I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 60

Chapter 59 Entry barriers and school cafeterias

“He is He Mu, the special enrollment that Ling Hanxing said.”

On the balcony of the high-rise building, a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, bright eyes and slightly pale temples said softly.

Next to him, there is a straight old man with gray hair and wrinkled face. He may be no less than 80 years old, but he is standing straight.

At this time, both of them looked at He Mu in the direction of the school gate in the distance.

“Our school was founded seven or eight years ago, has it confiscated such a great student?”

The old man covered his mouth and coughed slightly, the wrinkles on his face stretched out, revealing a faint smile.

The middle-aged man nodded.

“Confiscated, aside from the original aspirations, the most effective students who have been accepted by the eighties, the most powerful should be Wang Xiaoteng, who is about to enter the junior year. He entered the school with 80 combat effectiveness.

If it weren’t for a severely biased subject, plus he originally loved to study excavators, it would be impossible to come to our school. ”

“Now this, one hundred and two… Kyoto University even called over for this, it’s really rare.”

The old man sighed softly, his eyes unconsciously looked towards the top of the mountain, and a little nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, “Fortunately, this is the only one, otherwise I really dare not accept it, for fear of misunderstanding.

After all, if he goes to a prestigious school with this child’s talent, he is likely to compete for the Lord of Hope in the future. ”

“How are you going to arrange him?” the old man asked again.

The middle-aged man thought for a while and said: “Let’s go with the flow, the strong only need to give him a piece of soil, and he can thrive.

This child is alone and helpless, and giving him special care will only alienate him from the group.

In short, whatever step he takes, he will be treated for that step, and there is no need to treat him differently. ”

“You are the principal, you have the final say how to arrange it.”

After speaking, the old man seemed to think of something, and his expression became a little kind.

“Where is Chuxin that girl? Haven’t gone back to school yet?”

The middle-aged man shook his head: “Not yet, she should come back the day after school starts.”

“Still doing the task? So desperate?” The old man was a little surprised.

A wry smile appeared on the middle-aged man’s face.

“Although she didn’t say anything, I faintly feel that she wants to participate in the battle for prestigious schools next year, so she is so eager to do the task to get the city contribution value.”

Hearing this answer, the old man’s expression froze, but his heart was stunned.

Participating in the battle for prestigious schools, there is a barrier to entry.

The most important entry barrier is that the total city contribution value of all teachers and students of the school reaches 500,000.

For Kyoto University, this threshold may be just a fraction of them.

But for Lingzhou Vocational University, leaving the teachers aside, all the students together can make up to 50,000.

Because of this, Lingzhou Vocational University has never participated in any prestigious school competition since its establishment.

But there is no alternative.

Lingzhou Vocational University now has about 3,000 students. Excluding ordinary students in computer networks, economics and finance, construction, CNC machine tools, beauty salons and other majors, there are only 500 real Red Mist fighters.

These five hundred people add up to a total of 50,000 city contributions.

Although it is a bit lower, it is all in exchange for these 500 students to go out to build roads and mine or to cook for others.

What kind of ability to do what kind of things, this is justified, no one can criticize anything.

“Well, the first year of freshman year has just ended. If she is willing to wait another year, she will definitely be able to overwhelm all the strong people of the same age, and we will also have time to fight for the 500,000 city contributions.”

After a long silence, the old man sighed helplessly.

The middle-aged man shook his head and chuckled: “Although she is a girl, she doesn’t like to talk, but the fighting genes inherited from her body have not changed.

If you want to wait until the junior year, and the fighting power will crush your peers before going to participate in the battle for prestigious schools, then she is not her. ”

“But no matter how hard she works, she can’t make up such a big gap in city contribution…”

“Isn’t there still us? Whether we can meet the requirements is one thing, whether you have worked hard, that is another matter.”


the other side.

Ling Hanxing glanced at the direction where the principal was, and quickly led He Mu into the school gate.

As soon as he entered the school gate, two roads appeared in front of him.

“He Mu, the road on the left leads to the campus of ordinary students, and the road on the right leads to the campus of the Red Mist Warriors. There is no connection between the two. Don’t go wrong in the future.

Otherwise, if you accidentally injure ordinary students, they will be punished. ”

Ling Hanxing introduced and walked towards the road on the right.

He Mu responded and followed behind.

It didn’t take long for the two to come to a small white square building.

He Mu can see clearly, two large characters are written on the white square building.


“I will take you into the cafeteria first, but school is not starting now, there should be no food in it.”

Ling Hanxing said that he took He Mu into the white square building.

This canteen is not as big as He Mu imagined, it seems that there are only five large windows in total.

In terms of scale, it is not as good as a unit canteen in the previous life.

He Mu subconsciously walked to the first window.

“0-20” is written on this window, and then the menu is below.

There are some home-cooked foods on the menu. The price ranges from RMB 2 to RMB 20. In addition to these ordinary foods, there are two special dishes.

A dish named “Fried Strange Fish”, the price is 1,000.

A dish called “Fresh Pork Chop”, the price is two thousand.

“Fried strange fish…”

He Mu muttered to himself.

This is probably the kind of fish he ate in Nancheng.

It’s just that he buys cooked fried fish in the Red Mist Alliance, the price is 2,999.

Going to the supermarket to buy raw materials costs two thousand to take home, but I didn’t expect it to be only one thousand.

Isn’t it enough weight?

As soon as he had this idea, Ling Hanxing’s voice came from behind.

“The serving size is almost the same as that of Nancheng. The difference is that the food that the state provides to the Red Mist Alliance is to make money but to the school, it does not make money.”

“It turned out to be like this.”

He Mu nodded and walked to the second window.

This window says “20-50”. Looking at the first window, He Mu roughly knows that this is the meaning of combat effectiveness range.

There are five menus in this window.

“Thin goat steak, 3000.”

“Juli Drumstick, 3500.”


“Lamb bone soup, 1000.”


After reading this window, He Mu walked to the next window.

The next window is in the range of 50 to 100.

The next one is 100 to 300, and the last window is 300+.

He Mu focused on the range of 100 to 300. After all, his combat effectiveness is now in this range.

“Furious Beef Tenderloin, 10,000.”

“Wild pork leg, 12000.”

“The best chowder soup, 8000.”


Seeing this price, He Mu felt agitated.

Even if I only ate one meal and one dish per meal, I would have to eat hundreds of thousands a month.

As for the last window, there is no fixed menu anymore.

It is estimated that the food is wild monsters, and the price must be several steps higher.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but look at Ling Hanxing.

“Teacher, can I really eat here without paying?”

Ling Hanxing grinned: “As long as you make progress quickly, eat well, and don’t waste it, then you don’t need to pay.

After school starts, these five windows are open all day, and you can come and eat at any time, but it does not support take-out or treats. “

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