I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 .Women can hold up half the sky

Zhang Dongyun knows roughly what Gao Qi and the others think.

These people do not feel that they have committed a great sin, and would rather be a prisoner and be punished.

They are worried about their relatives.

Two Tang armies were annihilated in Chang’an City.

Whether they died or were captured, they were all trapped in Chang’an City.

Zhang Dongyun did not ban news from Chang’an City.

It is not isolated here.

Many people in the city went down the mountain to find their lost relatives, hoping to bring them up to the mountain together and receive the happy land of Chang’an City.

Through the words of these people, it is easy for the outside world to know that not all the Tang troops who attacked the city were killed.

On the contrary, most people are actually captured.

After being captured, working as a prisoner and doing hard labor, Dongtang might still be able to open the net.

But if you go back to Chang’an, how Dongtang will react, it’s hard to say.

Therefore, many Tang Jun, including Gao Qi, are currently in conflict and suffering, and can only endure silently.

Of course, some of them were very dissatisfied with this, and their patience gradually reached the limit.

Let them erupt in silence and revolt against Chang’an City again, which is naturally impossible right now.

Then only simply submit, and strive to be a Chang’an city citizen.

Right now, the undercurrent of division is constantly surging in Tang Jun’s stroke.

Zhang Dongyun saw all this in his eyes.

At the beginning, he was more willing to absorb refugees and settle down, rather than directly capture a large number of soldiers and soldiers of Tang to make up the number, so he had this consideration.

Zhang Dongyun did not forcefully change the views of some people.

It doesn’t matter whether you really submit to it or be forced to yield, it will not affect these people’s efforts to build Chang’an.

Most of these Tang army soldiers were natives of Longbei County.

With the expansion of Chang’an City, Longbei County, the nearest county, must be the first to be enclosed.

But having said that, Longbuk County has been seriously affected in recent years.

Most state capitals in the county have famine refugees who cannot afford to eat.

In the past few days, there have been scattered common people, traveling long distances, coming to Longling.

The population of Chang’an City is constantly growing.

At present, quite a few people are farming outside the city.

Chang’an City provides land, grain, farm tools and even cattle.

When the grain is harvested, these will also be accounted for.

However, for everyone who fled from famine, this place is already a paradise like a paradise.

Many people still miss their hometown under the influence of thinking that their homeland is hard to leave.

For other people, Chang’an is already a new home to live and work in peace and contentment.

As time went on, people from the mine came back one after another.

“Xiao Liu, are you back?” The folks were shocked when they saw him: “You were released in the mine?”

The man was full of unsatisfactory expression: “How can it be so good? What is it called… Uh, vacation? You can only take a day off by doing ten days of work.”

Others heard the words, but they were all exclaimed: “After a few short runs in the mine, let people come back?”

They looked at the man up and down: “Are you hurt?”

“That’s not true.” The man groaned: “We are responsible for transporting the dug out stones out of the cave. Someone else is digging underneath.”

“Are they really the practitioners who offended Chang’an?”

Everyone immediately became interested, and asked in a frantic manner.

The man’s vanity was satisfied, and he ostentatiously said, “That’s still false? I tell you, there are Taoists who forget the truth!”

The prestige of Wangzhen View in Longbei County is beyond doubt.

Even if Xie Zhao, Tang Chi and others had been captured several times before, the people in the city still couldn’t believe that the old gods and little gods in Wangzhen View would turn into coolies to mine.

Everyone, I will ask you a question, the man is showing off, and he must exaggerate.

So everyone knows that the mines in Chang’an City are really different from other places.

Although hard work, the most hard work is done by prisoners who have practiced.

In the past, the high above practitioners performed the most dangerous and hard work in the mine.

And these people, even though they are tired from work, at least there is no danger.

Moreover, the income is quite abundant, which is directly proportional to the hard work.

For those who are used to being lazy, this naturally makes them complain.

But some people in the city heard about it, but felt moved.

As Zhang Dongyun had previously expected, some people in the city took the initiative to find a mine in search of a job.

Zhang Chengzhu was naturally very pleased with this.

However, there are also things that make him feel unfulfilled.

The people in the city were either refugees fleeing from famine or Tang Jun’s soldiers.

Regardless of the latter for the time being, the former is always satisfied with a full meal.

Right now, the people in the city have very insufficient spending power.

The problem that this creates is that the city cannot afford to develop commerce for the time being.

In addition to the farmers working in the fields, there are also a few craftsmen among the people.

The most popular right now is the blacksmith.

Farming and mining outside the city are in full swing, and the construction and repair of farm tools and mining tools are in great demand.

The skilled blacksmiths in the city are already busy smoking.

Furthermore, because of the construction of various facilities in the city, including houses, the demand for carpenters and masons exceeds supply.

In addition, businessmen and craftsmen are not so hot.

Zhang Dongyun secretly slandered himself, pushing a cart to sell wontons on construction sites or mines, which might be more profitable.

Well, when it comes to Qiantu, there is actually another business.

In addition to food and clothing, people need all kinds of daily necessities in life.

Right now, quite a lot of things depend on the relationship of Hanshan School in Qinzhou Mansion.

Many sellers came to Chang’an City to do business on the simple road opened by Tang Jun.

For some things, there are related craftsmen in the city, but there is a shortage of raw materials.

“The younger generation has already contacted some related people, went straight up the mountain and took root in the city.”

Hui Tianyu reported to Mr. Wu Yun respectfully: “Furthermore, the relevant raw materials are also collected. After these are more complete, some purchasing work does not need to go up and down the mountain.”

At the same time, there is no need to worry about being caught in such small places by outsiders, making it uncomfortable.

Because of a piece of saponins, a piece of pancreas, a mirror, a basin, a piece of paper, and a pen, the people’s sentiment is floating. That is really a joke.

“Yes, well done.” Zhang Dongyun, who became Mr. Wuyun, did not hesitate to praise.

At present, Chang’an City is just starting at the beginning of its creation. Everything needs to be built from scratch, and can’t be anxious.

At present, Chang’an, except for the majestic city gate, according to Zhang Dongyun’s experience in his previous life, is not so much like a city, it is more like a township that has arisen from mining on the mountain.

Not prosperous enough!

The people in the city have a poor foundation and cannot afford to raise so many craftsmen, so many consumer places, and commerce.

Transportation is always a big problem if you want to have a good business relationship.

At present, Chang’an City is located in the Longling Mountains, which is inherently insufficient in this regard.

After the city continues to expand, I believe there will be improvement.

As for the things produced in the city, if these things are sold to the outside world, it will be a different scene.

The business of bismuth crystal ore is just the beginning.

However, all this needs to be done slowly.

Before that, City Lord Zhang had to ask another thing:

“How about the recruitment of weavers?”

“There are already 80% of the number.” Hui Tianyu replied: “There are quite a few women and women who also go to the fields with the men, as well as taking care of their children.”

Zhang Dongyun nodded slightly.

It sounds nonsense, but in this regard, it is not big to say it is big, but it is not small to say it is small.

The previous famine fleeing caused many families to be destroyed and their wives scattered.

Of course, it is miserable for the man to have a bachelor, but it is another situation for the woman to be separated from the family.

When I first entered the city, it was okay to say that disaster relief was in the city.

After asking everyone to support themselves, a small number of women slowly moved into an ancient industry.

Under the social background of the current era in this different world, this industry is definitely not illegal.

If you really want to be self-reliant, this is of course also considered.

But Zhang Dongyun still talked about women being able to hold up half the sky, so he drove them all into the factory.

Although there will certainly not be sweatshops, do I restrict my freedom of life and squeeze labor?

After sending back Tianyu to leave, City Lord Zhang looked up to the sky and sighed.

At this time, Wenhu from six doors came to see him:

“Senior, someone is coming at the lower division gate and wants to ask to see Senior.”

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