I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 125

Chapter 124 – Add More

Judging from the appearance of the female ghost, she was born in 1997 and was only 25 years old when she died.

Just looking at the appearance of the eyebrows and eyes, it can be called beautiful, beautiful, with a small face and strong facial features, but when combined together, it is too thin to cause the cheeks to be slightly sunken, which makes it look a little sad and sad;

Even if you don’t look at the real resentment and yin energy all over your body, you still look like a persecuted protagonist in a supernatural film.

From Gu Zhisang’s point of view, the reason for this situation is that the ghost’s life experience and fate were bumpy, which resulted in almost no smoothness in his face.

The gate of life with evil spirits shows that it suffered from chronic diseases and was tortured by illnesses during its lifetime.

The forehead is flat, and the ‘sun angle’ and ‘moon angle’ are not full and round. This is its ‘Parents’ Palace’, which shows that this ghost had a bad relationship with his parents before his death.

There are peaks on the eyebrows, indicating that it was born in a family with many children. Not only was it not an only child, but it had no less than two brothers and sisters;

It is the eldest daughter and the least favored, which is also one of the main reasons for the poor relationship.

Gu Zhisang further deduced, after confirming its birth time from the female ghost, he began to dismantle its eight characters and ten gods, corresponding to the heavenly stems and earthly branches.

Judging from its horoscope, it is “wealth is weaker than robbery is prosperous”, this manifestation shows that its brother relationship is not good;

Or their temperaments will be hedged, or they will turn against each other because of fame and fortune.

There is also “the Lord of the Sun is strong, and the God of Food is prosperous”. The manifestation of the female life often shows that it has a weak relationship with the six relatives.

In the end, “Yuezhu Sitting Harm” established its fate of loneliness and misfortune.

All in all, this ghost was born in a poor rural family with ignorant parents.

It is the eldest in the family and a girl, so it is naturally not taken seriously. It has to take care of younger siblings and put the family first.

Girls with backgrounds and families like it abound throughout the ages.

Most of the “eldest daughters” who have experienced similar experiences will develop a submissive and forbearing character under the pressure and harsh treatment of their parents;

This kind of pleasing and giving character will even follow them and affect them for a lifetime.

But this female ghost is different.

Gu Zhisang said: “Before you were alive, the five elements belonged to wood, and the astrolabe fell into Mars, which shows that you have been stubborn since childhood.”

“Because of your character, you can’t stand your parents’ patriarchy and being treated favorably, so you ran away from home.”

“The messenger is right.” The female ghost sneered, with awe-inspiring hatred in her eyes:

“That home is a pit of fire, and the parents and their children are also white-eyed wolves and blood-sucking worms!”

According to the female ghost, it was surnamed Xiao before it was born, and it was less than three years old when it was born, and its parents gave birth to the second child in order to have a boy.

After the second child, another pair of dragon and phoenix twins were born.

Not to mention the two younger brothers, the youngest sister is a good omen because of the dragon and the phoenix, and because she is the youngest in the family, even girls are favored.

There are four children in a family, and only she, the eldest, wants to be a cow and a horse.

When eating meat and buying snacks, she didn’t have a share, and was accused by her parents of being greedy for her younger siblings;

After school, I have to go home to cook and clean. If I have any complaints, I will be reprimanded by my parents for being ignorant and not knowing how to take care of my younger siblings.

When she graduated from junior high school, the family wanted her to drop out of school and go home to help and prepare to get married.

But she is the best student among the four children in the family. She doesn’t want to marry, and she feels wronged, so she has a big fight with her parents.

In the end, even the teachers of the school came to the house to persuade her, saying that if she continued to study, she would definitely be able to pass the exam and become a college student who was honored by her ancestors.

Without excuses and reasons, her parents could only reluctantly let her continue her high school education.

Every winter and summer vacation, the girl will go to the county town to do summer vacation work by herself.

Making milk tea, going to fast food restaurants, distributing leaflets… Every day when she comes home from get off work, she also takes the initiative to undertake some housework.

In the three years of high school, she basically didn’t ask her family for living expenses, and she squeezed money out of her teeth to buy snacks for her younger siblings.

She thought that this would make her parents happy and continue to go to school;

But in the year of the college entrance examination, she obviously performed well and was admitted to a better undergraduate college, but her parents refused to let her go to college on the grounds that the family had no money and could not afford the tuition fees.

Angry and painful for a while, the girl found out online that she could apply for a student loan from the state.

At that time, she was naive and thought that the family really had no money, so she said to her parents, “You don’t need to pay my tuition fees, and I will pay back the loan myself in the future.”

But since that day, she discovered that her parents began to restrict her from going out, and her various documents were stolen by her younger siblings without her knowing it, and they were locked up by her parents.

One time, she overheard a pair of younger siblings talking, and she realized that there was no such thing as “the family has no money and cannot afford it”, it was simply that her parents wanted to sell her for money!

Little brother: ‘You stole her ID card, she must hate you when she knows it. ‘

Younger sister: “Then what can I do? It’s all because the girlfriend that the second brother found insisted on such a high gift money. My mother forced me to do it. If I don’t do it, the person who was sold to the old bachelor as a wife will become a me! ‘

The eldest daughter of the Xiao family was like a bolt from the blue, only then did she realize that even if she was admitted to university, her parents would not let her be successful!

In their bones, they felt that it was useless for girls to study, and they raised their daughters in exchange for dowry money;

If she was asked to read Dashan, it would be out of their control.

And everyone knew that her younger brothers and sisters were all accomplices, they were hiding it from her, and they even tore up her admission letter.

The distraught eldest daughter of the Xiao family fled overnight, lost all her documents, bought a bus ticket with the only money she had, and went to a big city to work.

She knew that she couldn’t go to college, otherwise she would be entangled by vicious relatives at home and entangled for a lifetime, so she has been working part-time.

At the beginning, her parents and younger siblings called her, both hard and soft, with the purpose of persuading her to go back and get married.

After she blocked the person, the other party changed the number and insulted her for being unfilial, and said that she would die outside sooner or later.

In the end, the eldest daughter of the Xiao family changed her mobile phone number and completely lost contact.

From the time she left home at the age of eighteen to the age of twenty-three, she worked part-time for five years and saved some money.

But just after her 23rd birthday, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Because of her irregular diet and stressful life in the past, she was already in the middle and late stage when she was diagnosed.

She didn’t understand why her life was already so difficult, but she was still not favored by luck.

Because of sudden stomach bleeding, she fainted on the road and was sent to the hospital for rescue. The police searched for her identity, and let the vicious relatives who had lost contact with her for several years come to the door.

As soon as they came to the ward, the parents and other younger siblings kept talking and crying, accusing her of running away from home for so many years, and crying how tired they were looking for themselves.

When the police left and there was no one in the ward, they persuaded the girl not to be treated.

Even if all the money is spent, the cancer will not be cured, so it is better to leave the savings to the little brother, he is about to talk about marriage and needs money.

After the eldest daughter of the Xiao family refused, the furious parents cursed her with vicious words and said she was selfish.

The illness dragged on for more than half a year, and the eldest daughter of the Xiao family, who was tortured both physically and mentally, was tortured even to eat. She was so skinny that she lost all her savings and donations from well-meaning people in society.

During this period, her parents and siblings never paid a penny, and they often came to the hospital to make things difficult for her.

When he was critically ill again, the doctor bluntly said that the resection operation may delay the time, and it will be a few days without the operation.

Confused, the eldest daughter of the Xiao family was like a withered flower, lying in bed waiting to die.

On that day, her parents pushed open the door of the ward again.

This time they were followed by a middle-aged man she didn’t know, with a cigarette in his ear and tattoos on his black and yellow skin.

She heard her parents talking about how many catties and taels of pork, and bargained with this man:

‘I’ve checked, and fresh ones like our sister’s are not comparable to those that have been dug up from graves and died for a long time, and the price has at least tripled to five times! ‘

The middle-aged man had a half-smile, “You guys are pretty knowledgeable, you’re going to sell your daughter before she dies, and you’re not afraid of having nightmares at night?” ‘

‘Don’t tell us that some of these are not available, in short, the price can’t be less, this is a big girl with yellow flowers who has been admitted to university, you don’t want to buy, some people want it! ‘


The eldest daughter of the Xiao family on the hospital bed was full of grief and indignation, but she could only listen to the parents at the end of the bed trying to pinch the price for every penny, just to sell her at a high price.

In the end, the two waves of people finalized the deal at a high price of 150,000.

Two days later, the Xiao family released the emaciated eldest daughter from the hospital on the grounds that they wanted to take the child home and let her go quietly.

At that time, the heartbroken Xiao’s daughter didn’t know that the fate she was about to face was not just being sold as a corpse;

The other party’s idea was not her organs, but a ‘dark marriage’.

Her parents had never read a book all their lives, and they searched for information on the Internet for several days in order to sell their daughter.

The so-called “ghost marriage” is to marry unmarried people who died early, so as to save them from living in the underground. In order to hold the “ghost marriage” ceremony, the relatives of the deceased will pay a lot of money to buy the married corpse.

There are two types of corpses.

One is ‘dry goods’ and the other is ‘wet goods’.

The former is dead for many years, and the corpse has been buried with rotten bones, which are usually exhumed and stolen by grave robbers, and sold to needy families.

This kind of ‘dry goods’ is relatively cheap, and can be solved within 100,000 yuan.

The longer the death time and the higher the degree of damage to the corpse, the cheaper the price.

The latter is a fresh corpse like the eldest daughter of the Xiao family who has just died. The corpse has not decomposed yet, and the skin even has some elasticity and moisture, which is ‘wet goods’.

The price of this kind of fresh corpse would be two or three times more expensive, maybe even more.

If the buyer has requirements: for example, the age of the ‘wet goods’ cannot exceed how old it is, it cannot be a mutilated corpse like a car accident, the degree of education must be a college degree or higher, the time of death cannot exceed three days, etc… the price will also increase soaring.

Some “wet goods” can even sell for millions of dollars.

For this reason, some tomb thieves and dark media will use all means to abduct, sell, and kill women to marry “ghost marriages”.

“Wet goods” like the daughter of the Xiao family who haven’t died yet are the most valuable. She has a good appearance and complete body, and she can barely be considered a college student. In fact, the buyer offered a high price of 500,000.

When she was sent to a black car for illegal collection overnight, the eldest daughter of the Xiao family was breathing weakly.

When he was about to reach the buyer’s village, the middle-aged man got out of the car and took a video, and then agreed with the buyer on where to put the money and people for the transaction.

To make sure the cargo was still alive, he kicked the huddled, weakly breathing girl right in her fragile stomach, making her shiver with pain.

At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly squatted down.

The girl thought that he had a heart of compassion, but when she heard the phrase ‘you look pretty good’, her clothes were ripped off immediately…

She died on a night full of resentment and pain, with her eyes wide open when she died.

A powerful resentment filled her heart, instantly transforming her into a ghost.

It floated in mid-air, watching the evil beast scramble and crawl in fright, obviously didn’t expect it to die suddenly, and cursed ‘unlucky’.

When the beast was about to pull up its trousers, it poured all its resentment into real strength and strangled the corpse buyer.

When the opponent’s seven orifices were bleeding and his soul was separated from the body, the resentful ghost rushed forward again and directly tore the opponent’s soul.

After doing all this, Li Gui quietly looked at his corpse on the ground, with sadness and hatred in his heart, expressionless.

It slowly raised its head and looked at the flashlight not far away, which flickered on and off.

That’s the buyer I found…

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