I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 . Was sold, to help count the money

Tang Chi, the elder of Wangzhenguan, was dumbfounded.

He looked down at the left foot that he had stepped forward, and smiled furiously.

Previously Xie Zhao was detained, and it was said that he must be a senior person who has forgotten the truth.

Now the elders of Wang Zhen Guan came here, but because he first stepped into the city with his left foot, the other party turned his face again?

What is this not deliberately?

The person who co-authored My Forgetfulness is here, is it just for your pastime?

This **** Chang’an City, I didn’t want to talk about it from the beginning!

They are here specifically to be the enemy of Wangzhen View!

“Since we are not welcome here, the poor Dao and others have to leave first.”

Tang Chi calmed down and asked his brother and nephew to evacuate together.

Now that they know that the other party has no sincerity to reconcile, they come here specifically to find fault, and there is no need for them to stay and continue to talk nonsense.

It is the right truth to go back to be aware of the subject, consider the long-term plan, and gather people to invite colleagues to come together.

They wanted to go, but the people in Chang’an City didn’t agree.

The warriors from the six doors in the city quickly gathered and surrounded Wangzhen’s audience.

“You ask for trouble.”

Tang Chi snorted, and suddenly there was a colorful brilliance in his eyes.

The colorful light is like a haze, which diffuses in private.

People who were exposed to the colorful light suddenly looked dull and stood frozen in place, as if they were transformed into clay sculptures and wood sculptures.

Amazingly, it is the legendary legend of Wangzhen View, the real nightmare technique.

The display in Tang Chi’s hands is much stronger than the previous display by Xie Zhao.

Not to mention that the other person was Chen Jiezhi, the military commander of the sixth martial arts stage, and he did not dare to approach at this time.

“The Taoist practitioners in the seated photo realm have already cultivated the external golden core…”

Chen Jiezhi frowned, palms like the wind, blocking the turning glow, and at the same time flying backwards.

The opponent’s spell can’t restrain him, but it is also difficult for him to stop the opponent from leaving.

Tang Chi, the elder of Wangzhen View, is the sixth state of Taoism, the realm of cultivation.

Taoist practitioners in this realm have made the golden core inside their body into the golden core outside their body, intending to think first and protect the body.

At the same time, the soul is more condensed, and after combining with the external golden core, it can borrow objects to show its shape, and is not afraid of traveling far away from the sun.

When the spirit is out of the body, it is more conducive to cast spells and fight with people. In general, the body is hidden and only the spirit is used to fight.

With the protection of the external golden core, the spirit is no longer vulnerable. Even if the golden core is attacked by the enemy, there is still a chance to take back the body with a flash of thought and escape.

It was Tang Chi’s Soul that arrived at Chang’an City right now, condensed into a body by the cloud.

His body is hidden in the dense forest outside the city.

He was defending that Chang’an City turned his face and started.

It’s just that the old Taoist priest didn’t expect the other party’s excuse to turn his face so absurd and so arrogant…

At the moment, Chen Jiezhi’s nightmare technique was forced to retreat. After calming the others, Tang Chi’s figure shook, changed his body, and returned to a cloud of smoke.

His spirit controlled the clouds and smoke to spread, covering himself and the figure of the same door, and everyone quickly moved away from Chang’an City.

In the city, a blood-clothed old man appeared beside Mr. Wu Yun.

“It seems that your people can’t keep the other side.”

The old blood shadow demon laughed weirdly, gloating.

Mr. Wu Yun looked calm and stood up: “There are still too few people to use at the moment, so the old man has to do it himself to help his majesty.”

Old Blood Shadow rolled his eyes.

He wanted to take the opportunity to see how this opponent is.

But at this moment, I suddenly remembered that when Du Kun attacked the city last time, Mr. Wu Yun saw his joke and was reprimanded by his Majesty.

Old Blood Shadow thought in his heart that Chang’an City was your Majesty’s Chang’an City, not the one in front of you.

I am now helping to get people, not watching the excitement, and contrasting with what Wuyun did last time. His Majesty looked at it and naturally knew that he was more loyal than Wuyun.

The key lies in your Majesty’s side.

His Majesty has a judgment in his heart, and it is between the two of them that the winner is truly divided.

At this point, the old blood shadow demon smiled: “In the end, it still depends on the old man.”

He leaped up, turned into a **** light, and quickly chased outside the city.

On the head of Chang’an City, Chen Jiezhi took a deep breath, his palms were wrong, and two tornadoes formed.

The power of the palm of the wind and clouds turned into a hot tornado, which immediately blew away the clouds of smoke and surrounded Tang Chi and others.

At the same time, Chen Jiezhi shouted, awakening the people who had been suppressed by Nightmare Technique.

He instructed everyone: “I will entangle them, you quickly go outside the city to find the body of this old Taoist priest.”

As promised, everyone immediately scattered around, looking for the forest outside the city.

Tang Chi is not entangled with Chen Jiezhi too much. When a magic spell is cast, a large cloud of smoke seems to condense into a solid.

Like a shield, the smoke cloud helped Tang Chi block Chen Jiezhi’s palm.

Chen Jiezhi was planning to make another move, and a **** light suddenly flew out of the city.

The old blood shadow monster laughed, and a sea of ​​blood enveloped the air outside the city.

A demon of the seventh realm… Tang Chi was suddenly startled.

The blood shadow old demon got Zhang Dongyun to teach the “Phoenix Blood Book”, the old injury quickly healed, and gradually returned to the former state of cultivation, which is not the same as when he fought Du Kun.

Although the realm is the same, because of the “Phoenix Blood Book”, his strength is stronger than before he was not injured.

In the sea of ​​blood, a stern phoenix sound rang.

Countless **** storms fell from the sky.

The barrier formed by Tang Chi’s smoke and cloud was instantly corroded by blood and water, and after only a short time, it was full of holes.

Although he was out of his body to cast spells, he was more powerful than usual.

But at this moment, facing the rain of blood from the old demon, he still couldn’t resist.

On the other hand, even though they are in the same camp right now, Chen Jiezhi and everyone in the Chen family are equally shocked when they see this scene.

“Jiezhi, come back.”

At this time Chen Jiezhi heard Mr. Wu Yun’s voice.

He glanced at the direction of Old Blood Shadow Demon and Tang Chi, and immediately followed Mr. Wu Yun’s dispatch and returned to the city.

Wu Qiong and other members of the Thunderbolt Sect followed Mr. Wu Yun at this time, unsure.

They are from Tongzhou and from Longbei County.

Wangzhen View is also the mountain above their heads.

At this moment, seeing Mr. Wuyun inexplicably turn his face with the other party, everyone in the Perak Sect is anxious.

“Senior, this is…” Wu Qiong asked tentatively.

Mr. Wuyun, who Zhang Dongyun became incarnate, ignored the other party and turned to look at another Perak sect.

“I have Bisongshijing produced in Chang’an, and now I am guilty of forgetting the truth.”

He looked at the middle-aged man: “As a member of the hidden pavilion, which of the two news do you think is more worthy of return?”

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