I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 61

Chapter 60 6 training rooms

Eat hundreds of thousands for nothing a month without giving money. Although He Mu had been mentally prepared, he still felt like dreaming.

After returning to God, He Mu asked, “Teacher, how can I make progress faster? Should I give me a standard now?”

Hearing this question, Ling Hanxing pondered for a moment, and gave a goal that he felt in his heart that even the ultimate talent would require hard work to achieve.

“Let’s do it, I will increase my combat effectiveness by 20 a month, and I will increase my combat effectiveness by 100 this semester. Don’t think I am too harsh. As a strong, you must have the consciousness of a strong!

If the goal is too easy to achieve, can it still be called a goal? dont you agree? ”

He Mu nodded solemnly after hearing the words, and said nothing.


Leaving the canteen, Ling Hanxing took He Mu to the front of a huge round building.

Seeing this round building, He Mu immediately thought of the large indoor gymnasium of the previous life, which can still undertake the level of the Olympic Games.

walked to the door, a palm-sized iron nameplate hung on the wall next to it.

Nearly half of the words on the    nameplate are corroded, and only some of them can barely be seen clearly.

“…Big…Training Center, Huaxia…Institute of construction.”


“What’s good outside, come in!”

Ling Hanxing who had entered the center urged.

He Mu responded, and then entered the training center.

As soon as    entered, the first thing that caught your eye was a huge circular platform, which seemed to be as large as two basketball courts.

There is a huge “War” in the center of the circular platform, which immediately reminded He Mu of the ring.

And around this circular platform, there are several deep passages, and the passage openings are marked with different combat strength ranges.

“0-100, 100-300, 300-500, 500-1000”

Before He Mu could take a closer look, Ling Hanxing had already walked towards the 100-300 entrance.

He Mu saw this and had to follow suit.

After crossing a deep passage of about 20 meters, the two entered a huge rectangular room of 100 square meters.

There are three metal gates on the narrow walls on both sides of the rectangular room, and at the end of the room, there are two floors of forty columns with a total of 80 temporary storage compartments.


“He Mu, let me introduce you. This is a gravity room. The environment can simulate multiple times of gravity inside. After entering, it can quickly consume the red mist. There is absolutely no such gravity room in the Red Mist Alliance.”

Ling Hanxing pointed to the first metal gate on the left wall and introduced, and then he walked to the second metal gate.

“There is a swimming pool, but the swimming pool is not filled with ordinary water, but an overweight liquid with a density higher than mercury. It is said to be extracted from the blood of monsters. Most people can’t move in it and want to drown. It’s hard to die.”


“This third room is the reaction chamber, but it is also much more advanced than the Red Mist Alliance. The metal ball shot inside has its own power system. It can even simulate the attack route of the monster to make a turn in the middle, increase the intensity, and take back and other different operations. .”


“The first one on the right is the Comprehensive Combat Training Room. There are some equipment to assist you in boxing, leg training, and weapon training. There is nothing to say.”

“The second one is a bit interesting. It is called the sensory training room. If you want to practice hearing in it, it can quickly create an environment without light. If you want to practice vision, it will be absolutely silent every minute, and the surrounding walls will be completely silent. It will become a 3D video screen…In addition, the sense of smell and touch can also be trained inside.”

“The last one is the rest room, which allows you to quickly enter your dreamland. It is not comparable to the rest cabin of the Red Mist Alliance. The benefits will be known after you try it.”


After listening to the teacher’s introduction, He Mu only felt an eye-opener.

Compared with the South City Red Mist Alliance, this place is really much stronger, not a grade at all.

“Teacher…is it open at any time? Are there any restrictions on entry?”

Ling Hanxing was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head.

“Except for the lounge, which can only be entered once a week, other training rooms can come in at any time as long as you want to become stronger.”

He Mu was speechless for a while, only feeling that he had come to heaven.

even felt embarrassed in his heart.

The cost of a place like this is certainly high. If there is training in it, no money is paid, and no contribution is made. Isn’t it crazy to take advantage of the school and the country?

“It’s a long time in Japan, don’t be so anxious, let me take you to the dormitory first, and when you are sent to the dormitory, I have to go to the principal.”

Ling Hanxing shook his head and smiled when He Muyue was eager to try.

“Uh, good.”

He Mu calmed down, and after another glance at the six training rooms, he followed Ling Hanxing.


Leaving the training center, Ling Hanxing took He Mu on foot for more than ten minutes, and finally arrived in front of the light gray dormitory.

The dormitory building is not high, with a total of five floors, but it is very long and narrow.

Looking around, there are a total of six such long and narrow dormitory buildings around.

“The first floor is the teachers’ dormitory, come with me.”

entered the dormitory building, Ling Hanxing went straight to a certain dormitory on the first floor.

He Mu followed, and at the same time glanced at the end of the passage, roughly estimated that there are ten dormitories on this floor.

Ling Hanxing’s dormitory was in the sixth room. After opening the dormitory door, He Mu saw the scene inside.

A standard one-bedroom, one-living-room and one-bathroom suite, which adds up to about fifty or sixty square meters, looks like a hotel suite, but slightly messy.

“All dorms are the same. Your dormitory is on the third floor, and it’s the same layout.”

Ling Hanxing walked to the bed and bent down.

“One person, one room?”

“What? Have to assign a girl to you?”

Ling Hanxing said in an angry manner, and at the same time pulled out a long sword wrapped in black cloth from under the bed.

To be honest, if he hadn’t seen the black hilt, He Mu wouldn’t recognize it as a sword.

Because it is too long, it is estimated to be more than 2.5 meters, about the same as a spear, and it is also five or six centimeters wide.

Ling Hanxing did not look back, but he guessed what He Mu was thinking at this time.

“This is Cheyun. The Red Mist fighters of my level are all monsters who are too big to attack the enemy, so the weapon must grow to be bigger. Not the monster’s internal organs.”

After that, Ling Hanxing wrapped Cheyun and put it under the bed again.

After   , he stood up and opened the bedside table next to him, and took out a USB flash drive from it.

After rubbing the USB flash drive, the thing returned to its original position.

Finally, he walked to the next desk and opened the drawer. He took a look at the tens of thousands of dollars in cash and a bank card, before he exhaled.

He Mu watched his series of operations silently, and he had some inferences in his heart.

In the eyes of the teacher, the most precious of course is Cheyun.

The second thing is not the property, but the USB drive.

I don’t know what exactly is in the USB flash drive that makes the teacher care so much Okay, none of my things are lost, I will take you to your dormitory. ”

After checking things, Ling Hanxing put down the bag, his face was full of relief.

He Mu walked out of the dormitory upon hearing this, and took a shot and said, “Teacher, if you lose something, don’t look for me. I am not that kind of person.”

Ling Hanxing laughed.

“I just said that, there is no such kind of people in our school, let alone where my things are so easy to steal?”

After all, he locked the door of the dormitory and pushed it slightly. After confirming that the door was OK, he was relieved to lead the way.

In fact, in He Mu’s opinion, this school has no binding effect on the Red Mist Warriors at all.

After a while, Ling Hanxing took He Mu to Room 305 on the third floor. The layout inside was exactly the same as the dormitory on the first floor.

It’s just a lot cleaner. The sheets and bedding are all new, the floor is very clean, all kinds of household appliances are available, and there is even a brand new laptop on the desk.

He Mu also went to college in his previous life, but the conditions paled in comparison with this.

“Well, you should familiarize yourself with the environment first, I’ll go to the principal.”

Ling Hanxing turned around and left after dropping the key to the dormitory.

He Mu was left alone in the dormitory at once.

Putting down the bag and looking around the indoor environment, He Mu let out a sigh of relief and lay on the big bed in the dormitory.

Sitting in meditation for more than ten years has allowed him to develop a habit of contemplation.

I looked at the ceiling above my head and recalled everything I saw today. I don’t know if it was because of my lack of knowledge or some illusion.

He faintly felt that Lingzhou Vocational College had a…unexplainable sense of disobedience.

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