming friends in the process.

They were the rare example of two people that teamed up because of friendship and not because it would increase their survival chances.

Unfortunately for them, due to their proximity to Felix, they would be the first ones to fall.

Felix snaked his paw into the hole they made and dragged it outside, one of the hidden prey.

It was a small humanoid being with big bug-like eyes and a horn on his forehead, his eyes had multiple pupils, and he wore a dark-green robe with camouflage patterns.

He tried to screech to his friend to run, but before he could do that, his head was impaled by Felix's armored paw, and a needle came out of that part and inserted itself directly into the dwarfs' head.

He became a desiccated corpse soon after, and due to the lack of fluids in the body, it slowly broke down into dust that remained there.

Felix ignored the small dust pile as he inserted his paw once again into the hole and drew out another prey.

This person was a little different as he was tall and thin, he stood around 1,70 meters, and no matter what he did, he couldn't get out of Felix's grasp, it was quite a strange sight for a regularly sized cat to be able to lift an average-sized man like that and hold him in an iron-like grip.

Even though he was humanoid, he had a bug-like appearance with grey skin and tattoos all over his body, which seemed to be coming from his abilities because as he tried to struggle out of Felix's grasp, the tattoos lit up and increased his muscular strength.

However, no matter how much his muscle size increased, he wasn't going to get out of Felix's grasp.

The needle from his armor extended once again and inserted itself into the bug-like alien's head, extracting all of the liquids from his body and transforming him into a pile of dust.

Felix started to writhe on the ground as he was ejected from the armor. This never happened up till now, and he felt his skin cracking and his fur falling off, then the armor sent a message to him:

[Bisus Alienus. The insectoid that you have devoured just now has the power to massively increase his muscle strength through totem tattoos that are inherited from his bloodline. His race also has the ability to shed its skin and massively increase its defenses once its life.]

[The dwarf that you have absorbed has enchanted eyesight and sensing abilities, among with a natural organ in its brain that gives it increased thinking capabilities.]

Felix's body started to crack, his skin broke down and shed itself as if he wasn't a cat at all, the same thing happened with his fur, and on his bare skin, bloody tattoos started to appear. They didn't resemble anything coming from the insectoid as they were all tattoos that Felix acquired from his breathing techniques, but now they were externalized instead of being only on his organs.

The tattoos stopped appearing on Felix's body as they all took the right places. Felix got up from the ground as he finished shedding his skin and fur, and then quickly another batch covered his body.

He could feel the improvements as his body evolved once again. His former senses could already cover a whole planet, but now they could extend even in outer space!

He could even sense the fleet that was encircling the planet!

As for the improvement on his strength?

He could feel his whole body being so light that it didn't even weigh anything, but this was a misconception in his senses, his body had actually become extremely heavy once again after this evolution, but his strength had improved so much that it felt like it weighed nothing at all to him.

He entered back into the armor and left the underground cave as he breathed in the air outside.

Something had changed in him after this evolution. He could feel the surrounding energy was rushing at him with each breath he took even though he didn't catalyze any breathing techniques.

It seemed that he didn't need to proactively use the breathing techniques anymore to improve as the energy would gather automatically in his body and improve by itself.

The externalized tattoos were akin to new lungs that always breathed in for Felix, in the pattern of the breathing techniques without him needing to do anything.

It was a phenomenal improvement!

Felix started to search for more prey on the planet, these two weren't the last ones, and from his senses, he could count at least 3 more that needed to be absorbed. But they were all scattered around instead of meeting with each other and teaming up.

They were all in 3 different directions, which meant Felix would need a little bit more time to absorb all of them.

However, before he could choose which direction to take, Vangar decided to call him:

"Hey there, Felix! We have finished the job with that pale duo you have captured for us, and we are ready to send them back to you. And just as a reminder, while we have made them more chewable, they are still the same people, so don't expect an easy time with them."

Felix nodded, and a multicolored light appeared in front of him as two silhouettes appeared, and out of the light stumbled the faceless duo.

There were some marks over their bodies, along with the fact that their skin tone had started to turn a shade of green, which showed their bodies had been tampered with.

The duo looked at Felix with both wariness and fear as they tried to run away as they knew they weren't Felix's match after he transformed.

However, before they could even take a step away from Felix, they found themselves being suffocated by something.

The feeling of suffocation was intense for them as they grabbed their necks and took a few steps backward. They weren't sure what was happening to them, but as they looked at Felix's body they could see that his green aura was engulfing him totally and exerting immense pressure on them.

But that didn't make sense, as they had fought him beforehand, and his aura wasn't so oppressive before.

What could have changed in him after some hours in which they had been captured and tortured by the human federation?

It was very strange and eerie, to say the least. They tried their best to leave Felix's influence zone, but Felix would continue to take step after step towards them.

Felix's new tattoos were glowing under his fur, but it wasn't really visible- as the green aura was covering everything.

His body tattoos didn't only improve his absorbing capability, but his actual battle power using his aura as well.

Now that they were externalized, they were easier to use, and the boost they gave to Felix's battle power was 3x higher than before!

The pale duo, which could fight with Felix and even escape from him beforehand, couldn't do anything to him anymore.

The improvement in his battle power was huge as he didn't even need to use his giant form anymore to suppress them.

He easily slapped them around as if they were ragdolls, but their regenerative powers haven't been suppressed.

They easily recovered the scratches, cuts, and broken limbs that Felix gave them only with a little bit of time, 2-3 seconds at most.

So Felix decided to get rid of them immediately as he didn't have time to play anymore.

Vangar said they would be easier to chew now, so he transformed into his giant form.

It would be pretty inconvenient to eat them with his normal, small form as they were pretty tall, and it was easier to chew them whole while being gigantic.

He wasn't sure if he would be able to absorb them through the armor as he did with the other weaklings. Their regenerative powers were too great, so they might just recover the lost liquids while he was absorbing them.

Felix then shook his head as he almost slapped himself, he thought that if he didn't absorb them quickly, they would escape, but if they would be able to regenerate, he would be able to get more DNA from them and fully evolve, getting the best attributes from their race until they were useless to him, then he would get rid of them.

Now that he made up his plan he reverted to his original form as he looked at the confused duo, which wondered why would he go back to his small form? When it looked like he was ready to end them both.

Felix didn't say anything as he slowly approached the immobilized aliens. He knew what to do now.

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