I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 The power of technology

As soon as I left, a scent of decay mixed with foul smell came on my face.

He Mu pulled down the mask and began to observe the front.

The passage in front of me is so tall that it is covered with moss and some blackened **** on the wall of the passage.

The overall visibility of the passage is about three meters, and in the dark depths, there is a ticking sound of dripping water, which faintly reveals a gloomy feeling.

Under this kind of environment, the sewer monsters with small size and good eyesight can exert stronger combat effectiveness.

He Mu now has a fighting power far surpassing ordinary sewer monsters, but he dared not be careless.

It’s not that there is a real danger, but the sewer monsters are contaminated with various viruses and bacteria.

To be caught, he has to get seven or eight vaccines, which is too much time for him now.

Just as he was about to explore further, the voice of the head worker above suddenly rang in the headset.

“Brother, I forgot to tell you, your protective clothing is borrowed from the special operations team and has many functions! It is not the protective clothing we usually wear!”

“Function? What function?”

He Mu asked.

“Is such that…”

One minute later, He Mu was silent after listening to the introduction.

even felt a little sense of sorrow in his heart, just this protective suit, ordinary people wearing a weapon can also solve ordinary sewer monsters, what do you want him to do as a red mist warrior?

“Oh…Uncle Li still takes care of me too much.”

sighed lightly, He Mu stretched out his hand and fiddled with the mask.

In the next second, the scene in front of me changed.

changed from a dark and gloomy channel into a red and green scene.

Yes, this mask has night vision and thermal imaging functions, and this is only the most basic function of the special operations team protective clothing.

If necessary, change to a more advanced mask and equip you with an air valve to block the odor.

The scene in front of him changed, the horrible atmosphere disappeared instantly, and He Mu walked slowly toward the depths of the sewer.

The sole of the protective clothing is extremely soft, even if you step on the stagnant water, as long as you don’t use too much force, the sound is extremely low.

In this way, He Mu walked along the pipeline for about two minutes.

dozens of meters in front of him appeared a group of half-human red mouse-shaped images, and he was holding on to something he didn’t know, and there was a faint chewing sound.

At this time, the mouse shadow seemed to have also noticed He Mu, and immediately put down the things in his hands and looked towards He Mu.

Before He Mu could identify it carefully, the voice of the worker above came from the headset.

“Little brother, computer analysis, this is a black mouse. It looks at a size between two and three. This monster has excellent night vision, flexible movements and sharp claws. It contains at least two to thirty three viruses… I suggest you …”

After He Mu listened to these words, the spirit he had started to fight again languished.

Of course he knew the monster like the black mouse.

A black rat came in when I was a child, but was hacked to death by my brother.

That black mouse is a bit smaller than this one. When he originally learned that it was a black mouse, he still wanted to suppress his strength, try to compete with it a few more ways, and increase his actual combat experience.

But the workers above have already made suggestions, so follow them. After all, there are very few opportunities to wear this kind of protective clothing.

It’s just that, it doesn’t take much effort.

shook his head, He Mu did not delay any more, and reached out his hand to open a valve on the protective suit.

There was a sound of deflation, and a large amount of white smoke was sprayed out of the protective clothing. In just ten seconds, the passage of tens of meters in front of him was completely occupied by the white smoke.

Visibility has also changed from three meters to ten centimeters.

This kind of smoke is called “environmental fog”, and the temperature will be consistent with the surrounding air within a few seconds after it is sprayed.

The next step is simple, He Mu’s mask has a thermal imaging function, and the black mouse still has no change in his line of sight.

But the black rat became panicked because he lost his vision.

“This is not necessary…a few hundred yuan each.”

Looking at the black mouse in the distance, He Mu touched his waist and touched a row of balls.

This thing is called “Noise Bomb”, which can tune out sounds of different frequencies according to different monsters.

As for the purpose, it is obvious that it is thrown out to interfere with the monster’s hearing.

Will    interfere with yourself?

No, because the earphones worn have a noise reduction function, which can be adjusted to block the sound of the specified frequency.

Environmental fog and noise bombs are a powerful weapon against monsters in small environments.

If used together, the sewer will instantly change from the home of monsters to the home of humans.

This is the power of technology.

For the purpose of saving, He Mu finally didn’t use the noise bomb, but just walked directly towards the black mouse.

The black mouse was motionless for a moment, and began to listen with his ears upright.

After half a minute, the black mouse seemed to hear a special sound. A pair of scarlet eyes opened instantly, and it subconsciously wanted to step back.

But at this moment, a fist was already above it.


There was a muffled noise!

The black rat was killed on the spot under a heavy blow.


He Mu retracted his fist and opened a certain valve of the protective suit.


A sound of sucking sounded, and all the environmental fog was recovered.

Waiting for the surrounding area to return to normal, He Mushun turned off the special function of the mask.

The sewer is still the same sewer, but the black rat died at his feet.

Picking up the corpse of the black mouse, He Mu frowned and glanced at the bitten carrion on the ground, then turned and walked outside.

At this time, there was a somewhat excited voice from the workers above.

“Little brother’s punch is really neat!”

“Hehe. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

Two minutes later, He Mu returned to the ground and took off his protective clothing.

I have to say that the material of this protective suit is very special, most of the places are quite smooth, like a layer of oil, this protective suit, even if the black mouse jumps on its face, it can be shaken at will. open.

So, why send yourself the Red Mist Warrior over here?

An ordinary special operations team member, bringing guns, must be more agile than himself.

“Tsk tusk, such a **** mouse is really rare, brother, let’s pack it for you.”

The three workers stared at the corpse of the black rat with excitement. After talking, they took out a large black special plastic bag and a piece of equipment from the small pickup truck.

One minute later, the black rat’s body was vacuum sealed in the large plastic bag.

“Oh, don’t look at this black rat, only half the size of a human, but I am afraid it weighs one hundred and seventy-eight catties!”

A worker wears gloves and weighs it.

The other two workers heard the words and said, “Brother, should we transport you to the Red Mist Alliance?”

“Cough, no need, I will do it myself, you are busy with you.”

He Mu gave a light cough, then lifted the vacuum plastic bag with one hand and placed it on his shoulder.

There is no way, if this is to be sent to the Red Mist Alliance, he will not be able to take the contribution value of this city.

“See you guys!”


“Young people nowadays can endure hardship…”

“The pillar of the country…”

He Mu speeded up unknowingly as he heard the comments of the three workers behind him.

It was only a quarter of an hour before he got here.

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