Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 288

Chapter 288 Strange, Cute And Lovely (Subscribe)

Artel was standing next to platform 9, and he was not in a hurry to get in from platform 9 and 3/4, because last night, the little witches called by coincidence and made an appointment with Artel to go to school together…

The station was full of people, and some familiar faces appeared from time to time.

Especially the little witches who attended the party during the summer vacation, when they saw Artel, they would come and greet him with a smile.

In addition to these people, Artel also saw a lot of new students this year.

That photogenic Colin Creevey, trance, silver-eyed Luna Lowe-Fgood…

“What are you looking at?”

Perhaps it was Artel’s gaze that caught Luna’s attention, and she walked gently to Artel’s side.

Luna’s voice had an ethereal feeling, her eyes were a little hollow, staring behind Artel.

“Can you see the molefly too?”

Before Artel could answer, Luna asked again.

Maybe she didn’t need an answer from Artel.

“Um… I’m sorry, my daughter may have disturbed you.

Luna’s father, Xenophilius came over.

He looked at Artel apologetically, then he was startled, looked at Artel carefully, and said in surprise:

“I know you, you’re Artel, Mr. Artel Shelby, right? I’m the editor-in-chief of The Quibbler, and my name is Xenophilius Lovegood.

Xenophilius reached out and shook hands with Artel. As the editor-in-chief of a magazine, he naturally knew Artel who wrote the paper that shocked the magic world.

With that, Xenophilius introduced Artel:

“This is my daughter, Luna Lovegood, eleven years old, a freshman at Hogwarts.

“He knows me.”

Luna said suddenly, Xenophilius was taken aback and glanced at Artel.

“How did you know I knew you? 35

Artel was a little curious. In his previous life, he thought that the character Luna was cute, but she was a little rambunctious. Now, it seems that there is something really good about it.

“Your eyes tell me that you just know me…”

Luna looked behind Artel with a blank expression, her eyes never falling on Artel’s face.

“You are a very powerful wizard, right? There are no harassing horseflies around you. They are all afraid of you. This proves that you are very strong, stronger than other wizards.”

Luna said, Xenophilius’ expression was a little embarrassed, but there was something more in the eyes of Artel.

“Luna, it’s time for us to leave.”

Xenophilius smiled apologetically at Artel and greeted Luna to leave.

Luna shook her head, walked over to Artel, and said to Xenophilius:

“I want to stay by his side, he’s the only person I’ve seen who doesn’t harass horseflies, Dad, go home first, he’ll take good care of me.

Luna seemed to be afraid that Xenophilius would not believe it. She took out a strange large colored glasses from her bag and put them on, looked at Artel carefully, and nodded with satisfaction:

“Yes, not a single molefly.

Luna took off her glasses and handed them to Xenophilius.

Xenophilius glanced at Artel, who smiled and took the glasses and put them on.

“Well… Luna is right, Mr. Shelby did not harass the horsefly by his side. 95

Xenophilius took off his glasses, said something to Luna with a smile, then looked at Artel, hesitated, and said:

“Mr. Shelby, could you please take care of my daughter.”

“Okay, she’s a school girl after all.”

Artel nodded, Xenophilius heaved a sigh of relief, told Luna a few words, and thanked Artel again before leaving.

Luna stood beside Artel, a happy expression on her face.

“Finally annoying harassment flies.

Luna muttered, and she said to Artel:

“They always come to annoy me, drift into my ears when I’m not looking, and mess with my mind…

Artel nodded, he didn’t know if the harassing horsefly really existed.

But Luna must have seen something, because she saw that she was different.

Will it be pissed off?

As a traveler, Artel thought of a very oriental legendary possibility.

“You also believe in harassment flies?

Seeing Artel nodding, Luna was a little surprised, her eyes fell on Artel’s face for the first time.

Only at this time did Artel see Luna’s eyes clearly, the silver eyes were a little protruding, making her look like an inexplicable shocked expression, strange and cute.

“Artel! What are you talking about?”

At ten forty, Hermione and the Grangers arrived at the station.

Hermione saw Artel at a glance, she shouted in surprise, ran over and gave Artel a big hug.

The Grangers, who were hurrying behind, glanced at each other and showed helpless smiles.

“Who is she? 35

Hermione looked at Luna.

The other party has big silver eyes, dark blond hair, pale skin, and pale eyebrows, making her look unusually fair.

…..for flowers…

But Hermione always felt that Luna’s eyes were a little strange, erratic, and her whole person had a not very smart look.

“This is Luna Lovegood, she’s a freshman this year, and Luna, this is Hermione, and she’s a second-year Gryffindor after school.

Luna nodded to Hermione without saying anything to her.

Seeing this, Hermione didn’t talk to her either, but took Artel’s arm and chatted with him about the recent days.

After another ten minutes, Penello and Pansy also rushed over, and finally Cassandra, as well as Amber and his father.

Amber’s father was an elegant-looking man who spoke well and made people feel comfortable.

Luna was not interested in others, but was curious about Aimee, she kept staring at Aimee and looked at him inexplicably.

Several other little witches chatted about what happened after they returned from Switzerland. The adults saw that the children had such a good relationship and got to know each other.


“It’s almost time, we should get in the car, let’s talk in the car.”

Seeing that it was about time, Artel interrupted the little witches who were in high spirits, and everyone said goodbye to the adults and watched them leave.

Just as he was about to enter the station, Harry and Ron shouted from behind.

Everyone looked back and saw that the Weasleys had rushed over with Harry.

Ginny Weasley was among them, standing next to Ron, peeking at Harry from time to time.

“What a coincidence.

Harry greeted everyone, Molly Weasley and Arthur Weasley heard Ron’s introduction and looked at Artel, the talented Hogwarts star, curiously.

Ron introduced Ginny to everyone again. They were both freshmen. Ginny and Luna were closer.

“Okay, we should go.

Molly clapped her hands, signaling that it was getting late.

Hermione didn’t want to squeeze with them, so Molly took Ginny and the twins across the platform without moving.

Ron and Harry followed behind them, pushing the luggage cart in their hands.


The luggage cart hit the platform, and the two fell to the ground.

The sudden accident shocked the little witches.

Luna suddenly turned her head and looked in the other direction of the station.

Artel also looked over there, he showed a smile, waved his hand, and a Muggle shielding spell appeared beside everyone.

Then Artel waved his wand, but no one could hear what he was saying. The next second, there was a wave in the space, and a terrified Dobby appeared in front of everyone.

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