I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Xue Xiaohong’s Speculation

When Yuan Fang arrived at the class camp.

The sky was already bright, and the golden morning light burst out from a red sun on the mountain top in the distance, shining brightly and rendering the mountains, rivers and jungles heartily.

The fog dispersed, dewdrops were glittering and translucent, reflecting colorful light, the air was fresh and moist, mixed with the smell of various plants.

A beautiful morning.

The teenagers of Class 3 have already got up at the moment. They have taken local materials, washed with dew on grass leaves, added firewood to the bonfire and roasted mutton.

Xue Xiaohong’s hands were in the dewdrops rolled with grass leaves. She picked up the water and scrubbed her face. Suddenly, the corner of her eye leaked out. She put down her hands and looked up to see a familiar figure coming up.

“Yuan, you are finally back. Are you not tired?”

She asked with concern, wiping a wet face with her hand and tearing off the towel on her shoulder to dry it.

“It’s okay.”

Yuan Fang smiled easily.

At the edge of the camp, he let the team of Class 4 return and added thunder to himself to restore his physical strength to normal.


Yuan Fang stepped closer to her, lowered his voice, smiled and said, “Guess what happened to me in Camp 4 early in the morning?”

“What?” Xue Xiaohong asked curiously, her eyes flashing, then shook her head, her face showing reluctance, and said with a wry smile, “You guy’s quirky, I can’t guess, let’s just say it.”

Yuan Fang snorted low and said, “I saw a mirage, the Yellow Turban Insurrectionary Army of the late Han Dynasty!”

“Oh, tell me more about it?”

Xue Xiaohong’s eyes were clear and she seemed to guess that Yuan Fang still had profound meaning.

“It is not a simple mirage.” Yuan Fang glanced at the busy classmates around him, shook his head and lower his voice and said, “Hong, let’s gather together. I’ll talk about the specific process…”


Xue Xiaohong promised cleanly, immediately turned around and found Liu Tao first. The two men divided into two routes. After a short time, they gathered all the students.

Liu Tao, Xue Xiaohong and Yuan Fang were standing in front of the team.

Xue Xiaohong showed hope: “Well, you can say.”


Yuan Fang nodded, took a step, and stood. He looked calm, then gave a detailed account of what he had seen and heard in the morning.

The camp was silent.

Yuan Fang’s words revealed a large amount of information. Every teenager on the scene had a tight face and was extremely awestruck.

Xue Xiaohong stood with her hands on her chest, her eyes showing a thoughtful color, saying, “According to Yuan Fang, this mirage has both empty and real. If it is too close, I’m afraid it will be affected by the black whirlpool.”

Yuan Fang shook his head, embraced his chest with both hands, and said with awe, “It is more than influence.”

Liu Tao said urgently, “What will happen?”

Yuan Fang sighed, and the white and miserable bone hand appeared in front of him. He sighed, “I’m afraid he will even lose his life!”

“Mirages are extremely rare. Since they have appeared once in Yancang Mountain, will they occur again?”

Xue Xiaohong frowned and asked seriously.

Her problem is obviously the problem of all, and everyone will focus on Yuan Fang.

Yuan Fang lowered his head and pondered.

Naturally, he could not reveal the many changes brought about by the arrival of the big black star on the earth, but he had a premonition in his heart that the bones in the whirlpool had not died, and it would not stop until it climbed out and came to the earth.

“Last night, the satellite crashed and was attacked by mysterious and unknown forces. A mirage appeared in Yancang Mountain. It was originally a world of virtual joy, but it showed the power to interfere with the real world. Don’t you think there is a certain connection between the two things?”

Yuan Fang’s thinking became clearer and clearer as he compiled it. He was even excited when it came to the back.

He looked at the crowd and shouted, “Maybe, the satellite in the sky was attacked by the mysterious force in the same mirage, causing it to fall!”

“It’s really possible…”

“If a mirage suddenly appears in outer space and a black whirlpool emerges, a lightning strike on the satellite or a strong wind sweeps it, it is possible for the satellite to fall out of control.”

The teenagers talked a lot and believed what Yuan Fang had made up temporarily.

Yuan Fang was relieved to see that everyone believed what he said was “reasonable” speculation.

Although he knew that this was his own forced connection, if you think about it carefully, what he said is quite reasonable.

Because of mirage, the current human technology cannot be detected by radar.

Yuan Fang finished the mirage and let everyone disperse. After all, their faces were not washed. Some people still needed a barbecue and breakfast.

Only Yuan Fang, Liu Tao and Xue Xiaohong were left at the scene.

Xue Xiaohong finished washing and had nothing to do.

Liu Tao hasn’t washed his face yet, but he is not in a hurry to leave and still stands where he is.

“Yuan, listen to me and see if I am right?” Liu Tao patted Yuan Fang on the shoulder and said with mirth.

“Tao, say it.”

Yuan Fang smiled. He did not expect Liu Tao to be so interested in a mirage.

Liu Tao touched his chin and said, “The white bone hand should be a powerful living body, very much like our legendary demon. Do you think it is Goblins?”

“The Goblins?”

Xue Xiaohong snorted, “Why don’t you say White Bone Demon is more appropriate?”

“White Bone Demon is a woman, okay?” Liu Tao said.

“It also can be a man. In Journey to the West, White Bone Demon’s servants are all men?”

Xue Xiaohong hid her mouth and smiled.

Liu Tao was embarrassed and scratched his head.

Perhaps Monkey Subdus The White-bone Demon is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so the “White Bone Demon” in the eyes of the world usually refers to “Mrs. Bones”.

Therefore, the White Bone Demon is the exclusive pronoun of women… Just as famous as coquettes, they all represent women who are beautiful and seductive in appearance and poisonous in the heart.


Yuan Fang cleared Liu Tao’s way and said seriously, “That White Bone Demon is really a man… When the mirage was broken, there was a loud roar. I heard it clearly. It was indeed a man’s voice.”

“All right.”

Xue Xiaohong smiled gently and nodded. He did not “chase after” Liu Tao again.

“Let me talk about my opinion.”

The spirit of learning to bully once again appeared on Xue Xiaohong. The quiet girl thought for a moment and whispered, “Mirage is caused by light refraction at present, but obviously this statement is too far-fetched and is only suitable for explaining mirage under certain circumstances, such as mirage is a modern building.”

“However, some people have witnessed the mirage of ancient buildings, and they have also heard the voices of people talking and laughing in the mirage. It is just like the Yellow Turban Insurrectionary Army encountered in Camp 4 in the morning. It is exactly the same.”

“So there is another speculation about mirages, that is, in the space of the earth, there are fragments of the past time, which exist in a state that human beings cannot understand at present. When certain conditions are met, it will appear in space and form another form of mirages…”

“Time fragments?”

Yuan Fang talked about it several times, Xue Xiaohong’s explanation was very in place, and he couldn’t help praising it in the heart.

Entering the reasoning state, Xue Xiaohong’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and her brain was in an extremely active and excited state.

Just listen to her continue to infer: “If the Yellow Turban Insurrectionary Army mirage is a fragment of time, then White Bone Demon should be a living body more than 1,000 years ago.”

Yuan Fang looked at the girl with a creepy face: “Do you mean…?”

Xue Xiaohong looked solemn: “If my speculation is reasonable, then it means that White Bone Demon is probably living in the fragments of time all the time and will never die…”

When this remark was made, Yuan Fang and Liu Tao were both in great shock.

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