Hero’s Creed

Chapter 8 - 1 hit kill


  Robinson uttered a low growl. If there were only a dozen unintelligent ghouls, he and Piley could do it, but under the command of a lord, the fighting power of these undead creatures would double in a straight line.

  Tony sadly found that everyone had no choice but to run away, and all of them were monsters.

   Looking down from a height, as the ghouls ran, a large semicircle formation was clearly displayed. If the number was not enough, the seven unlucky ghosts would directly fall into siege.

   “Hurry up, they ran into a hundred meters!” Pire reminded, letting the blood on Will’s face fade away, he didn’t dare to look back, and ran wildly with the power of feeding.

   The silence of the cemetery was broken!

   was digging the smelly mud with his claws, crows picking maggots to eat were frightened, flapping their wings and fluttering into the sky.

Poof, a ghoul sprinted too fast, his right heel tendon broke, fell to the ground, a pestle fell into the mud, but quickly climbed up again, although the right foot was twisted irregularly, but it didn’t hurt at all Feel, continue to pursue.

   After the death of humans and sub-humans, if the soul is not comforted, there will be a certain chance that they will become ghouls, but at this time they have already lost their pre-life appearance and become ugly, the skin is rotten, leaving only the instinct to eat.

   Over time, some well-qualified ghouls will grow a soul seal in their heads. The seal can absorb the magical energy in the space and constantly transform the body to make them more powerful.

   The broken soul will gradually be restored in this process, and then initially open up wisdom. At this step, the ghoul is officially regarded as a mid-level undead creature, which is equivalent to completing the process from human birth to adulthood.

  The big tall ghoul behind him actually knew how to lie down, at least the high order.

   High-level ghouls already have the ability to think independently, and the combat effectiveness is sturdy, which is roughly equivalent to the level of the fifth-order war magician.

  Of the seven people, Robinson is the magician of the fifth-order soul, with the strongest strength, but against this, it is still the outcome of the second kill.

   Less than a minute, the distance between the seven people has been opened.

  Four magicians rushed to the fore, Downton relied on the physical fitness exercised by sending letters on foot all the year round, and ranked third from the bottom. Will dragged ten meters behind, and Kiel was already too far behind.

   “Don’t leave me behind!” Kiel wailed.

  Robinson didn’t seem to hear it, he didn’t turn his head back, and as for Piley and Tony, he didn’t even care about him.

   “Uncle Kiel was left behind!” Downton reminded that there was already a bad hunch.

   “Leave him alone, not saved!” Robinson took Kiel just to use him as a cannon fodder to cope with this sudden situation.

Downton pressed his lips tightly, and reason told him that Robinson’s judgment was correct. Kiel was middle-aged and in his forties. His physical decline was so great that he could not support this long-distance sprint. He will only drag down everyone’s speed and become a ghoul lunch together.

   “Save… Ah!” Kiel’s call for help stopped dumbly and turned into a scream of sorrow.

   Downton turned around and saw a ghoul threw him, biting his rotten teeth on his neck, then shook his head hard, attached his clothes, and tore off a large piece of flesh.

   The three fastest ghouls arrived, and one swooped, drowning Kiel, like a temple dog that caught its prey, a fierce bite, flesh and blood.

   “Robinson, think of a way, this is the plain terrain, run down like this, sooner or later will be caught up!” Pi Lei roared, in order to reduce weight, throw away all things that are temporarily unused.

   “Run towards 11 o’clock, there should be a small town over there, you can hide!”

  Robinson is not incompetent. Since he knew that the mission was risky, he had made detailed preparations. He bought a rough map from the adventurers who had come to the Crow Ridge Cemetery.

   This decision will make everyone close to the ghoul on the left, but no choice, see Robinson changed direction, everyone followed.

   “How far?” Downton was originally about to throw away his rucksack. Hearing this, he stopped again.

   “More than two thousand meters!” Robinson took out the map and glanced. At this time, he can only pray that the guy who sold him the map did not mark the wrong direction.

   “No problem, not far away, I can persevere!” Downton knows his physical fitness, and since he can run, he has to plan ahead for his future actions.

   “It’s a waste of energy not to lose the backpack.” Durham was anxious, even Robinson lost the backpack, but Downton still carried it, and he didn’t forget that his friend brought the most things.

   “Don’t talk, it will increase the burden on the heart and lungs!” Downton adjusted his breath and turned back to see that the ghoul had pulled a distance away because he was eating Keel. He immediately slowed down and saved energy.

   “Haha, that kid is going to fall behind.” Tony was gloating.

  The ghouls killed Kiel, ate him up in less than a minute, and then chased them up again. This group of monsters left with eating instincts did not know that we were tired.

   was a little closer, less than a hundred meters away, Downton turned back, and even saw some maggots crawling around on them, dragging out pieces of disgusting green mucus.

   “Why are you still chasing?” Wille was like a dead dog. More importantly, the pressure of death at any time made him almost collapse.

  No one explained, they were all saving energy.

  Piley scolded that after ghouls became undead creatures, they had an instinctive aversion and extreme hatred for all creatures, eager to tear up their flesh and blood, so they would continue to chase endlessly.

   “I hope there won’t be too many ghouls in the town!” Robinson prayed in his heart that he would only survive if he left their sight.

   “Why didn’t this guy fall behind?” Tony was shocked. Downton was like brown sugar, always hanging at the end of the team, and the ghoul couldn’t catch up.

“Great!” Robinson glanced and found the key to the problem. Downton always kept a safe distance from the ghouls. Once they chased, he would accelerate immediately. After safety, he would slow down and adjust his breathing. Rest and accumulate the physical strength needed for the next sprint.

   “I didn’t even have a teenager to calm down!” Pire smiled bitterly, at least mentally, he lost to him, and he believed that once the ghouls came up, Will would die.

   “See, town!”

   Du Lun shouted, making everyone ecstatic, running for more than three minutes, the town finally appeared in the field of vision.

“It’s saved!” Will Le was very sad, and after running for a long distance, he didn’t control his physical energy consumption. When he jumped over a clay pit, his calf was soft and no strength was exerted, and he fell firmly into it, just knocking into a sharp point. On the stone.

   “Get up!” Downton chased up, grabbed Will’s arm, and pulled it hard.

   “My leg!” Will ran a dozen steps, screamed, and knelt towards the ground.

   “Add more effort!” The ghoul has already chased to the seventy meters, and then will encounter, Downton dragged Will a few meters, looked down, and completely lost.

   Will’s left calf was broken, and it was bent to sixty degrees. It was only connected by the skin and flesh. The blood flowed from the wound cut by the stone and soaked the pants.

   “What’s wrong with my leg?” Will’s sore complexion paled, his body twitched, and he couldn’t even look down to see the strength.

“It’s okay, only the ankle twisted!” Downton comforted Will, glancing at Robinson and his party, and then looked back at the approaching ghoul, suddenly raised his arm, and wiped his face fiercely. Sweat.

“Broken, my leg is broken!” Will still saw the broken left leg, and wept bitterly. He knew he was dead, and then saw Downton in the corner of his eyes, grabbing him like a life-saving straw, “Don’t Leave me, please, don’t leave me!”

   “I won’t leave you.” Downton moved his backpack to his chest, squatted down, and pulled Will’s arm to carry him.

Will was lying on Downton’s back, moved in a mess, with tears flowing like a fountain, and he rushed out in disappointment. He knew it shouldn’t be this way, otherwise both of them would die, but he was lucky and didn’t want to give up on that point of survival Opportunity.

   “Look at Downton, that kid is crazy!” Piray heard Will’s cry and looked back, screaming in shock.

   “This kid is stupid? Both will die when carrying Will!” Tony almost shuddered his chin.

   “Run!” Robinson’s original intention was to use them as cannon fodder. Although Downton’s behavior was unexpected, he would not be moved by it.

   “Downton, leave him, or you will die!” Du Lunji’s eyes were red, “Will, you coward, in order to live, you have to meet friends for three years?”

   “No, no!” Will wept bitterly, holding the arm around Downton’s neck uncontrollably.

   “Downton, be more sensible!” Du Lun wanted to run back, but his legs did not listen, he knew that he was timid and did not dare to save them.

  Will be ashamed, he thought of Downton taking care of himself in recent years, UU reading www.uukanshu. Comm suddenly pushed hard and jumped off his back.

  The ghoul chased, and a swoop, with a large foul smell, pressed over.

   “Downton, go away!” Will jumped hard, his hands raised high, hugging the ghoul’s right leg and ripping it off.

   Downton stumbled a few steps and turned back to see Will and the ghoul entangled, followed by a few more rushing, pressing on him, and even one over them and rushed towards himself.

   “Run!” Tony shouted.

Downton did not listen to him, pulled out his dagger, and stared at the attacking ghoul coldly. At this time, if he ran away and the delay of turning around, the back would definitely be left to the ghoul, enough for it to kill Three times myself, it is better to fight hard.

A husky roar squeezed out of the broken vocal cord of the ghoul that approached, like a horn of death on the verge of death!

Downton held his breath, stared at it, and stared at it for a time when his claws swung, his left arm swooped out with all his strength, and opened his arm, followed by the right hand clenching the dagger. It stabbed hard in its head.

  Poof, the dagger stabbed into the ghoul’s eye socket, followed by Downton vigorously stirring, completely killing it.

   However, due to the inertia of the sprint, the body still came over. The weight of nearly a hundred pounds caused Dunton to step back a few steps, and even some maggots crawling on him were thrown onto him.

   “Great!” Pire looked stunned. He didn’t expect this boy’s performance to be so stunning. He actually killed him in one blow. He was just worried that if Downton listened to Tony, he would definitely die.

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