Hope Coffee House

Chapter 51 - Looking back in horror

Gu Donglin knew that since the problem occurred, he had to deal with it, otherwise it was the beginning of restlessness.

Has been a product manager in the marketing department for 5 years. He has done countless projects on his own, and has encountered countless difficulties in the project. But for Gu Donglin, dealing with housework is much more difficult than solving project problems.

Gu Donglin first went to the bedroom, let Yuesao holding the child out to help, one persuaded one side, first to separate the mother from the wife.

Afterwards, Gu Donglin and his wife began to talk and asked his wife how to deal with the matter.

“I don’t want your mother to take care of me here again! I said at the beginning that I would go to the confinement center. You must listen to your mother and persuade me to go home!” The wife looked at Gu Donglin and complained.

Whether you wanted to go home or not, just say it! Have n’t I always asked your opinion? You agreed to come back! Gu Donglin’s helpless rebuttal.

Of course, as a smart man, Gu Donglin would never say what he was saying. He gently touched his wife ’s hair to appease: “Hey, I did n’t know that my mother was so careless about you, I thought My mother can take care of you better than the confinement center. Knowing this earlier, let’s go to the confinement center! “

Hearing Gu Donglin ’s comfort, his wife cried even more fiercely, and choked: “Your mother is not only taking care of me, but also not good to our son. She does n’t trust Jinsue Yuesao, she always treats others. Fingers and feet, in fact, I can’t even learn the correct posture of holding my baby, and I always want my son to pillow some inexplicable rice bag … “

Wife started to tell Gu Donglin about his dissatisfaction with his mother.

Gu Donglin listened to the right ear with his left ear. He knew that his wife was in a rage. No matter what she said at this time, she should never take heart, let alone refute, or it would be another storm.

With his wife’s complaint, Gu Donglin nodded frequently, and sometimes followed a few dissatisfied echoes.

For a long time, his wife’s emotions finally calmed down a bit.

Wife has been confinement for more than 20 days now, and I don’t need to take care of it when I want to live a few more days.

“That’s fine, we don’t need my mother to take care of it. I’ll book a ticket for her now, and wait a few days to send her back to her hometown.” Gu Donglin proposed, “Is this Yuesao okay? If so, let’s stay And let her take care of our son. I will hire a live-in nanny to clean the room every day and cook for you. When you want to eat, I will tell the nanny that if the food she cooks is not good, it will annoy us. Lord Queen is not happy, we will open her and change another one! “

‘S wife was amused by Gu Donglin, slowly stopped crying, and nodded in agreement.

Gu Donglin comforted his wife again, and then went to his mother’s side.

Mother is now wiping tears in the bedroom while telling Yuesao about her grievances.

Sandwiched between the pair of mother-in-law, Yuesao was also very embarrassed, she could only coax her child silently, not express her opinion.

Gu Donglin thanked Yuesao nodded gratefully.

Yuesao smiled, and took the child and turned to his wife’s bedroom. Before leaving, he closed the door intimately.

Seeing Gu Dong coming, my mother was even more aggrieved, complaining while wiping her tears: “At first, you said you were busy with work, and you could not take care of your pregnant daughter-in-law. Whoever you want to serve her, I will try my best to do my best. The waist that is tired every day will not be straight, but in the end it will become a big evil! “

“Mom! For my son is really wronging you! Zi Ling is 5 years younger than me, originally coquettish, plus just born a child, the mood is unavoidable, you don’t know her generally, since she is here to pick reason , Let’s not wait for her! I will book a ticket for you in a while and send you back to my hometown in a few days. “

“Are you going to drive me away for her? What are you like your mother? That’s what you call and sway you?”

Seeing her mother unhappy, Gu Donglin quickly smiled and comforted: “Mom, I am not chasing you! This is not your son’s distress! You are tired of working every day for our little family, purple Ling girl doesn’t appreciate it yet. I thought it might be better to send you back to your hometown and let you live your free time! “

“Just tell me!” The mother was also teased by Gu Donglin, and she agreed with Gu Donglin’s proposal.

Gu Donglin’s mother was not willing to come. After all, she didn’t have any friends in Ningcheng, and it didn’t make sense to stay. Now she has to be angry with her daughter-in-law in order to take care of her grandson. Why not?

After Gu Donglin exerted his ability to control his source to the extreme, this problem was finally solved successfully.

The mother was happily sent back to her hometown by Gu Donglin a few days later, and his wife was eating the confinement dishes made by the babysitter every day.

Later, when his wife was out of confinement, he dismissed the nanny who was cooking, and invited an experienced live-in nanny to help himself with the baby, and occasionally asked for cleaning to help clean the room.

Gu Donglin knew that his wife worked hard and worked harder, hoping to get promoted to the Central Market Department as soon as possible, so that his wife and son could enjoy a better life.

A live-in caregiver helped to take care of the children. Although his wife was also very tired, fortunately, she also had some rest time, just because Gu Donglin was busy with work, returned early and late all day, and often traveled. The two did not have much time to meet and communicate. It is also getting less and less.

When Gu Donglin’s son was half a year old, that is, almost three months ago, his wife weaned his son and turned his attention back to himself.

She has a membership card for a nearby gym and beauty salon, and she takes time out every week to go to the gym or make a spa.

The wife gradually recovered, and her skin became more delicate and fair. It seemed to be more beautiful than before.

Gu Donglin was very happy in his heart, but he faintly found that his wife’s attitude towards himself seemed a little different.

At first, this was just a feeling, because occasionally when she was at home on the weekend, the wife often took the excuse of taking care of her son, and was not willing to take care of herself. When she teased her son, she just stood aside and looked at herself quietly, as if Wandering around.

Gradually, his wife’s attitude toward him became more and more strange, often looking at him expressionlessly, without saying a word, without any emotion in his eyes, his dark eyes seemed to be standing in a pool of water.

Sometimes I do n’t need to meet for entertainment at night, but I return home early and want to get close to my wife. I will also be coldly refused by my wife for taking care of my baby.

Looking at his wife, who looks more beautiful but has a very cold attitude towards him, Gu Donglin raised a somewhat desperate guess in his heart. Wouldn’t the wife be, someone out there?

Had a bad guess in his heart. Gu Donglin was sitting up and down. He was lying on the bed and tossing and turning. He couldn’t sleep anymore.

At one o’clock in the evening, Gu Donglin finally couldn’t help but got up and went to the bedroom where his wife and children lived lightly, trying to secretly check his wife’s mobile phone.

The wife slept soundly and the baby slept sweetly. Gu Donglin quietly picked up his wife’s mobile phone and touched his wife’s right thumb.

The phone was successfully unlocked.

The wife rolled over in her sleep.

Gu Donglin was taken aback, quickly blocked the light of the phone screen, and took the phone to the living room.

Tsai carefully checked the chat records of WeChat and QQ on his phone, and Gu Donglin found nothing unusual. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Gu Donglin checked his wife’s text messages and call records again, and did not see which phone had frequent contact.

As for the inexplicable or badly rated software, the wife did not install it at all.

Could he blame his wife? Is her coldness to herself just a little postpartum depression?

Gu Donglin was relieved in his heart. By the way, he opened the webpage with his wife’s mobile phone, and wanted to search how to solve his wife’s postpartum depression.

The moment I opened the webpage, the goal was a webpage with a dark background. The text above the title was written in the island country. Gu Donglin did not understand it.

In the 4th century AD, the characters of the Dragon Kingdom were introduced to the island country. They have been used by the island nation for more than 1,700 years. In this long historical process, the characters of the Dragon Kingdom have changed a lot in the island country, and many new Content, so Gu Donglin also only recognizes a few words in the title of the web page, “Husband, present, death, desire, every day, day, thought.”

What does it mean? Does it mean “I’m going to die every day I think about my husband’s thoughts”?

Is it possible that my wife’s wife has changed her style now, and she has started to take the boring route?

Gu Donglin raised his lips, curiously copied the text on the website title, opened a new web page, searched for an online translation, pasted the line of island country text that was just copied, and then clicked the translate button.

“I hope my husband will die now. I think about it every day.”

what is this? Gu Donglin’s smile froze instantly. He suddenly felt a little hairy in his heart and instinctively glanced in the direction of his wife’s bedroom.

With just one glance, Gu Donglin was so scared that he dropped his phone on the ground.

In front of the bedroom, his wife was standing there silently, not knowing how long he had looked at him.

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