I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 158

Chapter 157 – (One)

The Internet cafe where two people and one ghost fell into dead silence.

The ninja, who was firmly pressed on the ground like a chrysalis, has not yet recovered from the emotional collapse, he no longer struggles, and lies on his back like a dead dog.

He is the heir of the Tudun lineage of the Chrysanthemum School, not only was he pulled out of the ground like a carrot, but the most frightening thing for him was that he could no longer feel the connection with the earth!

At this point, the young ninja felt fear from the bottom of his heart, and felt that Gu Zhisang, who was only a few steps away, was unfathomable.

Gu Zhisang said, “Are you coming out by yourself, or do you want me to catch you?”

After three or two seconds, there was no movement, and the slightly lit computer screen also went out.

His teammates couldn’t escape, and his own data was blocked in the formation covering the Internet cafe. He Zhaosheng knew in his heart that it was a failure this time.

It can’t describe how it feels right now.

There is no fear of being caught, just feeling lost.

It died from the dirty deals and slander of mentors, friends, and school leaders, it died from the accusations of Internet ignorants standing on the high ground of reason, and it died from being incompatible with this dirty and chaotic world…

So when He Zhaosheng turned into a ghost, watching the ignorant people insulting him on the Internet, and his father’s cold tombstone, he hated everyone equally.

It is also unwilling to reincarnate step by step, and once again devote itself to these mediocre and ignorant people, and join forces with others.

Compared to other evil cultivators, or those who have been fooled by the ‘black mist’ and played tricks, He Zhaosheng is much smarter.

From the moment the ‘black mist’ found itself, it could sense that this thing was not a ‘god’ to save the world, at best it was an evil **** full of evil intent to destroy the world.

But He Zhaosheng didn’t care.

It already hated those who hid behind the Internet and spread rumors and attacked others at will, hated those who killed it and its father;

In its view, even evil gods full of evil thoughts are better than those pious villains.

Therefore, it accepted the invitation of ‘Black Mist’ and participated in the layout that swept the entire world.

Just as He Zhaosheng fell into memories of the past, the computer he was hiding suddenly exploded.

From the display screen to the host computer, it was shattered into pieces, and the transparent soul hidden in it was caught off guard, so it was grabbed tightly by a slender white palm and grabbed it out.

He Zhaosheng:? !

It still doesn’t understand how Gu Zhisang locates his position, or even the specific equipment.

But thinking of the details just now, it resisted the shock and said:

“You tampered with all the electronics?!”

That’s right, it knows that most of the electronic products in Xia Kingdom are produced by Yan Shi.

And Yan Cheng has a very close relationship with Gu Zhisang, and has also cooperated with the government in many ways.

If there is something else in the updated system, and the ghosts in this special situation have developed countermeasures, as long as they sneak into the electronic equipment implanted in the new system, they are likely to be detected and caught!

He Zhaosheng couldn’t help but look around, the machines in this Internet cafe are indeed of the Yan style brand!

Before it could say anything more, Gu Zhisang’s palms were gently closed.

The soul grasped in her palm also distorted and deformed accordingly, and the gray, translucent soul face of He Zhaosheng showed pain because of the hammering of the soul.

The earth-dun ninja on the side watched his invincible teammates being rounded and flattened, and felt his soul ache when he substituted it. He said in disbelief:

“You, if you beat a soul like this, aren’t you afraid that it will be seriously damaged?”

Shouldn’t the correct process be to persuade them to use reason and emotion to influence them, and then use all kinds of coercion and lure to persuade them to surrender to the spirit group and tell the mastermind behind it? !

Gu Zhisang sneered: “Those who caused turmoil in the Xia Kingdom, so many innocent people died because of you, and countless families fell apart, what qualifications do you have to demand preferential treatment for prisoners?”

In her flat voice, there was biting indifference:

“I don’t care about the little secrets you keep, even if you don’t tell them, sooner or later I’ll find out the scumbags who hide their heads and show their tails one by one.

If you don’t want to say it, take it to hell. “

Grass! this woman…

The heart is hard, and the means are also ruthless!

Stared at by those phoenix eyes, the young man felt that he was really a grain of sand between the opponent’s fingers.

He has no doubt that if there is a slight change, it will be wiped out!

On the other hand, He Zhaosheng was already numb from the pain because his soul was constantly being squeezed.

The picture in front of it was broken and in a trance, and it could only see itself like a broken sack being lifted up in front of the young woman.

It’s ridiculous to say that it thinks that Gu Zhisang will say some great truths, or to influence it, and even thinks of ridicule and retaliation;

I just didn’t expect that I didn’t even have a chance to speak.

Because Gu Zhisang didn’t care about its blackening process at all.

No matter how tragic and justifiable its past is, the moment it picks up the butcher knife, it walks with evil.

“You may feel that you have been greatly wronged, but in my opinion, your behavior is no different from those perpetrators you look down on.” Gu Zhisang stared at He Zhaosheng for two seconds, and continued:

“Redressing grievances is not an opportunity for evildoers. Whether you think you are guilty and whether you want to atone for your sins is up to you.

But let me warn you about—”

Her voice paused for a moment: “You have been avoiding the capture of the underworld since you died, and you have never been to the underworld, right?”

He Zhaosheng’s breath was free, and he squeezed out a sentence:

“Yes…so what.”

“No wonder.” Gu Zhisang understood, and suddenly laughed: “You should go to the underworld to have a look.”

“Before arresting you, the Lingzu Headquarters naturally investigated your life and found out that when your father was hospitalized half a year ago, he was so enraged by Huang Quan’s ‘passers-by’ who went to the hospital to make trouble that he suffered a heart attack and died suddenly in the hospital.

Although I don’t think it’s necessary, in order to be safe, the headquarters still sent a colleague who can communicate with yin and yang to go to the underworld to collect your father’s soul, hoping to take it to the yang world, participate in the arrest operation, and influence you. “

“But it doesn’t appear here now, why do you think?”

He Zhao was lifeless, his indifferent expression changed drastically, he stared at Gu Zhisang, and said in a weak and broken voice:

“…you’re lying to me!”

“There’s no need for that.” Gu Zhisang said coldly, “You’ve been involved in those evil companies, abduction groups, scam groups, all kinds of PUA groups, etc. on the Internet, and you’re an extremely useful helper. The souls of people who died in supernatural events disappeared.”

“Swallowed by the ‘black mist’.”


He Zhaosheng shook his head violently.

It obviously lost its body long ago and would no longer break out in cold sweat, but at this moment it was as cold as falling into a cold cellar.

In order to avoid being caught by the underworld, it has never been close to the underworld, and it is actually afraid to face its father.

In He Zhaosheng’s heart, his father, who had worked hard for him all his life, was **** to death because of it, and he had no face to see his father.

Gu Zhisang: “I admit that there are many bad and stupid people in this world, but there is not a single strange voice in the overwhelming abuse, don’t you find it strange?”

“It has nothing to do with those people, but they rushed to the hospital full of righteous indignation and insulted your father. How could the medical staff of the hospital let them in?”

“I don’t need to lie to you about this kind of thing. If you don’t believe me, if you behave well and make great achievements after being detained in the headquarters, the people in the headquarters should allow you to go to the underworld to search around.”

Just absolutely nowhere to be found.

She and Xie Bi’an personally checked the relevant information.

Searching the entire underworld, there is no record of He Zhaosheng’s father coming in or going out. Like those ghosts who died in vain, he was swallowed up at an unknown place and time.

He Zhaosheng was so smart that he knew that Gu Zhisang’s words were true, and he couldn’t even deceive himself or others.

It figured out everything.

My own life is a tragic joke.

The huge blow and collapse almost crushed it, and the heart-piercing roar echoed in Internet cafes and nodules:

“just kill me!”

He Zhaosheng’s hysteria did not make Gu Zhisang feel compassion.

It’s too smart, too conceited, and should have known one thing—

‘Black Mist’ is indeed an unabashed villain and villain, not as complicated as human beings, nor hypocritical and hesitant.

It is precisely it’s extreme ‘evil’ that will be poured on everyone without distinction, including He Zhaosheng himself.

She raised her hand, and put He Zhaosheng’s compressed soul into the soul bottle engraved with formation runes.

Before the gray soul body entered the soul bottle, she heard a hoarse voice:

“There is more than one existence like me. You have captured me, and others have worked hard for it.”

Gu Zhisang narrowed her eyes slightly, did not speak any more, capped the soul bottle, and then looked at the only person present.

The young ninja raised his hands and held them behind his head again:

“I surrender! I say anything!”

too terrifying.

It wasn’t that Gu Zhisang was terrible, but what happened to his teammates, and his appearance of collapse and despair, made the youth deeply realize that the forces behind him were really terrible.

They are working for the devil.

He Zhaosheng’s ending is very likely to be his own future.

So he should just surrender.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, he has only been in Xia Guo for two months, and he has not had time to do anything bad, the Xia Guo police should not make things difficult for him.

Don’t be like that heartless colleague He Zhaosheng who speaks harshly when he is about to be wiped out.

Seeing that he was so knowledgeable, Gu Zhisang did not relax his vigilance, tied him tightly with a special rope, and dispersed the airtight enchantment formation around him.

She touched the communication device hanging on her ear: “The arrest was successful.”

When I walked out of the Internet cafe, there were police cars parked outside pulling the isolation line, but many people were still attracted by the noise, and stood behind the line to watch the excitement.

Seeing Gu Zhisang coming out, his voice suddenly became louder, and someone even slapped him.

“It’s a real Sangsang! It’s real Sangsang! X City is promising, and today it’s two hot searches in a row!”

“Is that spirited guy in leather pants a ghost?”


Gu Zhisang greeted the person in charge of the police force, escorted the evasive young ninja into the car.

After the police promised that the two computers blown up in the Internet cafe belonged to office losses and that the boss would be compensated, the police car drove away from the Internet cafe.

Due to the particularity and importance of He Zhaosheng, Gu Zhisang did not stay, and sent the soul bottle and the young ninja to the capital headquarters that night.

After going through a trip to the underworld, watching Gu Zhisang use the gate of ghosts as his family, the young ninja lost all temper. As soon as he sat on the bench in the headquarters, he poured beans and confessed everything.

The young man’s mother is a ninja from the Oriental Chrysanthemum Sect, and his father is a merchant from the Xia Kingdom who went to do business.

In order to learn and inherit the chrysanthemum ninjutsu, he follows his mother’s surname Ivy, and his full name is Ivyi.

The reason why he speaks such a slippery mouthful of Xia Guo dialect is because he traveled back and forth between Xia Guo and Dongyang with his father since he was a child, and studied locally in Xia Guo for three years in junior high school.

Although half of Xia Guo’s blood flows in his bones, the inheritance of ninjutsu makes him essentially an oriental man.

According to him, the “Thousand-Mian Sushen” is not only spread in the Xia Kingdom, but also has a large audience in the East, and even opened a large-scale shrine, attracting many believers;

Just like himself.

The forces that also worship the God of Thousand Faces in the two countries are secretly connected with each other, and the relationship is very close.

Chun Fujii was sent by the manager of the shrine to come to the land of Xiaguo. In the past two months, he mainly cooperated with He Zhaosheng to manage the online business of the two countries.

To put it bluntly, if he was on the land of his own country, he might have restrained his mind to do things a little bit, but he didn’t care when he came to a foreign land, and he did a lot of immoral things during this time.

Chun Fujii has a second illness, killing Matt, so his main site is teenagers to teenagers, especially in the less prosperous counties, prefecture-level cities, and those with less high-quality educational resources. schools and technical schools.

He has managed more than 200 group chats, in which are teenagers from all provinces of the Xia Kingdom.

These children are more or less poor, unfortunate, incomplete family backgrounds, and too young, which makes them full of cynicism and easier to be manipulated and brainwashed.

The police clicked into these group chats and saw that many children reposted photos of the God of Thousand Faces, simulating a “suicide game” or cutting their fingers, bleeding from their arms, and voluntarily offering their blood to the evil god.

They think that in this way they can gain the favor of the ‘God’ and can curse anyone they hate.

What’s more, individual children with serious psychological distortions have thoughts of committing suicide.

After reading these shocking group chats, many team members in the headquarters were so angry that they turned their tables and called ‘animals’, wishing they could rush in and beat that Chun Tengjing to death right now.

When Zheng Ruyu fed back the news to Gu Zhisang, she couldn’t help scolding:

“When the guy came in with a hippie smile and a good attitude, I thought it was a good one, but it turned out to be rubbish!”

“The most disgusting thing is that not long after we arrested him, Jupai and the shrine over there called the headquarters to demand someone, saying that we detained their members for no reason, and asked us to release Chun Tengjing, which is shameless.”

Gu Zhisang: “Where is He Zhaosheng, have you spoken yet?”

“It’s all said.” Zheng Ruyu said: “You are right, this guy knows too much, and the many inside information he revealed has greatly accelerated the progress of our investigation, and the colleagues in charge of various regions have wiped out the evil cultivators. In more than 30 dens, 27 clones of evil images were destroyed.

It is a big gain. “

Gu Zhisang nodded, and heard Zheng Ruyu say:

“Yan Shi has done a great job this time. The new system they developed and the plug-in for detecting Yin Qi are very successful. The above means to fully support the promotion. In this special and urgent time, it is best to prevent and control the whole staff. “

After pondering for a moment, Gu Zhisang said:

“You feel it too.”

“Yeah…” Zheng Ruyu said in a complicated tone, “It’s going to change.”

two days later

The headquarters of the Lingzu, which had obtained a lot of information from He Zhaosheng and Ivy Iguchi, spent half a day classifying these large and small, interconnected cases and organizations into different levels.

It is divided into online crimes and offline crimes, gang crimes and individual violations of public order and good customs, and purely illegal crimes and crimes involving metaphysical forces and sorcerers, the above three categories.

They are classified into different categories and assigned to the following police and spiritual divisions according to the region.

Overnight, the entire Xia Kingdom entered a secret alert period. A large number of official military police cooperated with the mystical masters in the establishment to continuously defeat and disintegrate those evil cultivators that were blooming everywhere.

For this reason, the officials specially invited the top leaders of the three Taoist sects—Qianqingmen, Yiyuanguan and Yinshixi family to hold a meeting at the headquarters.

It probably means that the harmony between the metaphysical world and the common world has been broken for a hundred years because of some unruly cultivators.

In order to protect the lives of ordinary people, evil cultivators must be eradicated.

In this meeting, the existence of ‘Black Mist’ was completely brought to the fore.

Sensing the official’s tough attitude, the three Taoist masters immediately stated that they would set an example and take the lead in cooperating, because eliminating evil spirits and heretics has always been the proper duty of metaphysical decency.

If they push back on this kind of thing, future generations will look down on them.

With the commitment of the three majors, the momentum and confidence of the headquarters are high.

On this day, the official and non-government organizations, which had been deadlocked for decades, skillfully eased the relationship.

The veteran surnamed Bai of the spirit group said at the meeting: “At first I thought that Master Zhenhe would come to this meeting, but I didn’t expect Master Kong to come. The only sorcerer in the spirit group who has broken through to the ‘Heaven’ level, everyone should know about the thunder disaster in the suburbs of X before, and it was directed by Gu.”

Now that the harmonious cooperation has been reached, the next step is to determine the priority.

Lingzu, which has been in decline for more than 30 years, showed its strong side at the negotiating table for the first time.

The old chief executive pulled Gu Zhisang out, admiring, boasting, and even mentioning her rank and the thunder robbery a few days ago, in order to increase the bargaining chip of the spirit group.

Although somewhat exaggerated, the effect is obvious.

Hearing that Gu Zhisang had reached the ‘Heaven’ level from the headquarter of the Spirit Group, all the warlocks present were shocked, unbelievable, bitter, and fearful… so much so that they didn’t dare to look too far when they wanted to look at Gu Zhisang.

Others secretly thought:

This spirit group is really good at planning. I picked up a piece of raw jade in advance, and took it as my own. If I remember correctly, Gu Zhisang didn’t join the spirit group at all! It’s foreign aid!

However, she herself did not refute it, and to some extent, she also tacitly agreed to be bound to the spirit group.

Daoren Changqin and Xi Kui looked at each other, and they both knew in their hearts that the only one in the world of metaphysics who can compare with the one in front of him is the old man Zhenhe from the Qianqing family.

Everyone in the meeting room was silent, and the members of the spirit group held their breath, proud and elated.

Today’s confidence and the changes on the field are all brought about by Mr. Gu.

For a while, many young team members looked at Gu Zhisang with eagerness and respect.

The person in charge said solemnly: “Since Master Zhenhe is not coming, Director Gu should be the commander in chief of this mission. What do you think, Master Kongkong?”

Taoist Xukong’s face was a little ugly, but he could only respond to this sentence.

“Our ancestors have reached a critical moment and don’t have the energy to go out and take care of these mundane matters. Since the authorities want to start a war with evil cultivators, we will naturally do our part to clean up the sect.”

The meaning of these words was cryptic, it was to show that Taoist Zhenhe didn’t come because he was not afraid of Gu Zhisang, but because he looked down on these petty troubles.

Sure enough, his words couldn’t help but make the warlocks present tremble and think wildly.

crucial moment?

Could it be that Taoist Zhenhe touched the last shackles? !

In fact, only Taoist Xukong had followed the old head for more than a hundred years, knew him best, and vaguely noticed that something was wrong with him.

Every time he thought of this matter, Taoist Xukong would have trouble sleeping and eating.

He suspected that something went wrong with his ancestor’s practice!

But he dared not show it at all.

After the meeting ended, Xi Kui did not leave early like other warlocks, but waited outside the headquarters building for a while, specially waiting for Gu Zhisang to come out.

Looking at the young girl in front of him who was as old as his own daughter, he felt complicated:

“Senior Gu.”

Gu Zhisang: “…No need to do this, Xi Haihong and I have a good personal relationship, so it stands to reason to call you Uncle Shi.”

Both of them felt awkward because of their seniority, so they finally called each other Daoist friends.

“Gu Daoyou, I need your advice on the show.” Xi Kui changed the subject, and his tone was serious:

“I would like to ask fellow Daoist Gu one thing, what do you think the ‘black mist’ is?”

Gu Zhisang raised his eyes slowly, and said after a while: “You Daoist Xi has lived in seclusion for a hundred years, and his experience should be deeper than mine, I don’t believe you didn’t see it.

Obviously, it was a mass of ‘desire’ that had become a demon. “

“It can also be called ‘evil thoughts’.”

“Born from desire, twisted in desire, and finally draw strength from desire.”

Xi Kui’s face was ugly, and he said after a while: “I thought about it, but I can’t confirm it.”

Desire, what a common and visible thing.

As long as we are human, we will always have desires.

good and bad.

Mediocre, grandiose, great…

Small enough to fill their stomachs, big enough to gain money, fame, and even become a great man.

But human beings are the most complex and spiritual creatures in the Three Realms of the Six Realms, and their desires can be infinite or endless.

Once the reason is out of control and sinking under the control of desire, it can easily create a group of people who will do anything to realize their desire, and finally lead to the collapse of society.

In the teachings of Catholicism in the Western world, there is such a theory as the “seven deadly sins”.

After being exposed to various cases, when Gu Zhisang began to have doubts about the origin and nature of the ‘black mist’, he consulted relevant materials and books.

She found that taking advantage of other people’s luck and taking other people’s lives is ‘greedy’.

The owner of the emperor’s tomb in Popo Mountain imprisoned the fate of all the craftsmen’s descendants, and it was ‘arrogance’ to regard them as ants guarding his tomb.

Those innocent girls who are entangled in order to be married to the ghost, until their death is the ghost of “lust”.

Guan Qihong, who sits on the luck of fans and gets something for nothing, is ‘lazy’…

And so on, there are too many out-of-control desires, which are reflected in those twisted and evil people.

And these people are constantly providing power to the ‘black mist’.

Then what is the ‘black mist’ is ready to come out.

It is born from evil thoughts, and it grows stronger because the evil in the world grows.

The more twisted and out of control the desire is, the stronger the ‘black mist’ becomes.

But this result is very frustrating, because as long as human beings exist, from ancient times to the future, their desires will not disappear, and they can continuously provide power for the ‘black mist’!

Efforts without hope will make people lose the courage to resist.

Xi Kui asked with some expectation: “Gu Daoyou has thought of a solution to it?”

“I haven’t found its body yet, how can we talk about solving it?” Gu Zhisang’s eyes were clear: “At least we have dismantled many branch forces, haven’t we?”

Xi Kui’s worries have not been eliminated, but at least because of her words, she is no longer so anxious.

He looked complicated, and said with emotion:

“Gu Daoyou is right, we old guys have been stable for too long, and we are not as good as you, a young man.”

Until Xi Kui left, Gu Zhisang still had some unexplained strange feeling in his heart.

Her actual age is over three hundred, and she is always called a junior after coming to this world, which is really an illusion of pretending to be young.

In the next few days, with the joint efforts of the spirit group and the police, the operation to crack down on the evil cultivator and the ‘Black Mist’ clone went very smoothly.

Naturally, this kind of drastic action cannot be concealed. Many people from all over the world have noticed the tension in the atmosphere, and some people have seen more and more police cars in the city.

Some photos circulated on the Internet, which are some cars taken by people from all over the country.

The common feature of these cars is that they are not police cars, but they have “Lingzu” and the abbreviation “ITB” on the side of the car, and there is a police logo next to them.

This time, the entry of #精团是官方阴学部# has become a hot search again. Netizens think that this is an official admission without even covering it up.

For these actions, the officials selected some cases that could be publicized and had a relatively bad impact, and posted announcements.

For example, a huge abduction gang in a certain city, a fraud case in a certain city caused more than a dozen elderly people to go bankrupt and jump off a building, etc.

These cases are all characterized as terrorist organizations, fraud gangs, not metaphysical organizations;

The purpose is to let the common people be more vigilant and at the same time not be too nervous.

The “anti-fraud for all” that has been advocated for a few years ago has only become completely popular at this time.

The official re-launched the ‘anti-fraud app’, calling on the general public to download it and watch more videos in it.

For a while, offline companies and online bloggers in various places have received news of vigorous promotion, striving to popularize the ‘anti-fraud app’.

At the beginning, some netizens did not buy into this kind of overwhelming emphasis and publicity, and felt that the more they were forced to download it, the less willing they were.

It wasn’t until more and more people were forced to watch the video by the request of the school and the company, but were attracted by the content in the video, stunned by the various reversals, spontaneously promoted it, and urged everyone to download the app to watch it. attracted more and more curious viewers.

It turns out that the authorities have photographed all the various cases that have been investigated and cracked these days, as well as the methods used by the “Black Mist” gang to deceive people and the PUA people.

These large-scale deceptions with tragic endings are more exciting than some suspenseful movies.

Some netizens questioned the authenticity of the scam after reading it, thinking it was too radical or too brainless.

But before the questionable words were finished, the end of each video jumped out:

“This video is adapted from a real case, adapted from the **** case in **** city”

Netizens go to the Internet to search again, and they can really find the trial report of the relevant case!

[What happened in the past two years? I feel that people are singing and dancing in daily life and on the Internet, but so many cases happened in invisible places, so many people died, and so many families were deceived! The number of crimes this year alone is the total of the past two or three years. It is too scary! 】

[Before watching the video, I felt that the scammers were very low-handed. Those who were deceived were all brainless people. After watching the video, I was horrified. These people can no longer be described as ‘liars’. They are really a group of terrorists! 】

[No wonder the country is so aggressive in cracking down on criminals. 】

[These terrorist gangs are all-pervasive, from children to the elderly, from men to women, they will not harm you without them! I have sent the ‘anti-fraud app’ to the family group, and asked all my relatives to download and watch the video. 】


With the promotion of the ‘anti-fraud app’, many netizens are surprised that some of the phenomena in the video are happening to themselves.

After repeated comparisons, they suspected that they had encountered the murderous gang mentioned in the app.

Many people woke up and raised their vigilance, and called the police backhandedly.

After the big data monitoring in the background, after the promotion of the ‘Fraud App’, at least one-fifth of the red-marked systems disappeared naturally.

Such a result has also greatly boosted the confidence of the Lingzu and the police.

And another unexpected thing is that the ‘anti-fraud app’ became popular all over the Internet, and it was also related to Gu Zhisang’s song.

To be precise, it is not a song, but a very ethereal chanting in “Legend of Fuhai”.

When she helped director Liu of the film crew to save the mother of the other party, she recited a soul-saving requiem spell.

And this requiem spell inspired Director Liu.

Taoism was entrusted to Laozhuang, and the subsequent development absorbed many cultures, and further derived many spells.

The series of requiem spells that Gu Zhisang recited were not Xia Guo dialect, but Sanskrit.

Also known as ‘crypto’.

The Dao Le Bu Xu sound in Taoism is called “Fan Chan”.

Nowadays, few people can recite the sanskrit of the official scriptures, and most of the ancient techniques in Taoist classics have been lost, but the mantras recited with sanskrit are more effective than many spells.

Director Liu only listened to the requiem spell once, and he was astonished, feeling that his soul had been washed away.

“Floating Sea Legend” is an epic drama, and many characters in it are tragic. For example, the character played by Gu Zhisang is extremely charismatic.

After she finished filming, Director Liu pestered her for several days and asked her to hum a mantra specially for this play.

Gu Zhisang didn’t think much about it at the time, and decided on the requiem spell directly.

The producer of the golden song who made the opening and ending songs for the crew received the recitation, and was inspired that night and devoted himself to composing.

The melody was composed, and Gu Zhisang recorded it after getting familiar with the melody.

At first, Director Liu thought that Gu Zhisang’s singing would not be very pleasant, and that after singing, he needed to adjust the sound, but after the recording studio released the song, everyone who heard the original sound said:

So smart.

That kind of feeling that almost grabs the soul can’t be achieved by any tuning.

Even though Gu Zhisang thought it was weird, Director Liu was very satisfied.

Now that “Legend of the Floating Sea” is on the air, the character played by Gu Zhisang has already appeared.

Even netizens who were not optimistic about her acting skills before this, and who had stereotyped her acting skills, could not say anything about her bad acting after watching the drama.

In fact, Gu Zhisang is not acting. The character in the play is the powerful emperor. She acts in her true colors on the set. After a little editing, every time she appears on the stage, her aura crushes everyone.

On other platforms, her role is second only to male and female protagonists, and the most popular.

After that mysterious and ethereal recitation appeared, it soared again.

Gu Zhisang is obviously not a singer, but the full version of the Sanskrit chanting has been dominating the music charts for a week.

Click on the major video editing platforms, and this music must be useful in popular videos.

The comment area is even more exaggerated.

Some people said that they had stubborn insomnia, and their sleep improved after listening to this chant;

Someone said that his mental state has always been unstable, but after listening to the chant, he can calm down…

In fact, there is some truth to what these people say.

This requiem originally has the effect of nourishing the soul, purifying and calming the hostility in the soul, and the person who chanted it is Gu Zhisang, who naturally carries powerful abilities and merits all over her body, It made the effect of this Sanskrit sound reach its peak.

There are even some metaphysics bloggers with a lot of fans, and Taoist priests who are serious about the Eight Classics, publicly stated that this chanting is a very effective super-duplication song.

The reason why it will promote the explosion of the “anti-fraud app” is because when the official is making a video, every time the criminal in the video is caught and tears behind bars, this Sanskrit sound will sound.

Netizens said that the criminals will be saved.

Under the background of this atmosphere, netizens who were frightened by the many crimes of criminal gangs exposed a few days ago gradually calmed down their panic.

It’s just that every netizen who has watched the video and downloaded the ‘anti-fraud app’ has planted a benign seed in their hearts, and they are no longer so easy to deceive and manipulate.

late at night

The young woman sleeping soundly on the bed fell into a nightmare.

She dreamed of her life.

Although her family was broken and she had an unhappy life experience, her koi luck did not make her suffer too much.

When she was just in college, she was chosen as the school belle because of a candid photo;

Then he started working as a graphic model, and finally participated in a talent show, where he made his debut.

In the entertainment industry, her luck is still very good, she can play any role she wants to play, and can get all the resources she wants, because of her good personality that does not fight or grab, she is known as the “No. 1 Gentle Female Star”.

All those who oppose her will be unlucky, and those who don’t like her will be exposed and blackmailed, for example, the most beautiful girl in their team, the most popular girl at the beginning, is called Gu Zhisang.

She fights for everything, grabs everything, is always the last person to leave the practice room, the first person to get up, and the one who has been fighting for the C position…

He even bluntly said that what he dislikes the most is people who don’t work hard like her.

She felt that this girl was a bit annoying, and she was too utilitarian.

Sure enough, the other party got worse and worse. In order to make money, he was manipulated by the brokerage company, and his reputation was ruined.

Then one day, she went climbing a mountain and accidentally rescued a handsome young man.

The other party is young and rich, and is the second young master of the Yan Shi Group. It is said that there is only one older brother who is seriously ill and dying.

The young man fell in love with her at first sight, and the two quickly fell in love, but the disgusting Gu Zhisang asked foolishly the first time he met his lover: Have we met?

Such an old-fashioned approach to strike up a conversation made her unhappy, and her lover repeatedly promised that he would never have any intersection with this kind of power-grabbing woman.

Later, her career flourished, and she even gained a lover who inherited the Yan Shi Group. She was called a “winner in life” and “the heroine of Shuangwen” by netizens.

As for that Gu Zhisang, he lost his reputation and died by jumping off a building a few years ago.

The life in the dream is so beautiful, smooth sailing, the woman sleeping soundly on the bed has a stretched face and a peaceful breath.

Suddenly, she frowned.

The scene in the dream is changing rapidly!

Her career and her love have all vanished into thin air. Gu Zhisang, the black girl who was supposed to accomplish nothing, stood in the distance and looked at her complacently.

Take a closer look, isn’t the person the other party is holding is your lover? !

She shouted loudly, but her lover didn’t look back at her at all, allowing her to be submerged in the icy sea water.

And she could only watch Gu Zhisang sneeringly and slowly walk away…


The violent panting caused the woman to wake up suddenly from her dream. Her sweaty fingers fumbled towards the head of the bed and turned on the bedside lamp.

Yu Fengqing was trembling all over.

In the past, she didn’t want to believe in these so-called luck, but now everything is not going her way, and the people she meets are not going well, which is so different from the good luck of the koi in the past, so she has to believe it.

Coupled with the increasing frequency of these dreams, she even felt a sense of fear that she couldn’t distinguish between reality and dreams.

as if those belonged to

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