I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 46 - I am Nick Fury

I watched Wang Lan come out intact, the ice on Jiang Xinyu’s face thaw instantly, and a gentle smile bloomed slowly on her face.

“Brother——” Song Jia came running in cheers, slamming into Wang Lan’s arms, “Brother … Mom is worried about you, Sister Xinyu is also worried about you, Sister Xinchen … and Feiyu Brother, brother Xiangwen … “

Song Jia said eagerly with a red face.

“Did Jiajia worry about me?” Wang Lan rubbed Song Jia’s head and laughed.

“Well, most importantly, I’m worried about you too!”

“I knew your kid wouldn’t be fine!” He punched Wang Lan’s chest fiercely, “Your kid, go hero!”

就是 “That’s it! It’s as if you are as dead as a death, we are deserters. You have to tell us earlier. Whatever brothers say, you must stay with you.”


The iron gate was completely opened. Behind Wang Lan, there were dozens of Star Warrior soldiers headed by Ren Xingwu.

“Brother Ren, I’m leaving, you can go back, I will be free someday, I invite you to dinner.”


Suddenly, Ren Xingwu gave a violent drink, and the fifty soldiers behind him stood up to Wang Lan’s solemn salute.

Swipe this scene, watching Jiang Xinyu and other people radiant, and a moment of blood rushed straight to the top of his head.

Suddenly, she saw the dazzling light blooming on Wang Lan’s body.

A few moments later, Wang Lan turned around quickly and stood up to a crowd of star warriors, and returned a standard military salute.

Song Jia quickly called Wang Qi. Just after getting on Xu Xiangwen’s car, Song Jia arrived in front of Wang Lan.

喂 “Hey, aunt. I’m fine … I’m not hurt, okay … okay … okay …”

“Brother, mind, go, go to Xiangting Bay.”

“it is good!”

“Roger that!”

When the car whistled, a whistle rushed out of the gate of the trial area and rushed towards the highway nearby.

Uncle Xie hurried home and saw that Wang Lan was intact, and then she was completely relieved.

I took Jiang Xinyu with a few people to celebrate a meal in the hotel outside Xiangting Bay, and it was late at night.

That night, Wang Lan didn’t live in the aunt’s house, and went straight back to the home of Xinyu Building, and her heart was finally solidified.

For half a month when I became a star warrior, what a real excitement.

I stood on the balcony of Baiping, watching the lights of the whole city. Sioux City is really prosperous.

Saitama is one of the three major economies of Sky Blue Star, with the best economic strength. The Soviet city is exactly one of the richest prefecture-level cities in the country.

But under this prosperity, how many dangers are lingering in the darkness.

Twenty years of peace have made a new generation of people forget the cruelty of war and the painful experience that lasted more than a century. But as a Star Warrior, you cannot forget.

From the adventures on the national road around the city to the experience in the elementary proving ground, it seems that it is only a small-scale event, but behind it a profound event that can change the world.

The Demon Clan once again discovered its fangs, and the Demon Clan quietly acted in secret.

Wang Lan was born in the best age, because this era is highly prosperous and human civilization is developing at a high speed. At the end of last year, Yuguo proudly announced to the world that we successfully eliminated all the poor, lived in shelter, hungry and fed, and frozen and clothed.

But this is another worst time. The demons’ fangs have just been discovered, and the clouds of war are suddenly shrouded over the head of this era. Less than a century of peace is coming to an end.

After so many days of intense stimulation, Wang Lan was decadent at home for three days.

How about eating? Takeaway.

Exercise? Don’t want to!

星 武 技? Say it in two days.


The phone rang suddenly, Wang Lan picked it up lazily and glanced at it, a strange number? Selling the phone again and hanging up.

Just put the phone down and the phone rang again.

I’m still the strange number.

The current salespeople are very dedicated, and they sometimes fight relentlessly for the sake of performance until they get through.

Wang Lan answered the phone.

喂 “Hello! I’m Wang Qianfeng, director of the Soviet Department of Intelligence of the Tianjian Bureau, a military intelligence agency directly under the Ministry of National Defense.”

“Hello Director Wang, I’m Nick Fury, director of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau. What’s the matter?”

The other party was silent for three seconds, “I am true!”

“Well, I’m not fake!”

“Beep toot …”

Wang Lan smiled and tossed the phone aside, looked at the sun that was gradually tilting west, stood up and pulled the curtains up.

“Ding Dong, classmate Wang Lan, you have a visitor.”

“Classmate Ai, I didn’t order takeaway, who is it?”

“I don’t know, he rings the doorbell. Would you like to switch screens?”

“Come over.”

Suddenly the TV screen in front of him turned around, and then showed Wang Lan’s private elevator door in Xinyu Building.

A middle-aged man in a black military uniform is pushing the elevator door. Wang Lan’s eyes instantly dimmed, his eyes fixed on his epaulets.

Lieutenant Colonel!

“Xiao Ai, check his identity for me.”

“Inquiring … Sorry, there is no identity information of this person on the Internet. But I found the person wearing a military uniform. Does it match?”


“Tianjian Bureau standard military uniforms, divided into four classes, green, white, red, black! This person’s military uniforms and Tianjian Bureau uniforms have a 90% match.”

天剑 局?

Wang Lan thought deeply … After dealing with Tianjian Bureau, the first time he was in crisis, if Tianjian Bureau had arrived in time, he would have left the slag. The picture of Zeng Xiaomo emerged from her mind, especially deep in her long straight legs.

“Hello, who are you?” Wang Lan’s voice sounded at the elevator door.

“I just called you just a minute ago. I can introduce myself again. I am the Military Intelligence Department of the Ministry of National Defense, the Soviet Department of the Tianjian Bureau, and the director of the Intelligence Division. Wang Qianfeng.”

He said, pulling out his credentials from the pocket of his clothes. “Here are my officer ID and ID.”

“Classmate Ai, is it true?”

“92% authenticity can be judged as true.”

“Open the elevator!”

The elevator door opened, and Wang Qianfeng stepped in. He was about to press the elevator, but found that there were no buttons in the elevator.

The elevator door is closed and heads straight to the top floor.

The king striker glanced at Wang Lan’s home of nearly 500 yuan. “It seems you live well. You live alone in such a large space?”

“Um. Actually, I don’t like living in a big house. If I want to have a five-floor apartment on the top floor, I can decorate it into a home style. It feels like a ghost house, so I cut off the five-hundred apartment. I still like living Such a small room. “

The king striker twitched his mouth, and his heart hurt a little.

“What to drink? Tea, coffee?”

给 “Give me a glass of water!”

“Little classmate, a cup of water, a cup of coffee.”


For a while, the robot came from nowhere and came to the coffee table to deliver coffee and water.

“Director Wang, please sit down.”

“Do you know why I came to you?”

Wang Lan shook his head very smartly, “I don’t know.”

“On July 2nd, you defeated the plot of the Demons by your own power and saved 25 children and seven adults. On behalf of the government, on behalf of the Tianjian Bureau, I awarded you the Medal of Valor and the Honorary Certificate of Good Citizenship. “

He said, he took a brocade box out of his bag and arrived in front of Wang Lan.

锦 Wang Lan’s puzzled result box was opened, and inside it was placed a medal and a certificate. Suddenly, Wang Lan’s face changed.

“Ding, the medal interface is unlocked. For the first time, you will receive honorable achievements and reward a thousand skill points.”

In the system, a brand new page pops up, and a glittering medal appears in the first box of the page. And this medal is exactly the same as the Medal of Valor.

“I go……”

“What’s wrong? Is there anything wrong?”

“No, this is …” Wang Lan asked, picking up the bank card on the certificate.

当然 “Of course, rewards are not only spiritual rewards, but also material rewards. There are five million in the card. Although it may not be much for you, this is what you deserve.”

“Thank you!”

“This is only the first reward. Three days ago you assisted the garrison in the Tinglin Junior Proving Ground to successfully guard the Junior Proving Ground and defeated the plot of the Demon Race. What reward do you want?”

这 “This …” Wang Lan watched Wang Qianfeng’s eyes blink, “Why … give me another medal?”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh …” Wang Qianfeng lowered his glass and quickly took out a handkerchief and covered the corners of his mouth.

“Classmate Wang Lan, the medals are not issued randomly. You assist the military. Even if you want medals, they can only be issued by the military.”

“Are you not from the military?” Wang Lan asked with Wang Jianfeng’s epaulette.

“Although I am a soldier, UU reads www.uukanshu.com, but belongs to the Tianjian Bureau, and belongs to the parallel department of the military. So, how about I reward you with a set of star martial arts skills?”

一 Wang Lan’s heart jumped, a good word almost blurted out, but was instantly suppressed by forbearance.

The difference in star martial arts skills can be quite large. Some star martial arts skills can be bought for more than 100,000 or 200,000, and some star martial arts skills are less than five million. With such great credit, you don’t want to perfuse me with ordinary star martial arts skills.

Looking at Wang Lan’s hesitation, Wang Qianfeng smiled lightly, “You don’t have to worry, the star martial arts I award to you is definitely not a road product, and the star martial arts hall can never be bought.

套 This set of star martial arts is a B-level star martial art, called the Nebula Sword Dance. It is a star martial art that can only be mastered by the stars in the nebula. Of course, the Nebula Realm is truly mastered, and the Xingyao Realm can also learn. “

那个 “Well, if this set of Xingwu skills is hung in Xingwu Guild Hall for sale … how much is it worth?”

The king striker looked at Wang Lan with a joke, “Small head, don’t even think about less than 8 million.”


He’s voice just landed. Suddenly Wang Feng strikes, and double-points at Wang Lan’s brows.

“Relax and don’t resist.”

A powerful mental force invaded Wang Lan’s mind, the practice method of the martial arts of the Xingyun Sword Dance Star, the key points, and the experience poured into Wang Lan’s mind.

“I found that I can learn Star Martial Arts. Do you want to learn?”

Wang Lan dare hesitate, and quickly confirmed yes.

“Please add skill points!”

“Fuck! It’s so dark!”

点击 Clicked one hundred skill points in a row, among the Xingwuji active skill icons, the skill icon of Nebula Sword Dance lighted up.

Nebula Sword Dance, Silver LV1 (0/100)

Turned out to be silver star martial arts? No wonder you need a hundred skill points.

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