I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 10th mission


With a soft sound, He Mu placed the vacuum-packed black fur rat corpse on the counter of the Red Mist Bar.

Uncle Li raised his head, glanced at the clean wound on the black mouse and smiled: “The action is very fast, but this thing is not valuable, the meat cannot be eaten, and the fur has to be processed to be useful, but the blood is OK. It’s made into chemical materials…20,000 yuan, right?”


As soon as his voice fell, He Mu had already placed the card on the bar.

Uncle Li smiled when he saw this, took the card and transferred the money in.

“accept mission.”

He Mu said coldly.

“Hey, you kid, you don’t know good people.”

Uncle Li searched on the computer while scratching his head. After a while, he arranged another task for He Mu.

He Mu glanced at the task, didn’t say a word, picked up the card and turned around and left.

Two hours later.


There was another soft sound, and the corpses of a strange fish the size of a person, all covered in lin armor, were placed on the bar.

Uncle Li looked at the strange fish and lit a flue: “Black scale fish, fifty thousand.”


The    card was placed on the bar.

“accept mission.”


Five hours later.


“Eighty thousand.”

“accept mission.”

“This task is for you, go.”

Eight hours later.




“go with.”




In a blink of an eye, five days later.

He Mu came to the Red Mist Bar again. At this time, he had completed nine missions and the city contribution value had reached fifteen.

Had it not been for one of the tasks to find a missing child, it would take him two or three days to complete nine tasks.

In addition, in the past few days of the mission, his combat power has also been slow to increase. Five days ago, his combat power was about 21, and now five days later, his combat power is only 23.

But there is no way.

Doing tasks is more or less dangerous, he can’t put himself in a state of exhaustion.

“Uncle Li, after finishing this mission, I will be able to receive instant missions through the mission system in the Red Mist Alliance software in the future.”

He Mu walked to the bar and said with a smile, his attitude no longer as cold as before.

“Your kid said so much today.”

Uncle Li raised his head, his expression somewhat joking.

He Mu smiled and said nothing.

Uncle Li’s expression suddenly became serious.

“You can complete nine missions in such a short period of time, which shows that you do have some strength.

But I have to remind you that the tenth mission is different.

As a threshold, the Red Mist Alliance stipulated that the tenth mission must reach a certain degree of danger. ”

He Mu listened to this interface and said: “I know that I am afraid that the members of the Red Mist Alliance will take it lightly because the first nine missions were too smooth, so the tenth mission needs to be more difficult.

Only after this hurdle can I be qualified to take on those dangerous immediate tasks in the future. ”

“Just understand, tell you, you are the kind of person who went too smoothly for the first nine missions!

Like you, I have seen many of them in the past few years, and I have even passed ten missions successfully.

The result is that the death rate of this kind of people afterwards is even greater than that of those who do simple tasks with ups and downs. Do you know why? ”

“Lack of awe.”

He Mu answered very seriously.

Uncle Li smiled when he heard the answer.

“Hey, you guys are so different, but it’s a pity that you started too late, otherwise you would be considered a little genius.”

“Then what kind of task is Uncle Li going to give me?”

He Mu asked.

“Don’t worry, wait, you have to do this tenth mission with someone else.”

Uncle Li leaned back on the chair and started to light his cigarette again.

He Mu is also very patient, just standing by the bar and waiting quietly.

About half an hour later, a woman, two men and three people entered the bar and went straight to the bar.

The three of them are about 30 years old. The woman is tall, with simple and sharp short hair, and her whole body exudes the charm of a mature woman.

The two men have flat heads, are tall and strong, and look similar.

All three of them are wearing black leather tights and uniform tattoos on their necks, looking like a small team.

“Brother Li, don’t you worry about us doing things? Do you want us to come here?”

The woman who was walking in the forefront said lightly before reaching the bar, and at the same time she did not forget to wink at He Mu who was next to the bar.

“It’s not that you don’t worry about you, but you need to take him with you when you perform tasks at night.”

Uncle Li said, pointing to He Mu who was aside.

The three of them looked at He Mu at the same time. Seeing that He Mu was unusually young, their eyes lit up.

“Not a college student.” Uncle Li added a sentence beside him.

The eyes of the three of them dimmed for an instant, and the woman in the lead wanted to reach out and pick He Mu’s chin, but He Mu avoided it.

“He is the tenth mission.” Li Shu said.

“I see, take a new person.”

The woman smiled charmingly and looked at He Mu again.

“Little brother, at twelve o’clock in the evening, see you at the gate of Jiayuan Community, I’ll be waiting for you.”

said, blinked his right eye, shot He Mu, and then said to Uncle Li: “I will remember people, let’s go if there is nothing else!”

“Go ahead.”

The woman waved her hand playfully, and then she took the two brothers and left the bar.

After these three people left, Li Shucai said, “This is the task tonight, you see.”

After all, he turned the computer screen to He Mu.

“According to reliable sources, the kidnapping gang in An City next door flied into Nancheng along the railway line, and is now hiding near the home community.

The special operations team needs the Red Mist Alliance to send four Red Mist fighters to cooperate with the special operations team members to enter the home community at 12 midnight to kill the gang. ”

After He Mu finished reading, Uncle Li continued: “According to the information given by the city next door, this group had a total of seven people when they fled from Ancheng. Among them were four Red Mist fighters with combat power ranging from three to fifteen.

In Ancheng, the group killed more than ten people, including five Red Mist fighters. When they entered Nancheng, they killed three special operations team members who guarded their cards. It was a heinous crime! ”

He Mu nodded.

This tenth mission is indeed different, it turned out to be people to deal with. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

and they are extremely evil men, the special operations team even directly used the word “snatch”, which shows how dangerous this operation is.

Seeing He Mu’s serious expression, Li Shu laughed, as if he had won a battle.

“But don’t worry, although this task is dangerous, the main force is the special operations team and the Wei family’s third siblings just now.

Not to mention the special operations team, the Wei family’s third siblings are all Red Mist fighters with a combat strength of about fifteen. They have completed more than fifty missions, and they can all be regarded as decisive people.

More importantly, although these three people seem to be nondescript, they are actually very enthusiastic.

So this trip, you can just follow behind to see and see, no one will force you to go up and go desperately. ”

“I understand, I would like to thank Uncle Li for your care during this time.”

He Mu said and bowed slightly to the fat middle-aged Uncle Li behind the bar.

“Your kid is really polite, then let me remind you one more game.”

He Mu straightened up and listened carefully.

“Our South City Red Mist Alliance kills fifty to seventy Red Mist fighters every year due to various tasks, and three-fifths of them are killed in the hands of people.

In other words, leaving the frontline battlefield aside, the one who killed the Red Mist fighters the most was actually the Red Mist fighter itself. Do you know why? ”

He Mu pondered and replied: “Because humans are more intelligent and cunning than most monsters, and we humans have not developed the technology to deal with the Red Mist Warriors.”

Uncle Li twitched when he heard this expression, and then waved his hand with disgust: “Grass, your kid knows everything, he doesn’t look like eighteen years old at all, let’s go! Go!”

“Goodbye Uncle Li!”

“Be careful at night, you are the only seedling in your family!”


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