I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 .No one can run

“Senior, you misunderstood…” The middle-aged man from the Thunderbolt Sect was full of panic.

Wu Qiong and other members of the Perak Sect were extremely surprised and unbelievable.

Mr. Wuyun smiled and pointed casually.

The black cloud surrounded the opponent.

The middle-aged man was trapped in the clouds and suffocated.

He was extremely tough, endured for a long time, and finally couldn’t hold back until he confirmed that he would die if he continued.

The man shouted, his body shape turned into a black shadow, rushing out of the clouds.

“Chang’an lives up to its reputation.”

When he landed again, his appearance and voice had all changed.

Wu Qiong’s eyes widened, looking at his familiar junior brother, who turned into another person completely.

There was a flash of inspiration in his heart, and he remembered a legend circulating in the rivers and lakes: “Dark Pavilion, Phantom!”

Rumor has it that there is a master named Phantom in the Mingguang Pavilion of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, which is also the dark pavilion, who is proficient in disguising disguise, and even controls the changes in his own flesh and bones, even his body shape can be changed.

It’s just that everyone in the Perak Sect had never thought that such a thing would happen to them.

“Where is Junior Brother He?” someone shouted.

Phantom couldn’t go far, and Chen Jiezhi was blocking his way.

However, the opponent he cared about most was the old man in black who had seen his whereabouts.

Phantom turned a deaf ear to the shouts of people in the Perak sect.

Chen Jiezhi slowly said, “As far as I know, everyone who was faked by Phantom was killed.”

The Phantom on the other side only smiled when he heard the words, but still did not answer, thinking about a way to get out.

Everyone in the Perak Sect was sad and angry.

Wu Qiong was the first to recover his calm and salute Mr. Wu Yun:

“There are negative predecessors under the trust, be deceived by the traitor, led the wolf into the house, hope the predecessor will forgive the sins, this scorpion has harmed the same sect, and this sect does not share the sky with it!”

“Who is loyal and who is wicked, old age knows itself.”

Mr. Wuyun’s tone was calm as usual: “If not, can you still stand here?”

As soon as the Perakzong and his party stepped into the coverage of the system, Zhang Dongyun realized something was wrong.

Among a group of martial artists in the third and fourth realms, there was actually a sixth realm hidden.

At first, he thought it was an old ancestor of the Perak Sect, or a hidden master of the old generation.

But the system promptly prompts that this is an intruder.

However, everyone in the Perak sect was kept in the dark by the other party and did not know it.

At this time, I heard that Mr. Wu Yun would not classify them and Phantom as one party, Wu Qiong and others were relieved.

But everyone was sweating from behind.

The old man in black in front of them became more moody and unfathomable in their minds.

Only then did they deliberately find faults and turn their faces with Wangzhenguan, which made them feel ridiculous and difficult to understand.

Now the eyes are like a torch, and the disguise of the phantom is broken in one word, and it makes people feel magical.

The interaction between the two made them completely unable to guess what Mr. Wu Yun was thinking.

Could it be that there is another mystery in the unforgettable view?

Wu Qiong thought about it, while looking at the phantom over there.

At this moment, Mirage has already started with Chen Jiezhi.

The two sides are strange and changeable, and the other is open and closed. For a time, no one can help each other.

Phantom shot, although he is good at speed change, but the martial arts cultivation of the sixth stage, with a casual punch and kick, ordinary martial artists can’t stand it.

He contemplated the changes in his physical qi and blood, imitating a thunderbolt sect in the third realm, and it was naturally difficult for Wu Qiong and others to see the flaws.

Right now, he has no intention of entanglement with Chen Jiezhi, and he wants to use his own speed and physical strength to break through and leave.

But Chen Jiezhi unfolded the palm of his own big wind and cloud, and the hurricane swept across all directions, enveloping the Mirage in all directions.

Phantom had to watch out for the old man in black, and couldn’t get out for a while.

But at the same time, a bright light suddenly lit up outside the city.

A huge umbrella cover flew out of the spirit of Tang Chi, the elder Wangzhenguan, and covered them.

The terrifying blood rain that the old blood shadow descended was immediately blocked by the umbrella cover.

The umbrella cover flashed brilliantly and kept spinning in the air.

A stream of clouds, like silk ribbons, hung from the umbrella cover, and then whirled and danced together.

Dense clouds formed quickly, suspended in the air, supporting the sea of ​​blood above.

“It is one of the three magical instruments in the legend of Wangzhen View, Yunluohuagai!”

Cao Feng exclaimed.

The disciples of the Hanshan School have been living in the shadow of the view of forgetting truth for a long time, and have long heard the name of the treasure of forgetting truth since childhood.

When Cao Feng used to represent the Hanshan Sect to give gifts to Wangzheng, he even witnessed Yunluohuagai with his own eyes, and he couldn’t help but blurt out.

In the sea of ​​blood, the old demon snorted coldly.

Then, a blood phoenix rushed out of the blood-red ocean.

The blood phoenix flapped its wings, and suddenly a more filthy and evil blood rain fell.

The thick clouds were also penetrated by the pouring rain.

The clouds dispersed, revealing the shining cloud cover again.

The umbrella cover was stained by the rain of blood, and it was smudged suddenly, and the brilliance was much dim.

Tang Chi, the elder of Wangzhen View, desperately urged his own mana.

The Yunluohua cover turned rapidly, and the brilliance flew along with it, purifying the stains caused by the blood rain.

But then, it was immediately covered by more blood.

One of the two sides is polluted and the other is purified.

However, the blood water contaminates the umbrella cover significantly faster.

However, with the help of the magic weapon, the audience of Wangzhen fled quickly.

In the forest outside the city, there is another watcher of the truth, guarding an old Taoist who seems to be sleeping.

The old Taoist priest was exactly like Tang Chi, his body.

Some warriors in Chang’an City searched mountains and forests and found this way.

But Tang Chi’s body has the same guardian, and everyone can’t get close for a while.

Tang Chi took the other colleagues and hurried back here.

The old blood shadow demon was furious and pursued, but was blocked by Yun Luohuagai.

Seeing that Wang Zhenguan and his party were about to get out, suddenly there was a misty and majestic voice in Chang’an City:


In two simple words, it is called the old **** monster outside the city, and Mr. Wuyun inside the city shakes his body at the same time.

“Your Majesty forgive me.”

Mr. Wuyun’s figure flashed immediately and appeared behind Phantom.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the opponent’s shoulder.

The flexible and changeable ghostly phantom stopped immediately.

Then, a huge force that was irresistible came from his shoulders.

Phantom had no room for resistance, and was knelt on the ground by Mr. Wuyun with one hand on the spot.

The old blood shadow demon outside the city was also fierce, and the blood phoenix flew up and landed on the Yunluohua cover, directly reaching out and grabbing it.

The old Taoist priest under the magic weapon used all the strength of the milk, desperately to stabilize Yun Luohua’s cover, preventing the old blood shadow from tearing it apart.

The two sides paused strangely in mid-air and fell into a stalemate.

At this moment, the clouds of air hanging down from the Yunluohua cover suddenly changed.

Tang Chi was shocked to find that he and Yun Luohuagai had lost control of those auras.

The cloud gas condensed into a big hand in mid-air.

Flip the palm of his hand, whether it is the old blood shadow demon or Wang Zhen Guan and others, Qi Qi is shocked.

Before Tang Chi could react, he was put into his palm.

On the other side, where his physical body was, a giant cloud hand appeared.

The disciple Wangzhenguan who was defending his law was stunned and shot off.

Tang Chi’s body fell into the second giant hand.

Next, the two giant Yunwu hands suddenly closed for a shot in the middle!

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