Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 310

Chapter 311 Shilob Attacks Hogwarts! (Subscribe)

“Are you planning to join our academy’s Quidditch team? I’ve heard people say that your flying talent is pretty good.

Cassandra put down the black tea and asked suddenly.

“Who told you that my flying talent is good?”

Artel doesn’t like riding broomsticks, so every class is perfunctory, how could Cassandra listen to this?

“Anyway, I just heard… I also heard that Harry Potter became the Seeker of Gryffindor, and the little witches are talking about him recently.

“It has nothing to do with me…”

Artel rolled his eyes, and Cassandra smiled while covering her mouth.

“Okay, then forget it, I wanted you to help Slytherin show off, but it’s a pity…”

As Cassandra said, she moved closer to Artel and whispered:

“Don’t think that what happened that night is over, I’ll be back sooner or later, hum.”

After Kassandra finished speaking, she left with a smug look with another small valet.

Artel continued drinking his tea, and after five minutes or so, he heard screams coming from outside.

“What happened?’

The little wizards in the auditorium heard the movement and went out, and Artel followed the crowd to the gate of the castle.

Not far away, behind Hagrid’s hut, at the entrance to the Forbidden Forest.

Groups of big spiders scrambled to crawl out from the forbidden forest, looking around, the densely packed one looked very terrifying.

The little wizards who were originally outside the castle screamed and ran in the direction of the castle. The situation here also attracted the attention of the professors in the castle. Soon, Dumbledore appeared with Newt and several other professors. outside the castle.

They appeased the panicked little wizard, and left an enchantment on the grass outside the castle to block the terrifying big spiders.

These spiders are all descendants of Shilob, and on them, only some characteristics of the eight-eyed giant spider can be vaguely seen. Now these guys are more ferocious and terrifying than the eight-eyed giant spider.

“Why is that?”

Dumbledore frowned. He carefully looked at other places outside the castle, especially the Quidditch pitch and the Black Lake. After making sure that there were no other little wizards outside, he relaxed a little.

“Looks like these spiders are frightened”.

Newt replied that, as a magical zoologist, Newt had studied this new type of spider group long after Shilob appeared.

They are terrifying in strength, and also intelligent, able to communicate with humans, have the ability to learn, and most importantly, they are staggering in number, and they only obey the orders of their mother Shilob.

It is obviously not a simple shock that can make such a terrifying group become like this.

“Stop! Don’t come near the castle!

Seeing the spiders madly attacking the barrier, Dumbledore’s eyes flashed with anger, he waved his wand, and a phoenix composed of flames suddenly appeared outside the barrier.

The flame phoenix radiated astonishing heat, and as soon as it appeared, it roasted the grass on the ground into withered yellow and charred hay, and a second later, the hay also burned out.

The flame phoenix circled in a circle, the big spiders retreated one after another, and there were bursts of harsh sounds from the sharp mouthparts.

Many spiders stepped on each other, and their hard and sharp spider legs were like steel spears, piercing into the body of their companions, bringing out clumps of viscous liquid.

There are also quite a few spiders taking advantage of the chaos, pounced on the wounds of their companions, and were stabbed by other companions…

All in all, the scene was chaotic and weird.

It was the first time the little wizards saw this kind of scene, and they were so frightened that they didn’t dare to come out. Some little witches, seeing this terrifying scene, were so frightened that they covered their eyes and screamed.

The professors were also affected by this bloody and bizarre scene, and they frowned and remained silent.

“Hilob!! Come out and meet me!

Dumbledore put his wand to his throat, and the voice came out far away.

He is angry now.

When Gandalf was at Hogwarts before, he went to the Forbidden Forest to see Shilob, and had an agreement with him.

Shilob promised Gandalf that as long as he was given enough food, he would restrain his descendants and would not come out from the depths of the forbidden forest.

As a result, Gandalf had only left for a few days, and Shilob began to toss.

Da da da!

In the dark forbidden forest, there was a series of dense, drum-like trampling sounds.

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