I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Horror 4 Corners Game (4 More)

Hearing this, Chu Feng didn’t say anything, and Scarlett-Johnson was already angry: “Mr. Anderson, please pay attention to your words.

Also, this time, it has something to do with your son, Anderson Jr. ”

Anderson said angrily: “Miss John, please also pay attention to your words. Why is little Anderson related to this incident?”

Scarlett looked at everyone and said without stage fright: “Ladies and gentlemen, you may not know the cause of the matter.

This is caused by someone playing some game that shouldn’t be played. ”

As soon as Scarlett said this, the parents couldn’t sit still, and someone asked, “Miss John, can you tell us what’s going on?”

“Of course you can.” Scarlett is worthy of being an actress. Although there are not many performances, she is still generous in front of so many people.

I just heard her say: “This time, the accident happened because the four of them played the four-corner game together.

When they played, they also invited me, but my uncle Chu told me not to play those evil-related games at will, so I refused them.

After this game, something happened to them.

Lily and Will are both players, and Anderson Jr. is one of them. ”

“Ah, the four-corner game!”

Parents who knew about this game immediately exclaimed.

But more parents who didn’t know, looked at a loss, and quickly asked those parents who knew what was going on.

Chu Feng frowned slightly. He had seen this kind of game in a book in his study.

Sheriff Mike came over and asked, “Tianshi Chu, what is a four-corner game?”

Chu Feng said: “The four-corner game is a very dangerous game. Like Bloody Mary, it is a game that can summon ghosts. You know, Bloody Mary.”

Sheriff Mike said: “I know this, everyone should know it, but I have never heard of the four-corner game.”

Maggie Li also listened curiously, she didn’t know what the four-corner game was.

Chu Feng explained: “Similar to Bloody Mary, Four Corners is a dangerous game that summons ghosts.

It takes four people to play this game. They are in a room, turn off the lights, close the doors and windows, and keep the room in total darkness.

Then, the four stood facing the four corners of the wall and began to count.

When counting from 1 to 10, the game officially begins.

One of them walked towards the other corner, walked behind the person in that corner, and touched the person’s shoulder.

When the person is touched, it will take the place of the person who started, and continue to walk towards the next corner, and so on.

During this game, there is a corner that is empty because there is a person walking around.

If, when you get to that empty corner, you need to cough before continuing.

Just keep going, keep going.

But while walking, the coughing sound in the room will suddenly disappear. Do you know what this means? ”

Sheriff Mike and Maggie Li next to him were horrified, and all the hairs on their bodies stood up.

Sheriff Mike’s voice trembled slightly: “This means that there is one more person in this room, and it has become five people.”

“Yes.” Chu Feng said: “Only when the room becomes five people, the four corners will not be empty and the coughing sound will disappear.

However, the doors and windows in the room were closed, so how could there be one more person suddenly?

Unless, that person is not human. ”


Maggie Li exclaimed in fright, causing Sheriff Mike to tremble.

Sheriff Mike looked at Maggie Li reproachfully: “Miss Li, don’t scare people, okay?”

Li Maggie smiled embarrassedly: “I’m sorry.”

At this time, those parents who didn’t know the four-corner game at first also learned what the four-corner game is from other parents.

Immediately, the parents were angry.

They all looked at Anderson angrily.

Especially that Susan.

It turned out that Scarlett just escaped, and she was regarded as the murderer.

Now, little Anderson is still one of the initiators of the game, how can she give up.

Sure enough, Susan roared and rushed towards Anderson: “Murderer, your son is the one who killed my son.”

Anderson was startled and hurried to dodge, but was caught by Susan anyway.

Anderson said angrily: “What nonsense, don’t listen to these people’s alarmist talk. It’s just a game, how can people die, they are all talking nonsense and exaggerating the facts.

Why don’t you think about it, your son didn’t participate in this game, why did he die? ”

Susan also fell silent after hearing the words. She looked at Scarlett and asked, “Yeah, why?”

Scarlett shook her head and said, “I don’t know about this. You have to ask my Uncle Chu.”

Saying that, Scarlett looked at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said: “First of all, whether this thing is caused by the four-corner game, I haven’t investigated it yet, so I can’t be sure for the time being…”


I saw that some old iron misunderstood that I only released 6 chapters, so I quickly explained it.

This 6 chapter is the number of updates today, not the latest update.

I will tell everyone about the updates that are on the shelves in the testimonials.

Continue to be anxious…*

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