I Became a Villain's Hero

Chapter 80: Birthday Date (3)

Chapter 80: Birthday Date (3)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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Song Soo-yeon had brought a blanket from home and, after quickly washing up in Jung-gyeom's bathroom, found bedding laid out on the floor.

Only then did Soo-yeon's heart start to race.

The situation had a strange atmosphere.

There was none of this atmosphere when they slept together before.

At that time, they were too drunk to care about such things.

But now, the thought of deliberately sleeping together made her heart race, especially with someone she liked.

Soo-yeon swallowed her saliva and looked over at Jung-gyeom.

He had finished stretching and was now entering the bedding laid out on the floor in light clothes.

"Soo-yeon, sleep on the bed."

Jung-gyeom lay down with a natural consideration.

She thought about lying next to him... but guilt about the restaurant and remorse for deceiving him held her back.

Only after making him happy would she gather her courage.

...As long as she didn't get caught as a villain, she thought she could compete with Solace.

Soo-yeon picked up a puppy doll from the table and climbed onto Jung-gyeom's bed.


Jung-gyeom chuckled at her.

"Since when did you like dolls? Now you're even bringing it to bed?"


Soo-yeon didn't respond to his tease.

She didn't even know why she had done it.

She was embarrassed by the idea of an adult carrying around a doll like a child, and she knew it.

She had never even liked dolls to begin with.

But her body moved impulsively.

It was inevitable.

Jung-gyeom stretched out his hand and turned off the switch.

The light went out.

They talked about light topics in the darkness.

These trivial stories warmed her.

Finally, Jung-gyeom said,

"...Let's sleep now, Soo-yeon. We have to get up early tomorrow."


"Have a nice dream."


After that, Jung-gyeom didn't say anything more.

But Soo-yeon, in the darkness, squinted her eyes open and continued to look at him.

She wondered if she ever thought she would fall for a guy three years her senior like this.

She wanted him so badly it drove her crazy.

In fact, she could just use her ability.


But it was meaningless.

She didn't want to be loved by a puppet without a will.

Soo-yeon calmed her clingy heart and closed her eyes.

Sleep came to her.




And when she came to her senses, she was at a campsite.

Crickets were chirping.

She couldn't understand what had happened.

She had fallen asleep in Jung-gyeom's room, so why was she here the next moment?

Wearing a windbreaker, she sat on a folding chair.

Besides the chair she was sitting on, there were three empty chairs around her.

Behind her, there were two large tents, and in front of her, a beautiful campfire.

It was late at night, and a big full moon hung in the sky.

Then she remembered.


Stella had given her a dream.

She had forgotten all about it, busy on a date with Jung-gyeom all day.

But he was nowhere to be seen.

If it was Stella's dream, Jung-gyeom would always appear.


At that moment, small hands covered her eyes from behind.

"Guess who~!"

Soo-yeon was startled, but that was all.

She felt no anxiety or discomfort.

Soon, the hands fell away, and the world brightened again.


And then, a small child appeared in front of her.

Soo-yeon forgot how to breathe.

She experienced what it was like to fall in love at first sight.

She knew who this small child was the moment she saw their face.

A child that strikingly resembled both herself and Jung-gyeom.

A child that filled her heart in a different way than Jung-gyeom did.

...It was their child.

Somehow, she also knew the name.

It naturally came to her.

Soo-yeon, suppressing her overwhelming emotions, naturally asked,

"...Damin, why are you still up and not sleeping?"

She thought she hated kids.

She was always annoyed by them.

But she just couldn't get angry at this child.

Only affection.

"Because Mommy didn't come into the tent, I couldn't sleep!"

The child pouted.

Soo-yeon couldn't help but smile.

"Jeong Damin, go to bed quickly."

A familiar voice came from behind.

It was Jung-gyeom.

"Your brother is sleeping just fine, why do you keep waking up?"

"Mom and Dad aren't sleeping either!"

"Psst. No cotton candy for you tomorrow?"

Only then did Damin, with a cute cry of 'eek!', enter the tent.

Soo-yeon laughed out loud as she watched.

Then, another voice from behind.

"....Soo-yeon. Come in now."

But Soo-yeon didn't move.


Jung-gyeom called her again.

"...Come in. The kids went into their tent."

Soo-yeon blushed and stood up.

After pouring water on the campfire to extinguish it, she squeezed herself into the two-person tent where Jung-gyeom was.

A mattress with a slight cushion and a thick blanket.

There was a reason she stubbornly brought the blanket and mattress.

As Soo-yeon fully entered the tent, Jung-gyeom started to undress.

Soo-yeon, too, stripped off her clothes layer by layer, making sure the kids couldn't hear her breathe.

Naturally and softly, they both began to expose their bare selves.

Soo-yeon soon stripped down to her underwear, discarding all her clothes.

The chill of the night enveloped her, but soon, Jung-gyeom's warmth found her.


She breathed more heavily than ever before.

She knew too well what they were about to experience.

"Oppa, let's have a third one."

Soo-yeon pleaded.

As always, Jung-gyeom simply chuckled.

Soo-yeon blinked, trying to adjust herself to the darkness.

But no matter how much she blinked, she couldn't fully see Jung-gyeom's bare body.

For the first time, the usually vivid dream began to blur.

Jung-gyeom's hand reached out, caressing Soo-yeon's cheek.

His face came closer, his lips touching her forehead once, then her neck.

Soo-yeon shivered.

The feeling was too strong.

Soon, Soo-yeon completely surrendered her body to Jung-gyeom.

He gently laid her down on the mattress.

Jung-gyeom pinning down her wrists.

Soo-yeon's heart raced so much that her vision shook.

Suddenly, Jung-gyeom was also completely undressed, as was Soo-yeon.

Though she still couldn't see him, she instinctively knew.

Soon, the moment they would connect was approaching.

Soo-yeon wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I said we should have a third, oppa."

She spoke again.

A burst of desire for a happy family she didn't know she had came pouring out.

Perhaps she desired it more because she never had someone she could call family.

Jung-gyeom laughed, gave a peck on her cheek, and nodded.

He came closer and closer.

"...Hah...! Hah...!"

And Soo-yeon's eyes snapped open.


Her heart was still racing, and her body was drenched in sweat.

She was back in Jung-gyeom's studio apartment.


Why did she wake up?

The thought crossed her mind hundreds of times.

Quickly looking around, Soo-yeon realized.

Damin and Jun were gone.

The space they filled was suddenly empty, leaving her with a sense of loss.

Even though it was a meeting that lasted only a few minutes, their disappearance gifted her immense pain.

Her hands trembled.

Soo-yeon shook her head.

She gathered her thoughts.

Damin and Jun hadn't disappeared.

It was just a temporary farewell.

She had just seen a glimpse of the future.

They could meet again.

...If she connected with Jung-gyeom, it could be their future.

Soo-yeon's eyes turned towards Jung-gyeom.

Her eyes shone with a violet light.

She was swept away by impulse.

The scenes shown in the dream were too sweet.

But as she took deep breaths, and as time passed, the vividness of the dream faded.

The faces of Damin and Jun also darkened.

Her heart calmed, and she cooled her excitement.

She couldn't use her powers on Jung-gyeom.

That was something she couldn't do.

She wiped her eyes.

Unnoticed tears were wiped away.


And then she realized why she had woken up from the dream.

It felt like she had woken up because she had never experienced it.

Having no experience with intercourse, she couldn't reproduce it in her dream.

The rest could be imagined, but beyond that was difficult.

Soo-yeon thought, perhaps it was for the best.

Wouldn't it be better to actually experience it rather than fantasize about it in a dream?

Someday, she'll fulfill her dream and have him.

Biting her lip, Soo-yeon looked forward to the future.


But she didn't realize how hard it would be to calm her excitement.

She only noticed how sweaty she was after a while...and realized her underwear was quite wet too.

And it wasn't because of the sweat.

Although she felt vulgar and dirty, she also thought it was inevitable.

Soo-yeon looked over at Jung-gyeom, who was sleeping.


The puppy doll Jung-gyeom had given her also caught her eye.

She secretly pulled the doll into the blanket with her.

She covered herself with the blanket up to her neck so that what happened underneath would be hidden from Jung-gyeom.


She involuntarily moaned at the stimulation she felt for the first time.

It was as if electricity ran through her body.

The hard nose of the puppy doll rubbed just right.

So this was what it felt like.

If she had known this feeling, she might not have woken from her dream.

Soo-yeon looked at Jung-gyeom with half-closed eyes.

Unknowingly, she tightly grabbed the pillow with one arm.

Her arm that emerged from under the blanket was damp with sweat.

With the other hand, she still held the puppy doll tightly.

To prevent any more moans from escaping, Soo-yeon bit into the pillow.

Her head naturally buried into the pillow, but she forced herself to look at Jung-gyeom with one eye.

She couldn't take her eyes off him.

She felt like a pervert.

So dirty. So repulsive.

But that sense of betrayal drove her mad.

Jung-gyeom excited her.

Soo-yeon's sweat did not dry as the night deepened.

The sound of water quietly splashed until dawn.

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