I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Platinum Is Coming

White Bone Demon.



These three keywords, like three sledgehammers, hit the skull hard, making consciousness buzz.

For the three teenagers, they accepted the scientific world outlook from an early age.

Despite the incredible changes brought about by the advent of Star Power, the world is still using science to study Star Power.

At the same time, human beings have not flaunted the miraculous starfighters as unattainable immortals, as in ancient legends.

On the contrary, human beings are continuously studying Star Power cultivation with tireless scientific exploration spirit and have made amazing achievements.

For demons, teenagers only regard them as legends.

However, the terrible scene in the mirage has to make people suspect that there may be demons in this world.

The mirage of Yancang Mountain has seriously impacted the world outlook of teenagers.


With a sigh, Liu Tao rubbed his painful eyebrows and asked with a face of confusion, “Is there really goblins in this world?”

Xue Xiaohong was expressionless: “It’s just speculation.”

Yuan Fang was silent.

He faced the black whirlpool in the mirage directly and experienced the destructive atmosphere. Therefore, he believed Xue Xiaohong’s speculation.

However, Yuan Fang also has his own views.

He raised his head: “Hong, I have a question.”

“Say.” Xue Xiaohong Road.

“If White Bone Demon really lived in the late Han Dynasty, then with the passage of historical time, with his immortal strength, he should live to this day, right?”

Yuan Fang thought and said.


Xue Xiaohong’s eyes brightened and she seemed to guess what he was going to say.

Yuan Fang’s eyes were deep and he said, “But he does not exist in reality, and there is not even any legend that records him.”

Xue Xiaohong smiled approvingly and said with a smile: “You are quite right. My previous guess is only a direction of reasoning and has many deficiencies.

Mirage is a reflection of time fragments, that is to say, White Bone Demon lived in the past time fragments, and he did not really appear in the period of the Yellow Turban Insurrectional Army Uprising in the late Han Dynasty. ”

Liu Tao also understood at the moment.

He scratched the stubble on his chin and laughed, “I was really startled by you. I know, monsters and ghosts are only legendary living beings!”

“I can’t say no.”

Xue Xiaohong denied, her eyes showing thinking.

Yuan Fang thought for a moment and said, “I’m afraid this White Bone Demon … … accidentally crashed into the time fragment?”

“It is really possible. No matter what the assumption is, he must enter the time fragment later.”

Xue Xiaohong nodded. There was no smile on her quiet face, only seriousness.

She continued: “The mysterious force that caused the satellite to fall caused the chaos of the Earth’s space and time. The time fragments hidden in the deep space were stimulated and then refracted to the real world by light, resulting in a mirage in the late Han Dynasty. White Bone Demon, who lives in the fragments of time, wants to take this opportunity to escape from the past time and enter our real world. ”

“It should be so.”

Yuan Fang showed admiration. He only reminded him a little. The quiet girl speculated on the truth of the possible events.

It’s afraid this logic of thinking can be compared with the brain genius in a variety show in a previous life!

Liu Tao touched his chest, showing fear and laughing, “Ah! I’m really afraid that strange thing will run out!”

Xue Xiaohong showed the whites of her eyes and scolded, “What are you afraid of? The army department has already sent people there, and I believe it can also come to this conclusion. If the sky fell, there would be tall people holding it. ”

Liu Tao repeatedly said yes.

Yuan Fang also often breathed a sigh of relief. He is just a small grasshopper in the Stardust period. Why does he worry about it?

The three teenagers dispersed.

Yuan Fang and Liu Tao went to wash and Xue Xiaohong went to a barbecue.

In an hour.

After everyone has finished eating, tidy up, extinguish the bonfire and cover it with mud so as not to cause forest fires.

Liu Tao asked everyone to stand in line and talk before the task was carried out.

He carried his hands behind his back, his face was tight and extremely serious. He lowers his voice and said, “Class 4 was terrible yesterday. Without Yuan Fang, they would not know what would happen today. Therefore, I ask everyone to pay attention to safety. In case of any star beast that cannot be handled, you must ask for help in time and must not be greedy for achievements.”

“I see, monitor.”

Everyone replied in unison. Although they all heard the words in their hearts, their expressions were all smiling and fearless.

Just a group of teenagers.

Liu Tao shook his head and smiled, saying, “Then, students who still need Water Totem today, please find Yuan Fang!”

“All right!”

Fan Ming, with a big belly, jumped out first, leaned forward to the distance and handed him a fire spider star bead.

“Yuan, give me another circle!”


After receiving another star bead, Yuan Fang was also happy. As soon as he shook his hand, he put an aperture on the back of Fan Ming’s head.

Li Xiaowei shouted and rushed over, shouting: “This mountain is not peaceful. Class 4 has encountered gray noses and earthy faces. We can’t be careless either. Brothers, the circle is a medical bag. We all have one!”

Then he threw Yuan Fang a star bead.

Yuan Fang accepted it and retaliated with an aperture.

Next, everyone gathered around one after another and each gave a fire spider star bead to let Yuan Fang put on an aperture.

Yuan Fang did it one by one. He inhaled star beads one by one. On the virtual panel, the number of Star Power points increased continuously.

More than an hour later.

11 teams, ready.

The team leader said hello to Liu Tao, jumping one by one into the dense forest, and his body soon disappeared.

“I hope everyone will be safe and sound.”

Yuan Fang prayed silently in his heart.

The teenagers in this parallel world, with their tender shoulders carrying the arduous task of guarding their homes, maybe seriously injured once.

Or death.

Yuan Fang suddenly felt that those people in the world were really happy.

Liu Tao’s team was the only one left in the camp.

“Give me one too. I want a winged Water Totem.”

Lin Feng also leaned in to pay star bead and put forward new requirements.

Xue Xiaohong stared and spat, “Why do you want wings?”

“Haha, that’s it. Girls are beautiful with wings!”

Yuan Fang couldn’t help laughing. With a wave of his hand, a pair of transparent wings emerged behind Xue Xiaohong. The sun transmitted down, like crystal-like wings, glowing with charming brilliance.

If she wore a long skirt, she would really look like an elf in a fairy tale.

“Wow, how beautiful!”

A small star surfaced in Xia Dan’s eyes and immediately stuffed Yuan Fang with a star bead, shouting, “I want it too, I want it too!”

Yuan Fang also does another one.

Xia Dan showed a satisfied smile on her face. She took out her cell phone, took a selfie first, then ran to Xue Xiaohong and took a photo together.

“Elf sisters are coming!”

Xia Dan sent the photo to his circle of friends. Then she giggled and bent down to laugh.

Xue Xiaohong did not exaggerate so much. The quiet girl has been sipping her mouth and smiling, with stars and moon in her eyes…

She walked up to Yuan Fang and stuffed him with a star bead.

Liu Tao also came over and handed over a star bead. He smiled, “It’s the same as before. Make circles for me and Lin Feng.”

“We are gods and they are elves.” Lin Feng grinned, revealing a big white tooth. “Together, it is a crazy team!”

“You are going to die!”

Xia Dan kicked him angrily, but Lin Feng shrewdly dodged.

Xue Xiaohong also replied, “Lin Feng, you are crazy!”

Liu Tao clapped his hands and burst out laughing.

Yuan Fang smiled and turned his eyes to the attribute panel in his mind.

Star Power Points: 1085.

His shortness of breath, over 1000 points, he… can upgrade to platinum star body!

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