I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 .Builder of Chang’an City

Zhang Dongyun said that Mr. Wuyun would stay in the city and take charge of the mine, which is not a lie.

The matter of the Sirius Secret Grotto is important, as is the matter of the Jadeite Crystal Vein.

The latter is related to the second upgrade and expansion of Chang’an City.

The old blood shadow demon has taken away most of the masters in the city, but the people who are capable of handling government affairs in the city are basically still there, which does not affect Zhang Dongyun’s deployment of the mineral vein.

The simplest excavation and mining work was handed over to a group of prisoners with cultivation skills.

The task of excavating transportation and transit requires the people in the city to take responsibility.

To be honest, this is also a hard job.

After all, Lord Zhang did not completely shovel the mountainous land under the city, and did not make the ground in the city “low” to the position of the mineral vein.

Therefore, the mine is more than a thousand meters away from the hole above.

Even if Zhang Chengzhu designs some simple machinery, the miners still need to work hard.

Of course, under his protection, mining accidents cannot happen.

With an order from Mr. Wu Yun, who was temporarily in charge of government affairs, Hui Tianyu and the others immediately got busy.

The job recruitment didn’t go well at first.

The people in the city are grateful for accepting them in Chang’an City and helping them with food.

But I heard that people are now looking for mining, and everyone feels frustrated.

“Back in Yuzhou Mansion, people were arrested and went to the mines. None of the people who went there was able to come back alive. I heard that those who insisted on the nearest survived only three years.”

At the market, an old woman was full of fear: “It’s short, not even a year has passed.”

“Yeah, yeah, the Erniu from the next township was arrested a few years ago and went to the mine, and he died that year!

Erniu’s baby is filial, if he is still there, he will definitely be able to recite his blind old mother this time, and Erniu’s mother will not be waiting to die alive! ”

“I heard that both the Hai Family Masters in Dazhuang Township were also arrested, and the Hai Family was immediately killed…”

Everyone nearby also agreed.

Hui Tianyu in front of them sighed secretly.

No wonder the people are panicking.

The death rate of miners in the past was indeed too high.

On the one hand, dangers like mine disasters are difficult to predict and difficult to guard against.

On the other hand, to be ugly, it is not to take human life…

In the mine of Chang’an City, under what circumstances, Hui Tianyu did not dare to pack a ticket.

A group of cultivators were thrown into the deepest place for mining and mining. This matter must be divided into two parts.

To put it better, this compassionate manpower for ordinary people, the most important task for the prisoners to take care of.

In the worst case, these practitioners can all be used as miners.

Darker thoughts, Chang’an City accommodates so many refugees, is it just waiting for mining?

Hui Tianyu shook his head in his heart.

He is willing to believe that Chang’an is not such a gloomy place.

This is a paradise that can give people hope.

The single-eyed young man coughed and scanned the surrounding people.

Everyone gradually calmed down.

Hui Tianyu’s voice is quiet, not hurried or slow:

“Under the rule of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, under the rule of other people, everyone had to flee famine if they didn’t have enough food. What about when they get here?”

Everyone around looked at each other, the panic in their eyes gradually disappeared.

Hui Tianyu continued: “People who have been farmed outside the city need not participate in the recruitment.”

Upon hearing this, everyone relaxed completely.

However, Hui Tianyu continued:

“If there are legitimate workers in the city, they may not participate in recruitment.

However, all the idlers go to the mines, one cannot be less!”

As soon as this was said, some of the people smiled and some were shocked.

Someone wanted to leave secretly on the spot.

But where did they escape the eyes of Hui Tianyu and others? It was taken down immediately.

Zhang Dongyun himself, standing in the crowd at this moment.

Seeing the foreground, he couldn’t help holding his forehead.

…… Hui Tianyu and others are really simple and rude.

This is actually no different from catching a strong man.

But among the people, there are people who applaud.

It’s not just a day or two for those idlers who are sloppy.

Life in Chang’an is prosperous, and there were few rules at the beginning of its establishment, and they quickly reappeared.

Many people clapped their hands and cheered as they were being pulled to work in the mine.

The few intercessors are mostly relatives of those people.

However, they dare not stop.

Facing practitioners like Hui Tianyu and the authority of Chang’an City, no one dared to hold on.

“You are abuse of power! You are persecution! Chang’an City Lord cares about the people, and will never let you go crazy, you will be punished if you cheat and lie!” someone who was dragged away yelled.

Then he was hit on the back of the head immediately, and was knocked out and dragged away.

Zhang Dongyun sighed.

Strictly speaking, it is not a crime to be idle and to commit **** and skidding.

At the beginning, the ideal of the previous life of Zhang Dacheng’s own life was to sleep until he woke up naturally, and count the money to get cramps.

It is best not to do anything, and to eat, drink and play economically.

Ordinary prisoners are still too few to meet the demand for labor in the mine.

Right now, I had to grab some rice worm compatriots first.

The mine will not abuse them, nor will they overload them with work, there will be no danger of mining disasters, and there will be substantial income.

After they realize all this and tell other people in the city, those who take the initiative to go to the mine will also appear.

For the idlers in Chang’an, a certain city owner alone is enough.

Zhang Dongyun gave a dry cough and straightened his clothes.

However, when it comes to prisoners…

Zhang Dongyun moved slightly in his heart and walked to the other corner of the city.

Here, many people are crowded in the dilapidated houses.

The people in the city either shunned them or reported hatred.

A child threw a stone over there, and the next moment he was quickly picked up by his own adult.

The people in that shack were very numb to this.

They were still wearing Tang Jun’s robes.

A middle-aged man walked out of it.

Some people around him saluted him respectfully, while others ignored it.

The middle-aged man came all the way to the bazaar, and got close to Hui Tianyu:

“Mr. Hui, is there still a shortage of people in the mine? We can help.”

The single-eyed youth looked at each other.

The warrior of the fifth realm, facing him, a warrior of the third realm, respectfully.

“General Gao, please wait a moment, I am planning to go over to your side later.” Hui Tianyu replied.

The middle-aged man nodded: “Okay, waiting for Mr. to drive.”

Zhang Dongyun looked at this scene from a distance.

That middle-aged man was the commander of the Tang Army who had attacked the city for the first time before, General Gao Qi, Fenwei.

Xuanwu general Du Kun’s deputy.

After the first and second siege of the Tang army were captured, they took on a large amount of labor for the construction of Chang’an City.

Punishment for them is naturally necessary.

But Zhang Dongyun didn’t intend to waste it all the time.

In terms of personal feelings, Zhang Dongyun didn’t feel much ill-will for the soldiers under the orders of the generals.

These people can also become the citizens of Chang’an City.

So when considering the miners, Zhang Dongyun did not treat them as prisoners.

However, many Tang soldiers, including Gao Qi, have always been among the prisoners.

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