Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 289

Death Chapter 289 No 1 Can Do Anything At Hogwarts Except Me! (Subscribe)

“It’s you?”

Harry exclaimed when he saw Dobby.

For a short time, Dobby often went to the Dursleys’ on Privet Drive to harass Harry.

He also used magic to trick Aunt Petunia in order to get the Dursleys to ban Harry from going to Hogwarts.

For this, Harry also received a warning letter from the Ministry of Magic.

Dobby didn’t show up until he sneaked off to Ron’s house.

“You know it?

Ron was a little surprised, because it was a house-elf that Harry didn’t seem to know.

“Yes… yes, I’ve seen it before, I don’t know why, it’s always trying to stop me from going to school.”

Harry replied, pointing to platform nine and three-quarters, and said:

“It must have done it. 33

“This is the Malfoy house-elf called Dobby, and I saw Seven Fifty Zero visit it when my father and I visited the Malfoys.

Pansy on the side said.

She carefully looked at the house elf wearing a worn pillowcase and nodded firmly.

“Yes, it’s Dobby.”

Dobby saw that someone had recognized it, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

It wanted to say something, but with a wave of Artel’s hand, it was completely restrained.

Dobby wanted to resist, but found himself unable to break free.

“This little wizard is amazing! Is he that Artel Shelby?”

Dobby seemed to have thought of something, and Tower stopped struggling and showed a well-behaved expression.

Artel threw Dobby on the Harry Potter luggage cart, clapped his hands, and said:

“Get on the train first.””


Harry was about to say that the platform was closed when he saw Artel and crossing the platform.

“Well, I forgot that he was not like us. 35

Harry shrugged his shoulders, muttered enviously, and followed behind many little witches with Ron across the platform.

There are five minutes to go.

Artel and the others got into the car and found a larger box.

There were originally a few little witches here, but when they saw Artel and the others, they took the initiative to let the box out.

After everyone put their things away, they sat down.

Luna ignored the angry gazes of a group of little witches and sat calmly beside Artel.

“What’s wrong?”

Feeling the eyes of everyone looking at her, Luna looked at them suspiciously and asked softly:

“Are you also afraid of harassing horseflies?”


What is a molefly?

What does Artel have to do with harassing horseflies?

What is she saying?

The little witches were a little speechless, but seeing Luna’s innocent face, she couldn’t say anything, so they could only sit down.

Harry and Ron were huddled together, and the two of them felt a little embarrassed.

“We should talk about this house elf.

Harry said, and removed Dobby from the luggage cart.

“What to talk about? Maybe Malfoy’s prank, maybe he doesn’t want you to go to school.

Pansy rolled his eyes, Harry listened, and nodded earnestly.

He thought Pansy was right.

Artel lifted the spell on Dobby, who jumped down, shook his head and said:

“No…it’s not like that…Dobby is here to help Harry Potter! Dobby is not playing a prank, and it has nothing to do with the little master.”5

There was a whimper in Dobby’s throat.

He slapped himself twice, and then slammed his head into the car door.

“Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby! If you screw this up, not only will Mr. Harry Potter be in danger, but I’ll be punished by the master… Bad Dobby!”

A few witches were stunned by Dobby’s sudden operation, Ron oh’s mouth widened, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

Harry got used to it, he grabbed Dobby and stopped his self-harm.

“Don’t do this, Dobby…if you’re really doing it for my own good, just tell me what happened.

Dobby stopped, shook his head, and said:

“Dobby can’t betray the master…”

“What is Lucius going to do to hurt Harry, right? 35

Artel spoke suddenly, and everyone in the box was stunned.

Why did Lucius hurt Harry?

If he really wanted to do it, why would this house-elf come to inform?

Dobby looked at Artel in surprise, it whimpered. He asked:

“Are you Mr. Artel Shelby?”

“it’s me.

Artel nodded, and Dobby’s big eyes flashed with hope.

“I have heard your name, the little master and the master have said you, you are the most talented wizard at Hogwarts in the past hundred years, your future achievements will surpass the great Dumbledore, you are destined to become the wizarding world The legend of…

Dobby’s words made the little witches very satisfied, and the very bad expression that originally looked at Dobby also softened a lot.

“Cough cough.”

Artel, a little embarrassed by Dobby’s rainbow fart, interrupts Dobby and asks:

“Am I right? Lucius is going to do something bad to Harry.”

Dobby didn’t speak, it fell silent.

But the silence at this time itself represents a kind of signal.

Several little witches looked at each other with curiosity in their eyes.

Especially Pansy, whose family has a good relationship with the Malfoys.

“The basilisk has been killed by me, but the diary is still in the Malfoy family… Lucius may be trying to do something to Harry through the diary.

Artel thought silently, he grabbed Dobby just to get some information and see if he could take the opportunity to brush a sideline or something.

After all, the plot that would have happened was destroyed by him, and Artel’s advantage in grasping the direction of the plot was gone.

“Don’t worry, everyone here is my friend, they all listen to me, we won’t tell Malfoy about you. 99

Artel was amused when he saw Dobby shivering.

He stretched out his hand and touched Dobby’s head, and Dobby was surprised to find that the wound he just hit on the door had healed.

“Oh… Mr. Shelby, you’re so kind to Dobby, you’re wasting your magic to heal Dobby, no one has ever been so kind to Dobby…

The corner of Harry’s mouth twitched beside him.

Why is this phrase so familiar?

If I remember correctly, it seems that Dobby told him that before…”

“Go back, don’t worry about Hogwarts, Gandalf is at Hogwarts now, and no one can do anything at Hogwarts.

Artel’s words seemed to carry magic, making everyone inexplicably convinced.

“Lucius can’t, Voldemort can’t, Angmar Witch-King can’t either…”

Artel smiled and silently added.

“Only me… Nobody can do anything at Hogwarts but me.”

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