I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 126

Chapter 125

On a moonlit night, the buyer and his wife, who had not waited to deliver the dead body at the designated place, were very anxious. They went back to the place where they put the money, and found that the 500,000 yuan in cash they had prepared in advance was left there, and no one came to claim it;

Calling the other party’s phone also didn’t work at all.

Just when they thought they had been singled out, on the way back to the village, the wife sitting in the co-pilot suddenly saw the shadows of trucks in the shade of trees on both sides of the road, hidden behind the trail by the dim light.

After she reminded her husband, he drove to the path.

The bright lights of the car illuminated the copper pickup truck parked in the middle of the road.

From their vantage point, all they could see was the back of the truck wide open, and the front driver’s door was also open, and there was no one inside.

There is such a car parked on such a deserted and dark small road, surrounded by silence and occasional insects, and no matter how you look at it, there is a strange and terrifying atmosphere.

The husband and wife had originally sneaked out to do something wrong, but at this time they were even more timid and afraid.

The man in the driver’s seat gritted his teeth, “Go down and have a look.”

The couple got out of the car and walked towards the truck with their arms.

At this moment, the man suddenly thought of something, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the number he had contacted more than ten minutes ago.

Within seconds of dialing, a shrill cell phone rang from the back of the truck, startling both of them.

They walked to the back cautiously, and almost fainted from fright when they saw the scene behind the carriage.

On the wasteland blocked by the truck lay the bodies of two people.

A man and a woman, both disheveled and horribly described.

Among them was a thin young woman lying on her back with a ferocious face, her sunken eye sockets were wide open and covered with bloodshot eyes.

The other man was lying face down, but his head and neck seemed to be twisted off by a force, and a circle of purple-black marks spread from the back of his neck to his chin.

With a glance, one can roughly infer what happened before.

The middle-aged woman was so frightened that her legs became weak, “This, this…”

Her husband was also quite frightened, but at the same time, he was more annoyed and dissatisfied, and cursed in a low voice:

“You son of a bitch! We agreed to have a **** girl, but he ruined her first. How can we give this to our son?!”

The two of them had built up their hearts for a long time, and they gradually became less afraid.

After touching the body of the dead body on the ground, the woman beat her chest and stamped her feet:

“Oh, my body is still warm and cool. I must have died not long ago. This guy who killed a thousand swords has no morals at all!”

The mountain village died suddenly, and the body was strange, and it was not a normal death.

But the obsession with organizing a ‘ghost marriage’ for their son gave the couple a little more courage to fight against ghosts and gods. They still resisted the fear in their hearts and dragged the corpse of the **** the ground into the trunk.

Although dissatisfied with the distortion of the ‘daughter-in-law’ before marriage, but thinking that the main thing to get married after death is the soul, and the day after tomorrow is a good day for the master, and there is no longer any delay, so they reluctantly accepted this matter.

Afraid that the truck and the dead driver would be discovered after a while, the middle-aged man became ruthless, lifted a large piece of gravel around him, and smashed the dead man’s head dozens of times with his eyes closed, smashing it to pieces.

After comparing the fingerprints several times and barely opening the driver’s phone, they cleared the communication records and online chat records on the spot, took away the phone and all kinds of documents, and drove away with the woman’s body.

The couple didn’t know that all their actions were seen by the vicious and resentful ghost in mid-air.

The daughter of the Xiao family, who had turned into a ghost, followed the car and entered the remote village.

It wants to see what it will do with the body it sells at a high price.

The next day, it saw the couple holding stacks of red paper with the Chinese character “囍”, going door to door to inform the villagers that their son was going to have a wedding.

The couple had only one child, who had a conflict with a classmate when they were studying abroad three years ago, and was poisoned to death by the other party.

The two were very sad, and they often dreamed about their son during this period, so they went to find a master who could see things and psychic.

The master told them that their son died young and violently, he was unhappy, and he didn’t have a caring person below, so he couldn’t live in peace after death.

Hearing this, the couple started thinking of finding a daughter-in-law for their son and having a ‘ghost marriage’.

And because the man in the couple is the head of the village, and his brother works in the county, he can divide the work for the village and lead the villagers to contract orchards.

No wonder they were able to spend 500,000 yuan to buy a ‘daughter-in-law’ for their son.

The villagers accepted the wedding candies and invitations with smiling faces on the surface, and muttered behind closed doors, thinking that this family was too high-profile.

Although some of them have had a ‘ghost marriage’, this kind of thing is not a good thing after all, they are all hidden, who wants to hold a flowing water banquet like the village head’s family!

But everyone is a beggar, and when the time came, they still took congratulatory gifts and went to the banquet with a blessed smile.

The village chief and his wife had someone make a coffin in advance, with inscriptions and spells engraved on it to imprison the corpse.

The dead daughter of the Xiao family was stripped of her clothes by the wife of the village head, washed her body several times, was put on a red wedding dress, and locked in a coffin.

The daughter of the Xiao family, whose soul has been turned into a ghost, found that her body’s ability was greatly reduced because her body was sealed by a spell.

It can only watch helplessly as the gongs and drums are played on the day of the ‘Dark Wedding’, and the villagers in the village come and go to congratulate.

In the middle of the village chief’s yard was a dark coffin, with red letters hanging upside down around it.

A red hydrangea is hung on the coffin, and the other end of the connection is a clucking rooster with pierced wings. Behind the rooster is the son of the elder brother of the village chief, who is holding the portrait of the “newcomer” in place of the groom who cannot appear. That’s it. Worshiped absurdly.

Listening to the drum music around, looking at the real or fake smiling faces of the surrounding villagers, the hatred in Xiao’s daughter’s heart has reached its peak.

It has never received kindness in its life, suffered in life, and was humiliated after death.

The strong resentment makes its soul constantly deteriorate, and the hatred in the heart is like a bottomless pit, and it is still spreading.

It wanted revenge, wanted to kill the couple who bought the corpse and the villagers who came to the wedding banquet…

On the night of the ‘Dark Marriage’, the coffin was reopened.

Corpse spots had already appeared on the face of the female corpse in wedding clothes, exuding a faint stench. At this time, the village chief and his wife were going to put the photo of their son in the coffin for the female corpse to hold.

The accident happened suddenly.

Out of nowhere, the black cat jumped down from the beam of the house, directly into the coffin, and onto the face of the female corpse.

The frightened village chief’s family hurriedly drove away, throwing things at the black cat to scare it away.

The master who was in charge of watching the wedding venue told them that no matter what, there would be no blood on this day, and animals should not be allowed to approach the bought corpse;

Especially cats!

That will cause the corpse in the coffin to change, and it is very likely that the corpse will become stiff.

The pale-faced people did not dare to stay any longer, so they hurriedly nailed up the coffin that night, preparing for the burial.

But it was too late.

The ‘Qi’ and breath of the black cat directly aroused the body of the daughter of the Xiao family, allowing the ghost’s soul that had been wandering to return to the body, forming a murderous thing.

This time, the spell to suppress the corpse didn’t work either, and it broke out of the coffin that night, turned into a fierce monster and started killing in the village.

The appearance of the ominous creature changed the feng shui and aura of Tianyun Village, making the place above the entrance of **** form an ‘upside-down hell’ and an unbreakable barrier.

In addition to the animals who sold the corpses and the villagers in the village, the people who became the vicious Xiao family daughter wanted to take revenge with their lives were actually her so-called parents and brothers.

But it was trapped in the enchantment created by itself and couldn’t get out.

In order to break through the barrier, and to seek revenge from those scumbag relatives outside, it indifferently extended its hands to other innocent villagers in the village.

Killing one person will make it more ferocious and evil.

After killing all the people in the village, it has become a half-step ‘ghost king’ level.

But still not enough.

So after the people from the Taoist sect brought Yan Cheng into Tianyun Village, in its eyes it was like a sweet spring sent to him when he was thirsty.

As long as it devours the blood essence of those Xuanmen people and swallows Yan Cheng’s soul power, it will be able to break through the barrier further and seek revenge from the Xiao family.

In the eyes of the resentful daughter of the Xiao family, there is nothing more important than revenge, and it doesn’t feel that it has done something wrong.

The female ghost, who told everything, stared at Gu Zhisang with a dark smile:

“Master Messenger, what’s wrong with me just wanting to avenge myself? Heaven won’t seek justice for me, so I’ll ask for it myself!”

Gu Zhisang said: “Revenge is not wrong, so what’s wrong with these innocent villagers who died at your hands, whether they were forced to make a living to participate in the ‘ghost marriage’, or children who didn’t go at all, have you ever let them go?” pass one?”

“For your selfish desires, you ruined the lives of hundreds of people in the entire village. When you made this decision, you actually violated the conclusion that ‘the wrong has its head and the debt has its owner’.”

There is nothing wrong with revenge.

In all fairness, if she had encountered such a thing, she would hate it, take revenge, and be more ruthless than Xiao’s daughter.

She would not let the Xiao family’s parents and the driver die so lightly and easily, but let them suffer the 18th level of hell, and they could not survive or die.

But Gu Zhisang is not ashamed to implicate innocent people.

Her avenue and the direction of her heart will not swing a knife at the weak.

But the daughter of the Xiao family just sneered, shook her head and roared sharply:

“You’re not me, what do you know if you don’t have a backache when you stand and talk? I don’t want to wait that long, why should I be tortured by pain and hatred, but those bitches, those **** are living happily outside, I can’t wait! I want them to die immediately!”

“They will all be punished!”

Seeing the frantic female ghost, Gu Zhisang narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that he couldn’t judge the ghost’s behavior, but also felt sympathetic.

From its point of view, all its actions and grievances are the result of being distorted in extreme pain;

It is also right, it was just an ordinary person when it was alive, and it seems that there is no other way to encounter this than to distort itself.

But for those innocent villagers, this is tantamount to a catastrophe.

More and more ghosts gathered around watching the play, also whispering and expressing their opinions.

Gu Zhisang sighed softly, fixed his eyes and said:

“Then put aside cause and effect, don’t you realize that there is something wrong with what happened to you and Tianyun Village?”

The female ghost just sneered and said nothing.

Gu Zhisang: “If you believe in me, let me touch your soul, and I will prove it to you.”

“Heh, who knows if Gu Shishi, who is with those mysterious masters, will take the opportunity to do something to me.”

The female ghost sneered, but she was still vigilant, and agreed to Gu Zhisang’s request to extract a trace of its soul power.

Feeling the distortion, pain, and deep evil power of the soul power in his palm, Gu Zhisang’s eyebrows showed a touch of anger.

She opened her eyes and said, “Do you know that the murder on your body is very serious?”

“As long as you leave the enchantment, you will be punished by heaven to chase and send down thunder, which is not tolerated by the six reincarnations.”

Female ghost: “So what? God punishes me when he wants to. I know that I am not a good person who slaughtered the village, but so what? I have been a good person all my life, and now as long as I can get revenge, I don’t care about anything.”

Gu Zhisang sneered: “You really don’t have to care, but what I want to tell you is that what happened to you and the subsequent massacre of the village were all taken advantage of by others.”

“You are just a sharp and easy-to-use but really dull knife!”

The female ghost paused for a moment: “What do you mean?”

Gu Zhisang: “Didn’t you realize that the dead villagers in this village have no souls? Their souls have all disappeared!”

When she heard this for the first time, the female ghost didn’t believe it.

After it killed the people in the village, there were indeed not many ghosts of the villagers who came to seek revenge on it. At that time, it was completely focused on how to break the formation and how to take revenge. Not his opponent, he fled to the underworld along the passage of Yin and Yang.

Now that I think about it carefully, I killed all the villagers in order to seek revenge. How could there be no one who hates it and wants to die?

After realizing that the situation was weird, the female ghost asked gloomily:

“Where’s their souls? What’s going on here?”

Gu Zhisang spread out her palms, a strand of black air that was condensed and never dispersed, floating and struggling in her palm like a black worm, very strange.

Just this trace, the negativity and the unpleasant stench make people feel uncomfortable all over.

“What is this?” the female ghost asked.

Gu Zhisang said: “Things drawn from the depths of your soul.”

It was black mist again.

She should have thought earlier that this thing was the culprit of the Tianyun Village tragedy.

Earlier, black mist appeared over the Windy City.

Just like the sky above the Southern Province before, as long as you enter its sphere of influence, you will be bewitched and confused.

That tomb robber who bought and sold corpses had done insidious things for more than ten years, and suddenly raped the person the buyer had chosen, which was totally unreasonable.

And when the resentful daughter of the Xiao family was mortuary, the room was arranged in advance. Where did the black cat that jumped onto her corpse suddenly and gave it a chance to turn into a vicious massacre of the village come from?

Dominated by resentment, why is it so emotionally out of control, so hated that it loses its mind, and even innocent children can be killed…

After all the tragedies, there is an invisible big hand constantly pushing.

After Gu Zhisang pulled out a wisp of black mist from the female ghost’s body, she was sure that this girl was just a pathetic ‘knife’.

Its tragedy, its resentment, and even its loss of control and revenge are all a saw that has long been engraved in the gear.

From Gu Zhisang’s words, the girl from the Xiao family vaguely realized something.

But it doesn’t want to, or it can’t believe that the truth is more cruel than it thinks.

Gu Zhisang said in a deep voice: “You should have been used. You let your grievances rampant and slaughtered the villagers for revenge. What you get after doing all this is only some increased grievances, as well as the profound murder and natural punishment that cannot be shaken off.”

Not only that, but even what happened to it on the way into the village before its sudden death was also strange.

“And the souls of those villagers who disappeared after death were swallowed up by the real mastermind behind the scenes.”

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