Hero’s Creed

Chapter 19 - Death Banshee

   In the dimly lit corridor, there is a faint smell of carrion and dust, full of death and corruption.

   Downton walked into a room and saw the ghouls walking through the street through the window.

   “Find some food and water first, and talk about it alive.” Downton opened the window, looked at the row of streets, and made up his mind, “I’m leaving the hotel.”

   “You can think of it, there must be more undead creatures outside, more powerful, definitely not this kind of first and second order fish!”

Homer actually knew that Downton had no choice. He searched almost two-thirds of the hotel, but he couldn’t find a grain of rice. He wouldn’t take advantage of his physical strength to go out to seek a first-line life. Sooner or later, he would starve to death. As for collecting magic stones, Robinson The three are definitely more anxious than him.

“You can walk from the roof, be careful, you should not hit the undead!” Downton dipped the ink and found that it was about to bottom out. “Since Robinson can find wine in the wine cellar to hydrolyze and thirst, then I can also Try your luck elsewhere.”

   “Then go to the magic item shop, and you can also get some equipment to improve the combat power.” Homer agreed, “Let your servants open the way!”

   “No. 1, jump!”

   With Downton’s order, the ghoul jumped from the window and fell straight on the roof of the grocery store adjacent to the hotel.

   No.1 climbed up as if nothing had happened and stood alert.

   Downton waited more than a minute, after confirming that there was no danger, stepped on the window sill and jumped down.

  Bang, Downton smashed the roof that was cracked by the ghoul and fell directly into the grocery store. The broken tiles were smashed down like a hail.

   “Is it still bad luck?”

   Downton almost fell out of breath, and rolled his head to dodge.

   Hiss, his two groups of venom shot at Downton’s place just now.

   “Be careful, it’s a ghost spider!” Homer couldn’t help but help her, Downton was definitely cursed by the goddess of doom.

   There was a spider with green patterns on the corner of the ceiling. Suddenly seeing the prey hook, he immediately attacked.

   “One, hit it!” Downton ordered, his right hand raised a wave, and a golden radiance of stars spattered from the top of his head.

   Hercules blessed with glory, Downton immediately felt full of power in his body, he lifted the battle axe, and came up with a flail of giant flail.

  Boom, the torn dragon teeth copied by the magic energy were pulled by the chain, and with the sound of the wind, they hit the corner of the room and broke the spider web.

   No. 1 is worthy of being a loyal demon servant. With a clatter, it broke the ceiling and fell down with a shadow spider.

   “Spiller that blocks it!”

   Downton sprint, while activating the special effect of the giant power on the battle axe, with all his strength, the giant beheaded and cut to the head of the ghost shadow spider.

  The ghost spider was held by the ghoul, and it was inconvenient to move. The tail spinning device was also blocked. It was unable to spray the cobweb. Only the mouthpiece could shoot venom, but it was all blocked by Downton’s soul shield.


   Facing a big spider with limited movement, if Downton missed, it would be too shameful, without suspense, tearing the dragon tooth on the monster and chopping it into two pieces.

   Well, the smelling blood poured down Donton.

   “This is the end of the battle?”

   Among the electric light and flint, the ghost spider, whose strength is probably around the second order of the soul, has turned into a dead body, and Homer almost shocked his eyes.

   “No. 1 has made meritorious service. If it were not for it, there would be a lot of fierce fighting!” Downton gasped breathlessly, proudly, “Is my meat shield tactics powerful?”

   “Well, the shadow spider also has low intelligence, and does not eat ghouls. Now it is suddenly attacked. It must be frightened. Besides, the hard-working servant, there is absolutely no second kind.”

  Homer said with emotion that the 1,500 souls sacrificed by Downton were truly worth the fare.

   “Don’t you eat?”

  The blood splashed on his face flowed through the corners of his mouth, with a smell of smell, Downton wiped it, just about to dig out the magic core, and saw the handwriting projected by Homer, stunned.

   “Don’t stun, dig the magic core!” A ray of misty soul remains was sucked into the magic book.

   “I heard those downcast bards have said that in some countries on the mainland, fried spiders are supremely delicious!” Downton cut the spider’s body to reveal the fresh meat inside.

   “Well, it’s Thai Islanders, they like to eat insects.” Homer finished and responded, “Aren’t you going to eat this spider?”

   “Is it poisonous?” If you can choose, Downton certainly does not want to eat.

“The ghost spider is a creature living in a dark and humid area, which is not an undead, so it is non-toxic and can be eaten, but don’t you feel sick?” Homer imagined the scene of the spider in his mouth, and there was a sudden chill. , The writing is distorted.

   “That’s good, today’s dinner is it!”

   Downton cut a large piece of meat, stuffed it into his backpack, and got into the inner courtyard of the grocery store. From there, he would climb up the roof, otherwise he would leave the street and be absolutely blocked by ghouls.

   Down the row of roofs, Downton moved cautiously.

  It used to be a bustling commercial street with all kinds of shops, or there would not be a luxury hotel, so Downton did not spend much effort and found a weapon shop less than one kilometer away.

   “One, go, find the way!” Watching the ghoul limping into the courtyard, Downton was very satisfied. Such a useful servant must repent one more.

  The noise made by the ghoul did not attract the monster, and Downton jumped with confidence.

   “Find a room, and then fire barbecue, can’t you eat raw?” Downton glanced around for a week and ran to the master bedroom.

  If a bonfire is lit in the yard, a large group of undead creatures must be attracted, and then Downton will become a feast for other people’s bonfire party.

   A woman’s wailing suddenly exploded, causing Downton to stun.

   “Withdraw, you broke into the death banshee’s territory.” Homer reminded.

   The voice is crying, the air is cold, and the human hair can’t help standing up. This is a way of death and forgetting howling, a kind of soul attack.

   “No.1, hold me behind!” Downton quickly bounced back to the ladder while blessing the glory of power, and was about to climb up the roof and stopped again.

   “Hurry up!” Homer urged, the magic detection has been released, looking for the location of the undead.

   “Why didn’t it chase me out to attack me?” Downton wrote at the fastest speed, “Don’t you think there is a problem? Is it that the banshee’s rank is very low?”

   “There is this possibility!” Homer sighed. In such a dangerous situation, he could still calmly perceive such subtle doubts.

   “Don’t you know if you give it a try?” Downton waited for a while, the death wailing kept ringing, but the Banshee did not show up.

   Downton walked slowly to a bedroom on the right.

   The tone of death wailing is getting bigger and bigger, with a puncture effect, making Downton’s head hurt like a needle stick, but he is still steadily moving forward.

   “It seems to be a low-level death banshee that does not have any necromantic spells except for howling death!” Homer was relieved, “grab it.”

  In order to prevent fraud, Downton input magic energy to the ring worn on the index finger, and an oval-shaped shield popped out and enveloped him.

   Sure enough, as soon as No. 1 opened the door, a skull covered with purple mist shot with a sharp howling sound.

   This is the soul-level magic shadow arrow, which is extremely fast. The ghoul cannot escape at all. He was directly smashed into the chest, broken into two pieces, and fell to the ground.

  Not looking for the No.1 servant who was killed in less than three hours, Downton even released the soul shield and rushed to the dead Banshee floating in mid-air.

   Giant beheaded!

   The dead Banshee did not hide, and the axe edge fell along her thigh.

   “Ah!” the Banshee screamed in horror, backed away in a hurry, begging for mercy, “Don’t kill me!”

   Downton was stunned. Except that the other party actually begged for mercy, he found that his physical attack had little lethality to this soul monster.

   “Soul monsters can save part of physical attacks. It takes more effort to kill it than hacking a black blood spider.” Homer quickly reminded of the projection text.

   Downton grabbed the Grimoire and hid it behind his back. The death banshee on the opposite side was obviously shallow in knowledge, unaware of this situation, and was still in shock. If he saw the words and woke up, he would be forced.

   “You hurt my servant, do you think I will let you go?” Downton made a fierce expression, ready to touch the details of the death banshee.

   finally encountered a talking guy, even a banshee, which made Downton feel a little kind, and maybe the food and water in the future fell on her.

   “I can compensate!” The dead Banshee will not negotiate, and the price will be directly displayed, “Give you a lot of gold coins!”

   “You actually want to use money to buy me? Die!” Downton was awe-inspiring, waving his battle axe.

   “Aren’t you a paladin, how to treat a kind girl so rudely?” The death banshee burst into tears. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

“Kind?” Downton looked up and down at the Banshee, knocked on the mantra, and secretly wrote, “Don’t all say that undead creatures are evil? Why is this Banshee’s character a bit weird? Just like the cry of the neighbor Girly!”

“That’s a rumor. The undead kingdom is just like the human kingdom. There are good undead and bad undead. You certainly don’t know that in the plane of the dead language, there are many human countries that are sheltered by the undead and live more than you. Happier!”

  Homer reported a small secret. If this was heard by the Holy See, it must be sent to the torture rack and burned to death.

   “Don’t cry, I don’t bully girls!” Looking at the banshee, Downton thought of his sister Elaine, and suddenly lost interest in fighting.

“Really? I knew that Paladins are sacred and righteous!” The Death Banshee floated in the air, happily turned in a circle, and then worried again, anxiously distinguished, “Although I am a Death Banshee, I am not Evil, you must not purify me!”

   Paladins are the natural enemies of undead creatures. Divine spells can cause huge damage to them, so death banshees are afraid.

“You earned it, this dead banshee obviously lacked common sense, and released the glory of power from you, only recognized you as a paladin, worried that you would hurt her, if you let her know that you will have two magical skills, you can’t deal with her at all It is estimated that you must laugh at the big teeth.” Homer displayed the text on the page this time, ensuring that the Banshee would not see it.


  PS: It’s only a little bit away from the third place. Seek recommendation tickets, collection assists, don’t stop firepower!

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