I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 159

Chapter 158 – First Update

After 3 o’clock in the morning, most of the people in Xia Kingdom have fallen asleep.

In the national prevention and control department, several on-duty personnel guarded their respective work positions, doing their own things silently.

After the security detection system mainly developed by Yanshi Group was put into use on a large scale, a new business has been added to the field of prevention and control and supervision of this department.

Several large display screens that are turned on and running are placed staggeredly. The screens are all black backgrounds and complex regional maps composed of fluorescent blue lines, just like nautical charts.

If you observe carefully, you can find that all the regional details on the screen are combined to spell out the entire territory of Xia Kingdom.

Numerous small, dust-like red dots are scattered in these regional illustrated books.

Except for a few areas where the red dots are too dense, the rest of the places—especially the sparsely populated border cities with relatively backward brokerages, hardly see the existence of red dots.

Suddenly, the images on several monitors that tended to be stable changed slightly.

Sparse red spots began to increase in some areas.

And the area where there are not a small number of red dots is like overturned red ink, which begins to spread from the inside to the outside and to the surrounding area.

The mutation appeared suddenly, and the situation was urgent. A few seconds later, an alarm sounded in the wide working hall.

“what happened?”

“Old Zhao, take a look at these new machines, are the red lights on them increasing?!”


The on-duty staff who were a little tired or immersed in document reading were startled by this movement, and hurried to check the situation and report to their superiors.

Above the city, the thin black air that ordinary people cannot see with the naked eye is blown by the wind, constantly filling and spreading, covering the continent like a huge spider web…

At the same time, a certain police station.

The piercing ringing of the bell pierced the silence of the night.

The operator on duty picked up the phone: “Hello, this is the Criminal Police Brigade of District XX. What’s the matter?”

The background sound on the other end of the phone was quite chaotic, and one could vaguely hear the hiss of an adult man yelling, “Xiao Yang, calm down, it’s Dad who made a mistake, let’s talk if we have anything to say”…

It was a woman who called the police on the other end of the phone. Her voice was choked and trembling:

“Are you a policeman? My son, he sneaked to the roof on the top of the corridor to jump off the building, and now he has stepped over the barbed wire fence! Please come and save him!”

“Ms., I’ll transfer you to the fire brigade immediately and send someone there. Please don’t hang up.” The operator said:

“Stabilize your emotions first, tell me the specific address, and why did your son go to the rooftop to commit suicide at this time?”

“I, I don’t know, maybe his father beat him up at night, but…”

The woman covered her mouth and cried sullenly, talking about stumbling.

A few minutes later, the police officer on duty was ready to call the police: “Have you asked why the child can’t think about it?”

The operator on the intercom said: “It should be caused by family conflicts.”

“The child who is going to jump off the building is named Gu Yang. He is 14 years old and is in the second grade of junior high school. According to his mother, the child’s academic performance is not very good, and he always fights with other classmates at school. Give them a call to report this.

But according to Li Guyang himself, he often fights because some classmates in the class bully him first every time. “

“The child’s father is short-tempered and feels that these words are just excuses for the child. He beat and scolded him every time he contacted the teacher, so the relationship between the child and his parents is also relatively stiff.”

“I guessed it was this kind of thing.” The police officer who came out of the police clicked his tongue: “Now these parents, can’t they talk to their children properly!”

The operator continued: “The child’s mother said that he joined a group chat on the Internet for more than three months. Radical remarks, and potentially dangerous behaviors—including cursing the teacher’s sudden death, slicing the wrists and bleeding three classmates in an attempt to kill them, and even trying to sneak a folding knife into the school…”

“After seeing this, the comrades we investigated thought that the child’s psychological condition was worrying, so they contacted the child’s parents and told them about it, wanting them to pay attention to the child’s psychological safety.

As a result, Li Guyang’s father was very furious, and felt that his son was acting dishonestly on the Internet, which was very embarrassing. “

Needless to say, the police knew later that the child must have been beaten violently again.

The time when the group chat was terminated was about a week ago.

It was the trigger for Li Guyang to ascend to the rooftop.

He was severely beaten by his father because of the remarks he made while venting in the group, and his mobile phone was smashed and scolded.

After that, the junior high school boy’s mentality became even more distorted, and even his family members hated him.

He actually collected his parents’ hair at home, put them on a plate with a note with his parents’ names on them, dripped his own blood, and cursed his family—especially his father’s bad luck.

As a result, when the family was sweeping the floor, they found the plate under the bed in his bedroom and saw what was inside.

The furious child’s father really beat him half to death this time, and at the same time, the couple were heartbroken by this behavior.

A few hours later, at 3 a.m., the couple fell asleep.

The woman vaguely heard the door opening in the living room outside, and thought she had been burglarized in the middle of the night.

She hurriedly patted her husband awake, walked out of the bedroom to check the situation, and found that the door of the living room was wide open, but her son’s bedroom was empty.

It was the child who ran out.

By the time they found Li Guyang, the boy had already stepped over the barbed wire fence on the roof and was precariously standing on the edge of the corridor.

After the information was fed back, the operator said, “Wait a minute, I’ve been disconnected for a while, why are you calling again…”

A few minutes later, the police car drove into the community. The police officers in the car saw the fire truck parked downstairs from a distance. The life-saving cushion was not inflated, and it was placed on the ground softly. No firefighters were dispatched.

A group of residents wearing jackets who heard the commotion and went downstairs to watch the commotion from a distance whispered and blocked the way forward.

The police officers in the car rolled down the windows, and could only faintly hear heart-piercing cries overflowing from the crowd.

At this time, the phone rang again.

“Hey, what’s going on?” the officer asked.

The operator’s voice was extremely anxious: “Deputy Wang, Li Guyang…has fallen from the building.”

The police officers in the car were stunned.

You must know that most people who walk up to the tall building face the abyss below them, unless they are those who want to die, they will hesitate, fear, and make a final decision after pouring out the pain and grievances in their hearts.

But this child didn’t even have the slightest hesitation, and ended his life directly.

No wonder the firefighters didn’t move, and there was no need to roll out the life-saving air cushion.

Deputy Wang sighed and said, “Then let’s get out of the car and ask this family to make a record…”

“Not very good, I don’t have time to take notes.” The operator interrupted him: “Just now, two more people reported the crime!”

“One of the women said that she was hiding in the bathroom of the bedroom. She found out that her husband was cheating some time ago. These two days, she was negotiating a divorce and dividing the property. The two also slept in separate rooms.

As a result, just now, her husband suddenly kept knocking on the door outside her bedroom. If she didn’t open the door, the other party took a household hammer and knocked on the door, saying that he wanted to go in and kill her! “

Deputy Wang:? !

“What? Why are there so many cases tonight?! Where is the address? Let’s go there now!”

Under the drowsy sky, the ‘black mist’ surged.

The police officers who rushed to the next location did not know that the chaos tonight was not limited to their district, but to this city.

Rather, there were many accidents happening one after another in cities large and small throughout the Xia Kingdom.

The calls to the police that resounded in the early morning caught the understaffed police stations by surprise.

The next morning, the capital headquarters.

In the online and offline temporary meeting that was opened again, the number of participants was more than before.

Among them, 60% were wearing uniforms and formal clothes, and the remaining 40% were dressed in various styles, such as Taoist uniforms, gray and yellow cassocks, short vests and long shirts…

Everyone looked very serious.

The police officer in charge of reporting the situation took the freshly released report and read under pressure:

“Last night, citizens in all provinces and cities were agitated, depressed, and even committed suicide. Although the police from all over the country summoned colleagues to the police overnight, the sudden incident and lack of manpower caused great losses.

The death toll was 24, and 18 citizens who were stopped in time but were still injured. In addition, there were 4 small-scale gang crimes. “

“One of the worst perpetrators, with an average age of 16, took place in a county town of a certain province. At 5 a.m., this group of social personnel took to the streets premeditatedly, stabbing and wounding a number of hawkers who got up early and set out their stalls. One stall owner died on the spot.”

“After the local police arrested all the suspects who fled, they found that they had also joined the same group chat, that is, the hideouts of evil forces and cults that we focused on cracking down some time ago. These suspects have been closed to the group chat. I am dissatisfied with the matter, and it is not ruled out that it is revenge against the society.”


It only takes two minutes to tell a string of shocking data.

But it is enough to see how chaotic last night was.

During the meeting, most of the old police officers from the provincial departments and municipal bureaus were tired. They were all woken up from their dreams by phone calls one after another. They stayed up all night because of these successive cases.

The reporter continued:

“The strangest thing is that these perpetrators scattered all over the place, as well as the citizens who suddenly fell into depression, almost all broke out at the same time period—that is, after 3 o’clock in the morning.

According to the monitoring data provided by the national prevention and control department this morning, it can be seen that within half an hour before the incident, the electronic devices carried by these people detected abnormal information frequencies. “

“It is therefore reasonable to suspect that the unrest last night was related to these abnormal information frequencies.”

The situation has reached such an emergency that the existence of the monitoring system is no longer a secret.

After many core personnel signed the confidentiality agreement, they all knew that these cases unfolding in various parts of the Xia Kingdom were not that simple.

After listening to the data report, the person in charge of the Ling Group could hardly suppress his anger, and his tone was serious:

“What do you think?”

“So many things happened overnight, and so many people died, we don’t even have the ability to react or stop it! If we don’t take some effective measures, our social security and so-called order will become a joke!”

Daoist Qin, the master of the One-Yuan Temple, frowned, sighed, and said in a less optimistic way:

“Minister Bai’s worries are not unreasonable.”

“But these evil spirits are haunted and have strange abilities. It is almost impossible to prevent the tragedy from happening. What’s more, we don’t know why it suddenly attacked and where the victims will be in the next moment.”

“That’s right.” Xi Kui also said slowly:

“This ‘black mist’ is clearly intended to invade the secular world on a large scale, creating panic and confusion among ordinary people, and plundering their lives. The wider the spread of negative emotions such as fear and panic, the more unfavorable they are to us.”

Someone raised his voice and said: “According to the words of the two seniors, the ‘black mist’ can’t be eliminated and there is nothing to do about it. What should we do? Don’t we care about the life and death of those ordinary people and just accept their fate and wait for death?”

Although those who died were ordinary people who were weak and unable to resist, the warlocks present knew that the more life the evil spirit devoured, the stronger it would be.

Let it go, sooner or later the devoured will have their turn.

What’s more, seeing how quickly this ‘black mist’ erodes human beings, it will never be too late for this day.

If it is not stopped, I am afraid that in ten days and a half months, the tranquility of the mortal world will be completely broken, and it will become a **** on earth shrouded in black mist and evil thoughts.

Seeing the uneasiness and anxiety gradually spreading in the meeting, Gu Zhisang, who had never expressed his position, frowned slightly.

After sensing something slightly wrong, she calmly let go of her control over her power.

The invisible oppression flowed like water waves, quickly swaying around her, and swept the entire conference hall in an instant, extinguishing the restlessness that was about to explode.

“stop fighting.”

Gu Zhisang’s voice carried the power of admonishment, even those who were not at the meeting, but separated by the internet and the screen, suddenly felt their hearts shiver and their minds clear.

They subconsciously want to listen to her and follow her instructions.

When he reacted, the sound of discussion in the conference room that had turned into a dispute suddenly fell silent.

After a few seconds of silence, Gu Zhisang’s gaze swept over several places, and his whole body tensed up when he saw the policeman or warlock sitting there.

“Didn’t you find out that you were tricked?”

The few people she looked at were all affected by the negative emotions of the ‘black mist’ without exception.

They didn’t even realize that they were very excited and pessimistic just now.

Now that the haze has been wiped away, these people realized their abnormality belatedly.

Gu Zhisang’s slender fingertips tapped on the table a few times before speaking again:

“The black mist has invaded in an all-round way, causing a series of social disorder consequences. It is not a good thing for us, because many people have not had time to prepare, and they are easily overwhelmed in the face of strong pressure.”

“But it’s not necessarily all bad things. The area where the fog spreads becomes larger, which means that it will turn from dark to bright, and more flaws will be exposed. We can take this opportunity to track down and destroy those hidden clones.”

The ‘black mist’ erupted, and the way of heaven collapsed. The first person to sense this change was Gu Zhisang who had already touched the shackles.

Even earlier, she had noticed it.

The city was not quiet last night, and she did not rest either.

After finding the highest point within a hundred miles, Gu Zhisang has been using the compass and cards to divination and listing the astrolabe.

Looking up is an undisguised thick fog color, baring its teeth and claws.

After a whole year of nurturing and plundering too many people’s luck and vitality, the ‘black mist’ had grown so large that it covered the sky and almost completely covered the moon in the sky.

In this case, the secrets she can figure out are very small.

After recovering, Gu Zhisang continued:

“You still follow the steps. It’s time to destroy the den, search for the clone of the Thousand Faces, and continue to act. Don’t let go of any suspicious places;

Now that the Yin Qi detection system has detected those hidden dangers, it will try its best to prevent the tragedy in the city from happening. “

She laid out methodically:

“Only the fewer innocent lives are sacrificed, the less power the black mist can plunder. These seemingly trivial and powerless tasks are the most important. If you have the time to say bad things, it’s better to save one more innocent citizen. “

“As for how to fight against the black mist invasion, the headquarters already has a new countermeasure.”

After the arrangements were made, the nervousness of the people present at the coming rain was not dispelled, but at least they were not so uneasy.

Xi Kui nodded and said:

“Just follow Gu’s command. After I return to the family today, I will call all the younger generations to participate in the rescue, and strive to tide over this difficulty together.”

Taoist Changqin also said: “My Taoist priests of the One-Yuan Temple should do the same. Comrade police officers, if you need them to do something, please don’t be polite.”

“Buddhist disciples are also willing to contribute!”

“The scale of our temple is small. There are only a dozen disciples with Taoism in total. The other Taoists are all lay disciples, and they are all dispatched by the headquarters.”


Today, there are hidden dangers all over the country.

No one knows where the next person who will be corroded and distorted by the ‘black mist’ will be, and the number of police officers in each area is far from enough to visit the families with red dots detected one by one.

However, with the addition of metaphysicians with extraordinary abilities and even able to control runes, it still gave some confidence to the police who were under great pressure.

After everyone got into action, some wonders appeared in the city.

For example, carrying an iron sword, a short-cut young man in a long gown, with a few yellow talismans between his fingertips, walking in the police force.

Another example is that a girl who is trapped by love and desperately wants to jump into the river opens her arms and falls into the rolling torrent. The Buddhist disciples in gray cassocks are nimble and agile. ashore.

There are also children who attempted suicide, who were blocked at the door by people wearing Taoist hats and Taoist uniforms, and were forced to listen to the chant of cleansing the soul…

Although there is no report, it is impossible to completely cover up the chaos in various regions, and it is bound to cause riots and panic among the masses.

Many citizens have already witnessed the tragedy that happened around them.

As the number of cases increases, there are many speculations and rumors about #雅教Organization Causes Unrest#.

What the government can do is to prevent news from all over the country and related entries from being popularly searched, and try to stop the discussion and publication of key words.

Although it cannot prevent people from discussing in private, at least it will not make the whole society shrouded in fear.

In the headquarters two days later

Zheng Ruyu, who had arranged a lot of work, was exhausted, and walked to Gu Zhisang’s side with a stack of newly submitted documents.

After sitting down, she pushed the document towards Gu Zhisang: “Do you want to see it?”

Gu Zhisang didn’t open it, but even if she didn’t read it, she knew that the contents inside must be shocking.

Zheng Ruyu couldn’t restrain her irritability: “The scam gang took advantage of the chaos to reap the harvest, commit crimes in the street, break into the house and kill people… so many people died because of the ‘black mist’!”

“If we had given us another month to prepare, it wouldn’t have been so bad.”

Gu Zhisang: “This just means that it can’t wait that long.”

“You’re right.” Zheng Ruyu calmed down and said again:

“Fortunately, the situation is not as serious as it was when it just broke out. After it was gradually brought under control, our colleagues cleared a small number of clones according to the point you roughly deduced. This is the only gratifying news these days.”

“By the way, you sent me a message saying that you suspect that the ghost thing has a new move… What’s the situation?” Zheng Ruyu asked seriously.

“Do you still remember what I said before that I was looking for the body of ‘Black Mist’?” Gu Zhisang said.

“You found it?!”

“It’s just a little clue.” Gu Zhisang pondered for a moment, and said his inference: “The body of this invisible thing is nothing more than two situations, either it naturally derives from some kind of carrier and hides it in a corner, or it is seized. others.”

“If it’s the former, it must be hidden in a clone, but we haven’t found it yet;

But if it’s the latter, I also have a few suspects. “

Zheng Ruyu asked: “Who do you suspect?”

“First is Yan Cheng.”

Under Zheng Ruyu’s slightly astonished eyes, Gu Zhisang said, “But he’s not.”

“It should be said that the ‘Black Fog’ really wanted to invade and devour him, but failed. Now that I’m watching him personally, the possibility of him having a problem is very small.”

Immediately afterwards, she took out her mobile phone and handed it to Zheng Ruyu: “Look at this.”

The screen was on, and on it was a blog post with a lot of retweets, posted by someone Zheng Ruyu looked familiar to but didn’t know:

“Forward it and make a wish to get koi good luck…Yu Fengqing? Who is this person, a little familiar…”

Zheng Ruyu frowned and thought, some memories flashed in his mind for a while, and he said in surprise:

“I remembered, isn’t Yu Fengqing that female star? Did I have a bad relationship with you before? When the headquarters asked me to collect your information, I saw some revelations about the two of you.”

Gu Zhisang: …

Whether the relationship was really bad before, she didn’t know.

But she suspected that there was something wrong with Yu Fengqing from the very beginning.

It is really the existence of koi luck that all wishes come true, so strange.

Now she is even more suspicious that this so-called koi luck is simply caused by the ‘black mist’.

“In the blog post, the actress said that she has been very lucky since she was a child. It can almost be said that her wishes come true. I checked the fans’ Amway and posted some proofs, and it is true!” Zheng Ruyu flipped through the blog post, Very surprised:

“There are more than one million retweets and millions of comments, all of them are making wishes, and the words of these wishes are a bit strange?”

I saw those netizens who either took it seriously or took advantage of the popularity to joke, left comments below one after another:

[The believer is willing to be a vegetarian for the rest of her life, and I will go ashore in exchange for the public examination! 】

[Reposting the koi luck, I feel that good-looking people are more enjoyable in society, and a transparent person like me who is generally ordinary and looks will never have a smooth life…

If it can make me a beautiful woman, I am willing to live ten or twenty years less, even if it is not a big beauty but just an ordinary beauty, I am also willing! 】

[Haha, can you share the 30 catties of my body with the bad friends? 】

[Then I simply wish that the ex who cheated on me and cheated on three people will be buried safely. 】


The wishes underneath are varied.

Some can see that they are seriously pursuing their studies, career, or love;

Some are simply joking.

This kind of “receive good luck” and “wish for good luck” posts are very common on various platforms, and many netizens will make a few jokes casually.

But in this time period, and Gu Zhisang let her watch it, Zheng Ruyu always felt a little dangerous.

“Besides, although I don’t know how high or low your celebrity’s traffic is, you have more than a million retweets and comments, which is more popular than many events on the trending search, but why isn’t she on the trending search?”

Zheng Ruyu was keenly aware of this.

The blog post was posted yesterday, and this data is definitely hot.

Gu Zhisang narrowed his eyes and said: “This is the problem. I asked Yan Cheng to check it out. Yu Fengqing’s agency didn’t spend money to remove the trending search, which means that this article has a high reading volume and a high degree of discussion, so it can be listed on the trending list.” Searching for the top three blog posts, I don’t know why they didn’t enter our field of vision at all.”

The most outrageous thing is that there are no less than Feng Qing’s fans making noise under the plaza and comment area.

They also thought that it was impossible for this koi blog post not to be on the trending list. It must be that Yu Fengqing’s opponent didn’t want to see her well, and deliberately spent money to suppress her trending list.

Among the people who were repeatedly nominated was Gu Zhisang.

[Who is free and has such a great ability to cover the sky with one hand, isn’t it a top metaphysics actress! 】

[Really annoyed, does the metaphysics label belong to her alone? Do not let others use it, so overbearing? !

Yu Fengqing clearly debuted as a little koi, so wronged! 】


On the contrary, quite a few passers-by spoke for her, thinking that this family had a strange brain circuit, and could attract Gu Zhisang in anything;

But they were all her fans.

For these inexplicable accusations, Gu Zhisang felt very helpless.

She was so busy these two days that she didn’t even know that Yu Fengqing had posted a blog.

Yu Tongqiu, who has been hated by Yu Fengqing’s fans since he publicly stated that he and her are close friends, was the first to find out about this, and then sent it to her:

‘Tsk, I’m really annoyed by Yu Fengqing’s fan group, she’s so good at tearing it up, what does it have to do with you, Sangsang, if she can’t be on the hot search? ‘

Zheng Ruyu frowned and said: “You mean that there is something wrong with this koi blog post, and there is something wrong with that ghost behind it. As for it not being on the trending search, or even not pushed to our eyes at all, that ghost deliberately concealed it…”

She paused, and suddenly realized something:

“But isn’t Yu Tong Qiu a born koi? If she has a problem… Could it be that the ‘Black Mist’ has existed since more than 20 years, and has played this game of chess?!”

Zheng Ruyu was terrified after thinking carefully, and stood up directly from his seat.

That’s right, those fraud gangs, trafficking and smuggling gangs that are connected with each other, step by step and even have relations with foreign countries, can be traced back to more than ten years ago!

This is simply too scary!

“Then what should we do now? Find someone to blow up her blog post, or remind the general public not to believe it and participate in these discussions?” Zheng Ruyu was very anxious.

With more than one million forwarded comments, how many people must be recruited!

Gu Zhisang shook his head lightly: “It’s useless, a verbal ban will only attract more people’s attention, and those who forwarded the comments have already been involved.”

Girls who wish to become beautiful and thinner with their lifespan will really gradually become more beautiful, but they don’t know that their life span has been cut by 2 to 30 years.

There are also those who want to pass the exam, those who want to be healthy for their families, and those who want to have a better relationship…

All the wishes made under this blog post, the moment they are issued, the transaction is concluded by default.

Countless people’s vitality, luck, health, longevity, etc. were all plundered overnight.

They may enjoy a brief moment of happiness and be surprised to find their wish ‘come true’.

But it won’t be long before they realize that the luck of the koi will make them pay a price that is not equal to their wish, or even five times and ten times more tragic.

Even if Yu Fengqing deletes the blog post now, it won’t help, because most of those majestic vitality lucks have entered the ‘black mist’.

She may be able to profit from it one or two times, but it is only one in a thousand.

Zheng Ruyu’s eyes turned red, “Seeking skins from tigers, is this woman crazy?! We people are working tirelessly to prevent ordinary people from being murdered, and try our best to fight against fraud. Her blog post has killed millions of people!”

“The top priority is to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. I suspect that there is a ‘black mist’ imprint in her body, so I am going to talk to her.” Gu Zhisang said.

“Catch people directly.”

Zheng Ruyu’s voice was hoarse, and she gritted her teeth and said, “I just reported to my superiors, and the headquarters agreed, and we will directly detain and deal with the most dangerous level.”

“As for this blog post, the headquarters will also find someone to deal with it, at least no new victims can be added.”

Half an hour later, in the interrogation room of the headquarters covered with yellow symbols, a young woman with a dazed face was handcuffed and asked anxiously:

“You, who are you?”

Not long ago, she was watching a new script contract in her apartment, and had a phone call with an excited agent:

“My lucky little koi, you are so awesome! How did you get on the line of director Amber, the spokesperson of the entire Xiaguo region will be taken down by you…”

Yu Fengqing slightly hooked the corners of his lips, his mood that had been depressed for nearly half a year finally cleared up.

It turned out that what the system said was true.

As long as she listens to it and posts blog posts to increase her popularity and discussion, the luck that was taken away from her can really slowly come back.

The blog post was only published one night, and this morning, the director of a hit drama contacted the company, saying that she was invited to audition for the female lead of the new drama.

And the director of a luxury brand that she had been in contact with for more than three months but had not heard from, also softened his attitude not long ago and intends to sign a contract with her.

This is the first time Yu Fengqing realizes so clearly:

Koi fate turns out to be so pleasant.

She never wants to go back to the time when she hit a wall everywhere.

But when she was enjoying the good luck of “recovering what was lost”, a big man in a long gown appeared out of nowhere beside the bed, making her scream in fright.

Then he was brought to this place, handcuffed like a prisoner, and sat in a cold empty room.

Yu Fengqing trembled uncontrollably, shouted ‘system’ several times in his heart, but got no response.

Finally, the closed door opened.

She turned her head to look, and after seeing the figure walking into the room, her pupils dilated:

“It’s you!”

Yu Fengqing originally thought that she didn’t care, and she had been deliberately avoiding reading any reports about this person, but now she discovered that the appearance of the other person had already been deeply imprinted in her mind.

“You brought me here, Gu Zhisang, are you sick?!”

Gu Zhisang, who walked into the room, observed face to face for the first time, looking at his legendary ‘enemy’ and ‘opponent’.

The woman in front of her was wearing a sweater and trousers, and her toes were curled up in slippers. She was suddenly carried from the air-conditioned room to the headquarters. She was cold and afraid that her body would tremble uncontrollably.

So Gu Zhisang turned his head, and said to the recorder walking behind him:

“Get her a thick dress and blanket to cover her with.”

Yu Fengqing heard this, but the panic in her heart made her lose control of her emotions:

“I don’t want your fake kindness! What the **** are you trying to do?!”

Zheng Ruyu, who was accompanying him, wore a uniform and said in a cold voice:

“Be respectful. We belong to the official spiritual group. We suspect that you are suspected of intentionally endangering public safety. The circumstances are serious. You are now being arraigned.”

“Did you know that you reposted the post about getting koi good luck, which robbed many fans and innocent people of their luck?”

Yu Fengqing froze suddenly, unable to say:

“What are you talking about, what plunder? You are so bloody!”

Zheng Ruyu laughed angrily, and instead of taking advantage of her anger, she presented all the evidence one by one.

From the official authority of the spirit group, the meaning of existence, to the recent several times of the same type of luck plunder organized by the “black mist” forces, to what consequences will be faced by those who lose their luck…

Looking at these people with serious faces, including Gu Zhisang, who all have the logo of the supervision department, and they are all ministers or bureau chiefs, Yu Fengqing’s ominous premonition is even stronger.

She kept shaking her head: “Impossible…”

“I didn’t steal their luck! I have koi luck myself, and I can get what I want, why should I steal others’ luck?!”

“Yu Fengqing.” Gu Zhisang who had been silent all this time suddenly opened his mouth and drew her attention: “There has never been a koi life, do you understand?”

“The luck that is squandered and given without any effort or reason does not exist at all. From the beginning to the end, you are robbing others.”

“You’re talking nonsense!”

Yu Fengqing gritted his teeth, his eyes turned red.

But Gu Zhisang’s voice didn’t stop: “If I’m not wrong, whoever you hate since childhood will be unlucky.”

“Whoever doesn’t like you will get worse and worse.”

“Whose medals, opportunities, achievements, abilities do you envy… You can get those things in the near future, while those who once had them will quietly become mediocre and lose these things.”

Those who get all this easily will not cherish it.

But people who have worked hard to prepare for half a year for an opportunity, people who have worked hard to get medals in competitions, and people who have bleeding from the soles of their feet to get on the stage… They used to be proud, confident, and kept striving for their goals, but they didn’t even realize it. case fails.

Some people give up dancing, some people lose confidence…

They don’t know that the fruits of victory that should belong to them have been regarded as stepping stones for others, and have become an understatement on a bright resume.

Gu Zhisang: “Energy is conserved, and so is luck.”

“What you keep gaining, it takes more people losing to fill the hole.”

Yu Fengqing didn’t know when tears were streaming down her face, she bit her lower lip tightly, Gu Zhisang’s face blurred by tears was indifferent and hateful, which made her even more afraid.

Her pride and everything in life are based on her natural good luck.

Opponents will make mistakes during the game, inspiration will burst out when learning new things, and when getting along with others, you can easily get others’ love…

The name Yu Fengqing has always been a child of someone else’s family, a life that is envied.

She is confident that she can have everything she wants, so why would she fight for it in embarrassment and make herself so ugly for a little profit.

So at the beginning, she was systematically persuaded to confront Gu Zhisang, but she was not willing.

In her view, this kind of behavior is done.

If she was not really afraid of losing everything, not just good luck, even her lover, and feared that her future fate would be as the system showed her, she would not break through this line of defense.

But now Gu Zhisang told her that everything she was proud of was snatched and stolen.

For the extremely proud Yu Fengqing, it was tantamount to destroying her pride and everything about her.

Zheng Ruyu looked at the emotionally broken young woman with complicated emotions.

She knew that Yu Fengqing was just the deepest and sharpest knife in this game of chess.

Perhaps it was not Yu Fengqing’s original intention to cause today’s consequences.

‘I don’t kill Boren, but Boren died because of me’.

But when he thought that millions of citizens had been robbed of their luck, and with such a fortune, how much the ‘Black Mist’ would grow, Zheng Ruyu couldn’t help feeling a little bit angry.

She said in a firm tone: “We don’t need to lie to you about such a big matter.”

“Just found out you received

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