I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 47 - Flicker, flicker

“Nebula sword dance, mobilize star power to cooperate with martial arts to perform moves, the moves are weird and changeable, and the body is agile and elegant. And it can create a phantom image that confuses the enemy to kill the enemy unexpectedly.”

Wang Lan watched the introduction of Xingwu Ji quietly in the system, and the opposite Wang Fengfeng looked at Wang Lan with a smile and thought that he was realizing the mystery of Xingyun Sword Dance.

“Wang Lan, you have time to slowly learn this star martial art, and then I have something else to tell you.”

“Oh.” Wang Lan exited the system, eyes clear again.

The king striker took out a form from the briefcase and arrived in front of Wang Lan.

“This is … the application form for the Tianjian Bureau? Director Wang, I am still a student …”

“Don’t remember to refuse first, let me introduce the Tianjian Bureau. Maybe you have also heard of the Tianjian Bureau. In folklore, the Tianjian Bureau is very mysterious, like an agent organization.

Folklore is a bit exaggerated, but it is similar. The Tianjian Bureau is affiliated with the Ministry of National Defense and belongs to the Military Intelligence Division but is independent of the Military Intelligence Bureau. The Tianjian Bureau is distributed in all prefecture-level cities, and its main duties are to maintain regional security, defense, and stability …

Alas, as I said on the phone from the beginning, strategic defense and offensive logistics support.

Smaller subdivisions are dealing with criminal cases of star warriors, criminals who have threatened social security and stability, tracing demon espionage and foreign espionage, handling emergencies and emergencies, etc … “

这个 “This … I’m still a student.”

Although Wang Qianfeng’s words, the identity of the Tianjian Bureau seems really mysterious and the rights are quite great, but Wang Lan still does not want to be easily applied. In a word, I’m still a student. Don’t you always hire child labor?

学生 “Student? Indeed!” Wang Qianfeng nodded. “You are still a student, only sixteen years old. But you are also a star warrior, aren’t you the warriors guarding human civilization?”

“That’s true, but there are so many star warriors in the country, why do you choose me?”

因为 “Because you are good enough.” Wang Qianfeng said in a serious way that made Wang Lan feel ashamed. Good enough? If your eyesight is so bad, do n’t you just go out?

Even if Wang Lan is narcissistic again, he still has a bottom line, only to wake up for fifteen days. Xingyao Jing Xingwu, if ranked by the number of days of awakening, Wang Lan is absolutely unique.

But if you want to compare with your peers, Dandansu is at least two hundred people better than him. Don’t you look for a real genius like Jiang Xinyu, do you look for me? Although you are blind, I’m not stupid.

“Do you think I’m complimenting you? Yes, your strength is really not good. But you have only awakened for half a month. If you are growing at a speed and potential, let alone the entire Soviet Union. Few people in the entire Jade Kingdom can compare with you.

But what I really value is not your growth rate or your talent. It’s your consciousness.

A star warrior, even if he grew up in the nebula realm, Xinghe realm before the age of twenty, but if he is not aware of being a star warrior and does not look at himself from the perspective of human civilization, he is just a baby in my eyes.

I am not pretending to be great, let alone the Virgin in your young people’s mouth. Self-interest is human nature. If a person is great enough to care for his selfishness, I would think that this person must have big ambitions.

The enlightenment of people is the choice between understanding and understanding.

Before national justice, you will make the right choice. This is consciousness. If we cannot retreat, no one will stand up when human civilization is at stake. Who will protect human civilization? “

“Why me? There must be so many outstanding students in Sioux City. And, is n’t there still an army, a wasteland army, and you?”

“This is what I mean by awareness.”

Wang Qianfeng chuckled softly, “It is human nature to be unwilling to take the initiative to change. If everyone is what you think now, then the result is the problem we have just said. It is true that in the face of the invasion of the demons, the butcher is hanging on the head of human civilization. Who will guard the human race? “

“That doesn’t prove that I don’t have the consciousness you said?”

“No! You have. Enlightenment is not made by speaking, but by making. In the alien space opened by the Devil, behind them are twenty-five children who are crying in horror, and in front of them are fierce Devil and Demon soldiers.

And you were just a junior star warrior who had been awakened for three days. Regarding strength, let alone kill nine demons, one can kill you. If it wasn’t for the guardian’s consciousness, you wouldn’t have been able to kill nine biochemical demon soldiers and wait until our rescue arrived.

That battle was a miracle in my opinion.

Later, in the junior trial ground. Guarding the Proving Ground is the job of the Xingwu Garrison. Even if you are a Star Warrior in the medical department, even if you have a powerful Star Wars skill like a Phoenix, but as long as you decide to evacuate, no one will say that you are not.

That’s war, it’s dead.

Once the Xingwu Army fails, you have no chance of living out, and you will be crushed in the vortex of time and space together with the primary proving ground space. However, you still stay firmly and trust our Star Warrior fighters to win. “

Look down! Wu Changfeng didn’t tell me so!

Wang Lan’s face was serious, but her heart was growling.

“You already have the awareness of being a human warrior, this is what I value most.”

“That … In fact, in the trial ground, Chairman He Jinze invited me to join the Xingwu Army in the Southeast Military Region …”

“How old? Go to his mother’s egg! If you really wait for his Xingwu army, daylily is so cool.” Wang Feng, who has been keeping the depression suppressed, was on the spot when Wang Lan said this sentence. Break power.

“Cough!” Wang Qianfeng looked at Wang Lan’s aggressive expression, and continued to calm down with a light cough. “Small head, you shouldn’t have promised him? And I understand He Jinze, who pulls him. not good at.”

The implication is that you are particularly good at it?

“Return to business! I have a reason to choose you, and you have the right to reject me.

Although you should be at the age of innocent and romantic blood, but I don’t know why, I don’t see any trace of innocence on your body. Therefore, I know that you will not easily agree with him and me, and you will not refuse lightly.

Since you were very young, the impression you gave me was a little grown-up. You have a mind far beyond that of your peers, which is why your IQ is not outstanding, but you can come up with such a perfect transcript. “

Wang Lan carefully looked at Wang Qianfeng, what do you mean? Do you doubt my IQ? I have an IQ of about two hundred.

“Do n’t think about it. When you were three years old, your mother discovered that you were exceptionally early, so you did an authoritative intelligence test. Your IQ is much higher than ordinary people and belongs to geniuses. There are still some gaps.

比如 Just like your good friend Jiang Xinyu, her memory, learning ability and understanding ability should be above you. But she only used 70% of her IQ, and you used 10%. You don’t waste your experience on boring things, so you become a **** of learning in Sioux City. “

“Okay! Now that you all talk about this … you gave me a reason to join.” Wang Lan said helplessly on the sofa.

“War! Enough?” Wang Qianfeng leaned forward slightly, his eyes staring at Wang Lan’s eyes.

“You should have speculated that through the events of the National Highway around the city and the Primary Proving Grounds, the demons are moving around us. The purpose of their activities is self-evident, that is, for war.

The demons are not savages, they are also highly civilized races, and they will not be unprepared to launch an invasion without a word.

Each time the Demons invade, history only records the date and time when they started the war. But before that, the Demon had already dived into the human world to listen to intelligence, corrupted our interior, and made countless preparations for the invasion of the Demon Army.

This preparation can be long, three, five, or even ten years!

I wonder if you have watched a TV series recently called Xingwu Special Team? “

没有 “No … I never follow the show.”

“There is a plot inside, the instructor asks a soldier, in your mind, what is the Xingwu special team?

Puppet soldiers said that the Xingwu special team was the first to set foot on the battlefield and the last to withdraw from the battlefield, performing the most dangerous tasks and experiencing the most brutal battles.

But let me tell you, it is not the Xingwu special team that set foot on the battlefield first, but the special service of our intelligence front! We set foot on the battlefield many years before the Xingwu special team!

Similarly, we are the last to evacuate the battlefield, because there are only two cases we will evacuate the battlefield. The demons are destroyed, or human civilization is destroyed.

The war has not come yet in your eyes, it has begun in my eyes. In the future, if you choose to join the Xingwu Army, when you enter the battlefield to defend your homeland, our intelligence front is defeated, and the demons successfully invade.

存在 Our existence is a time for human races to prepare and delay the advent of total war ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This time, the longer the better, preferably, forever!

You are still a student now, but when the war really starts, there will be no difference between students and soldiers in the war between the nations of the country and the children of the nation? Students are not a reason to escape fighting.

Is this reason enough? “

岚 Wang Lan’s breathing sounded loudly. He was not a **** punch of Wang Qianfeng’s **** speech, and he could not wait to launch the gun and fight with the Demons for three hundred rounds.

Wang Lan analyzed several key points from Wang Qianfeng’s words. The war has not yet begun, but the spies of the demons have begun activities. The arrest of the Demon Spy is under the control of the Tianjian Bureau.

The real war may not be that fast, it may be three years, it may be five years, or it may be ten years.

Combining his own situation, why can Wang Lan grow to Xingyao within 15 days? Why can I have a silver skill? It depends on two thrilling experiences.

So to become stronger, Wang Lan must do something … no, it must go through something. If you can’t grow up before the full-scale war breaks out, and really get to the battlefield when the war breaks out, a proper cannon fodder.

You have to go through things quickly, but like these two experiences, Wang Lan will not be encountered again. Therefore, if you don’t come to your door, you can only take the initiative to find it. Joining the Tianjian Bureau seems to be the best choice.

Just …

“Did I drop out of school now?” Wang Lan asked, wronged.

“No one can deprive you of the right to school, even if you join the Tianjian Bureau. I invite you to join you at most is only a non-staff, after all, you are only 16 years old.

I told you from the beginning, I invited you because I liked you. Until your studies are completed, the Tianjian Bureau will not force you to assign tasks. “

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