I Became a Villain's Hero

Chapter 79: Birthday Date (2)

Chapter 79: Birthday Date (2)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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Absent-mindedly, Song Soo-yeon left the cinema.

The afterglow of the movie hadn't faded yet.

She, more than anyone, knew that now was not the time to be intoxicated with excitement, but rather a time to comfort Jung-gyeom.

Yet, she couldn't help it.

Throughout the movie, she had projected herself and Jung-gyeom into it.

She understood why people loved romance films so much.

It had given her such a fresh shock.

It was actually her first time at a cinema.

She had no money, and even fewer friends.

Thinking this, she realized that everything she did with Jung-gyeom felt new and different.

To others, these might have been too mundane, but for her, it was something she was only now experiencing.

Jung-gyeom's footsteps were imprinted on what were once blank pages to her.


Amusement parks.

Intertwined fingers.



He was her first in everything.

A fact that would never change for the rest of her life.

Unknowingly, a surge of emotion welled up within her.

She felt terribly sorry about the restaurant still and was immensely grateful for these everyday joys she was receiving.

But for now, she suppressed her feelings.

Quietly, she linked arms with him again and walked along the street.



As her tumultuous heart calmed down, only fondness for Jung-gyeom blossomed.

How could she make him happy?

In the bustling streets, Song Soo-yeon looked around.

She didn't mind the stares sticking to her.

She was searching for something that Jung-gyeom would like.

She saw clothing stores.

Song Soo-yeon recalled the face of Solace, who had gifted Jung-gyeom clothes a few months ago.

"Mister, do you need clothes?"


"If there's something you want to buy, I'll buy it for you."


As he was about to refuse, Song Soo-yeon immediately interrupted him.

"-No, I decided to pay for everything today, but you ended up paying for everything."


"I'll buy it. Let's go."

Jung-gyeom similarly looked at a nearby clothing restaurant.

She even told a slight lie to persuade him.

"...I've gotten quite interested in clothes since doing modeling. It'd be good for you to have more clothes, wouldn't it?"


Somehow, upon hearing that, Jung-gyeom nodded his head and then burst into a bright smile.

"So you got interested because of modeling."

It was a smile that brightened the day.

Puzzled but continuing, Song Soo-yeon went on.

"Yes, so-"

"-No, it's okay. But thank you for thinking of me."

"...But still-"

"-More importantly, how's the modeling going?"

He asked.

Song Soo-yeon swallowed for a moment.

The question hit her unexpectedly.

But she was well prepared.

She had thought he would ask eventually.

She had even prepared a portfolio, ready to discuss it perfectly.

But she knew being too boastful would be weird.

She tried not to spill too many words, only the necessary ones.

"It's tough, but manageable. And it pays well."

"Really? What else?"

"What else...?"

"Your thoughts can't just be limited to that."


Song Soo-yeon unpacked the contents of the bundle of lies she had prepared in response to his question.

"The poses are sometimes tough, but I'm gradually getting used to it."

"Don't you find it painful to be judged?"

"...I can handle it. Initially, there were no men in the studio, only women."

"Do they provide meals well?"

"...I like your cooking the best, mister."

Jung-gyeom looked at Song Soo-yeon in surprise.

"You've never said that to me before."

"I'm not one to talk much."

Jung-gyeom's mood brightened more than ever. The heavy worries he had gradually disappeared.

Song Soo-yeon felt that he was still looking out for her.

The restaurant had disappeared, but he was still asking about her living situation.

Maybe Jung-gyeom was depressed because he thought he couldn't take care of her more?

If that was the case... nothing could be more lovely and guilt-inducing.

"Really? Is that so?"

Jung-gyeom asked back with a sigh and a smile.

Song Soo-yeon just hugged his arm tighter.

Song Soo-yeon looked around again.

Her intention to give Jung-gyeom a gift hadn't faded.

So far, the only gift she had given him was a cheap wish bracelet she made by hand when she had no money.

She remembered the pure joy on his face when he received that bracelet.

He was so happy with just that.

Wouldn't he be even more moved if she bought him something more expensive?

She wanted to keep seeing his smile.

There was also a desire to alleviate her guilt.

Becoming a villain had only brought her money in the end.

And yet, she hadn't been able to spend it freely.

Having been poor, she had the itch to splurge.

She hadn't forgotten the times when school meals and convenience store food were all she had to eat.

She remembered working hard at part-time jobs every day, even when it was tough and she was in pain.

All the memories of bitterness due to money haunted her like ghosts.

Even more so when she felt the sting of the wealth disparity with Solace.

Thus, she wanted to flaunt her wealth as human nature drove her to.

It would have been money she'd have proudly shown off to Jung-gyeom if it were earned honorably.

It would have been money spent to make him happier than anything else.

That's why she wanted to spend at least a little of it.

Money not spent was meaningless, after all.

"Mister, should I buy you sneakers?"

Song Soo-yeon asked, looking at Jung-gyeom's worn-out shoes.

"No, I like the shoes I have now."

"Mister, don't you need a bag?"

"What would I do with a bag?"

"Should I buy you some expensive wine? Like Bom unni did before."

"I drank a lot yesterday... I'm fine now."

But no matter what she said, Jung-gyeom just refused with a smile.

It felt like he would refuse whatever she suggested.

He didn't seem used to the idea of receiving anything in the first place.


Song Soo-yeon thought for a moment and then said,

"A birthday present. You didn't talk about it earlier. What do you want for your birthday?"

Jung-gyeom's smile faded.

While the smile remained, it became somewhat distant.

He stopped walking and slowly looked at Song Soo-yeon.

His gaze made her breath hitch momentarily.

The aftereffects of the movie hadn't worn off yet.

Her heart continued to flutter.

He pinched Song Soo-yeon's nose lightly with two fingers, repeating what he had said before.

"I said it's a secret."


Song Soo-yeon playfully shrugged off Jung-gyeom's touch, holding her nose and looking up at him.

He started walking again, and naturally, Song Soo-yeon followed him.

"What if I can't give you what you want because you said it's a secret?"


Jung-gyeom froze again.

His smile faded once more, but this time, bitterness took its place.

Without making eye contact, he murmured.

"...That won't happen."


"You will definitely give me the gift I want the most."


Was he saying he'd be happy with anything she gave?

That would be a relief, but... she feared the opposite might be true.

To lower his expectations a bit, she said.

"...Then, can I just not give you anything?"

Jung-gyeom laughed at that.

Song Soo-yeon didn't give up until the end.

Looking around for a gift that would suit his taste.


Suddenly, she heard a child's joyful cheer.

Looking over, she saw a child at a claw machine, happy with a small teddy bear in hand.

"Thanks, Dad!"

The child jumped up and down with a bright smile.

Song Soo-yeon was captivated by that beautiful scene, her expression souring.

She never had the chance to experience such innocence.

Perhaps that's why... she didn't find the naivety of children endearing.

She simply disliked children.

It felt like she was projecting herself onto them.

Song Soo-yeon observed the child's father.

Worn clothes.

Shabby appearance.

It looked like he couldn't afford a nice gift, so he opted for a toy from the claw machine instead.

Though she didn't know the real situation, that's how it looked to Song Soo-yeon.

And she didn't view it favorably.

Just another adult exploiting a child's innocence.

Perhaps she was projecting her own anger towards her father onto him.

Song Soo-yeon turned away.


But Jung-gyeom was looking at the claw machine.

Song Soo-yeon looked up at him.

He, like her, was quietly observing the child and father at the claw machine.

"Hmm... that looks fun?"

He said.


As Song Soo-yeon frowned, Jung-gyeom walked towards the claw machine.

Then he rummaged in his pocket, took out a 1000-won bill, and inserted it into the machine.

"Soo-yeon, do you want anything?"

"...I don't."

Perhaps because of the resentment she felt towards the child's father earlier, Song Soo-yeon responded curtly without realizing it.

"Oh, really?"

But Jung-gyeom didn't seem to mind much.

With a smile, he maneuvered the lever back and forth before pressing the button.

The claw descended and grabbed a puppy doll the size of a fist.

In an instant, the prize was ejected from the machine.

"This is a gift."

Jung-gyeom said, smiling as he handed it over.

Song Soo-yeon's frown gradually faded.

...It was strange.

Until just now, she had a huge aversion to the same kind of gift... but the moment Jung-gyeom won it for her, it became something special.

Why didn't it seem like a cheap gift now?

Every detail of the puppy doll strongly imprinted itself in her mind.

"If you don't like it, you can throw it away."

Jung-gyeom said lightly.

Song Soo-yeon shook her head and took the doll with both hands.

...It felt like receiving a doll gift she never got in her childhood.

She couldn't even identify what emotion she was feeling now.

She felt like she might get annoyed, yet also felt like crying.

Every time she was with him, she felt like she became more of a crybaby.

She didn't remember crying much in her life.

"Let's go."

Jung-gyeom briskly turned around.

Song Soo-yeon held the doll in her arms and linked her other arm with Jung-gyeom's.

Her heart continued to pound.



After spending the afternoon playing, the day ended at Jung-gyeom's studio apartment.

It was a place for Jung-gyeom to rest, as well as a place where Song Soo-yeon used to rest, so neither of them felt any discomfort.

After cooking a delicious dinner and chatting away, Jung-gyeom checked the time.

"Time to go back, Soo-yeon. It's time to rest now."


Song Soo-yeon also checked the time and asked.

"Is there anything else to do?"


Song Soo-yeon blinked and hesitated to answer.

The doll Jung-gyeom had given her was still sitting on her lap.

"...Um, Mister."

Song Soo-yeon scrambled for an excuse.

"...Can I stay here tonight?"


"No, I've slept here a lot... for the sake of memories."


"We've already slept in the same room after drinking"


Jung-gyeom didn't answer, so Song Soo-yeon started to feel nervous.

She knew it was a sudden request, but she feared getting hurt if he pushed her away.

She had mustered up the courage and wanted a corresponding reward.

Song Soo-yeon finally played her last card out of desperation.

She decided to go all out with the lie.

"...I'm still struggling because the restaurant was destroyed."


Jung-gyeom reacted to that.

Then, he slowly smiled bitterly.

"...Right? You were just as upset as me, weren't you?"

"...If I wasn't upset, I wouldn't have offered to pay for the repairs."

Jung-gyeom had yet to make a decision about the repair costs.

Since the building needed to be fixed first, there was still plenty of time left.

It seemed like Jung-gyeom was still thinking about it.

Jung-gyeom shrugged.

"But there's no blanket."

"I'll bring one from home. It's only a 5-minute distance. I want to sleep here tonight too."


"Just this once, okay?"

Finally, Jung-gyeom gave in.

His expression was completely different from yesterday or this morning.

The atmosphere had softened back to how it used to be.

He said,

"......Alright, let's do that just for tonight."

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