Hope Coffee House

Chapter 47 - Justice carnival

This storm of public opinion about health care pyramid marketing and micro-business pyramid marketing quickly swept through every inch of the land of the Dragon Kingdom, and countless once-unknown anti-MLM poems also became popular again.

On the twentieth day of the prize event, the “Justice” brand has already sat firmly and shared the first place of the brand, becoming the winning brand.

Wu Liang handed over all the materials on the award-winning event website to the relevant departments for investigation.

As of this time, the number of participating users on the award-winning event website has reached 50 million, of which nearly 30 million participating users are people who do health care product MLM or micro-business MLM and their families, and the remaining 20 million participating users are from the masses Among the teachers of justice.

The prize-winning event is a real event. The second round of the 10-day voting session will continue. At this time, the prize-winning event has become the best anti-MLM copywriting contest for everyone to choose.

Is closely related to anti-MLM, as well as the rights protection methods of victims of health care pyramid marketing and micro-business pyramid marketing.

Countless legal experts have been invited by major media to start popularizing how to protect the rights of all people who have been victimized by the false promotion of health care products and micro-business products.

Relevant departments around the country have also organized legal popularization activities such as “100 legal experts into the community”.

These activities have helped the victims of countless MLM products.

In the past, most of them had weak legal consciousness. After the victimization, they only knew to find people who sold their own health products or micro-business products, and asked them to give a statement. Once the other party pulled them black or simply played a rogue, these victims would Can only swallow the bitter fruit silently, swallow with anger.

Now, after listening to legal experts’ rights protection lectures on major TVs and the Internet, everyone has begun to sort out evidence of their victimization and brought MLM products that vilified them to court.

There are also countless people who are suffering from family health care products and micro-business MLM, like Wang Zhaozhao, so that everyone can see more clearly the family tragedies caused by health care products and micro-business MLM.

Many people also voluntarily submitted to the relevant departments the evidence that a product they collected from their family members who made health products and micro-business pyramid schemes was suspected of pyramid schemes.

More enthusiastic people took the initiative to report some suspicious neighbors they saw to the relevant departments. Dozens of people live in a house and do not know what to do every day.

According to the reports of the masses, the relevant departments have squandered troubles, and even destroyed several traditional models of MLM organizations.

For this reason, the relevant departments specially commended these reported masses, and also issued hundreds of bonuses to encourage them.

This action even aroused the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of many uncles and aunts. When they were doing exercise, they wandered around in their own community and observed whether there were suspicious persons in the community.

With the active help of the broad masses of the people, the relevant departments are no longer as clumsy as possible to investigate these health care products and micro-commerce MLM companies, and it is difficult to obtain evidence.


Ten days passed in a flash, and the veil of the final winner of the prize event was finally unveiled. The winner won 1 million cash prizes with a higher number of votes than the second place by 18,000 votes. Lu Ling ’s girl, all her parents are Shitian health care products, her family now has numerous debts, and many people betray their relatives.

In the sharing of his award-winning activities, Lu Ling described the destruction of his family in the past 12 years due to the teacher’s heaven, and also used the routines of MLM and micro-business MLM that he knows on the market. I wrote down the anti-brainwashing method in detail, and finally called on everyone to want to crack down on health care product pyramid marketing and micro-business pyramid marketing, which requires everyone’s strength.

Lu Ling wrote it very sincerely, carefully and carefully, writing more than 50,000 words one by one. Many people were deeply moved, voted for her, and reprinted her article.

Just when Wu Liang wanted to award the prize of 1 million cash to Lu Ling, Lu Ling contacted Wu Liang by phone through the notary office.

On the phone, Lu Ling told Wu Liang that he planned to reject the 1 million cash award.

Wu Liang was a little surprised and asked Lu Ling why it was. After all, Lu Ling had already written in the shared article of the awards event. Her parents had already owed hundreds of thousands of foreign debts due to the obsession with the teacher. With this cash reward Will help her family a lot.

Lu Ling told Wu Liang that the money was the fruit of victory for everyone who supported the “Justice” brand. She didn’t want to monopolize it or deserve it. She wanted to use the money to do something more Meaningful thing.

After a moment of silence, Wu Liang told Lu Ling his own plan.

Soon, the prize-winning event page was updated with the prize-receiving information-after receiving the prize, the winner of the million-dollar prize-winning event, donated the prize again to the prize-winning event in the name of supporting the “Justice Brand” as a new prize-winning event Project-the operating capital of the “Justice of Justice” project.

This new news also attached a video of Lu Ling.

Lu Ling told everyone in the video that health care MLM and Wechat MLM are harmful to countless people, and tens of millions of families are falling apart. Once family and friends are brainwashed by these MLMs, they will continue to increase investment and fall into it, and then they want to pull them out. , It’s difficult.

Therefore, in order to avoid the recurrence of such tragedies, each of us must act. Only by mobilizing the energy of each of us can we suffocate these health care products and micro business MLM in the seedlings.

Later, Lu Ling appealed to everyone, and when he sees someone in the circle of friends selling health care products or micro-business products, don’t simply blacken or block him, try to chat with her in a gesture of interest, Find out whether this product’s business model is network MLM.

When relatives and friends in the family sell face-to-face health products in the future, you may wish to ask a question.

Once you discover a new health product pyramid or micro-business pyramid, be sure to publish the evidence on the Justice Division website for reporting.

Although the report materials uploaded by us alone may not constitute evidence, but many people are powerful, as long as everyone works together, then the secret health care pyramid marketing and micro-business pyramid marketing organizations will also be submerged by the vast ocean of the people, and there is nothing to hide.

When the time comes, with the help of the people, the relevant departments will be even more powerful. They can follow suit and gather more evidence to convict these new MLM companies for trial.

Skynet is restored, sparse but not leaking.

The teacher of justice will do everything he can to defeat MLM fraud, there will be nowhere to escape!

On the top of the award-winning event page, the entrance to the website of the Teacher of Justice is floating there, emitting golden light.

Lu Ling’s move to donate 1 million bonuses once again moved countless people, and everyone reprinted her video in praise of her kindness.

Taking advantage of this small climax of public opinion ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Justice of Justice website also became popular with Lu Ling’s video.

The website of the Master of Justice is very impressive. At the top of the website, “Be a Justice Hero-I found out, I will report.” Several bright red characters with gold rims are shining, and people are seeing it rising from the bottom of my heart. There is a sense of uprightness.

The operation of the Justice Teacher website is very simple. As long as you click the eye-catching “I want to report” button, you can upload the MLM product you want to report and the corresponding material evidence according to the prompt.

After the report is completed, it will be publicized on the website, and the website will automatically classify the report of the same brand as a category, which is convenient for the relevant departments to search for iron evidence.

Once the MLM brand reported by users is brought to justice by the relevant departments, the Justice Division website will launch a “Justice Carnival” activity, and all users who report the MLM brand will receive the “Justice Hero” Medal of Honor issued by the website.

Gather ten “Hero of Justice” medals of honor, you can redeem one “Medal of Justice” in kind, and it will be delivered to the user’s home for free by the website.

At the same time, in the Justice Carnival, the top 100 reported users of the MLM brand can also receive a 500 yuan cash reward, and the money will be directly hit into the bank account provided by the user on the day of the Justice Carnival.

In addition, the Teacher of Justice has a special MLM reporting and awarding window. As long as residents find suspicious illegal gatherings in their own communities and report to the relevant departments, they are confirmed to be MLM. After uploading the corresponding evidence of successful reporting on the website, You can receive an additional 200 yuan rewarded by the Justice Division website.

But in just three days, the registered users of the Justice Division exceeded 50 million, and countless others have issued their own reports in the Justice Division.

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