Hope Coffee House

Chapter 50 - 0 ancient puzzles

Gu Donglin thought he would be killed soon by his wife?

Wu Liang was a little puzzled, the expression on his face was more gentle, and quickly comforted: “Don’t panic, since you are here, I will definitely help you.”

Gu Donglin shook his head indifferently: “You said the same to them, but soon, you will change your mind and say that all this is my illusion.”

“Of course not. If you can come here, it proves that you are a good person. I will always believe in you and help you.” Wu Liang sincerely said.

“I am a little thirsty, can you pour me a glass of water?”

“Of course!” Wu Liang quickly took a pot of warm water and two cups, first poured himself a drink, then smiled and poured a cup to Gu Donglin.

Gu Donglin was really thirsty and drank two glasses at a time, which slowly told his story.

Gu Donglin is 32 years old and has been marketing manager in a company in Ningcheng for 5 years.

One year ago, he married Shan Ziling, his girlfriend who had been talking for 3 years.

Gu Donglin is in the ascending period of his career and is busy with his feet every day. He didn’t plan to get married so early, but Shan Ziling was pregnant. When the two found out about it, the child was two months old.

Dan Ziling was 5 years younger than Gu Donglin, and then 26 years old. Since the child had come and had fate, the two decided to keep the child.

So, Gu Donglin and Shan Ziling quickly pulled up their cards and invited friends and relatives for the wedding.

Shan Ziling originally worked as a clerical worker in a chemical plant. Although it was relatively easy, the salary was not high.

I am pregnant with my baby and I am afraid that continuing to work in a chemical plant will affect my baby. Gu Donglin simply let Shan Ziling quit his job and feel comfortable raising a baby at home.

After all, although my current income before tax of 30,000 yuan per month is not much, it is enough to raise Ziling and baby.

Gu Donglin often needs to have a meeting or entertain at night due to work reasons. He always comes home late, sometimes with a full body alcohol, it is difficult to take care of Shan Ziling more carefully.

So, when Shan Ziling was pregnant with her baby for 6 months, Gu Donglin took the mother who lived in the rural home to take care of Shan Ziling.

Although her mother has no culture, she works hard. She usually cleans the house at home and prepares Dan Ziling for three meals a day. The house at home has three rooms and one living room. There is nothing inconvenient for the mother to live here.

A mother came to the house to help, and the living atmosphere at home has been significantly improved.

Not only was the house clean and spotless, the fruit in the refrigerator was constant, but Gu Donglin was returning home every night, and was able to drink the delicious and nourishing honey hawthorn hangover soup made by his mother.

As for his wife, Shan Ziling, she was raised by her mother.

In March of this year, his wife gave birth to a lovely son for himself.

Wife’s parents are working in public institutions, so there is no way to take time off to take care of her.

The wife originally wanted to go to the confinement center, but the mother felt that the care of outsiders was not meticulous, especially the irregular confinement centers were often exposed online, the nurses were not professional, and the nursing process was not standardized, so they discussed with Gu Donglin. , Or take his wife home to take care of.

Gu Donglin thought that his mother made sense, so he went to discuss with his wife and ask her what she meant.

The wife seemed a little unhappy, but she agreed and asked Yuesao to come home to help take care of her baby.

Both the wife and the baby need to be taken care of, and the mother is naturally too busy. Gu Donglin immediately contacted the housekeeping company and invited a gold medal Yuesao with a good reputation.

The advent of new life made Gu Donglin’s family very happy. Gu Donglin’s company gave him 7 days of paternity leave. Gu Donglin followed his mother and Yuesao to take care of his wife and son. With all my heart, I feel quite at ease.

After the paternity leave, Gu Donglin returned to work and started his desperate work. Now that he is a dad, he wants to work harder to enter the Central Market Department, get a promotion and raise wages, and provide more for his wife and son. good life.

After the wife gave birth to the child, her mood seemed a little low. Gu Donglin could see his wife crying silently every time he came home at night. Gu Donglin asked the wife why she was sad, but the wife just looked at him and nothing. Say.

Is the mother careless? Or is there a problem with the gold medal Yuesao you invited?

Gu Donglin secretly asked Yuesao if her mother made her wife angry, Yuesao just shook her head blankly.

Gu Donglin whispered to ask her mother if she had not taken care of Yuesao, but her mother said that Yuesao was very dedicated to her work and caring for her baby was a good hand.

Gu Donglin doubtfully told his mother that she found that his wife had been crying quietly recently, and persuaded her to pay more attention to Shan Ziling’s emotions.

The mother seemed a little unhappy: “We two have taken care of her and her children every day. My arm is not so painless for a day. My waist is sometimes tired and I can’t straighten up. What dissatisfaction can she say in person Ah, what does it mean to wipe tears in front of you? “

Seeing that her mother was unhappy, Gu Donglin couldn’t say much. It was only because she explained that she might have read it wrong and comforted her mother.

I thought maybe my wife had just given birth and her mood was not stable. Gu Donglin did n’t dare to provoke his wife at this time. After returning home every night, he would take a look at his wife and baby. If they did n’t sleep, they would hug the baby , To accompany his wife to say a few paragraphs he saw recently, and then went to bed.

Sometimes Gu Donglin came home too late, his wife and children fell asleep, and he crept back to his room to sleep. Of course, he did not forget to drink the honey hawthorn hangover soup prepared by his mother for himself.

Gu Donglin thought that life would go on like this, getting better and better, not wanting a war to break out at home soon.

This is a Saturday. Gu Donglin rarely used to work overtime for meetings and entertainment, nor did he have to travel to other places.

Daily work is not easy. When going home, I have to take care of my wife’s emotions carefully. Sometimes I have to help pat the baby with hiccups at night. Gu Donglin is very tired. I took a nap during this rare weekend.

However, the beautiful dream was broken in a quarrel.

Mother and wife hysterical quarrel, gold medal Yuesao happily took the child to the bedroom.

Gu Donglin didn’t care about rubbing his eyes, hurriedly put on a pair of pants, and ran over.

Seeing Gu Donglin coming over, his wife cried even more fiercely: “Every day I stew this greasy pig’s trotter soup without salt. I have to drink it disgustingly! I said I don’t want to drink it, your mother Actually told me ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Then what does my grandson eat? It is not for you to stew these soups every day for your milk to be good, so that my grandson eats nutritious! “

“Is my grandson not your son? What’s wrong with asking you to drink more soup? Don’t put too much salt in the soup during the month, otherwise the child’s face will become white and not good for you!” The mother was indignant Road.

“You only have your grandson in your eyes, regardless of my life and death! Every day I know to cook fried vegetables, boiled eggs, millet porridge, and that greasy pig’s trotter soup! When I first gave birth, I said I wanted to go to the confinement center Is that what you prevented? Is it what you call taking care of me at home? “His wife said angrily.

“You really have a conscience! Where am I not doing to you? Didn’t I do all the work in this family? Did you use your finger to move? I was in confinement at that time No, I do n’t want to drink trotters soup! What are you dissatisfied with? ”The mother also cried.

“My dissatisfaction is more! You cook and mess with me every day, but you don’t treat your son badly. What kind of hawthorn soup is cooked fresh every day for your son. As long as your son has time to eat at home, you Cooking for him in a variety of ways! He is not at work during the day, and you will be chatting next to me when you are okay, not that my milk is not good, or that the child looks different from his dad, what the **** do you mean? “

“My son works so hard every day in order to support your mother-in-law, and has to drink and socialize. What’s wrong with me preparing some hangover soup? He has a rare meal at home for half a month, what’s wrong with my cooking? “You don’t drink soup well, of course the milk is not good! I can’t say anything next to it?”


Gu Donglin stood blankly in the living room, feeling a bit big.

Couldn’t think of this legendary ancient problem falling on his own head.

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