Hero’s Creed

Chapter 2 - Bloody punch

   Downton retreated with his left foot, leaned back, watching the clerk’s greasy palms fanning over the tip of his nose calmly, bringing out the airflow, blowing the black hair in front of him.

   This slap is full of force. If you hit, Downton’s gum will be loosened.

  Although the postmen lowered their heads, they all glanced at the development with the corner of their eyes. When they saw Downton dodge, their surprised eyes almost jumped out. Did he want this job?

The clerk’s character is very tyrannical, and he always finds excuses to beat people, but the postmen can only bear it, and dare not hide, otherwise he will trouble you with abuse at both ends of the day, until you can’t bear it, and leave the job automatically. Not even the salary for that month.

   In front of his face, slap fell, making Ballmer feel the prestige plummeted, a fat face with a fat face immediately rose, stepped forward, and kicked his leg to Downton’s stomach.

   Downton was like a cat, with a heavy kick on the side of his body.

  Balmer was unwilling and lenient. He waved his big hands, grabbed his hair, and vigorously exercised his fat belly to shake up and down.

   Snapped, a copper button on the shirt was collapsed, revealing a circle of fat.

  In just ten seconds, Ballmer couldn’t keep up. He supported his thighs with both hands and gasped for breath, like a funny fat pig, but no one dared to laugh.

   “You ran into your boss unreasonably, I will expel you!” Ballmer stared at Downton, growling, it seems that only in this way can a trace of majesty be recovered.

   “Adult, it’s all my fault. You quell your breath. Downton didn’t mean to offend you!”

Seeing Downton speak for himself, Will moved to death and endured the pain, and ran to Ballmer to help him.

   “Go away!” Ballmer finally found the diffuser, grabbed Will’s hair, and waved it across his face.

   slap, slap, crisp slap sound filled the post office hall, postmen looked at Will’s swollen face, quiet as if chilling, deeply afraid of being affected.

   Downton knew that he was being stared at, and even if he escaped this time, there would be trouble waiting in front. After all, Ballmer was the boss of the head.

   “Calm down!” Downton wanted to resign, but thought of his sister’s tuition, she endured it again. “Again, is it better to let him off?”

   “Enough is enough, let go of him!” Downton took a deep breath. After calming down, he exhaled and shouted.

   The clerk was suddenly frightened and hit a spirit. He never dreamed of a messy postman, but had the courage to shout at himself.

   “Calm down and think of a solution!” Facing Ballmer’s furious eyes, Downton’s brain was full of energy. He knew that if he could not find an excuse, he would definitely face the stormy blow of the other party.

   “What are you still doing? Break me the leg of the bastard!” Ballmer turned his head and yelled at the postmen in the hall. He wasn’t stupid enough to ask for medicine, and he knew how to use his position to suppress people.

  The postmen watched each other, hesitated, Downton was so popular that they couldn’t fight, but there was no way to defy the boss’ orders.

“Fight, this is a good opportunity to stand in line, climb the clerk’s thigh, I might be promoted!” Matt’s eyes flickered, calculating the risk of gains and losses, but just stepped forward, I saw Downton’s eyes. After coming over, my body suddenly stiffened. After all, the postman qualifications of the other people are the oldest in the post office, and I have also brought myself.

   “I haven’t got a choice, I whistled away Durham, and I haven’t retreated!” Matt forehead exuded cold sweat, but looking at the clerk’s figure, he immediately made up his mind.

   “Downton, what is your identity, and dare to bump into the adult? Don’t kneel and apologize!” Matt shrewdly shouted at his colleagues, “Do not let him spread the post at the post office.”

   Someone took the lead, and ten postmen who had a normal relationship with Downton immediately stood up and pounced on him. Let me not say that this was an opportunity to loyalty to the clerk. If you don’t do it, you will definitely be wearing small shoes in the future.

   Did not enter the soul level, open talent, Downton will not be the opponent of ten postmen at all, the clerk seems to have seen his miserable beating like a dead dog, so he smiled proudly.

“Unfortunately, such a talented person, if not his predecessor’s cronies, I will appreciate you!” Ballmer also acknowledged Downton’s ability, but this guy is too uninteresting, he has been in office for two months, and does not say filial piety and Everyone, who are you?

   Seeing that the general trend is gone, two postmen rushed out.

   “Haha, hybrid, have you seen this? This is the charm of power!”

  Secretary Cui smiled and enjoyed the thrill of ordering others, but then saw that the other person’s delicate face was still calm, so that his thrill suddenly diminished, and he couldn’t help cursing, “Smash me that face!”

   “Stop, I’m Melissa’s, if you want to die, just give me a try!”

  Despite the crisis, Downton’s self-esteem prevented him from escaping from the post office, and he shouted in a flash of light.

   “Wait!” The clerk was startled and stopped his subordinates and asked in disbelief, “What are you talking about?”

   “I serve Melissa!”

   Ballmer is a hungry ghost, often harassing the female staff in the post office, but Downton never saw him molesting Melissa.

  ’S current attitude has made Downton determine his judgment no matter what Melissa’s identity is, as long as he is afraid.

   “Are you lying to me?” Ballmer’s face was unsteady, staring at Downton, he was an official anyway, and would not be fooled by the civilian’s words.

   “You can go to verify!” Downton made a light and breezy gesture, but his heart was impatient. As soon as Melissa came to the post office tomorrow, she was exposed.

  The clerk certainly does not think that Downton is Melissa’s man, at most it is a master-servant relationship, but it is still very troublesome.

  Two months ago, I went to the post office of Chenwu Town. When I saw Melissa, Ballmer could not wait to get her to bed.

   The woman has a lazy style flowing throughout her body, which is more beautiful than the communicative flowers that walk in the high society of the imperial capital, and it is terrifying.

   Ballmer had heard rumors that she was a baron mistress, but she didn’t care. A woman who is helpless and helpless will inevitably use some means to ensure her own safety.

   After a rainy afternoon, Ballmer called Melissa into the office and was ready to start. As a result, he didn’t touch the two full buttocks, but was thrown on the face by a letter.

   After seeing the content, Ballman sweated and digressed, and then dared not pay attention to her.

   “Hybrid, make you proud for a few more days.” Ballmer grabbed the mail on the table and threw it at Downton, with a ruthless words, “Do you think that with Melissa, I can’t get rid of you?”

The postmen did not know why the clerk changed his mind, but Downton apparently stayed, so his face changed completely. After all, this turned out to be a complete reversal with him. Thinking of the nickname of the West Fox, everyone shuddered. The days will be sad.

   “I’ll wait and see!” Downton sorted out the letters and glanced at the hall where he had been staying for three years. His mouth refused to lose, but he sighed.

   The excuse will be revealed tomorrow, and he can never come back.

“Untouchables are untouchables, don’t understand the etiquette, I heard that your sister is a student of St. George’s School of Witchcraft? Huh, how could a civilian hybrid get into that kind of key college?” Looking at the calm Downton, Ballman was angry. Qi Qisheng smokes, can’t help but ridicule, “It must be a young prostitute, do not receive 180 or 80 men every day, simply do not earn enough tuition!”

   “I’m going to suffer!” The postmen looked down at Downton subconsciously, and they all knew that Elaine was his treasure, and Ballmer’s words undoubtedly stabbed Ma Honeycomb.

   “You’re looking for death!” Downton’s expression suddenly became abrupt, and a hurricane that rolled up flatly rushed to Ballmer.

   “Stop him!”

   looked down at Donton Hayabusa’s fierce gaze, Ballmer sweated upright, subconsciously backed away, and the voice he shouted changed.

Too late, Downton leaned forward, slammed his right foot against the ground, shelled down to Ballmer, followed his knees, and his back was like a big bow stretching, making the right fist like a sharp arrow , Hitting **** the clerk’s chin.

  Bang, Ballman’s beaten head leaned back, puffed out a bite of blood, and several blood-stained teeth fell on the floor.

   Downton’s right arm withdrew, punched, and bombarded the clerk’s face continuously, clicked, his nose bridge collapsed, and the blood water fountain spouted out, soaking his chest.

   Several good postmen rushed up and stopped Downton.

   “Stop, you will kill him, and you will have to go to jail!” Will hugged his waist, fortunately, fortunately he did not enter the soul level, or Ballmer will be killed with a punch.

  Boom, like a meat mountain, Ballmer fell on the floor.

“You’re dead, I swear, I will sell your sister to the most inferior brothel, so that the slaves in the smelly sweat will ravage her every day!” Ballmer’s aching limbs twitched, UU reading www .uukanshu. com stared at Downton with a hate on his face, and he was going to shatter this kid.

   “I’m waiting!” Downton licked the blood on his fist, spit it out, and didn’t look back, leaving the post office.

   The postmen looked at the messy hall and were silent. They were all terrified by the outbreak of Downton. They suddenly found that turning over with this kid seemed to be the worst decision.

   Standing on the long street of Chenwu Town, Downton looked up, letting the rain wash his cheeks and gradually calmed down.

“It’s just a new clerk in a border town. How powerful is it that the network hasn’t been established yet? It’s nothing more than spending gold coins to hire those bloodthirsty mercenaries with troublesome heads to trouble me!” Downton walked slowly with his cloak , Thinking about what Ballman might do.

   The border of Sequoia County is bordered by the dragon hills and sunset wilderness rich in bandits, plus an ineffective border guard, the mess of law and order is messed up.

  Dangerous people out of poor mountains and evil waters, daring to kill people on the street for the sake of a silver coin abound, empire laws? Can that stuff fill your belly? Before starving to death and being hanged after committing a crime, even the low-witted ogres know how to choose!

“It’s still lack of money, otherwise you can enter the soul level within a month.” Downton felt the money bag, really didn’t want to use the saved tuition, but the magic energy needed for the promotion level was too large, only to be absorbed by nature. At least half a year.

   “Ten thousand bounty?” Passing through the gold ivory tavern, Downton saw the bounty order posted on the bulletin board. The bright red gold coin pattern seriously stimulated his eyes.

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