Hero’s Creed

Chapter 10 - Sleeping treasure

  Four people rushed to the blinds, and their expressions stopped.

   appeared in the eyes of everyone is a majestic and magnificent main city, a row of rows of streets, criss-cross, neatly like a chess board.

   is full of beautiful Baroque architecture. It is located on the long street in an orderly manner. The stars hold the moon and surround the Duke Castle in the center of the main city.

   The elegant and grand layout makes the main city look like the hand-painted paintings of the great artist Van Gogh, full of beauty, like a graceful and luxurious woman.

  Only now, this lady has laid into the cemetery, because the main city is dead!

   “What the **** is this? Where did everyone go?” Tony couldn’t calm the consternation on his face.

   Everyone was silent, they couldn’t answer at all.

   This large main city was covered with dust, without any trace of anger, as if covered with a layer of coffin and buried in the cemetery.

   “If it is a city destroyed by war, why are those buildings intact?” Robinson wanted to break his head and could not find the answer.

   “Are we going to be underground?” Downton looked up, only to see a thick layer of black clouds, without a ray of sunlight.

   The reason why everyone can see the scenery in the distance is that there are fireflies with a dark red light floating everywhere, and they gather a strip of light, like aurora,

   The building was also covered with a dark moss, transmitting green fluorescence.

   “Fortune!” Robinson growled suddenly, breaking the silent bedroom.

“Your brain is broken? It’s undead creatures, not gold coins!” Tony complained. The ghouls wandering the streets almost made him crazy. If they were found, they would definitely be torn. Into pieces.

  Robinson ignored Tony at all, rushed to the furniture in excitement, turned over the cabinet, and soon found a purse.

   “What are you crazy about?”

  Piley couldn’t help but complain, but the next second, he shut his mouth in surprise.

  After thousands of years, the fabric had already weathered. Before Robinson could untie it, the money bag was directly broken into pieces. Dozens of coins fell on the floor and rolled out.

   Tony almost burst his eyes, Jin Cancan’s light made his breath heavy.

“Sure enough, it is probably that the war suddenly came, so that when the residents here evacuated, they did not have time to take away their private property.” Robinson picked up a gold coin, feeling the cold metal touch, and his voice trembled. “Looking at the scale of this main city, at least it has a population of 600,000, and the huge wealth of 600,000 people are all lying there waiting for us to dig.”

   “More than that, the deposits in the major banks, the goods in the major shops, and the collections in the treasure room of the noble mansion are all ours now!”

Tony stared at the castle in the center of the city, his eyes were hot, “How can it be a hereditary noble with a high weight and a family that has been inherited for thousands of years to sit in this main city? How much will his wealth be? Countless Do it!”

In addition to Downton, Robinson swallowed subconsciously. If you get these things, it would be no problem to become a billionaire, not to mention the wealth of the enemy. If you know that these nobles alone, there are many millionaires. Now, they Of your gold coins are all yours.

   Downton’s face remained the same, but his heart was almost anxiously burning, and the wealth of this entire city was simply forcing him to die.

   This is a very easy opportunity to become a billionaire, who would like to share it with strangers who met first? Not to mention that the person who divides you is so weak that you can stab to death with one finger.

  The huge amount of wealth is always the perfect problem to test human nature, and many people will turn it in vain!

Downton is very self-knowledge. The three Robinsons are old partners, and they may be evenly distributed. But they and Duren, for them, are strangers. The most important thing is that in their view, these two fish No self-protection ability.

   The most troublesome thing is that in the previous flight, the three Robinsons have already shown hostility. If Downton can never think of the other party hiring him just for temptation, then he is really stupid and hopeless.

   “Dead!” Downton smiled bitterly. It was like the goddess of fortune opened her skirt towards you, exposing the tempting black silk legs, and suddenly changed her attention, spitting on your face.

   “Don’t forget the magic energy concentration here, is the most important resource!” Du Lun looked excited and added.

   On the Western Continent, any area where the magic energy concentration is higher than the average value is a treasure land for the major powers to compete for, because more and stronger magic energy can be cultivated, and the national war strength can be most directly improved.

   This kind of treasure is expensive, not to mention the improvement of its own strength. Just give the message to His Majesty the King. If it is confirmed, it will be given to the hereditary noble title of the earliest and the earliest according to the concentration of magic power.

   This is not a broken nobility of the bad street, but a real lord who divides the territory and allows ordinary people to jump into the capital of the society.

   “I want to buy a dozen elf maids, a dozen Fox fox girls, every night, non-stop to change!” Tony’s pimples are about to burst, whispering about how to enjoy life in the future.

   “Those ghouls are not sludge, let you knead, and maybe there are other undead creatures. If you don’t clear them, you will never get those sleeping gold coins.”

   Downton poured cold water, he did not give up, and began to save himself.

  When wealth is not readily available, they will face the crisis ahead. What Downton has to do is to show value so that they will not kill themselves immediately.

   “As long as you live, you have a chance!” Downton thought of the magic code, plus the five times the magic power concentration here, you should be able to quickly enter the soul level.

   The ecstasy on the faces of the four people dissipated, and finally found that the status quo was not as optimistic as imagined.

   “We don’t have much food. If we can’t find supplies in two days, we will definitely starve to death!” Downton deliberately added a deadline to tell them that the time is tight, and each person will have more strength.

   The faces of the four people were ugly. Fortunately, if Downton did not lose his rucksack, otherwise everyone would be hungry.

“I knew I wouldn’t throw away my backpack.” Tony thumped his chest and regretted that he was about to die, and then a little grief appeared on his face. Killing both of them would save two portions of food, and of course, two large portions. wealth.

   “Fortunately Downton is planning ahead!” Robinson put a smile on his right hand on Tony’s shoulder and pressed hard, beckoning him to be restless.

   “Downton, don’t you monopolize the food?” Pire also quickly gave her friends a stop, and the three of them have known each other for a long time. Through some small actions, they know each other’s ideas.

“Of course not, depending on the situation, there are a lot of ghouls in this building, and you have to rely on you to solve it. If you die, I will die, damn, if I am the soul level!” Downton showed his depression. The expression on the face emphasizes the strength of both sides without telling them, telling them that they are completely free of threats.

   “Relax, you won’t lose, and you will get an extra gold coin in the end!” Robinson placated Downton, like a generous gold lord.

   Durham thumped Downton’s chest happily.

“Boy, you made a lot of money, how are you going to spend this money?” Tony hugged Downton’s shoulder, pretending to be intimate, but the heart was about to laugh to death, two stupid people, turned by Robinson’s play, did not know, If he lets you leave alive, then he will see the undead.

“Buying a full set of excellent bobcat suits, and then buying a few Franconian thoroughbred horses, manor, servants, these are all necessary!” Downton looked forward, narrating dreams with care, paralyzing his opponent, but his heart was a while sneer.

  His strength can’t hold the food at all. If he doesn’t surrender, he will annoy the other party. The beatings are all light, and the relationship is stiff. It is inconvenient to do any small actions.

   “Five days’ worth of food, just one serving per person, okay?” Downton was worried about being robbed and distributed it directly.

  Robinson nodded when he saw that Downton had no secrets.

   “Time is very tight, let’s go find the magic stone!” Du Lun urged, this kid is so nervous that he didn’t even notice the hostility of the other party.

   “How to group?” Downton looked at Pires, “Should we have a group? We are weak, and if we act alone, we will die!”

  Robinson was originally going to leave Downton and Durham to watch, but hesitated when he heard this.

   “No, it’s a waste of time and manpower. They all act alone, and each person is responsible for an area.” Pire refused very simply.

   “But it’s too dangerous.” Downton pretends to be reluctant, in fact, he is advancing and retreating. If he takes the initiative to act alone, Robinson’s character will definitely doubt it.

  Robinson slowly opened the door of the room. In the harsh creak of the rusty door shaft, UU read the book www.uukanshuu.com. He protruded his head and observed the situation.

   “No danger, well, don’t talk nonsense, time is running out, hurry up!”

  Robinson gave a wink, and Tony and Piray immediately pulled Downton and Durham and pushed them out of the bedroom.

   “One on each side!” Robinson pointed to the stairs at the two ends of the corridor, and was radically, “Aren’t you cowards?”

   “You are a coward, Downton, be careful!” Du Lun rolled his eyes and extended his right hand.

“You too!”

  Pat, Downton waved his hand and gave a high-five to his friend.

   Downton proceeded cautiously, and did not lean against the wall until after descending the stairs, and took a long breath.

   “I finally saved my life for the time being!” Downton noticed that the entire back was soaked somehow, sweat dripping on the floor and wet the dust.

   “This seems to be a hotel, no matter, find a place to hide first and learn magic!”

Looking at the silent corridor, Downton suppressed the urge to choose a room nearby, and walked to the middle, leaving a few footprints in front of a door of the room. After making the illusion of entering, he followed the steps he stepped on before. The footprints came back, then pushed open a door and jumped in.

   “No footprints left, they should be able to avoid being found as soon as possible!” Downton had to be cautious, “Durun, don’t you go back silly!”

   sat cross-legged on the bed, took out the magic code and put it on his lap. Downton took a few deep breaths and began to whirlpool meditation. The time was too tight, and he could not even talk to Homer.

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