Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1 - 1st postman

  The sequoia shroud under the drizzle is moist and melancholy, full of hazy smoke, like a mistress who is just happy and has sweat on his skin.

   Dozens of farms spread all over the country like scars, growing sparse oats, and the summer wind blew them, causing the golden wheat ears to bend down.

   Downton checked the leather-wrapped mail again, and after confirming that there was no water leakage, wiped off the raindrops on his face, tightened his cloak, and accelerated his pace.

  Every summer harvest, trolls, goblins, and Wolf werewolves living in the dragon hills will haunt in groups, part-time robbers, and robbing villages and towns on the border like locusts.

  If you are caught, you can’t even make a captive. After all, human beings in these races can eat food for their own sake.

The Red Pine sentry tower had broken into the field of vision, letting Downton breathe a little closer. He even saw two sentries in the armour of Drankford standing on the tower, pointing at him. .

  The two soldiers hiding in the tower and sheltered from the rain didn’t even take their weapons. They walked out scoldingly and shouted towards Downton, preparing to blackmail a few silver coins. This is already the norm.

   “Damn, I knew I couldn’t hide.”

   Downton was depressed. Although he cared about the silver coins, he was more worried about the unpacking of the parcels. The quality of these soldiers was as bad as their reputation as the westbound worm.

   “The big thing is not good, a dozen ogre attacked the town of Pisa, and is moving to the town of Chenwu. The sheriff asked me to inform the mayor as soon as possible so that the militiamen can take precautions.

   Downton lowered the cloak’s brim, determined that he wouldn’t be seen, and suddenly ran up. His voice was full of panic and helplessness, as if he was being chased by death.

   The two sentinels stopped and looked at each other, froze, apparently surprised by the sudden news.

   “Do you want to notify the centurion?” The sentry shouted towards the tower.

   “Where is the ogre?” The shirtless soldier who was taking a nap crawled up panic, ignoring the shoes, grabbed the two-handed sword, and hurried out.

   The “in…” sentry found that he did not know, and was about to question the guy who reported the air, and as a result, he saw that a muscular figure had rushed past the checkpoint and quickly disappeared into the rain curtain.

   “Idiot, I was deceived.” The soldier’s vigorously lifted his blade and smashed his subordinates, “Follow me.”

“Sir, this road is so bad, even if he catches up on horseback, the kid ran into the morning fog town and hid.” The sentry looked helpless. Seeing the captain wanted to start again, he quickly promised, “Next time, I must Catch him and double the blackmail.”

   “Fart!” The captain waved his hand and slapped his slap. “You didn’t even see what he looked like, how to blackmail?”

   The gang of sentries was silent, no one saw it, blackmailed a bird!

“I remembered it. Recently, I heard from other colleagues that a kid wearing a cloak passed the checkpoint in a variety of strange ways, and let him run away without paying attention. One copper plate was not extorted.” Step, he suddenly cursed his teeth and cursed a few words, “Brighten my eyes, and the next time he caught him, he planted a crime and hung it on a wooden pole for three days.”

Until he saw the outline of the morning fog town, Downton stopped and looked at the mud on his legs and sighed, but fortunately the parcel was intact, otherwise the stern clerk Ballmer would find various reasons. Deduct money.

Downton is only sixteen years old this year, but he has been a postman for three years. It is a veteran, but the new clerk took office two months ago, always looking for trouble to repair the postmen, making everyone’s life more and more sad. .

   “Thirty-seven gold coins left, you can buy an Orleans highland horse, and then you can bring more letters, deliver letters faster, and naturally earn more salaries.”

  Tang Dun looked forward to life in the future and couldn’t help laughing.

   “Except for the tuition and living expenses saved for my sister, I can also save the travel expenses of the mysterious heroes corridor.”

   Calculating the fullness of the small vault, Tang Dun hurriedly ran across the stone road covered with water stains, and the water splashed in the footsteps was scattered.

  Chenwu Town is the largest town on the border of Sequoia County, with a population of 10,000 people. Nearby mail will be gathered here and sent out. It is just a post office on a rainy day. It is terrible and deserted.

   ran up the stairs, Downton took off the cloak, folded it and put it next to the door, and then pushed open the door where the paint peeled off. He would try to avoid any behavior that might be scolded by the clerk.

   In the lobby, sixteen young and busy postmen were sorting the mail, all with a depressed expression on their faces, and even a cursing word.

   “Justin, don’t want to be expelled, you’d better stay silent. I feel your resentment outside the town.” Downton lowered his voice and reminded his friends.

   “Afraid of anything, Ballmer can’t hear anyway!” Justin dropped the letter on the table and complained, “It’s been a bad luck recently.”

“I’m even worse than you. I’ve been asked by the clerk for various reasons, and half of my salary has been deducted. If I go on like this, I will starve to death.” Matt sniffed his nose, and a pair of small eyes quickly pointed at the envelope. The ink on it, and then picked up the mails that were closer together without trace.

   Postmen pay their salaries according to the number of deliveries. Matt’s small actions allow him to earn at least two more Deran coins every month.

   This is a method that only experienced veterans will understand. Naturally, Downton will also be able to play it more skillfully than Matt.

   “You are not the only one, except Downton, you have been deducted.”

  The postmen all complained and cursed the clerk.

   “If we work as hard as Downton, Ballmer wants to deduct money, we can’t find an excuse.” Matt’s eyes turned to lead the topic to Downton.

“Impossible, the boss is deliberately looking for trouble. You must not be able to hide.” Justin shook his head. “I think Downton is going to be out of luck recently. But he was regarded as the predecessor of the predecessor. If the clerk didn’t suppress him, he didn’t. Way to stand up.”

   Downton walked silently to the workbench, opened the cowhide parcel, and started working.

   “Look at people’s meticulousness, one letter hasn’t gotten wet. No wonder we have the best reputation and the most profit among our more than 100 postmen.”

   The postmen looked at the hundreds of wet letters that were drying by the window, and felt ashamed that they were accidentally wet.

  Every month, someone appointed Downton to send a letter. This normal state also alarmed the former clerk, and he was very appreciative of him. If he was not too young, Downton was promoted early.

   “How are you going to deal with the clerk? If you get rid of him, you will definitely make a great contribution to our postman.” Matt complimented Downton, and the topics he spoke made the postmen all refreshed and looked at him expectantly.

  Understand that Downton is No. 1 in the postman, and has brought many newcomers.

   “I’m worried about how I can’t be driven away by him, and you, all are silent, and concentrate on dividing the letter!” Downton put on a distressed expression, and glanced at Matt.

   Downton didn’t hook, let Matt flashed a pity of regret on his face, this kid was too cautious, and he couldn’t always grasp the handle.

   “Unsurprisingly, Matt should be the guy who confided to the clerk and led to the expulsion of Durham.” Downton frowned. This guy really spared no effort in order to flatter his colleagues.

  Bang, the door was knocked open, and the sludge Will smashed the parcel on the ground.

   “What’s wrong with you?” Justin was startled.

   Will’s left eyelid was swollen, leaving only a seam, and the corners of his mouth were also cracked. The blood stained his chest scarlet, and he walked limping.

   “The next time the Sentinel asks for money, you will give it directly!” Downton sighed, “Unless you enter the soul level, open the talent, become a magician, or don’t resist.”

   “How do you know he was beaten by a sentry?” Justin wondered, “It may also be a robber!”

   “If it’s a robber, he can’t even keep his clothes.” Downton pointed to the parcel post. “Anyway, do you think the robber will not take it apart? What if the valuables are hidden inside?”

  The postmen nodded. The robbers were not gentlemen. They wished to squeeze the oil and water from every lamb they met. After all, every vote would have to take a great risk. Naturally, they must guarantee the greatest profit.

   “Drink it!” Downton got up and poured a cup of hot water to Will.

   “Is there still a reason?” Melissa of the personnel department walked over in a catwalk, bent down and tapped on Downton’s chin.

   She is a famous beauties in town. Some teenagers who have been in love for a long time often sneaked out of her house wall to peep at her every move. If you get a smiling wink, she will be happy to show off to her companion for a long time.

  Melissa was wearing a popular low-cut tunic dress, which was originally naked with a small half of her chest. This leaning made them shake and almost fell out of the clothes.

   Justin and Matt’s eyes straightened and swallowed subconsciously.

   “If you encounter a robber, Will will definitely go to the public security office, so the waiting time for the acceptance and the transcript takes at least 20 minutes, enough to dry his clothes, not so wet now!”

   “Really blackmailed?” Melissa’s charming eyes fell on Will’s cheeks.

   “Well, the sentries robbed me of my money!”

   Will has never been so noticed by women, feels like being touched by the lover’s slender hands, itchy face, uncomfortable twisting.

   “It’s miserable!” Melissa reached out.

   grunted, watching the pretty woman’s red-painted fingernails approaching, and even a scent of air drifted into her nose, Will swallowed her saliva, her heart beating speedily, seeming to burst out of her throat.

   “I will ask you for leave, go back and wash, and pay attention to safety next time.” Melissa took off a small branch sticking on Will’s head, a smug smile flickered at the corner of her mouth, and was very satisfied with her charm.

   Will not say anything embarrassed. After all, these postmen are all fifteen or sixty-year-olds, and have experienced too few things.

   “It’s worthy of being our first postman in Chenwu Town!” Melissa turned her eyes to Downton and looked at the handsome young man, unable to stretch her white neck, and kissed his cheek.

Downton stretched his hand quickly, blocking Melissa’s red lips, and a moist and delicate touch came from his palm, but he didn’t miss it at all. Instead, he was like a cat stepped on the tail, and he was more alert. The woman’s wind in the town Bad reviews!

   “Little guy, still shy, okay, goodbye, I’m going to have lunch!” Melissa chuckled, twisting her full buttocks, carrying a colorful umbrella, and left the post office.

   “What are you hiding from?”

  The postmen were envious of them, but then they breathed a sigh of relief, thanking Melissa for not kissing him.

   “Buttocks are so big, I really want to touch them!” Justin’s eyes chased Melissa’s voluptuous back, only feeling dry.

   “I heard that she is a mistress who secretly raised in town, if you don’t want to die for no reason, it’s best to put away this idea!” Matt licked the corner of his lower lip.

   “Have you been blackmailed too?” Will was distressed by his silver coins, trying to find a little psychological balance from his companions.

   “Then you still have to ask? You called the gangsters in the Westland in vain!” Justin gave Will a white look.

“No, I think Downton must have escaped. He is the most cunning fox in the West!” Matt asked Downton’s nickname and asked with anticipation. “Is there any way? Please, share it. !”

   The postmen’s eyes lit up, as if they had discovered a new secret realm, staring down at Downton, persuasive.

   Downton shook his head, silently lowered his head to sort the letters.

   “Tell us, we invite you to dinner at the Golden Ivory Pub, and find a dancer to accompany you overnight!”

  Thinking of Downton’s excellence, the postmen were more urgent and haunted him hard. They had already determined that he could escape the extortion by the sentry, but he was cherishing himself with a broom.

   “What noisy?” A loud roar suddenly broke the atmosphere of the hall. Secretary Ballmer pushed open the maple door of the office and stared at the postmen. “Who makes you lazy, all hold a silver coin!”

   The postmen lowered their heads, their faces were ashamed, and a silver coin was enough for their living expenses for three days, but no one dared to complain, and the meekness was like a lamb.

   “What are you still doing? Get back to work!” The chunky Ballmer walked out with his big belly, and the iron shoe hit a harsh copper sound on the floor.

   “Will, you stay!”

   Will froze at once, knowing that trouble was coming.

   “Look at what you did? The floor is dirty, and then deduct a silver coin.” Ballmer stood in front of Will, UU reading www.uukanshu.com humorously reprimanded.

   “I, I didn’t do it on purpose!” Will scared his mouth and skin so badly that he didn’t dare to wipe the saliva sprayed on his face.

   “Talk back!” Ballmer raised his leg and kicked on Will’s stomach.

  Will backed two steps, fell to the ground, bent like a shrimp, covering his stomach, sweating with pain.

   The postmen loved to help, and even their breath was deliberately suppressed. The tyranny of the clerk has been strange, and I just hope not to catch fire.

“What are you doing lying down? Go and wipe the floor. If the floor can’t reflect your reflection, you won’t use it to work!” Ballmer is borrowing a question. He wants to wipe out the resignation of the last term and let these postmen. We no longer dared to violate any of our orders, so all unsatisfactory spikes were cleared.

   The clerk is not worried about manpower. In the dozen or so small towns nearby, some of them are young people who are fighting to be postmen. After all, this is also a decent job, and he can also make bribes when he recruits.

   “No, I do it!” Will’s blood on his face faded, pale, if he was dismissed, his father would kill himself.

   “Hmm, I only look at the results!” The clerk didn’t listen to these explanations at all, this kid was definitely going to be fired.

“Adult, you have also seen that he was injured due to work, and Melissa also agreed that he left early.” Downton straightened his body, he knew the poor economic situation of Will’s family, if he lost his job, a few sisters were necessary. Hungry.

   “Are you here to interject?” The clerk scolded and waved to Downton’s cheek.

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