I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 314

Chapter 314:

Only a crisp sound was heard. Lin Simiao, who was originally about 1.7 meters tall, quickly pulled out a head, and the muscles on his entire body swelled in a circle.

The whole body exudes a fierce aura, which is completely different from the previous gentleness, like a fierce beast.

The next moment, Lin Simiao’s eyes rolled abnormally. He was eager to eat, and after the reinforcement was completed, his appetite was completely aroused.

He just felt a flame burning inside him.

Lin Simiao’s eyes swept over the people present, causing their faces to flash white.

The changes in Lin Simiao’s body completely surpassed their common sense of thinking. This fear of the unknown made them even more afraid of Lin Simiao than the living corpse lingering at the door of the research room.

However, Lin Simiao’s eyes just swept away slightly and ignored them.

“The meat is hard, the meat is dry, and the toxins in the body are too much, which is not suitable for eating…”

“Bah! These are people, I shouldn’t have eaten them!” Lin Simiao’s remaining consciousness made him turn his eyes to the glass box.

The box with the twisted blood tree.

“It’s you…” Longing flashed in Lin Simiao’s eyes, and his fiery appetite had almost burned out his sanity.

How can ordinary people taste better than the blood tree that contains spiritual power in the body?

The next moment, under the horrified eyes of everyone, Lin Simiao stretched out a fist and punched an obvious spider web-like crack directly on the hard tempered glass.

One punch, another punch, the glass box was quickly pierced, a large amount of corrosive hydrochloric acid was sprayed out, and the Twisted Blood Tree rushed out for the first time.

However, Lin Simiao was well prepared, and firmly grasped the twisted blood tree that wanted to escape with both hands, and then… opened her **** mouth.

Under the action of the secret of swallowing, the blood tree tasted very delicious, the bark was bitten off like a black egg roll, and the eyeballs were like the most juicy and sweet lychees.

“Professor Lin…he’s eating it?!” a female researcher screamed.

“Shut up…don’t talk…” Someone on the other side quickly advised, for fear of attracting Lin Simiao’s attention.

At this time, either intentionally or unintentionally, many people stayed away from Lin Simiao. Although they were not completely safe and dared not show it, many researchers still looked at Lin Simiao with strange eyes.

Whether it was a living corpse, a twisted blood tree, and Lin Simiao’s current situation, they all made them feel uneasy and unfamiliar with this world.

Not to mention, when they watched Lin Simiao’s ‘eating’, their faces flashed with astonishment.

“Is the world crazy, or am I crazy?! Or, both?!”

Obviously, the supernatural power displayed by Lin Simiao caused fear in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Simiao finally recovered a little bit, barely getting rid of that crazy trance state.

Although the strange auditory hallucinations gradually subsided after he heard the [Blood of the Fallen], there were still astonishing sequelae.

In his thoughts at this time, it was still like overturning the river, as if after a hangover, with a splitting headache and a buzzing sound in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed the alienation of the other researchers on the side.

Lin Simiao’s eyes twitched, recalling what he had done just now, his face turned pale, and he couldn’t help but cursed inwardly.


How could he subconsciously cast the Fah spell he just mastered in front of these people? ! And to do such atrocious acts…

According to his temperament to plan quickly and then act, it shouldn’t be…

Fallen Blood! You turn people into ghosts, it’s a heinous crime!

However, at this time, it didn’t help. After all, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he displayed supernatural power, which has already fallen into the eyes of everyone.

Can’t… kill all these people, right?

Um? Kill them all, that’s a good idea…

In Lin Simiao’s mind, such a thought flashed through subconsciously, and the next moment, his eyes became solemn, and a few traces of horror flashed in his eyes.

“Why would I think so?”

In his previous life, although he was not completely decent, he had roughly kept the moral bottom line of being a man and had never done anything bad.

But at this time, without any psychological burden, he came up with such an idea, and, in his mind, he was already making a plan, **** them all.

“No no! It can’t be like this.” Lin Simiao reluctantly stopped her thoughts and looked at the crowd.

“Everyone, are you okay?” His face was very bad, and he forced a smile.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, thank you Professor Lin…”

“so far so good…”

“Thanks to Professor Lin this time…”

As soon as Lin Simiao opened her mouth, the dozen or so people around seemed to have been electrocuted, and hurriedly replied.

In the words, there are all compliments, and it is difficult for these researchers.


Lin Simiao’s eyes narrowed as she glanced away at the crowd.

None of the researchers dared to meet Lin Simiao’s eyes, and his eyes evaded subconsciously, as if he were a terrifying monster.

Lin Simiao’s heart sank, and his eyes became gloomy. In his eyes, those who avoided his gaze seemed to have their eyes widened and the whites of their eyes widened, and they were thinking of murdering him.

In an instant, various thoughts emerged in his mind.

“When I get out of trouble, they will definitely expose my spell ability to the authorities.”

“Even if you don’t die, you won’t be free in this life.”

“So, they must die, and, preferably, at the hands of the living corpses.”

As soon as the thought of killing the heart begins, the world is wide in an instant!

Lin Simiao’s eyes were bloodshot, and his maliciousness was surging. Even if he was not mad, his distorted power had permanently changed his personality.

The next moment, he made a brazen shot and rushed at the nearest researcher. Then, he broke his leg, and threw them outside the research room like a bowling ball.

“No! Lin Simiao, you can’t kill us, I’m from Nietan Technology…”

Click, Peng!

“Lin Simiao, if you kill someone like us, Shia officials won’t let you go…”

Click, Peng!

“No! Mr. Lin, we have no grudges in the past, and no grudges recently. I would like to promise that I will never say anything about you.”

Click, Peng!

“Guarantee? I don’t believe in guarantees.”

“Only dead people can’t speak, you know too much…” Lin Simiao’s eyes were filled with icy killing intent.

During this slaughter, he was surprised to find that the power he had just acquired became more and more controllable.

[Blood of the Fallen] The two benchmarks of believers are, [Fall] and [Blood]

The huge spiritual power and flesh and blood that Lin Simiao ingested represented [blood]

And he betrayed his own principles and slaughtered, which represented the [fallen]

And now, that’s the reward for living God’s code.

Crack clap.

With the sound of flesh and bones changing, Lin Simiao’s body began to shrink, returning to his original appearance.

“My Lord’s blessing has increased my control over flesh and blood by an unknown number of times.”

“In this way, I can hide myself better.” Lin Simiao stood in the empty research room and said lightly.

Ten minutes later, a god-refining master who had mastered the power of the gang shot out, and the soldiers fought off the fungal corpses with difficulty.

At this time, they have the energy to clear the battlefield.


An incendiary bomb and a round of strafing emptied the living corpses at the entrance of the research room, and a group of nervous soldiers rushed into the research room.

“My God!”

“What to do, they are all dead, and the blood tree broke the glass box and escaped!”

“Wait, there’s one more alive! Quick! Stretcher!”


Lin Simiao, who was ‘severely injured’ and ‘on the verge of dying’, was put on a stretcher. After some temporary treatment, he was rushed to the hospital in Qingnan Prefecture for emergency treatment.

The military, which suffered heavy casualties, could not maintain the existence of this front-line base, and had to retreat with the wounded to build a second line of defense.

However, it is conceivable that Shia will never give up the strategy for this place after the diluted mist proves to be able to assist the warriors to cultivate [Gang Jin].

Even if there are many casualties.

Chapter 420 Torture! 4k


A team of armored vehicles and personnel carriers was driving on the high-speed national highway, and the drivers of the cars who avoided the surroundings were recording video with their mobile phones.

This is a short video, and its recording location is the high-speed national highway on the outskirts of Qingnan Prefecture.

“What’s the situation, why is there such a large-scale mobilization of troops in Qingnan Prefecture?”

Lying on the bed, Lu Haoyan, who was using the video to ease his headaches, frowned subconsciously when he saw this video.

Although the video blogger’s caption below is “Go to help the wind, raise the prestige of our country…”

But in the past few days, his spirit has become more and more sharp, and he can see at once that this video was shot in Qingnan Prefecture.

“Could it be that the front line is really about to fight, and the government is mobilizing all its troops? Even the garrison in an inland province like Tongchang Province is about to be dispatched?” Lu Haoyan thought with a lot of quick thinking.

Thinking of this, he sat up from the bed and frowned, only to feel that the mountains and rains were about to come and the wind would fill the building.

“do not…”

After 40 years of peace, Shia is generally still in his mind. Even if they are not afraid of war, they do not want war to happen again.

And once Shia clashed in Fufeng, Xingyue, and Sloya, according to the offensive and defensive treaty, Saint Ai would definitely participate in the war.

At that time, Dongzhou was in chaos again.

Even if there are nuclear weapons, it will not suffer too much loss, but if the war is defeated, the economy will inevitably be turbulent.

“I hope not…” Lu Haoyan felt a sense of powerlessness. Even if he was an ordinary student, even if he was a bit miraculous, under this general situation, he was not even a speck of dust.

And just when he refreshed the screen and wanted to watch the video again and find some clues.

“Sorry, according to the relevant laws and policies of the Republic of Shia, this content is not displayed.”

“…It’s amazing.” Several black lines flashed across Lu Haoyan’s face.

“Forget it, the college entrance examination is going to take place tomorrow, no matter what it is, it won’t be turbulent in such a few days, right?” Lu Haoyan sighed.

Suddenly, he turned his head and glanced at the mobile phone on the table, hesitation flashed on his face.

“God’s Word… Do you want to listen to it again?”

The divine words he said were naturally the satellite recordings found in his father’s USB flash drive.

This recording, in the ears of people without ‘qualification’, is just the sound of zizi electric current.

However, in Lu Haoyan’s ears, there were inexplicable whispers that contained strange power.

Although every time I listen to it, I will have a splitting headache, but later I will find that my mental agility, memory, etc. related to the existence of mental power will be greatly improved.

Benefiting from this, after improving his mental power several times, Lu Haoyan made a qualitative leap from his mediocre examination ability.

According to his estimation, the current self can at least go to the top five top universities in Shia.

Even Shangluo University, which is located in the capital Shangluo Prefecture and known as the “Light of Shia”, is not without opportunities.

“But… are these really enough?”

“If war comes, can I really rely on this to protect myself and my family?” Lu Haoyan asked himself worriedly.

Lu Haoyan’s heart moved slightly, his eyes became firm and gloomy, and he picked up the phone again.

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