I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 You Are All Deceived (3 More)

He wanted to get angry, but seeing that these were parents, it was inconvenient for him to get angry.

It happened that he saw Sheriff Mike, who was helping to maintain order, and immediately walked over: “Mr. Sheriff, look at what you have done. This is a school, not a store. How did you start a business here?”

Sheriff Mike looked at the old man: “You should say this to those parents.

See if these parents who worry about their children’s safety and get angry at you for not keeping them safe will tear you apart. ”

The old man glanced at the parents, and immediately saw several of them cast an angry look at him.

The old man shuddered, how dare he go to ask for trouble.

He lowered his business and said, “But it’s too… too philistine, and it affects our school’s image too much.”

Sheriff Mike said, “Is it important for the image to have a child’s life? If people continue to die here, it will really affect the school’s image. If anyone dares to come here to study in the future, your principal’s reputation will be worse.”

Seeing that the principal wanted to say more, he sighed and said, “Let me tell Tianshi Chu and let him pay attention.”

Saying that, Sheriff Mike walked up to Chu Feng: “Chu Tianshi, the school principal asks you to pay attention and turn the school into a shopping mall. This will affect the school’s image too much.”

Chu Feng turned his head and saw that the old man was also looking at him, with a faint anger in his eyes.

Chu Feng didn’t care, and said, “Tell the principal that I can help him settle this matter for free and catch the murderer.”

“Free?” Sheriff Mike caught the point here.

“Yes, it’s free. It’s just a venue fee.”

Originally, Chu Feng planned to charge 500,000 shots.

But now, after making so much money selling talismans, the 500,000 is nothing.

Just treat it as a gift for these parents.

Mike was overjoyed and said, “Chu Tianshi, you are really a kind gentleman.”

He could also save 200,000.

As for applying for the money and stealing it, he didn’t dare.

There are so many people here, and you can find them for free if you check them out.

However, he can say that under his strong persuasion, Chu Feng agreed not to collect money, saving the police $200,000, which is another credit.

“Okay.” Chu Feng interrupted Mike’s flattery: “Go and talk to him. By the way, you can add one more sentence. If he doesn’t agree, then I don’t care about this matter, and let him ask him another goodbye. The exorcist.”

“No, absolutely not.” Sheriff Mike said: “I only trust you, Chu Tianshi, and I can’t trust other exorcists.”

Chu Feng said: “Then it’s up to the principal. I said it doesn’t count.”

Sheriff Mac hurried over again and whispered to the old man Krian Hood.

After a while, the old man considered silently for a while, then turned around and walked out, leaving him alone.

Seeing that the old man was gone, Mike breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself that he would soon receive another credit, and he was very happy.

Not long after the old man left, more parents and students rushed over.

But the classroom is too small to hold so many people.

No way, everyone had no choice but to go to the basketball court.

Chu Feng never thought that all his talismans would be sold out in one day.

But this time, it really happened.

Although, the corpse-suppressing charm and the soul-suppressing charm are not sold out.

But the Heart Purification Talisman and the Evil Talisman are really gone.

Not even Chu Feng himself.

Despite this, there are still many parents who have not bought them, clamoring for Chu Feng to quickly transfer another batch.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly and said, “It’s really gone. Talismans are not an ordinary commodity. You can buy a batch of them.

This requires me to spend the master’s energy, effort and time to make it to make it.

If you really need it, you can register with Scarlett, pay a deposit, and I will give it to you after I make it. ”

Although the parents were not satisfied with the result, they had no choice but to do so.

At this time, a parent who had not bought the talisman asked, “We don’t have the talisman. What if the murderer attacks us during this period?”

His question immediately caused more parents to worry: “Yes, what if the murderer attacks us?”

Chu Feng thought for a while, this might actually exist.

After thinking about it, Chu Feng said: “I have a proposal, you stay at the school with the children tonight, and I will sit in the school myself.

I’d like to see if that thing dares to attack under my nose. ”

Chu Feng said that thing because he knew that it was definitely done by dirty things.

Parents have been considering Chu Feng’s proposal.

But there are also parents who don’t buy Chu Feng’s account at all.

A white male in his 40s said: “I think you were deceived by him, what a talisman, it’s just a trick to cheat money.

I will take my son back to see if the murderer dares to kill us. ”


On the shelves tonight, will the old irons subscribe? *

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