Hero’s Creed

Chapter 11 - Soul burst

   “You are too insidious, in a few words, you cheated two free labor!”

   There was only himself left in the bedroom, and Tony laughed carelessly.

   “Let them live first, there are many benefits, collect magic stones, the more people, the greater and faster the chance of finding, and after encountering monsters, you can also throw them out to make cannon fodder.”

   “That Downton is very smart, won’t there be any accidents?” Pi Lei frowned, “What if you escape?”

“That kid wasn’t even a magical person, what kind of spray can I make? I strangled him with one hand.” Tony spit out his face, disdainful, “Although the magical energy concentration here is high, but give him one The time of the month does not necessarily enter the soul level!”

   “Even if he becomes a magician, there is no mentor in this place, where would he learn martial arts and magic and improve his combat power?” Robinson thought very comprehensively, “Again, let’s talk about a first-order, do you think you can beat us?”

“There are ghouls outside, where is he going? The portal is here, he just has to come back if he wants to leave!” Tony can’t help it, “If he finds some gold coins, it’s better, there is no place to spend it, but also Not collecting for us?”

   “Don’t talk nonsense, hurry to find the magic stone, you can’t do without this, even if you are rich and enemy, what’s the use?”

   Robinson has a deeper concern, who can guarantee that Pires and Tony have no idea of ​​swallowing the wealth of this underground city? Beware of it, as far as Downton’s fish, which can be crushed to death at any time, need not be considered at all.

   If there is no whimper to bring the magic book, Downton is absolutely dead!

   In the quiet room, the needle drop is audible, Downton’s eyes are slightly closed, and he is in a state of meditation without distracting thoughts.

   is worthy of the super-dense dungeon concentration. Under the resonance of the vortex meditation, it continuously exploded with star-like spots and accumulated more and more.

   As time passed, Downton’s breath gradually became longer, and the sporadic magic energy spot began to follow inhalation and entered the body.

   Um, the magic code is windless and automatic, turning pages, three dark red light spots floating out of the paper, like a magnet, drawing more magic energy from all around.

   Downton soon entered a state of middle meditation.

   Surrounding the light spot, the magical energy converged, and gradually formed a vortex, then was dragged by the soul force, slowly flew to Downton’s skin, and penetrated into it.

  Twenty minutes later, nearly thirty magical vortex clusters have appeared in the room, like a light bulb with a green glow, which illuminates the dim environment a lot.

   The vortex group continues to be produced, but it is far from keeping pace with Downton’s fusion.

“The qualifications are really good, so many vortex groups can be gathered. If he is not too poor and can’t afford the magic stone practice, he should have entered the soul level and even reached a higher level.” Homer observed Downton , Full of curiosity.

  Through the eyes of magic, Homer witnessed Downton’s behavior after entering Crow Ridge. As a teenager, his performance was really amazing.

Don’t abandon Will, kill ghouls with one blow, and use physical fitness to escape, plan ahead how to keep your rucksack, plan how to get out after entering the town, and then discover Pire’s conspiracy, fight with Robinson, and finally fight Out of the dead end, Homer was so fascinated that it was like enjoying the most perfect opera!

   Homer’s distracting kung fu, there were more than twenty vortex clusters condensed, until the total reached 100, it remained constant, keeping up with Downton’s drawing speed.

   The general first-order magical energy, even in this high concentration, is at most only condensing twenty magical energy groups, which is at least five times worse than Downton.

  Even so, Homer is still not satisfied.

   “According to this speed, it only takes two days to condense the seeds of soul, but now the crisis is rampant and time is pressing. It seems that I can only consume the magical source that has accumulated for thousands of years and pull you!”

The magic book floated, the pages of the book radiated light, flipped violently, and each of them had overflowed with more than a dozen spots, drawing magic energy from the surrounding frenzy, forming a vortex, and forcibly squeezed into Downton’s body. .

   Downton’s tough brow furrowed enough to pinch a sea crab, his body trembling slightly, sweating like pulp.

   “It’s not yet reached the limit? Come again!” Homer released more light spots.

   After a moment, the whole room was already covered with vortex clusters, they were rotating, disturbed the airflow, and made a whistling sound.

   Thousands of firefly-like light spots entered Downton’s body, making him transparent, looking like a firefly lantern, lighting the room brighter and brighter.

   The time flows slowly, and after a long breath, the magic energy finally fills every granulocyte of Downton’s body and reaches saturation.

   Boom, Downton’s body was shocked, as if hit by a warhammer on his brain, out of meditation.

   “Fast, fast, fast, converge the spirit, focus, according to the idea of ​​the holy angel, converge the magic energy in the mind, and condense the soul seeds!”

   The magic code floated in front of Downton. The pages of the book were full of Dou Da’s red font, which was slightly messy, showing how anxious Homer was.

   If you miss the best time and fail to condense the soul seed for the first time, the chance of success again decreases by multiples, and even if you succeed, the future achievements will not be too great.

   The magic code shines brightly, projecting a naked female angel. She is translucent, with her arms crossed and pressed against her chest.

  Blade, the wings behind the angel stretched, the white feathers that the magic could condensate slowly fell, her cherry lips lifted lightly, and she spit out an ethereal and melodious aria.

   Downton opened his eyes and saw the swirling enchantment in the room, the holy and magnificent statue of the Virgin Angel, and the reminder of the magic code. After a stunned god, he calmed down.

   For this moment, Downton did a lot of homework and asked his sister about the detailed process of condensing soul seeds, so he did not have the slightest panic and worry.

   “Resonate the soul with meditation, cause the pulsation, and at the same time draw the magic energy, flock to the brain, fuse and wash this pulsation, make it condense, and continue to grow.”

   The fragile soul was impacted by the surging magic energy, just like a humble stone was ravaged and washed away by the tsunami, causing Downton’s nerves to suffer the pain of a thousand knives.

   “Good tenacity, strong willpower!” Homer’s magical detection stared down at Dunton tightly, marveling at his resilience, he had exceeded the time of the last master’s soul shaping.

   This condensed process is also known as soul shaping. The longer it persists, the stronger the soul seed that condenses, and then the ground will germinate and the soul tree will grow more luxuriantly.

   Suddenly, there was a loud explosion in Downton’s mind.

  Boom, as the magic energy overflows like a sea wave, a sesame-sized seed appears in Downton’s head, suspended in silence!

   Downton opened his eyes and let out a long breath, and many dark red light spots spewed out at the same time, like a breath of dragon.

   “Congratulations, become a magician!” The magic code fell back to Downton’s lap and sent congratulations!

   “Thank you!” Downton raised his hands and held it firmly, feeling the power in his body, and could not help but chuckled and said, “I’ve waited for this moment for a long time!”

“Writing, I can’t hear you talking!” Homer was depressed. “You want to compensate me, you know? In order to let you advance as soon as possible, I have used up the magical source that has been accumulated for a thousand years to repair the soul! “

In the last war, as the master fell, the magical code was also severely damaged and was on the verge of collapse. In order to immortalize the soul, all kinds of powers had to be sealed by themselves, so that even the source of magic learned was pitiful. !

  The origin of magic is a form of higher level of magic energy.

  Magic energy is to use soul seeds, after drawing magic energy, extract them to become the source of magic, used to forge soul and body.

   “How to compensate?” Downton turned out the ink bottle and quill pen in his backpack and wrote on the magic book.

   “You are too weak, compensate for anything, wait until the Tulongjie!” Homer has a little guilty conscience, as a new master, he has no choice but to exhaust the original power in the magic book.

   “Okay!” Downton stood up and threw his fists violently.

   dong, dong, dong!

The heart is like a drum of war in the ancient times, beating vigorously, bursting out stronger vitality, better vision, you can see farther, clearer, and sharp sense of smell, it seems that the rotten smell in the air has suddenly changed It gets rich and disgusting.

   “The new magician, the general physical quality will be doubled at most, you are probably tripled!” Homer scanned Downton’s body with the eye of the soul and reported the latest data.

   Downton nodded, he could feel that the muscles became tighter, stronger, agile and strengthened, and with a slight jump, it was more than one meter high.

   “Before ascending to the war level, your physical fitness should be increased by a maximum of two times. At this stage, the UU reading book www.uukanshuu.com mainly strengthens the soul of the soul, making it easier for magicians to draw magic energy and improve efficiency.”

“The stage of the war stage is the perfect strengthening of the flesh, including the heart, bones, muscles, veins, etc. The magicians of this period can be called human fierce beasts, because they can already tear apart by their physical strength. Split some low-level Warcraft!”

   “The adjudication order is the first order of watershed strength, because at this stage, the talent evolves for the first time, and it can also summon a demon servant and be promoted again, which is the Dragon Slayer.”

  Homer gave Downton science common sense, and the vocabulary explanations were clear and clear, which was more perfect than the textbook that the sister brought back from the rank of St. George’s School of Magic at Rankeford.

“I know that each big rank is divided into seven smaller ranks, and in the future, the rank will be rejected by the law of the plane. The direct consequence is the elemental blow. If it can’t resist, it will be wiped out.” Downton Hurry to write, can’t make the magic book feel like a fool.

   Because of his sister’s relationship, Downton learned a lot of knowledge, and even entered the large library of the academy, but someone at that time found fault and let him leave hastily.

“Yes, so every time you advance, you not only need to learn enough sources of magic, you also need to constantly learn superb martial arts and magic, and hone to proficient to resist the attack of the law of planes, so I will now teach you an extraordinary Martial arts!”

   Homer’s magic flame text is more and more beautiful and gorgeous, especially the content of the narrative is more appealing to Downton.


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