I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 315

Chapter 315:

“God’s Word…”

However, he did not expect that although the war had not yet broken out, the crisis against his family had already broken out.

Tongchang provincial capital, satellite monitoring base.

console office.

Lu Qiao and the other dozen or so old fritters who were eating and waiting to die were casually making tea at the workstation and enjoying the afternoon break.

But, right now.


The sturdy door was kicked open, and all of a sudden, more than a dozen soldiers with live ammunition rushed in.

“Don’t move! Sit on your seats!” The soldier said coldly with a serious face, and the gun in his hand made a clear sound of loading.

Lu Qiao looked at these soldiers with a stern look in his eyes, and his heart was full of panic.

He joined Shia’s militia reserve when he was young, and he also touched a gun in his hand. At this time, he could see it at once, and the soldier in front of him was definitely a real guy.

And the fierce aura emanating from this team is definitely the elite who have been on the battlefield and have blood in their hands.

More than a dozen employees present looked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to make a big move.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers all gave way.


Amidst the crisp sound of high-heeled military boots, a tall, frosty-faced, glamorous female officer wearing a blue military cap stepped out.

The beauty was so amazing that many base employees with families couldn’t help but look at it several times. However, when these eyes touched her epaulette, they bounced off like an electric shock.

“Ministry of Internal Affairs?! How did they come here?” Many people murmured in their hearts.

The secret agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, known as the ‘Blue Dog’, has great power within Shia. Except for the martial arts world, which cannot directly interfere, the military, politics, and business can all be in charge.

Moreover, they have the priority of arrest, as long as the agents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “think” a citizen is suspected, they can directly arrest them.

Don’t say that ordinary people, even dignitaries, are in awe of these agents.

After all, a person who can hold enormous wealth and power can never be a simple good person. Which high-ranking official dares to say that he is absolutely clean?

“Which guy attracted the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this unfortunate…” Lu Qiao smiled inwardly, looking at the few people who usually don’t deal with it.

Seeing others unlucky may be one of the common entertainments of all intelligent life.

However, the next moment, Lu Qiao’s expression changed.

Only the female agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs could be heard saying, “Which one is Lu Qiao?”

“Fuck!” As soon as Lu Qiao heard his name appearing in the mouth of an agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he knew that something was wrong.

The people around Lu Qiao quickly took a step back to make him stand out, even the friends who often chatted and played cards with him.

Lu Qiao? Just a colleague, I don’t know well.

The female agent’s eyes immediately turned to Lu Qiao, who was highlighted. She waved her hand, “Take it!”

“Don’t, I’ve been wronged! I didn’t do anything? Should I be shot at work?”

“I’m wronged! You can’t do this!”

But the soldiers didn’t listen to his explanation. They took him down, put on a hood, put on handcuffs, and took him out.

The female agent glanced coldly, took out a stack of documents, looked at the rest of the employees, and said calmly.

“Lu Qiao is involved in major state secrets. In order to keep it secret, everyone should sign a non-disclosure agreement.”

“This is for the safety of your life.”

After a while, the female agent left with the soldiers, leaving behind a group of employees who were like frightened birds.

“Tsk tsk, Lu Qiao is miserable now…”

“What Lu Qiao, do we have this person here?”

“Hey, yes, did you drink too much yesterday?”

At the same time, in the car that escorted Lu Qiao, the female agent lifted Lu Qiao’s hood.

“Sir, I’m definitely not a spy, I have always…” Lu Qiao hurriedly defended.

“Stop talking nonsense, I’m a major from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Liu Qiyan, you can call me Major Liu.”

Liu Qiyan asked, “Did you copy the sound of a satellite crashing a week ago?”

“Ah? Yes.” Lu Qiao was taken aback.

“So, who have you shared the information in this USB flash drive with?”

“Uh, no, I don’t have any more than I bring this home once when I get home from get off work…”

“Oh, that means, you only brought this USB drive home? I see.”

Looking at Liu Qiyan’s expression, Lu Qiao suddenly felt bad.

Day two.

Qingnan Prefecture.

The entrance of the Third Middle School of Qingnan Prefecture.

Lu Haoyan turned his head and waved to his mother who was driving him to pick him up. He followed the rest of the candidates and entered the campus in an orderly manner to wait for the exam.

However, unlike Lu Haoyan’s self-confidence, his actual situation was terrible.

The noise of countless students in front of him was mixed with some kind of whispers in his ears, and in front of his eyes, layers and layers of double images kept flashing.

“Blood of the Fall…” Lu Haoyan rubbed his temples, recalling the revelation he received after listening to the “God’s Word” yesterday.

That is the Fakh language honorific name of Gu Qing’an’s vest.

Fakh language is a magical language. The extraordinary power it triggers is not fixed, but every time the user recites, a random power is released within the range.

Taking Gu Qing’an’s [Blood of the Fallen] as an example, every time her followers recite “Blood of the Fallen”, they will be randomly released in the magical abilities of the two domains of ‘negative energy’ and ‘flesh and blood’.

This time chanting “Blood of the Fallen” may trigger “Hand of Shadow”, and the next time may be “Flesh Bomb”.

Of course, no matter what kind of spell is activated, the spiritual pressure and large-scale spiritual pollution brought by the hidden existence will be triggered.

Of course, Lu Haoyan, as a favored person, gained more things.

For example…a lingering memory picture.

Thinking of this, Lu Haoyan couldn’t help frowning, rubbing his temples.

Ding Ding Ding!

The bell rings.

“Please enter the venue in an orderly manner…”

Hearing the sound, Lu Haoyan picked up his pencil case and entered the classroom. On the way, the image in his mind kept flashing back, and a lot of information impacted Lu Haoyan’s will.

“No way, in this state, I might not be able to go to Shangluo, so I can only go to the East China Sea…” Lu Haoyan sat on his seat, and his voice was full of sorrow.

Tunghai University, the self-proclaimed top 3 university in Shia, although it is not as good as Shangluo, it is definitely arrogant.

As soon as he said this, the candidates in the seats near him all had strange expressions on their faces, and the girl sitting behind him was even more surprised.

However, after the curling, Lu Haoyan felt that his symptoms were getting worse.

A steady stream of madness poured into his brain like oil in the deep sea, causing him to be occupied by frantic ravings and distorted images.

It was still the valley I had glimpsed before, but at this time, there was a change in the valley.

A huge blood tree shimmering with blood light is growing in the middle of the valley, and the rest of the blood trees can only grow around it.

“This monster?!” Lu Haoyan was stunned. At this time, his spirit increased greatly, and it was different from before.

At this time, its eyes turned to Lu Haoyan.

“Little bug…” Blazing malice struck.

Under the shock of the same origin but malicious information, Lu Haoyan’s thinking quickly plunged into chaos.

He desperately wanted to output something to vent the information that was pouring in like a wave in his heart.

It just so happened that he had paper in front of him at this time, and he held a pen in his hand.

After half an hour.

“Oh, this question is so difficult…” Wei Danqin, who was sitting behind Lu Haoyan, sighed inwardly as he looked at the fourth-to-last question of the fill-in-the-blank question.

Her grades were mediocre. The grades she got from several mock exams were at most an undergraduate course, and if she was not good, she went to college.

“Fortunately, there is a great **** sitting in front of me, and this girl has always had good eyes, haha.” Wei Danqin sat up straight, squinting her eyes across Lu Haoyan’s shoulders, and looked at his answer sheet.

“Don’t be greedy, don’t be greedy, just copy one or two courses and get points…”

But the next moment, she froze.

“what is this?”

crazy! distortion! Creeping trees!

Looking closely, these trees are not drawn directly, but are composed of extremely tiny characters, like pixels.

And those characters… can’t read, Wei Danqin can’t understand what language this is.

She didn’t speak Fakh, and if she knew such an amazing language, she could see what the characters meant.

Fallen blood.

The full name of the fallen blood filled the entire test paper, and it faintly formed a picture of a distorted blood tree, making people lose their sanity.

With just one glance, madness began to sprout in Wei Danqin’s heart.

At this moment, a harsh siren sounded by the window, awakening Wei Danqin and preventing her from becoming a lunatic.

In just two or three minutes, a group of soldiers kicked open the door of the classroom. Liu Qiyan entered the classroom and showed her military ID to the invigilator.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs is working.”

Afterwards, Liu Qiyan looked at Lu Haoyan.

“Lu Haoyan, it’s him, take it away.”

A few big men directly pushed Lu Haoyan, who was still in a trance, to the ground, with a sack set.

“Wait…he drew this…” Liu Qiyan’s pupils clenched, of course she knew the existence of the twisted blood tree, but this thing actually appeared on Lu Haoyan’s test paper.

How could this not shock her?

‘What is there in that voice? ’

At this time, she was quick-witted, put away the test paper, and then looked at Wei Danqin, who was obviously frightened and trembling like a little rabbit.

“You saw it too.”

“take away.”

Sack set for two.

In order to protect top secrets, even if it’s just for a while, Liu Qiyan doesn’t mind arresting people directly.

After all, after verifying that the diluted mist of the Twisted Blood Tree can assist the cultivation of Gang Jin, the entire senior level of Shia’s martial arts world fell into a frenzy.

Chapter 421 “I Saw…God…” 4K

Qingnan Prefecture, a suburban villa.

early morning.

Gu Qingan was wearing a white martial arts uniform, standing in the garden, and the whole person exuded an air of Yuanding Yuezhi.

The sense of nature from the inside out diffuses out of her, and the tranquility of the harmony between man and nature is perfectly reflected in the surroundings.

Not only that, but by Gu Qing’an’s side, there is a sense of ‘control’.

She seems to be the sole ruler of the part of the world where this garden is located, commanding the power of heaven and earth.

After a long while, Gu Qingan opened her eyes, revealing her pair of magnificent eyes that shone with light.

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