Hyper Luck

Chapter 65: A Big Mistake (2)

“Huff… Sigh…”

Choi SeopHo took a deep breath while maintaining his ecstatic expression.

< ‘Addiction’ status is applied due to the effect of Vanetic. >

The purple notification window that caught his eye was nothing more than just a signal that marked the beginning of pleasure for him.

The level of pleasure that the drug granted him was completely different from real life. This immense pleasure, which could be easily cultivated with a body that is beyond the scope of a human, was now the alpha and omega of Choi SeopHo's life.

And now the pleasure had hit its new limit for him.

“This is why they can’t solve the big messes like this one. ‘Cause they don’t know how to use items like this!”

He was intoxicated with the legendary items that granted him tremendous power.

All stats +33. The aftermath caused by that formidable increase in stats, combined with the Vanetic he just intook, evoked more than just the indescribable pleasure.

Among the items circulating in the market of <Circuit> so far, the item with the highest value is the 'Unique' rank.

A unique item possessed tremendous power, so its price was beyond imagination.

Just possessing a unique rank item would get the owner numerous scout requests from major guilds, and people offering at least a million dollars to purchase the item.

One could only imagine the terrifying ripple effect and impact of a ‘legendary’ rank item, which only a few know of its existence, would have on the market.

“It would’ve been more fun if I used this to begin with!”

Choi SeopHo, who was staggering and fiddling with the earring in his ear, suddenly thought of a half-elf passing by in his mind.

She was different from any other half-elves that he could easily control and dominate. That alone made her feel more than special to him.

He pushed half-elves toward addiction and defiled them, only because they provided him timeless freshness through their unimaginable beauty.

He started to build a new utopia in his mind as he had the earring equipped now.

He didn’t need to use the drugs to manipulate them to his desires. Now that he had the stat bonuses from the legendary item, he was able to take everything by force.

With that thought, he began to regard the half-elves that he abused and drugged as trivial beings who did not fit into the utopia he had envisioned.

That was why he longed for the half-elf that he had thought of the more he thought about her.

Choi SeopHo wanted to possess and control that half-elf girl who easily subdued the <Pickup Artist> guild members back at the ‘Troll Tongue’ to his desires.

Choi SeopHo started to spread his endless delusional imaginations with the legendary item which was worth an entire ‘enterprise’. However, he was quickly neutralized from his addiction debuff due to the increased stat, forcing him to face the cruel reality in front of him.


Facing the vivid reality with a swear, he got up from his seat in a hurry.

Even though Choi SeopHo was a trash of a person, he was still a 2nd generation Chaebol who received a first-class education. Therefore, he quickly realized what he had to deal with first.


Choi SeopHo started racking his brain. Since the honor ranking only quantified fame, it was difficult to equate that ranking as a measurement of strength.

Nevertheless, the overwhelming physical abilities and skills he witnessed back at the ‘Troll Tongue’ was undoubtedly real. He was sure that the Director Park and his underlings were defeated by now.

However, Choi SeopHo equipped with a legendary item was different. He was able to break a stone with his finger.

So it was necessary that he solved this problem cleanly as soon as possible.

He needed to make sure that his father, the only person who he feared, stayed out of the world of <Circuit>.

He walked through the long corridor with reckless footsteps, skillfully unlocked the three locks of the steel door that appeared in front of him.

Soon the thick iron door opened, and a familiar scent tickled his nose.

It was the Vanetic production line. He had used part of the potion factory to process drugs.

Countless amounts of Vanetics were filled in drawers.

From a distance, it looked like caviar stacked in drawers, so one could only imagine the actual amount of the drug.

And there was a dwarf shivering his entire body with the under of his eyes stained blue in between the drawers.

This was the dwarf that the <Pickup Artists> kidnapped. In order to use him as bait to lure them into ‘Troll Tongue’.

In the end, all of them got wiped out by just two people.

To Choi SeopHo, the dwarf was nothing more than just a tool that had lost its use.

He was seen as the same as the dull and old saw that was left on the small table next to the dwarf.

“Umph! Uuuf...!”

The dwarf started to grunt and struggle as soon as he sensed someone entering the room.

Completely ignoring him, Choi SeopHo strode towards the chest of drawers that filled one wall.


Then, with a trembling moan as if making a hard choice, Choi SeopHo took out a glass bead containing a small ember from his inventory.

“God fucking damn it. I don’t want to see all this go to waste, but.”

He complained as he took out five or six vanetics from the drawer, as he shattered the glass bead into the drawer.

The embers in the broken glass beads became bizarrely large flames and began to burn all the drawers.

“Uff... Uuhp!... Oufh!”

The dwarf was watching as everything happened with his body tied up and face pale. Choi SeopHo had a smile on his face as he watched the dwarf.

“This’ll get rid of all the evidence. And the investigation will be focused on the cause of the fire, which was caused by a user who broke into the factory.

The ‘Sage of Swamp’, one of the Adults of Azharus, will take charge of this investigation. Things will get very interesting, don’t you think?”

Choi SeopHo lightly slapped the dwarf who was tied up, and left the room as he confirmed the spreading fire.

Locking the iron door firmly behind him, he walked down the long corridor and pulled out a Vanetic from his pocket.

“Just you wait. I’m going to grope that body of yours as much as I want real soon.”

Then, with a grotesque contorted smile, he began to rub the Vanetic frantically against his neck.


The dark spacious office had almost the same structure as the corporate office in the real world, so I had the impression that I had logged out for a moment.

Seeing the familiar scene from the reality in the fantasy game world felt extremely strange.

“I didn’t know you had such a scary side to you, Mose.”

“I didn’t know that you had such formidable skills, Khea.”

She and I wandered around the office, exchanging just one sentence each. Then Khea stopped in front of me.

“Thank you for empathizing with my anger.”

There was a glimmer in her eyes that looked like it was about to pour out at any moment.

“Thank you for allowing me to empathize with your anger. And I’m sorry.”

I felt apologetic to her, even though I hadn’t done anything wrong. But just watching her being engulfed by sadness helplessly made me feel the guilt creeping up from the corner of my heart.

She smiled at my words. It was a bittersweet smile, but that smile alone made me feel as if a part of my heart had softened.

As we entered the long corridor, our footsteps stopped at the same time.

We felt a presence approaching from the other side of the corridor.

Soon, as if he had also sensed our presence, a whistling sound resounded throughout the hallway.

“My, my, who could this possibly be? If it ain’t the fuckin’ famous Mose himself.”

With his pupils loose, and veins all the way to his chin, Choi SeopHo took turns looking at me and Khea.

He pulled out his tongue and rolled it slowly, moistening his lips while blatantly staring at Khea.

“Hey, what’s your name?”

As Khea glared at his question, thick drools began to flow from the corner of his mouth.

“I love that glare of yours~! No other half-elves ever looked at me like that, even the ones from yesterday. What were their names again- S, Sh,Sh, Sheira and Pharah, maybe~?”

Chills went down my spine. His behavior and the way he talked didn’t look like something from a human being. He was like a monster that only existed in <Circuit>.

His appearance with a bizarrely distorted face and loose eyes reminded me of the undead Girtin I met in the dungeon the other day.

As soon as his slurred speech ended, Khea's expression turned cold enough for me to feel a chill.

“Don’t ever speak of their names from your disgusting mouth.”

Words barely escaped from her as she clenched her teeth very tightly. Then she pulled out her rapier, and approached Choi SeopHo by running on the wall in an instant.

The rapier’s blade rushed to the throat of Choi SeopHo in an instant. However, he avoided it with a strange movement by bending his waist backward.

“Kyah, so damn fast!”

Then, in that position, he twisted his waist and grabbed Khea's hand.

“It’s so fuckin’ soft!”

Then he tried to pull her close to his body. However, Khea spun in the air and got out with a smooth movement like a serpent, even though one of her arms was being grabbed.

“Bail - Ro Sa!”

Khea shouted out the words mixed with the tunes she had given to Pharah the other time.

At that moment, heavy smoke bloomed from the rapier. Then the immeasurably stretched blade wrapped around Choi SeopHo’s body.

And soon enough, a light so strong that I had to cover my eyes with both arms burst out, and the shockwave caused both walls of the hallway to collapse.

Sand and dust from the explosion covered the entire room. However, Choi SeopHo was standing still, staring at me and Khea with a smile on his face.

“This shit’s really great, I tell ya. Hee hee hee~”

There were glitters around his body as if he had scattered powders of steel and jewels. The dazzling light that didn't suit him at all made him look even more bizarre.

I ran towards him quickly and swung my sword.

From left to right, drawing a half moon with Attoria’s swordsmanship.

Choi SeopHo's reaction to the golden half moon was simply to cross his arms and take a blocking posture.


A completely unexpected sound resounded through the room. It was close to the sound of a blade and another blade clashing against each other.

And I got a notification window.

< Damage reduced by 65% ​​due to Lv.7 Body enhancement. >

Only then I was able to realize what kind of buff he had on himself.

65% damage reduction seemed pretty strong.

Even so, he still seemed to take damage as he was pushed back by my attack. When he saw the blood flowing from the arms which he blocked my attack with, he started to scream like a mad man.

“Fuuuck! It hurts like shit!!!!”

“Of course, I attacked you for that reason.”

I’d thought it was impossible to block all the damage from the strike he took with my Attoria’s Stigma.

The shallow scratches on Choi SeopHo's arms began to heal in an instant. He then opened his mouth.

“Sigh... Inventory!”

He opened his inventory and started to equip his items.

Soon various rings were put on his hands. A full body armor made of leather that appeared with light covered his whole body, with a small one-handed axe embossed with letters in his hand.

“Kekek, Die!”


The axe that left his hand flew towards me with great speed.

The moment I tried to deflect it,

The axe suddenly split into two.

And into four.

Which one’s the real one?

Without having to think, I deflected all four axes.





All four of the axes that I deflected were real.

It must have been at least a unique ranked item if it had this kind of additional effect. He did not stop there, he opened his hand and shouted his skill.


The four axes that fell on the floor overlapped and turned into a single axe and returned to his hand.

“What’s up? Have you pissed your pants already? Uhehe... I haven’t shown you anything yet.”

His taunt mixed with a smirk pierced my ears.


I sighed.

There was something that Choi SeopHo wasn’t getting.

Everything he had shown me so far,

None of them proved to be threatening to me at all.

Considering the nature of Attoria's stigma and the engraved swords, which granted me bonus stats even without having them equipped, I was certain that my total stats would be several times higher than Choi SeopHo.

Not to mention that he didn’t even know combat skills. He just left everything to his item abilities.

There seemed to be no experience of life threatening or fiercely fought battles.

There seemed to be a high chance that he had a low level too.

“Aight, then~ Here I go again! Better watch out~ It’s coming for your head~”

Choi SeopHo tried to throw the axe as hard as he could with a very excited expression. However, I had no intention to play around with such a slow movement of his.

Now that all of Choi SeopHo's capabilities have been revealed in just one exchange, even if you close your eyes and fight, you can beat him.


I let out a spell from my mouth.

And as soon as I finished speaking the spell, two blades bloomed from behind my back. Then the blades immediately rushed to his body.



It still sounded like two metals colluding against each other.

However, now there was a look of perplexity on his face. The part of leather armor that took the strike from the blades were ripped and blood started to leak out of it.

I continuously spent my mana and moved my vision busily.

I was able to move my body little by little while controlling the engraved swords due to the skill level that increased in the battle with the <Pickup Artist>.

I deflected the four axes flying at me with ease.

Clank! Clank! Clank! Clank! 

The confidence on Choi SeopHo’s face started to fade away as he was continuously attacked and slashed by the two engraved swords floating around him.

The leather armor that covered his whole body was already ripped into pieces. His whole body was covered with blood and bruises.


Choi SeopHo started to howl and gargle blood from his mouth like an actual mad man.

But he was able to withstand the damage until I had used up all my mana. This was the result of the lack of my skill level, and the tremendous power of his high rank items.

“Haa... Haa... You little son of a bitch. Did you have fun? You had fun, didn’t ya? It’s my turn now. Better clench your teeth tight!”

Choi SeopHo, completely out of his mind, ran toward me with his axe.

But at that moment,

“Ro - Da!”

Khea's voice resounded.


A thick light flashed around Choi SeopHo's face.

Soon after the flash disappeared, drops of blood burst out.


Choi SeopHo fell to the floor with a tearing scream, holding one side of his head and struggling on the ground.

Next to him was one of his ears laying around on the floor.

“I felt a strong magical power coming from one this little rat’s ears. Obviously, he was borrowing power from the earring.”

Khea aimed her rapier at him as he struggled on the floor.

“Have you realized how powerless you actually are outside your kingdom? That you are worthless trash, more worthless than an insect used as a fish bait.”

“Huff, Huff... You... You bitch...”

“Now then. Let me gift you with an outfit that fits you perfectly.”

I honestly could not look straight at Choi SeopHo after that. All I could do was feel how great the anger Khea was feeling, and how great of a loss it was for her to lose her friend in vain.

Choi SeopHo received a new outfit suitable for him as a gift from Khea.

Choi SeopHo couldn't even get any words out of his mouth, after Khea had peeled off his skin off his body in an instant.

He did not show any reaction other than intermittently weeping with a brief grunt.

When the incredible amount of health regen from the items that Choi SeopHo had equipped regenerated even a tiny bit of his skin back, Khea immediately peeled it right off of him once again. Slowly.

Choi SeopHo eventually lost his mind after being gifted his new scarlet clothes over and over again.

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