Hero’s Creed

Chapter 7 - Crow Ridge Cemetery

Kiel, a coachman and servant, was busy. He took a cowhide backpack from his suitcase and opened it, and distributed the bread and sausage that had been prepared to everyone.

   “Hand me the butter!”

   Tony squeezed a pimple off his face, wiped it on his thigh, and grabbed the sausage with a split hand. After taking a bite, he ordered like an uncle.

   “Don’t be restrained, what do you want to eat, let the servant get it!” Robinson wrapped a napkin around his neck before starting to eat with a knife. His every move was trying to imitate the upper class nobility.

   “I want a duck egg!”

   was born in a poor family. Will had never been served. Looking at the duck eggs that Kiel respectfully handed him, he was embarrassed, and then his face was envious.

   “Work hard, not only a beautiful maid, you also have a chance to marry the princess!” Robinson smiled, “This time the task is on the way, the wine is free, next time you are invited to drink!”

   “Thank you boss!” Will was so moved that he felt Robinson was his confidant. He decided to work hard for a while and not let his boss down.

Robinson wanted this effect, watching Will’s expression of excitement and excitement, his mouth overflowed with a proud arc, but he quickly concealed it, he thought he was very accurate in grasping anyone’s psychology , Can let them willingly sell their lives for themselves.

   Downton wiped out the food with the fastest speed, began to sort the items for the last time, and made sure that there would be no omissions, and put it in a convenient position.

   “Don’t you eat any more?” Robinson’s gaze narrowed slightly, and this teenager performed better than Piré, who had been a mercenary for three years.

The food was provided by myself. These people, Tony, felt the opportunity to eat it for free. They stuffed it into their stomachs one by one, but the teenager stopped just after eating a piece of black bread and a few slices of sausage. Less than.

   “No more, eating too much will affect the action!” Downton shook his head, also reminding these people that he didn’t want to act with a group of people with big belly.

  After a big gluttony, not only the body is sluggish, but even the spirit will be relaxed. Entering Crow Ridge at this time is really dangerous.

“You know a fart, if you don’t have enough food, how can you fight with strength?” The nurse looked at Downton provocatively, and stuffed a large piece of sausage into his mouth. Both cheeks swelled up, and he couldn’t even chew the meat. The shavings kept falling out.

   Pi ​​Lei biting the bread frowned. After glancing down at Downton, he put down the food, picked up the Viking Epee, and wiped it carefully.

“A common set of equipment including weapons and armor requires at least 500 gold coins. Apart from the maintenance costs on weekdays, there are not many copper plates left, so most mercenaries are very poor and have the opportunity to eat a big meal. , I’m sure I won’t let it go.” Pire explained, that little self-esteem made him not want to leave an incompetent image.

   Will and Durham were embarrassed to eat.

   “Wait back to Chenwu Town, I invite you to eat a big meal.” Robinson is very good at life, not only to appease everyone, but also cast his thanks to Downton, this is also a means of envelopment.

  Robinson handed the dinner plate to Kiel, examining Downton, becoming more and more satisfied.

   This is a fifteen-year-old boy with a slightly thin figure, but very spirited, the facial features are beautiful, he always squeezes his lip line, but occasionally a smile will reveal a refreshing taste.

   Downton sat on a stone, took out the magic book, and read it with his hands. He did not enter the state of meditation, but was using reading to calm the calm mind.

   The rising morning light shone down the sun, reflecting the sharp outline of Downton’s face, making him like a beautiful statue under the knife of Master Rodin.

   “This guy will definitely be very handsome in the future, and with that face alone, he can coax many lonely ladies into their arms!”

   Robinson was suddenly jealous. When Downton read, he was quietly like an elegant poet. He knew that in the Imperial City, a teenager like him had a lethal effect on some ladies with special hobbies!

   Will felt ashamed, and felt that it was much worse than Downton of the same age, but after entering the Crow Ridge for an hour, this thought was thrown away, leaving only panic and fear.

   Nose lingered with the lingering odor, the soil was soft, and there was no one wriggling next to the insects inside, crawling unscrupulously on the body.

  If you don’t handle it, within five minutes, both legs will be covered with disgusting insects.

   The cold wind blew through, and it seemed to bring the cry and scream of the dead soul, which directly penetrated into the bone marrow and made people shudder.

   “Afraid? The ghoul hasn’t come out yet, or you must be scared to death!” Tony mocked Will and deliberately scared him.

   “No!” Although Will denied, the trembling voice still exposed his mood.

   “Pouting, pay attention to searching the ground, don’t miss herbs!” Robinson lowered his voice and warned, “Be careful to attract undead creatures.”

   The sky is circling with many black crows, noisy and unpleasant.

   “There are too few herbs!”

   walked for nearly an hour, and even passed through an abandoned town. Will looked at the poor five herbs and couldn’t help complaining.

“Normal, there are many people like us who come to collect medicine, so there will be little gain outside the Crow Ridge, but everyone dare not enter the center of the cemetery, so if you want to make a fortune, you have to go in.” Tony licked His lips hesitated.

   He had long lost his calmness and wanted to leave. Only when he entered Crow Ridge could he feel the pressure of death.

   Durham was also very nervous. The seven-member team had seen 17 wandering ghouls, but with good luck, relying on Piray’s experience, everyone avoided it early.

“If you want to make a fortune, you have to take risks. We can definitely find herbs that are hundreds of years old or even more than a thousand years old. One plant can sell thousands of gold coins.” Robinson cheered everyone up, drawing pies to boost morale, and not forgetting to relieve pressure. “Don’t worry, you will return in the afternoon. You can definitely leave Crow Ridge before dark.”

“Must, the night is the time for the undead creatures to move. If you spend the night here, you are dead.” Pire walked in front of the line and couldn’t help but glance back. “Downton, what do you do with so many things?” ? Are you tired?”

   “The kerosene lamp and five days of food are not necessary except for wasting your energy.” Tony finally found the opportunity to ridicule Downton. “Are you going to camp in Crow Ridge?”

   “Prepare for rain!” Downton said concisely.

  Robinson looked at Downton, who was walking in second place, and suddenly admired a little bit. Although he was nervous than Will, who was scared, he could still keep calm.

   When he suddenly encountered the ghoul, Will opened his mouth and scared. Fortunately, Downton’s eyes were fast and he covered his mouth, otherwise the monster would be absolutely disturbed.

“Attention, found a dead mushroom, ten o’clock direction, about fifty steps!” Downton is a person who keeps his promise, so even though he received an expensive magic book, he did not make a request to go home, he still risked Dangerously entered Crow Ridge.

   “Your kid’s eyesight is so good!” Will envied, Robinson promised, in addition to a fixed commission, for each herb found, there is an additional commission.

   “It’s not a vision problem. Everyone can see it so close.” Du Lun pointed at his friend’s back and smiled. “Did you find it? He saw one-third of our harvest.”

   “What’s the trick, talk about it?” Will’s eyes glowed.

   “You are stupid, they told you how to earn a commission?” Tony spit out, deliberately excited, want to take Downton’s secret.

   “Come, let me tell you.” Downton beckoned towards Will, then looked at Tony, raised an index finger, “Don’t use the trick, ten gold coins, I will tell you the answer.”

   “Are you looking for according to the growth characteristics of undead mushrooms? They generally grow in damp, shaded, and backlit places.” Robinson patted his forehead. “blame me, I forgot to introduce you.”

   “No wonder yesterday afternoon when I saw you enter the magic pharmacy, it turned out to be a question of potion knowledge.” Du Lun suddenly realized.

   “It’s not an inquiry, it’s a buy, the arrogant and self-precious pharmacist, don’t you know?” Downton rushed out and picked the dead mushrooms.

   “If this kid is a mercenary, he will definitely be able to make a name for himself!” Pire looked at the bold and attentive Downton and appreciated it wholeheartedly.

   “15 gold coins per month, follow me, how?” When Downton came back, Robinson made an offer. Such talents must be in the hands as soon as possible.

   Durham and Will suddenly got hot eyes, gestured to Downton with his eyes, and asked him to agree immediately.

   “Well, even a magician is not a fish, what is it worth?” Tony is jealous. If Downton nods, it will be higher than his salary.

   “Let me think about it!” If there is no magic code, Downton agrees, but now, he needs to rethink the future development.

   “What else do I have to think of, fifteen gold coins, the average apprentice, only get three in a month!” Will is annoyed that if this high salary is placed in front of him, he will pounce on it regardless of it.

   Even the most calm Pires didn’t expect Downton to refuse. The Kiel’s jealous eyes turned red, because he was a slave, and he couldn’t get even a Yindran every month.

“Forget it, everyone has their own ambitions, but my store door will always be open for you!” Robinson concealed the unhappiness in his face, and there was a slander in his heart. This kind of ignorant boy, when he has enough money, will know the reality Cruel.

   “Get down, one hundred meters ahead, ghouls!” Pi Lei growled, and everyone squatted down quickly, fearing that they might be discovered.

   There are thirty-six ghouls in front, one of them should be a tauren in front of him, and his height is more than two and a half meters!

   “Let’s go around!” Robinson made a gesture, indicating that everyone detoured from the right side to bypass the ghouls.

  Because of the previous encounters, everyone has experience at UU reading www.uukanshu.com, lowering his body, slowly shifting, and trying to keep quiet.

   “No abnormalities!”

   Every minute, Pire will report on the status of the ghoul group. Ten minutes later, everyone will go out of an arc and reach the 2 o’clock direction of the highest ghoul, which will soon leave.

   “There is no abnormality, you can accelerate by walking another 100 meters.” Pire’s words made everyone’s mood a lot easier, but Downton suddenly interrupted.

   “No, there is a problem!”

   Everyone was startled, and looked at the ghouls. They still didn’t find the squad, and they were wandering.

   “What are you talking about? You want to scare me!” Tony was angry.

   “Look at the scattered ghouls, if they are connected, it is an arc.” Downton looked around, his face dignified, he would rather guess that he was wrong.

   The others didn’t understand it yet. Pire only glanced, his face suddenly turned pale, and his rich experience told him that he was being hunted.

   “Oops, that ghoul may be a wise lord!”

   As if confirming Pire’s judgment, the highest ghoul issued a scream of soullessness.

   The original wandering ghoul immediately became crazy and ran towards the squad for siege!


  PS: The firepower is not enough, princes, I plead for recommendation ticket support!

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