Hyper Luck

Chapter 64: A Big Mistake (1)

"How is it? It's not a small amount, and if it's that much, your whole family, up to your furthest cousin, will be able to live without working for the rest of their lives. If you just tell me, I will take action so that I can give various special benefits to the people you are close to.”

That was what the man who introduced himself as Director Park said to me.

This middle-aged man who was standing in front of the entrance of this huge factory owned by <NGTEC> was wearing armor that showed off a silvery luster.

And on both sides of him, countless players were giving me death glares, each equipped with unique armaments.

I carefully examined the box in Director Park's hand.

What appeared to be Ormachon tokens were crammed in abundance. Director Park's voice resounded even louder, perhaps he was conscious of my gaze.

“So, could we make this incident as something that never happened? If you have any more concerns, then we can solve them all.”

“Bring Choi SeopHo. This has nothing to do with you people.”

I answered back with a cold attitude. I didn’t care what kind of thoughts he had.

I will make sure that he takes responsibility for bringing chaos to Khea’s homeland and causing her friend to pass away.

Not to mention that Choi SeopHo was also a player like me, so he could come back to this world when enough time passes.

Of course, I wasn’t going to kill him that easily.

“I’m afraid Director Choi cannot be called here right now.”

“Why is that?”

“That is because he is currently busy due to having to attend a very important meeting tomorrow.”

Director Park answered Khea’s question with an emotionless expression like a machine. Then he took turns looking at me and Khea.

“That man killed my friend. In a very gruesome way.”

When Khea's voice mixed with anger came out of her mouth, Director Park tilted his head for a moment.

“Do you have any proof of that?”

Director Park opened his mouth to speak again before Khea could even speak to answer his question.

“I’d suggest you stop here if you are trying to undermine the image of our company with such reckless behavior.”

He spoke in such a strict and firm tone, but when I slowly walked out, his expression and tone suddenly began to soften.

“Have you considered the offer? With this amount of money, I am sure it will be able to help you set a strong base for your household. Little matters like this... "

“Is Choi SeopHo still in this building?”

I cut his words off in an instant. Director Park’s eyebrows frowned for a brief moment at my attitude.

“I’m not sure. But I’ve already told you that you won’t be able to see him right now. He’s not someone you can call out so casually.”

“And why do you decide if I can call him out or not?”

“How funny. I don’t know what your name is or what role you decided to act as you enjoy this game, but I suggest you get a little grip of yourself and learn your place.”

Said Director Park, putting the box in his hand on the floor and showing his arms wide open.

“These are the people you would not even dare to look at in real life. Everyone gathered in this company right now. Especially a young person like you.”

At those words, Khea’s rage erupted.

“How dare you scumbags who advocate for a murderer speak like that!”

“I tell this to my men all the time. The game’s review rating is going down because of the level of those unnecessarily high AIs!”

“Shut your mouth.”

The limit of my patience was slowly being reached due to Directors Park’s continued mocking attitude.

“Why do you make a simple task so difficult?”

“Right back at you. I don't know why you're trying to cause a fuss?”

“You are the one who started all of this.”

“As I politely asked before, do you have any proof~?”

Despite the continuing argument, this old man continued to speak with an attitude as if he was looking down at me from a high place.

“My two eyes and my ears both saw and heard what happened, and there is no clearer and clearer truth than this.”

“Such nonsensical evidence always appears distorted when it comes from an individual. You call that evidence, sweetheart? This is why young people nowadays are called stupid."

"Pharah suffered until the moment of her death!"

“It’s really sad to see you spend emotions on game characters. Hey, kid. Do your parents know about this issue of yours?"

That was it.

My patience, I mean.

That limit has been shattered.

“Alright, then I’ll ask him myself.”

“And you will be able to handle the legal issues that come after?”

“Can you handle me before all that?”

“One of the ‘Adults’ of Azharus is our people. You will have to risk quitting <Circuit> altogether. I’d suggest you don’t make a choice that you will regret for the rest of your life."

As soon as Director Park finished speaking, I drew out my sword without hesitation.

Even the heated handle of Attoria's Stigma felt only as cold as ice in front of my anger.

People from the company, including Director Park, started taking out their equipment.

The huge mace held in both hands of Director Park gleamed and glistened under the dark night sky.

I walked forward without hesitation showing intentions to kill all of them.

< Mose had declared war against ‘NGTEC’. >

< Relationship with ‘NGTEC’ has changed to hostile. >

The red text blurred my vision. I just saw this notice in the final battle with <Pickup Artist> a moment ago.

It was clear that a fight against an ‘organization’ would be recognized as a large-scale battle and outputted as a guild battle, like in a general MMORPGs.

Some of the <NGTEC> employees started to take a step backward.


“The 1st place from the honor ranking?”

“‘The’ Mose?”

Director Park swallowed a dry gulp and shouted at his subordinates, trying to get his men organized.

“Stop him! It is your duty to protect the company! Do you have any clue how much the company had to spend in order to get you to that level and equipment?”

The employees of <NGTEC> got a grip of themselves after hearing the shout from Director Park, and they entered a fighting stance again.

Those with melee weapons narrowed the distance towards me.

The anthems and fancy effects that appeared from behind them seemed to suggest that they were being enchanted with all kinds of buffs with magic items.

In the distance, the archers were pulling their bowstrings taut at once.

I couldn’t help but put a smirk on my face as I looked at the scene.

The moment I had the words to start up my skills hanging at the tip of my tongue,


I couldn’t help but to take a deep breath and swallow my words.

It was because of a silver flash that suddenly appeared before my eyes.

A dazzling flash of light was drawn horizontally and attacked the players approaching me. The flash was so intense that even the mace that Director Park was holding lost its light.

After the flash had disappeared, a single line started to form on the bodies of melee warriors. Then clear drops of blood burst out of their bodies.

They collapsed to the floor without even being able to scream in pain.

The overwhelming silence took over the scene.

Even the hands of those who had been pulling the bowstrings from the rear let go of the strings after watching what happened.

Khea walked over to me and swiped the rapier in her hand.

The rapier had smoke around the body of the blade as if it had just come out from the furnace.

And on top of Khea’s head, I could notice shining words in yellow font.

<Lv. 101 Khea of the Flash>

“I swear on the name of the God of the blade. I will kill all of you.”

Said Khea, in a voice as cold as the tip of a sharp icicle. She once again grabbed the rapier and lowered her posture like a tiger who had just found its prey.

The moment I saw her true power for the first time, I couldn't do anything.

I had witnessed a scene like this in Langeru before.

Their ‘alias’ was only revealed when the enormously powerful figures showed their full power with the sudden rise in their level. This phenomenon had also happened with Khea right now.

In addition, despite having gone on many adventures with Khea until now, for some reason, I couldn't check her level.

However, today I was finally able to witness her level with my own two eyes.

“DPS, what are you doing! Fire!”

The archers, coming back to their senses by Director Park's shout, pulled their bowstrings all at once.

A rain of arrows impossible to dodge will fall upon Khea and I.

However, she did not let go of her posture.


Rather, an incredible amount of smoke began to come out of the rapier's thin blade.

Soon, her eyes changed more fiercely. Khea twisted her waist with all her might as she drew her strength from her feet to her thighs.

And at the same time, she took a giant swing with the rapier in her hand.

And at that moment,

I saw it.

The blade of her rapier stretched for a moment.

The rapier moved like a snake, leaving a curved untrackable trajectory, as its blade attacked the archers in the rear.

And all the trajectories turned into flashes and started to shine.

The attack from her blade disappeared like the flash of a camera, leaving behind nothing but the bursts of blood from the archers as they collapsed to the floor without even a scream.

And with no more than only two attacks from Khea,

The veterans of <NGTEC> completely disappeared without even leaving a trace.

“How... is... this...”

Director Park took a look around with a flustered expression on his face.

“‘Kid, don’t make a choice you will regret for the rest of your life.’, you said?”

Director Park clenched his teeth towards us with a frown on his brows. I leaped without a word and swung my sword at him.

He barely responded to my swing and blocked it with his mace, but the recoil fired him back like a bullet, smashing the entrance to the factory behind him, and rolling on the floor several times after.


His eyes widened as if the shock had not gone away.


Then he clenched his teeth again and ran towards me as he grabbed his mace.


Soon, the distinctively resonant voice applied when <Circuit> players use skills came from Director Park, and at the same time, the pendulum part of his mace began to turn burning red.

As the mace he smashed towards me hit the floor, a burst of fire pillar exploded from the ground, demonstrating its destructive power.

However, his hasty attack filled with anger would never hit me.

I smashed the handle of his mace with my Stigma as hard as I could even before he could retrieve his mace.


A sound like thunder shook the walls of the <NGTEC> factory over and over again. Park's mace was completely cut in two.

“My... Mace...! My unique rank...!”

“Mister, I suggest you make choices that you can handle. Not the ones you can’t handle.”

I said in a freezing tone. Shocked as he stood still, I lightly slapped him in his chest with the blade of my Stigma.


Director Park was thrown away like a baseball hit by the swing of a 4th batter.

The wall of the factory, which collided with Park, was completely smashed.

His extremely expensive silver armor shattered into pieces as it fell to the ground like snow from the sky.

“Guh, Urggh...”

If it weren’t for his armor he would’ve died right away. Director Park, who was able to continue breathing through the sacrifice of his armor, was now looking at me approaching him with eyes filled with fear.


I stopped as he spit the word out of his mouth in haste.


“Where is Choi SeopHo?”

Director Park was shaking like a dog in the rain as he cautiously looked up at the ceiling.


He quickly nodded his head at my words. As I lowered my head closer to him, his shoulders trembled to the point of pity.

However, I vehemently fired the loaded words into his ear, ignoring his appearance.

“When you log back in, don’t expect anything. This place will be completely wiped out. ‘People I can’t even dare to look up to’, you said? Look at yourself right now. You can’t even dare to look at me straight.”

And I stared at him fiercely. Director Park could not even dare to meet my eyes and lowered his head.

“But, yeah. Don’t be so invested in a game, mister. It’s just a game, right?”

Director Park didn’t even say anything back or moved an inch as if he couldn’t any longer.

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