Hero’s Creed

Chapter 18 - Ghoul demon

After being hungry, Downton did not feel uncomfortable, but he began to be thirsty again. He continued to search the room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the ceiling covered with spider webs and a black one. Blood spiders lie on it.

   Downton turned and ran, and at the same time took out a magic stone to extract magic energy, otherwise it would definitely be a dead end against the black blood spider in the state of the empty demon.

   Hiss, hiss, the black blood spider screamed, slammed the door of the room, and rushed out, but after chasing half the corridor, he suddenly retreated.

   “What’s going on?” Downton stood at the stairway with a stunned expression.

   “They are not fierce beasts, they are spiders, of course, they used spider webs to hunt!” Homer knocked on Dunton’s head, “but you react really fast.”

   “It’s better to be dull, my magic stone!” Downton was so distressed that he saved the magic stone and was about to open the portal, which was a meaningless waste.

   “It’s not a way to wait like this, simply absorb the magic diamond.” Homer was ruthless. “Anyway, there are nine, enough to squander.”

   “The magic energy they store is not enough to open the portal?” Downton suddenly remembered a magic diamond, but at least ten thousand magic stones, quickly write to inquire.

   “Too few, the nodes are also part of the magic circle, you must fill the connection with the magic stone before you can start the portal.” Homer’s expertise is beyond doubt.

   “The potionist is really the most profitable profession, just an intermediate level, can save nine magic diamonds!” Downton touched his pocket, the beauty bubbling, his current value is scary.

   “It may also be stolen, don’t forget the precious potion recipe, maybe the guy looted his mentor’s vault!” Homer projected the text and outlined a story.

   “I don’t see it, you still have the talent to be a writer!” Downton teased, “If you write it as a book, it will probably sell!”

   “Hmm, I am Homer!” Mo Dian took the praise for granted.

  Although the meat hurts, Downton started to extract magic energy from the magic drill. He must find enough magic stones or food to leave before he can go hungry.

   A ghoul wandered into view, Downton released the confession of the undead, but unfortunately the golden arrow passed through the chest and failed again!

   Downton cut the ghoul and continued to drag the dragon teeth to find the target.

After half an hour, Downton hid in a room and rested.

   “Eight losing streak, have to say, your luck is really terrible!” Homer sighed.

   “I don’t believe it, come again!” Downton made up for the magical energy and rushed out again. Although he continued to fail, his fighting experience accumulated more and more.

   got rid of the chase of a preliminary ghoul, Downton was on the third floor and met an ordinary one.

   “Mid it!”

  The long bow appeared in the left hand, and the bow string was pulled in the right. Downton shattered his thoughts and shot towards the ghoul.

  The golden arrow hit the ghoul’s head. Downton didn’t report much hope. Hurry to hold the battle axe and prepare to fight. It was found that the monster in the arrow stopped.

   This time, the golden arrow did not pass through, and after shooting into the head, the light suddenly burst into light, and a female angel composed of white spots suddenly appeared and sang the hymn with closed eyes!

Under the sacred Sanskrit, ghouls began to confess the sins of this life!

   “Successful!” Homer was very happy, “It is now your servant, you can use your soul to give orders and drive it!”

   “Come here!” Watching the ghoul standing in front of him, there was no trace of hostility towards him, and Downton wanted to laugh.

“It’s too dirty, just find a set of armor and wrap you up. Hey, why didn’t I think of it before?” Downton thought the ghoul was too ugly, so it was convenient to take it out with the packaging. To increase its combat effectiveness.

   “What’s wrong?” Homer was puzzled to see Downton in a daze.

   “I can put a ghoul on armor, and then get a weapon, the combat effectiveness will not increase?” Downton quickly wrote, asking about the feasibility.

“Armor can, but ghouls will not use weapons, unless they have wisdom, but you can’t confess that kind of undead creatures.” Homer doesn’t like this method, “No advanced ghouls are too scum, you You can kill them one by one!”

“No, put them on a full set of heavy armor, anyway, ghouls don’t know how tired, and don’t the weapons need to use swords and tomahawks that require skills? Just press the steel claws, and their attack methods are anyway. Claw and tear!” With the narrative, Downton’s thinking became clearer and clearer.

   “Put on heavy armor, their speed will slow down.” Homer emphasized, “And it is too weak, it is too difficult to kill a magical person!”

   “Slow, don’t be afraid, they can be meat shields, give me the main attack!” Downton perfected the tactics, “Don’t forget, they are the best cannon foes of the undead family and never fear death!”

“It seems feasible, but the ghoul army relies on human tactics. You are the only one. The enemy can bypass it and attack you directly!” Homer has much more experience and insight than Downton, pointed out in a pinch. The disadvantages.

   “Then a dozen more, the ants bite the elephant!” Downton dared with pride, and then asked nervously, “How many ghouls can confess?”

   “In terms of your current soul power, at most two, or they will rebel, and then you will be the first to slaughter!” Homer knows Downton’s body.

   “Scared? Will you rebel?” Downton was taken aback. “Why didn’t you say it earlier? Isn’t this a time bomb carried around?”

   “Divine magic is not omnipotent.” Homer’s poison tongue, “Do you actually want the ghoul to serve you all your life? Are you a holy knight of sacred light? It is more evil than a lich!”

   “In other words, the stronger the soul, the more ghouls you can confess, right?” Downton knew that the most direct way to improve the soul was to continue to advance.

   “Yes!” Homerkop, “But if you confess to the first-level ghouls, you can only bring one, and the chance of rebellion will increase greatly.”

   “How many ghouls can I bring if I get to the war rank?” Downton’s eyes filled with anticipation.

   “It depends on your growth, but it should be no less than fifteen!” Homer can only estimate, not sure, after all, no one knows what will happen before Downton advances to the war rank.

“The fifteen don’t know the tiredness and fear, and the whole body is covered with heavy armored meat shields. The tide generally flows to the enemies and rounds them up. It’s cool to think about it!” Downton laughed, but shut up quickly. If the monster is attracted, it will be extremely sad.

Homer had black lines in their heads, conceived of Downton’s tactics, and found that it was really necessary, it seems that the combat power should not be underestimated, it has not been forgotten, this is not short of money now, even if he is a complete set of ghouls The excellent heavy armor is affordable.

   “Come and hold, from today on, you are the servant one!”

   Downton handed the battle axe to the ghoul. When he saw it obediently carrying it, he was very satisfied. When he reached out, he patted his back to show encouragement, but looking at the rotten flesh, he quickly stopped.

“Let’s go, grab another one, what is Robinson? When we have the army of ghouls, kill him with human tactics!” Downton was ruthless, using magic drills to supplement the magic energy, “Go, go to the car first. That black blood spider!”

   Downton’s spirit, but ten minutes later was hit, the undead failed to confess.

   “Attack!” Downton wanted to try the effect of the ghoul and gave orders with his soul.

   Servant No. 1 really gave a force, and directly rushed to the oncoming undead, the sharp claws were shot on its face. Of course, due to its strength, No. 1’s chest was also torn apart.

   Downton hurriedly called back No.1, and personally killed the monster on the opposite side. He didn’t want to throw away his new servant.

   That very high failure rate is really painful, and confess one more, I do not know how much magic energy and time to waste.

   Downton took the number one and returned to the top floor, but before he started searching, he heard a faint complaint.

   “Someone in this room came first, it must be Durham!” Tony was mad, “I don’t know if I took any good stuff?”

   “Why isn’t it Downton?” Piret did a careful inspection and didn’t miss anything.

   “Well, that kid is not even a magician, and hasn’t seen it for almost two days. I’m afraid it’s been dead in a horn at this time?” Tony thought, don’t think Downton can survive.

   “Haha, that’s right, the unlucky boy must have become a ghoul’s lunch.” Pire sneered and walked to the door. “Go to the next room, don’t pick up those gold coins, there is no place to spend.”

“Robinson’s brain is a good one. Let’s search for luxury suites, and it’s true.” Tony threw a piece of magic stone and was happily excited. “The skull just now is definitely a rich man. He actually carried thirty pieces of magic stone. Real local tyrant.”

   is a dangerous black blood spider for Downton, Pire and the two easily beheaded, UU reading www. uukanshu.com can search suites without hesitation.

“In addition to Robinson’s reserves, there are still more than sixty. There is another wine in the wine cellar. At least one week, don’t worry about starving. During this time, how can you find enough magic stones.” Tony looked forward to it. Looking into the future, “just go out, we are rich.”

   “It was a mistake to let those two guys go before. It would be miserable to leak out the location of the dungeon, so kill them before leaving.” No outsider, Piret exposed his nature.

   “Isn’t Robinson guarding the wine cellar? As long as they went to the backyard to find food, they would be dead.” Tony teased his friend, “Don’t worry, they might be dead.”

   “Let’s go, no chance.” Homer persuaded, worried that Downton couldn’t think about it.

   Downton nodded and stepped down the stairs quietly, but after walking a few steps, he heard Tony’s exclamation and a loud bang.

   “Run!” Piret yelled, and he could hear from the tense tone that they were in big trouble.

   Downton immediately accelerated, rushing to the third floor, he did not want to be affected.

   “What are you going to do?” Homer looked at Downton’s chapped lips, very worried. The conversation he overheard just now blocked his last way out. He can only survive by now.


  PS: Our results last week were very good, and we signed the fourth in the book list of new authors. Thank you for your support!

  Monday is here again, you have to make the list, so Zhujun, recommend ticket preparation, target hero creed, fire projection!

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