Hope Coffee House

Chapter 46 - Wind chirping

As the scale of the war between the **** fans of many health-care MLM companies such as Extreme and the people who recommend the “Justice” brand continues to expand, this matter has gradually begun to attract the attention of netizens across the platform.

Victims of many related health products and micro-business products also noticed this, and they angrily told everyone on various platforms about their victimization experience of using these products.

“My child had consumed Sanyang milk powder when he was a child, so his kidneys were damaged. Fortunately, he was discharged after treatment.

Five years ago, my child was diagnosed with double kidney dysfunction kidney stones again. We are worried that it will be broken. We have tried all kinds of methods and want to cure the child.

A person who did extremes contacted us after hearing about the incident, saying that they had a successful case before, and eating extreme products would definitely cure the child’s disease. We smashed the pot and sold iron. We bought a limit product of 50,000 yuan for children to eat, but the child died of uremia!

You extreme people even posted pictures of our children on the Internet, saying that they are successful cases of your treatment! He was killed by you, and you dare to use him! Limit, I hate you! “

“Three years ago, my daughter found neuroblastoma at Chuncheng Children’s Hospital. I was going to do a bone marrow transplant for my child, but I found that my family’s 200,000 deposit had already been invested in Meiwan by my wife.

After four consecutive months of chemotherapy in the hospital, her daughter’s condition improved significantly, and she could even get out of bed and walk, but her wife insisted on interrupting her daughter’s chemotherapy and letting her take a large amount of plum pills health care products, saying that it can cure cancer.

‘S daughter’s condition soon began to get worse. Now, the daughter has gone away because of the delay in treatment. I hate … “

“I am a fresh graduate student, and I heard that Xuejie introduced 8000 yuan of Gerong health care products to recuperate my body. I did n’t expect this health care product to eat badly, my eyes were swollen to seal my throat, and my skin was red and ulcerated. Swelling and deformation of the face!

I went to the school sister, the school sister didn’t care, the speech was more bitter and harsh, telling me that it was detoxification, what is happening now is the ‘adjustment reaction’, as long as I insist on taking it, it will get better!

Fortunately, I did n’t believe her, so I went to the hospital for treatment in time, and now there are scars left by my skin ulcers on my neck! I sent out the photos from the time when Gerong was the most serious and the photos left with scars. Everyone must be alert, Gerong is not harmful! “

“My grandpa’s rheumatoid arthralgia is very serious, and Shitian’s health care products direct salesperson sells the product to my grandpa, telling me that my grandpa has cured many people, as long as grandpa insists on eating rheumatic arthralgia.

My grandfather felt a stomachache after eating. He contacted the direct salesman, but he told my grandpa that the stomachache was a normal detoxification reaction of taking Shitian, but in fact my grandfather died because of stomach bleeding caused by taking Shitian! Shi Tian will be cursed in this life! “

“Jiaodian thin weight loss pills are not harmful! Everyone must be fooled again! It is expensive to sell, after eating, dizziness and insomnia, rapid heartbeat, and increased blood pressure! One of my classmates went to the hospital to check after eating Jiaojiang thin , Actually caused kidney damage directly! The doctor said that fortunately it was discovered early, otherwise the kidney was necrotic! “

“The Ziya Xiancao facial mask popular on Weishang is also an MLM! I just saw a classmate in my circle of friends selling it and bought a box. The effect was obvious when I first started using it. The skin is much whiter than before in a few days. , So I was bewitched by my classmates, who hoarded 5,000 yuan, 100 boxes, became an agent.

After using it for more than a month, my skin began to show a few red bloodstains, and I did n’t care too much. Two months later, I went back to my hometown for Chinese New Year without a facial mask. The skin on my face became inflamed and grew a lot Erythema, I thought it was allergic. After returning to school after the New Year, I put on a mask, and it was fine the next day.

Gradually, my friends who bought facial masks from me all started to give feedback. The facial masks I sold depend on their use. Once they are stopped, the skin becomes inflamed. I do n’t believe that they are allergic to other skin care products. Now, let my friends take one picture a day and just use my mask.

My friends felt that I was cheating them. They had lost their humanity in order to make money. I left them one by one, and then I slowly realized that my skin is starting to have problems. It seems that I cannot suppress inflammation with a mask every day. Too.

I went to ask my superior agent. She told me to use one if it does n’t work a day. It ’s okay to use two or three a day. I ’m a little skeptical. I searched the Internet to find out that I might have hormone dependence. Dermatitis!

After I stopped using the mask, my face immediately started to have rashes, yellow water, and scab ulcers. The doctor told me that because I used the hormone mask for half a year, I now want to cure the hormone-dependent dermatitis on my face, at least It takes a whole year!

I was our professional department flower before, there are many boys chasing me, but now I am a bad face! ! Wechat mask MLM hurts! Who regrets who uses it! ! “


More and more health care products, micro-business products, victims and family members began to speak out, different from the previous Shi Shenhai, because this matter has now aroused widespread concern, the articles sent by the victims and family members have been reprinted by countless large V .

Many media also began to interview these victims, made a video posted on the Internet, to remind everyone to be careful.

Countless netizens also began to post on Ai Wei some experts, actors and entrepreneurs.

“Professor @ 林, did you really speak for the Laijia spectrum? You actually believe that wearing body underwear can treat cancer? “

“@ 马 爸爸, I heard you entered the WeChat business?”

“@ 马 爸爸, I heard that in order to cheer up Weishang, you also issued a woman’s declaration? (? Д?) ノ”

“@ 程 坤, you are no longer selling members on WeChat? Why did you run to endorse the limit?”

“@ 马 爸爸, every day you can see the chicken soup about you in the circle of friends … [Some people say: every day advertising in the circle of friends is annoying! I’m all black. In fact, don’t worry about it. Father Ma once said, when When you find something you sell in your circle of friends that you ca n’t afford, you should start struggling! When you find that you do n’t know what you sell in your circle of friends, you should start making up classes! Smart people Looking at the circle of friends is a business opportunity, local tyrants looking at the circle of friends is shopping, and Dicky looking at the circle of friends is an advertisement!] “

“@ 张建良, looking at the billionaire Mr. Zhang in the front row, I heard that you have taken the company with more than 600 people to do the limit? Have you been promoted to chief director ??. ??”

“@ 李志玲, beauty, the secret of you secretly drinking collagen powder to become beautiful has been discovered by us!”


Wave after wave of public opinion directly pushed everyone’s attention to prize-winning activities to the top.

Many star studios took the lead in publishing articles to refute rumors ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ showed that they did not join XX health care company, nor did they speak for XX company, and proposed that they have collected evidence to investigate the infringement of XX company legal liability.

Stars such as Cheng Kun and others who took high-definition photos also personally posted on Weibo to prove their innocence, indicating that the group of high-definition photos that they joined the limit were in fact just participating in a public welfare event sponsored by the limit, and at the same time exaggerated the promotion of the limit A lawyer’s letter was issued.

Father Ma also sent a Weibo. Above are screenshots of many WeChat merchants promoting Father Ma ’s famous quote, and finally a black question mark face …

The major media followed the trend and reported on the MLM behaviors of health products direct selling companies and some micro-businesses.

Reports on Weibo and circle of friends are overwhelming. Since the media have begun to exert their energy, they have frequently exerted their efforts to popularize health care products MLM and micro business MLM.

UP owners on the well-known video site L station have also released scams to reveal the secrets of health care products MLM or micro-business MLM, popularizing all kinds of new online MLM fraud methods.

More and more mainstream media continue to invite anti-MLM experts to popularize the inside story of new online MLM such as health care MLM and micro-business MLM, to help you better identify this new type of MLM, these programs have also changed on TV It can be seen everywhere.

The relevant department of Longguo directly established a joint investigation team to investigate a group of companies involved in MLM reported by the media.

At the same time, the anti-fraud and anti-MLM officials of the relevant departments have added countless fans. There is no need to worry about the staff of the relevant departments. Everyone has begun to take the initiative to understand the new MLM fraud methods.


All of a sudden, the network MLM organization has been clamoring.

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