Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 311

Chapter 312 The Life And Death Of Hogwarts, Dumbledore Was Removed (For Subscription)

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Hogwarts doesn’t have Glauron’s stuff.”

Dumbledore replied in a deep voice, Shilob didn’t speak, but the black crack on the barrier spread faster.

Seeing this, Dumbledore snorted coldly, and a golden light faintly appeared from the tip of the wand.

Shilob’s remaining spider legs moved and retreated a distance.

Seeing this, several other professors hurriedly waved their wands to repair the barrier.

There is no reason for them to be careless in this matter. Once the thousands of big spiders break through the barrier, even if the professors are careful, they may not be able to protect all the little wizards.

After all, the number of these spiders is simply too many.

“That thing must be at Hogwarts. This afternoon, I clearly felt Glauron’s breath… Although it was only for a short moment, it was definitely not wrong…”

“Devouring all the power of light, that is the power of darkness that Morgoth bestowed on Glauron, if I could get it, it would be my mother Ungoliant…”

Shilob pondered in a low voice, her spider legs moved excitedly, her huge body moved back and forth, and Dumbledore and the others even saw Shilob’s mouthparts constantly drooling outward.


“Weaving the net of shadows, and swallowing the power of darkness, quack… The great Shilob, the last descendant of Ungoliant, will eventually surpass it and become the new weaver of darkness, tormenting the world, and bringing terror to all !

Shilob said, she turned sharply, looked at Dumbledore, and let out a roar that was almost a roar.

“Hand over Glauron’s things! Otherwise, my heirs will devour everything here!!”

“If you’re talking about the power that appears in the afternoon that plunges the surroundings into darkness…that has nothing to do with Hogwarts.”

Dumbledore said in a deep voice, he had already made a decision in his heart.

Soothe Shilob today, and then try to get rid of her later.

Originally, Dumbledore still wanted to coexist peacefully with Shilob, after all, he could learn some information from Shilob that he didn’t know.

But now it seems that it is still too dangerous to seek skin with a tiger.

Moreover, evil monsters like Shilob are moody and difficult to control, so it would be better to drive them out of the Forbidden Forest.

However, the incident happened suddenly today, and Dumbledore and the others did not make any preparations at all.

Once a conflict occurs, it is very likely that the little wizards will be hurt.

“In the afternoon, one of Saruman’s servants broke into Hogwarts. He used some special method to directly ignore the ban and entered the castle. It should be the one you said, the power of Glauron.”

Dumbledore explained to Hilob.

Shilob, who was constantly fidgeting with excitement, suddenly stopped.

“Saruman? Saruman?”

Shilob repeated Saruman’s name, she turned around twice, and her eight eyes suddenly lit up with a black light.

A large spider in front of Shilob was instantly turned into a mass of putrefaction when it was illuminated by the black light.

“Ah! 35

The little wizards let out a terrified cry of exclamation, and Artel’s arm was also grabbed. He looked back, and Hermione came to him at some point.

“Did Saruman find the battlefield of the War of Wrath? But there has been silence under the ocean…

Shilob murmured, and it took a deep look at Dumbledore and said:

“Let Saruman come to see me, Dumbledore, for a week, let Saruman come to me…

Shilob held up his two forelimbs high, and the two fangs on his mouthparts shone mysteriously.

“Otherwise, my descendants… my hundred thousand descendants will pour out of the Forbidden Forest to find Saruman in person.”5

Shilob finished speaking, and without waiting for Dumbledore to answer, he crawled back into the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

The other big spiders followed Shilob and returned to the Forbidden Forest.

Dumbledore’s brows furrowed deeply.

“Professor, what should we do?”

Newt looked at the dark entrance of the Forbidden Forest, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

“I’m going to Minas Morgul, Gandalf should go there, I’ll see if I can find him… Shilob, this guy can’t stay.

Dumbledore replied, his tone was full of chills, and when it came to the safety of Hogwarts and the little wizards, Dumbledore would naturally not be sloppy.

“From now on, Hogwarts is on alert, and all little wizards are prohibited from leaving the castle! 35

Dumbledore turned around and said to all the little wizards who were watching the fun. Then he looked at the professors and arranged:

“I will go to Gandalf, and before I come back, you must protect the castle and open all the barriers in Hogwarts. If there is anything unusual in the Forbidden Forest…you can go to the Ministry of Magic for help.

“Let the student union cooperate with the prefects of the various colleges. In the past few days, let the little wizards be wronged first. I will come back as soon as possible.”

Dumbledore sighed.

Gandalf had only left for a few days, and Dumbledore only knew that he would go to the Witch-king of Angmar, and he might have gone to the Nordic side by now.

Gandalf left Hogwarts after seeing a report in the Daily Prophet that someone had seen the Witch-king of Angmar appear in northern Europe.

Not long after he left, the Minas Morgul School was established, and the Witch King of Angmar went to Eastern Europe, and he did not know if Gandalf had heard the news.

But he probably won’t read the Daily Prophet.

But Dumbledore had no choice but to go to Minas Morgul to try his luck first.

If it doesn’t work, then you have to find another way.

Dumbledore arranged everything and left Hogwarts, and Newt and the professors got into action.

When this happened, Newt had no plans to leave. With him, the other professors were relieved.

However, the little wizards were still very scared, especially Malfoy. The kid was so frightened by Shilob that he had nightmares when he slept at night, and was directly scared to cry.

Woke up in the middle of the night, Malfoy struggled for a long time, but still couldn’t overcome his inner fear, so he wrote a letter to his father and let the owl send it overnight.

The next day, under the surprised eyes of the professors, Lucius Malfoy and some of the Ministry of Magic, as well as members of the Hogwarts Board of Trustees, came to the school.

“I want to see Dumbledore!

Lucius looked at Newt and Professor McGonagall, and said proudly:

“Because of Dumbledore’s mishandling, Hogwarts is now in a very dangerous situation. I don’t think Dumbledore is fit to be the headmaster of Hogwarts! According to the decision of all the board members, he was removed from office. !”

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